9 Months Results - Part 1

Banco Santander Central Hispano SA 30 October 2000 PART 1 Performance during the quarter The keys to the quarter: consolidation, development and integration of new investments Banco Santander Central Hispano carried out a series of measures and projects to achieve a rapid and efficient integration of the new incorporations. These activities enhance the Group's competitive position and enable it to take on increasingly ambitious goals. After the intense investment and fund capturing activity during the first half of the year, Santander Central Hispano focused in the third quarter on consolidating, developing and efficiently integrating into the Group the new entities and businesses acquired. The objective is to achieve the maximum level of synergies and optimize the profitability of the investments, so that they contribute positively to the Group's management goals and create shareholder value. The incorporation of the Serfin and Meridional groups in Latin America and of the Totta and Credito Predial Portugues banks, the increased stake in Royal Bank of Scotland (after its acquisition of NatWest) and in the rest of the European banks with whom there are alliances, as well as investments in new economy projects, provided a quantitative and qualitative step forward in Santander Central Hispano's position. As well as strengthening its strategic position, these operations added more than four million new customers to the Group, contributing loans and managed funds amounting to more than EUR 54,100 million (Pta. 9.0 trillion). The Group's activities in the third quarter raised the degree of integration in the areas and businesses which constitute the core elements of its strategy: the domestic market, Latin America and Europe. Progress was also made in various fronts of the new economy. Increasing the competitiveness in the domestic market The actions taken in the third quarter boosted the already strong presence of the Santander BCH and Banesto networks in the Spanish banking market. These measures were aimed at raising the efficiency and productivity of business activity, boosting the business drive of the networks, redesigning and optimizing the networks within the multi-brand and multi-channel strategy and improving the control and quality of processes. Highlights include: - The success of marketing campaigns to encourage customers to move into the three networks' low cost channels, which raised the number of Internet banking customers by close to 150,000 during the quarter. - The completion in July of the establishment of the Unified Technological Platform (RETO) in the 1,440 branches of the Banco Santander retail network, achieved in a record five months. This was achieved after satisfactorily overcoming the initial problems stemming from the fast pace of this process. Moreover the new platform has provided the branches of the BCH network with 200 new functions which improve the existing services provided. The telephone and corporate electronic banking platforms were also completed. Once it was fully established, the RETO platform optimization phase was begun, structured around 'best practices' and 'support and back-up for the network' plans. These aim to achieve an optimum level of use of new technology based on the experience of the branches themselves. - Launch of the second phase of the Customer Relation Management (CRM) plan, which will develop a personal relation with the customer in a multi-channel environment (integration of Internet), lifting the level and efficiency of service. - The network optimization plan for this year is close to completion having successfully met its objectives. By the end of October all the 500 branches earmarked will have been closed, with a minimum impact on the volume of business (only 2.3% of business from the branches closed has been lost) and a significant improvement in costs. - The obtaining of ISO 9001 and ISO 9002 quality certificates by the Communications and Economic Research divisions and the General Secretariat, which joined those obtained by other divisions and Group subsidiaries in the first half. This reflects the continued efforts made by Santander Central Hispano to improve their business, activity and service quality processes. - Constant improvement in efficiency, profitability and customer business at the Santander, BCH and Banesto networks. In the year to September 30, 2000, Banesto improved its efficiency ratio by 348 basis points to below 55% and it raised its ROE by 330 basis points to more than 22%. Latin America: a decisive step in the consolidation of Project America The steps taken and the incorporation of new entities during 2000 have enabled significant progress to be made in attaining the goals set in Project America. Since its launch, the area has lifted its market share by more than 200 basis points, improved its efficiency ratio by 860 basis points (from 61.4% in 1998 to 52.8%) and increased the ROE from 13% in 1998 to 19%. Net attributable income is on target to be double that of 1998. All this while maintaining the strictest risk management control. The Group continues its selective loan concession policy in the region. In the newly incorporated entities procedures have been implemented that allow risks to be managed so as to achieve quality levels similar to those of the rest of the Group. Project America is extending the use of a uniform management model in critical areas of the banks in the region (business, risk, human resources, technology, quality). Highlights of this include: - The fulfillment of deadlines set in the Altair project for the creation of a common platform of basic retail banking applications for the Group's banks in the region. Most of the functions of this platform are already operative in Argentina, Chile, Venezuela and Colombia (first phase of the project), which is scheduled to be completed in the first half of 2001. In addition, the first viability and start-up studies in Brazil, Mexico and Puerto Rico have been carried out. - The launch in several countries (Chile, Mexico, Argentina and Brazil) of a treasury service for corporate clients via internet, which links the positions of a company in different countries. - The adoption of measures to achieve cost savings, such as the integration into a single structure of the management of resources and costs of all the entities in each country, as well acting on specific costs by exploiting the acquisition capacity of the combined entities and the experiences put into practice in the rest of the Group. The steps, developed under the guidelines of Project America, have improved the level of efficiency and increased the degree of diversification (geographic and by businesses), which endow the results with high growth potential and stability. This strategy is being recognized by the international financial community, reflected in the awards 'Best Bank in Latin America' and 'Best Foreign Bank in Latin America' received from The Banker and Euromoney, respectively. Santander Central Hispano continues to examine new opportunities which may enable it to strengthen its position in those countries and business areas with the greatest potential, or where its presence is smaller than desired. A consequence of this was the recent agreement between Banco de Venezuela and the main shareholder of Banco Caracas to acquire the latter through a public tender offer. This will enable the Group to increase significantly its market share in Venezuela to around 20%. Europe, greater activity and contribution to the Group The Santander Central Hispano Group improved its position during the third quarter in specific markets and businesses, obtaining higher results from its extensive network of alliances. The main highlights include: - The operational integration of Banco Totta and Credito Predial Portugues with the Santander Central Hispano Portugal Group was begun. This will create a common back office and technology for all the banks, while retaining certain special features at each one. The process is scheduled to be completed by the fourth quarter of 2001, although most of the basic operations are expected to be working by January 2001. - The strategic alliance with Societe Generale continues to be cemented with new collaboration projects. Particularly noteworthy is the acquisition by BSN-Banif of Societe Generale's private banking business in Spain, which boosts the customer base of the Group's specialized subsidiary. The collaboration projects already underway are estimated to generate over EUR 90 million of synergies in 2001. The European network of alliances not only provides a strategic advantage but also contributes significantly to Group results. In the first nine months of the year, the combined contribution of the banking allies was EUR 498 million, a rise of 123% over the same period of 1999. A decisive bid for e-business The Group made determined progress during the third quarter in the four basic fronts that comprise its global strategy in e-business: Internet to transform the bank, Patagon as a global financial site, strategic alliances with telecommunication and media companies and venture capital investments in e-commerce projects. The main highlights include: - The widespread use of intranet as Banco Santander Central Hispano's management and global communication tool. As of October more than 25,000 of the Bank's 29,000 employees in Spain were connected. - The revamping of the transactional site of BCH's and Banco Santander's retail networks. The new design, mainly focused on sales, speeds up and facilitates the access of users to a larger number of products and services, offering specific sections for each customer profile. - The launch of a virtual card with Sistemas 4B and MasterCard for small amount Internet transactions. - The start-up of Universia.net, 'the universities' portal for students', following its launch in Spain in the middle of September. So far more than 40 universities, representing 90% of the Spanish university community have joined this initiative or are in the process of doing so. - The new developments of Patagon. In Spain, Patagon Internet Bank underwent a profound reorganization in the third quarter after the integration of Open Bank. This involved: re-designing its web page; launching the Patagon Account (27,000 accounts and EUR 451 million captured), re-launching the Financial Supermarket (14 fund managers and 130 mutual funds), improving on- line brokerage services (which currently cover 26 markets and another eight via the telephone) and transferring the debt and loan portfoliod to Hispamer Banco Financiero (HBF), in order to minimize credit and interest rate risks, in line with the strategic profile of a financial site. Abroad, the purchase of the US broker Key Trade Online has enabled Patagon.com to extend its presence to seven countries and advance in its strategy of consolidation as a global financial site. - In the area of B2B, the most significant event was the launch of BtoBfactory an e-commerce platform that encompasses the Group's various B2B initiatives. The investment made amounts to USD 150 million. Initial projects include the 50/50 joint establishment with AT Kearney of an e-procurement site and the agreement to acquire an incubator of B2B projects in Latin America. In B2C, Banco Santander Central Hispano and American Online AOL) have reached an agreement to for the development and commercialization of AOL's interactive services. The alliance is based on the Prodigios project in which AOL has taken a 40% stake, equal to that held by Santander Central Hispano. The alliance commences with the launch of AOL Avant which, by distributing 500,000 Internet access terminals, aims to make the Internet available to the same number of customer and employee households. It will also provide a 20 channel portal and an Internet Service Provider (ISP). - The expansion of mobile telephone banking services through the WAP system, with the development of a fully transactional website which offers the fullest range of products and services. Available via the Airtel and MoviStar networks, it envisages the incorporation of new functions differentiated by customer profile. At the moment it has more than 40.000 customers. - The agreement between Banco Santander Central Hispano and Amena to integrate the latter into the mobile telephone payment system. Currently being tested, the system aims to have 100,000 users and 30,000 participating commercial outlets within a year. - The Group made two new investments in the third quarter via the investment fund 'Capital Riesgo Internet', bringing the number of projects to 13 and a total investment of EUR 31 million. Lastly, mention should be made of the successful public subscription offering of Banco Santander Central Hispano, with an issue of 345 million new SCH shares (including the green shoe option). The capital increase was the largest by a Spanish bank. It received massive support from investors, as reflected in the high level of orders received. This underscores the confidence that individual and institutional investors place in the Bank's strategy and projects. MORE TO FOLLOW
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