3rd Quarter Results

Banco Santander Central Hispano SA 31 October 2002 SANTANDER CENTRAL HISPANO 9 MONTHS NET ATTRIBUTABLE PROFIT 1,721.9 MILLION EUROS (-13,6%) • Improved efficiency ratio (-2.9 points) and conservative provisioning for loan losses and potential writeoffs • Operating income rose 7.6%, excluding Argentina, and 25.5% if excluding dividends and trading gains • Positive trend in commissions, those generated by mutual and pension funds rising 2.5%, portfolio management by 13.9% and insurance business by 39.56% Madrid October 29, 2002 - Santander Central Hispano recorded net attributable income of 1,721.9 million euros in the first nine months of 2002, a decline of 13.6% over the same period last year. Excluding Argentina, which again made a zero contribution, net attributable income was down 7.5%. In a negative international environment, the Group has focused actively on generating revenue, reducing the cost base, managing the risk portfolio, improving the capital base and restructuring some business areas. During the third quarter, a series of measures were implemented to stimulate business activity, as a result of which the Santander Central Hispano branch network gained market share in deposits and mutual funds. Sales drives for innovative new products helped attract 6 billion euros in new funds in Spain up to September. Results Net interest revenues were 4% lower at 7,279.3 million euros, reflecting the negative situation in Argentina and exchange rate trends. Excluding these factors, net interest revenues rose 9.0%, driven by improved business margins in Europe and in the main Latin American markets. In Spain, increased business volumes offset narrower customer margins. Fees and commissions declined 5.5% due to lower revenues from Argentina. Excluding Argentina, they rose 4%, and eliminating the impact of currency depreciation, by 9%. Mutual and pension fund business generated a 2.5% rise in fee income, portfolio management 13.9% and insurance business one of 39.5%. Measures taken in past few months yielded fruit in the form of positive performance from fees and commissions in retail banking in Spain, which continued their positive trend with a 10% third quarter rise over the same period last year. Net trading gains were 70.6% lower due to market volatility. Net operating revenues were down 7.9% at 10,760.9 million euros, though this narrows to only 1.8% lower if Argentina is excluded. Nearly 90% of total net operating revenues came from retail banking in Spain and abroad. Cost control in personnel and general expenses, which declined by 12.8% in the first nine months, led to Group efficiency ratio improving 2.9 percentage points (or 3.8 points if Argentina is excluded) to 51.2%. Personnel costs fell 12.7% and other administrative costs by 13%. Net operating income, also affected by Argentina, declined 1.5% to 4,401.6 million euros. Excluding Argentina it rose 7.6%, despite an inauspicious economic environment. Underpinning this result was retail banking in Europe (+19.9%) and recurring income business lines. Excluding dividends and trading gains, net operating income rose 25.5%. Loan loss provisions rose 7.9% to 1,429.6 million euros and 553.5 million euros in goodwill was amortized. Net attributable income of 1,721.9 million euros was 13.6% down on the same period last year but only 7.5% lower if Argentina is excluded. The result is in line with Group objectives for the year of a net attributable income of 2,250 million euros (down 10% on 2001). Retail banking business contributed 82% to total net income (49% from Europe and 33% from Latin America), asset management and private banking 10%, global wholesale banking 7% and income from share stakes, not including capital gains, 1%. In Latin America, business activity and results were deeply affected by currency depreciation and market volatility. The Group has progressed in its strategy of promoting recurring income business while redefining its presence in less profitable markets. In the first nine months, net attributable income in the region came to 1,063 million euros, with excellent results in Brazil, Mexico, Chile and Venezuela. In Argentina, the Group has provisioned its entire investment (including goodwill), as well as intra-group cross-border risk and cross-border risk with third parties required by the regulatory authorities. The country remains immersed in a restructuring process, but the situation shows signs of stabilizing. Results from Argentina continue to be neutralized from the point of view of Group accounts, while local business units have concentrated on maximizing asset quality and, above all, in maintaining adequate liquidity levels in the absence of capital injections from the parent Group. In Brazil, which has been affected by intense market volatility, the Group has focused on preserving liquidity levels, reducing the portfolio of public sector bonds, reducing cross-border risk and maintaining strict controls on market and credit risk. The Group's portfolio of Brazilian public sector bonds has been reduced to US$4.2 billion, excluding pension-related holdings. The Group maintains low levels of provisionable country-risk (US$31 million). The Group obtained in Brazil net attributable income of 417 million euros in the first nine months, a rise of 9.8%, or an increase of 22.6% if the effects of currency depreciation are excluded. All the objectives set at the time of the acquisition of Banespa are being met, and the profit forecast for this year is in excess of US$600 million. Mexico registered a 32% rise in net attributable income to US$542 million. In Chile, net attributable for the nine months rose 2.2% to US$212 million. In Spain, Banesto continued to grow in terms of revenue and profit, with a 12.4% rise in pre-tax income to 446.4 million euros. Volume rose 14% in loans and 8% in on-balance sheet customer funds. The bank has continued to place special emphasis on asset quality, with NPL ratio at 0.80% and provision cover of 276% (compared to 0.85% and 238%, respectively, in September 2001) Balance sheet On and off-balance sheet activities were negatively affected by Argentina and the depreciation of the principle Latin American currencies and of the US dollar against the euro. This has offset the favourable impact of retail banking in Europe in overall figures. Loans were 1.9% lower at 169,703 million euros. Excluding Argentina there was a 6.5% rise. In Spain, loans to the public sector rose 15.9% and loans to other resident sectors 5.3%, including a 16.2% increase in mortgage-backed loans. Total Group customer funds were 2.8% lower at 308,735 million euros, though excluding Argentina and the currency effect there was a rise of 6.9%. Among customer funds, term deposits rose 13.8%, basically as a result of success in marketing the SuperSatisfaction and Super Yield products. This led to an increase in market share among term deposits as well as in total banking sector deposits. There was also a positive trend in mutual funds in the domestic market, which increased 7.5% over the 12 months, consolidating the Group's leadership with a market share above 27%. Personal pension plans in Spain rose 10.6% in volume, thus preserving the Group's leadership in this segment with a market share in excess of 19%. The Group continues to apply rigorous risk management criteria. The NPL ratio stood at 2.09% in September (0.98% in Spain and 4.05% in Latin America), compared to 1.85% in June and in line with the level in September 2001, despite significant deterioration in the economic environment since then. Provision cover was 132.9%. Excluding Argentina, the NPL ratio in Latin America (which consolidates on the basis of local criteria and is therefore not homogenous with the rest of the Group), stood at 3.14% on the basis of provisional data, with provision cover at 142%. In this regard, it is worth noting that Santander Central Hispano risk is well diversified, with 80% concentrated in OECD countries and only 5% in non- investment grade countries, with no exposure to multinational risk. Solvency ratios At the close of the third quarter, eligible capital according to BIS criteria stood at 21,243 million euros, as a result of which BIS ratio stood at 10.81% with a Tier I of 7.29%. With the goal of strengthening capital ratios, the Group has prepared a number of options aimed at reducing risk-weighted assets, improving capital composition and accelerating goodwill amortization. Moreover, other steps are being taken which were not included in the end-September accounts which will improve the equity base, with an estimated 40 basis point increase in Tier I and one of 60 basis points in core capital to levels of 7.7% and 5.0%, respectively. As a result, the BIS ratio will increase to 11.6%, close to Group objectives. Dividends Last August 1, Santander Central Hispano paid a first dividend for 2002 of 0.0775 euros per share and it is envisaged that a second interim payment of 0.0751 euros will be made from November 1. The Group anticipates distributing a dividend for 2002 identical to the 2001 payment, as announced by the Chairman in his letter to shareholders of August 1. Consolidated income statement Jan-Sept 2002 Jan-Sept 2001 02/01 mln euros mln euros % NET INTEREST REVENUE 7,279.3 7,584.5 (4.02) Net fees and commissions 3,303.3 3,495.7 (5.50) BASIC REVENUE 10,582.6 11,080.2 (4.49) Trading gains 178.4 605.8 (70.56) Net operating revenues 10,760.9 11,686.0 (7.92) Personnel and general expenses (5,508.6) (6,320.1) (12.84) a) Personnel (3,453.2) (3,956.6) (12.72) b) General expenses (2,055.4) (2,363.6) (13.04) Depreciation and other results (850.7) (899.4) (5.41) NET OPERATING INCOME 4,401.6 4,466.5 (1.45) Income from equity accounted holdings 182.6 440.4 (58.52) Earnings from Group transactions 199.3 598.0 (66.67) Net provisions for loan losses (1,429.6) (1,324.4) 7.94 Writedown of investment securities (0.3) (0.4) (31.08) Goodwill amortization (553.5) (1,495.1) (62.98) Other income (62.9) 709.4 --- Income before taxes 2,737.3 3,394.3 (19.36) Corporate Tax (605.6) (737.0) (17.83) Net consolidated income 2,131.8 2,657.3 (19.78) Minority interests 104.0 287.2 (63.80) Dividend - preferred shareholders 305.9 377.4 (18.94) NET ATTRIBUTABLE INCOME 1,721.9 1,992.8 (13.59) Data excluding Argentina Basic revenue 10,375.7 10,103.6 2.69 Net operating revenues 10,526.7 10,721.8 (1.82) Net operating income 4,336.9 4,028.9 7.64 Net attributable income 1,721.9 1,860.9 (7.47) Customer funds 30.09.2002 30.09.2001 02/01 31.12.01 mln euros mln euros % mln euros Public sector 14,476.6 11,343.3 27.62 14,466.9 Private sector 76,224.8 69,743.6 9.29 71,891.3 Demand deposits 20,794.6 19,608.7 6.05 21,252.2 Savings accounts 15,941.4 14,975.6 6.45 15,472.4 Time deposits 21,795.6 21,668.1 0.59 19,155.9 REPOS 17,666.3 13,351.1 32.32 15,928.3 Other accounts 26.9 140.2 (80.83) 82.6 Non-resident sector 79,274.3 84,435.6 (6.11) 90,923.7 Deposits 70,806.4 74,797.3 (5.34) 80,656.0 REPOS 8,468.0 9,638.2 (12.14) 10,267.7 Total customer deposits 169,975.7 165,522.5 2.69 177,281.9 Debt securities 32,424.6 41,084.6 (21.08) 40,376.0 Subordinated debt 13,105.1 12,696.4 3.22 12,996.0 Total customer funds on-balance sheet 215,505.4 219,303.5 (1.73) 230,653.8 Total managed funds (off-balance sheet) 88,605.3 83,782.3 5.76 91,716.2 Mutual funds 66,424.1 63,227.4 5.06 68,227.0 Spain 50,876.2 47,345.3 7.46 49,487.6 Abroad 15,547.8 15,882.1 (2.10) 18,739.5 Pension funds 14,386.0 13,423.0 7.17 15,619.6 Spain 5,228.6 4,798.1 8.97 5,443.8 Individuals 4,547.9 4,110.5 10.64 4,698.0 Abroad 9,157.4 8,624.9 6.17 10,175.8 Managed portfolios 7,795.2 7,131.9 9.30 7,869.6 Spain 2,356.3 2,013.9 17.00 2,432.0 Abroad 5,438.9 5,118.0 6.27 5,437.6 Total customer funds - excl. Argentina 304,110.7 303,085.9 0.34 322,370.0 Total customer funds - Argentina 4,624.6 14,633.0 (68.40) 9,008.9 Total customer funds on-balance sheet 308,735.3 317,718.8 2.83 331,378.9 Loans 30.09.2002 30.09.2001 02/01 31.12.01 mln euros mln euros % mln euros Public sector 4,337.2 3,742.3 15.90 4,249.7 Private sector 87,010.5 82,672.1 5.25 84,721.7 Secured loans 36,291.4 31,225.5 16.22 33,028.3 Other loans 50,719.1 51,446.6 (1.41) 51,693.4 Non-resident sector 75,965.8 79,316.5 (4.22) 85,799.7 Secured loans 21,463.6 22,214.9 (3.38) 23,308.7 Other loans 54,502.3 57,101.5 (4.55) 62,491.0 Gross loans (ex-Argentina) 167,313.6 165,730.9 0.95 174,771.1 Less: net allowance for loan losses 5,102.6 5,308.7 (3.88) 5,068.7 (ex-Argentina) Net loans - ex-Argentina 162,210.9 160,422.2 1.12 169,702.4 Net loans - Argentina 2,131.9 6,914.4 (69.17) 4,119.7 Net loans - total 164,342.8 167,336.6 (1.79) 173.822.0 Note: doubtful loans 4,152.4 4,219.4 (1.59) 3,894.5 Public sector 3.5 5.6 (36.84) 4.5 Private sector 1,055.8 828.8 27.39 931.0 Non-resident sector 3,093.1 3,385.1 (8.63) 2,959.0 Shareholders' equity and capital ratios* 30.09.2002 30.09.2001 02/01 31.12.01 mln euros mln euros % mln euros Subscribed capital stock 2,384.2 2,280.8 4.53 2,329.7 Paid-in surplus 9,685.6 8,080.4 19.86 8,651.0 Reserves 5,461.2 5,444.6 0.31 5,466.4 Reserves at consolidated companies (net) (312.2) 1,528.5 --- 1,545.9 Total primary capital 17,218.8 17,334.3 (0.67) 17,993.0 Net attributable income 1,721.9 1,992.8 (13.59) 2,486.3 Treasury stock (16.9) (51.6) (67.15) (21.4) Distributed interim dividend (369.6) (342.7) 7.84 (685.4) Shareholders' equity at period end 18,554.2 18,932.8 (2.00) 19,772.5 Interim dividend pending distribution -- -- -- (350.0) Final dividend -- -- -- (294.0) Shareholders' equity after Allocation of period end results 18,554.2 18,932.8 (2.00) 19,128.4 Preferred shares 5,933.4 7,101.7 (16.45) 5,979.0 Minority interests 856.4 1,460.4 (41.36) 1,394.9 Shareholders' equity & minority interests 25,344.0 27,494.9 (7.82) 26,502.4 Basic Capital (Tier I) 14,319.8 15,755.3 (9.11) 16,357.9 Supplementary Capital 6,922.8 6,788.4 1.98 8,239.1 Eligible capital 21,242.7 22,543.7 (5.77) 24,597.0 Risk-weighted assets (BIS criteria) 196,556.7 198,037.4 (0.75) 204,310.5 BIS ratio* (1) 10.81 11.38 12.04 Tier I (1) 7.29 7.96 8.01 Excess (amount) 5,518.1 6,700.7 (17.65) 8,252.2 * The impact of amortization in 2002 of preferred stock is reflected in 2001 end year accounts. Present estimated BIS ratio of 11.6% (Tier I 7.7%) includes Banesto and Bital operations yet to be executed at 30.9.02 This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock Exchange EFDDKAFFE
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