Interim Results

Banco Santander Central Hispano SA 9 August 2001 BANCO SANTANDER CENTRAL HISPANO NET ATTRIBUTABLE INCOME ROSE 33.6% IN 1ST HALF 2001 TO 1,381.9 MILLION EUROS Strong growth in all margins, effective cost control, sizeable provisioning and a highly diversified earnings base were the identifying features of Group results MADRID, July 25, 2001 - Banco Santander Central Hispano first quarter group net attributable income rose 33.6% to 1,381.9 million euros (Ptas. 229,923 million). Earnings per share rose to 0.30 euros from 0.26. The results achieved during the first half of the year, firmly in line with objectives, have enabled senior management to fix a new phase for Group strategy for the period 2002-2003. In this respect, the Board meeting on June 26 adopted the following decisions: 1. Approve a new operating plan, Programme TWO, starting immediately and setting targets for the years 2002 and 2003 2. Unify the networks and commercial brands of Banco Santander and BCH under a single denomination, Banco Santander Central Hispano 'BSCH', segmented in two divisions: one specialising in individual customers and the other in companies and institutional clients 3. Begin a process of delisting Banesto shares. The bank will complement the retail banking activities in Spain of the other two networks, taking advantage of its strong performance and better prospects as an independent franchise 4. In the context of Programme TWO, close an additional 1,000 offices in Spain, which added to the approximately 1,4000 already closed, brings to 2,400 the number closed since the merger. Steps will also be taken to rationalize property and buildings in Spain and Latin America, as well as additional early retirements among senior management. In July, the first steps were taken to unify and optimize the retail banking networks: the structure of the divisions covering individual customers and companies was defined and first and second tier management posts named; customer segmentation has been carried out, new operational objectives set and implemention of a unified commercial model has begun. Programme TWO: Objectives 2003 Net attributable income Ptas.700 billion (4.2 billion euros) EPS (annual rise 2002/2003) 20% Cost reduction (in real terms) Ptas.150 billion (900 million euros) Efficiency ratio 45% ROE +400 bp BIS ratio >12% RESULTS - FIRM PROGRESS TOWARDS YEAR'S OBJECTIVES Net interest income rose 38.4% to 5,152.5 million euros (Ptas. 857,307 million), a result of increased volumes reflecting both the incorporation of newly acquired banks and also improved margins in the Spanish market as a result of higher short term interest rates. The customer margin for retail banking (including Banesto) for the first half of 2001 surpassed the same period of last year by 41 basis points, reflecting consistent increases in the past few quarters. Commissions rose 24.9% to 2,341.8 million euros (Ptas. 389,643 million), with stronger contributions from managed funds, credit and debit cards, contingent liabilities, cheques, transfers and other operations. Securities and custody was the only segment that underperformed, due to reduced market activity. Basic revenue rose 33.9% to 7,494.3 million euros (Ptas. 1,246,950 million), with commissions accounting for more than 31% of the total. Trading gains came to 446.9 million euros (Ptas. 74,360 million), reflecting favourable performance from portfolios in Spain and in the foreign subsidiaries, and marking notable stability in the last four quarters. Net operating revenues rose 35.2% to 7,941.2 million euros (Ptas. 1,321,310 million), with improvements across the board, while net interest income and fees made up 94% of the total. General expenses: efficiency ratio improved 211 basis points over same period of 2000, approaching goal of 53% for this year An increase of 34.6% in general administrative and personnel expenses essentially reflected recent acquisitions and new projects: excluding the impact of an increased perimeter and exchange rate fluctuations, personnel costs fell 0.9% and general expenses by 7.2% in relation to the monthly average for 2000. The Group still has considerable potential for cost reduction through branch network integration, redimensioning corporate centres and improving efficiency in recently incorporated banks. In this respect, and in line with the recently adopted Programme TWO, a series of additional measures have been included to reduce general expenses, which will be reflected in the coming quarters. Group efficiency ratio stood at 54%, substantially improving the figure for the full year 2000, which partially incorporates the impact of consolidation of newly acquired banks. This was especially marked in the second quarter, when the ratio improved to 52.4%. Net operating income rose 36.5% to 3,061.9 million euros (Ptas. 509,461 million), with income from equity accounted holdings contributing 506.2 million euros, 4.5% less than in the first half of 2000 which included 51 million euros from the sale of fixed assets by Agapsa, which is part owned by Banespa. In view of their non-recurring nature, the excluding this item there was an increase of 5.6% fundamentally from a higher contribution from The Royal Bank of Scotland. Earnings from Group operations came to 333.0 million euros, mostly from the sale of a 0.5% shareholding in The Royal Bank of Scotland. These gains had no impact on Group profit as they were assigned to accelerated goodwill amortization. Total writedowns and provisions came to 2,136.8 million euros, with net loan loss and country risk provisions rising 187.6% to 835.1 million euros (Ptas. 138,941 million). Set asides for the special fund for loan loss cover, under recent Bank of Spain norms, which were not in force last year, came to 225.1 million euros, with a particular focus on retail banking in Spain, Banesto, and Latin America. Goodwill amortization came to 1,303.1 million euros (Ptas. 216,820 million), compared to 115.1 million euros in the same period last year. This increase relates to acquisitions in Europe and Latin America with 982.8 million euros in accelerated amortization, mainly for Banespa, that was financed from capital gains realized from the sale of shares in The Royal Bank of Scotland and Vodafone. Other results include various amounts set aside for the purpose of strengthening the balance sheet, and include 789.7 million euros at the end of June representing the portion accounted for in the first half for the divestment of 1.09% in Vodafone. Pre-tax income rose 32.1% to 2,375.3 million euros (Ptas. 395,220 million), and net income rose 29.97%% to 1,865.6 million, as a result of which ROA increased to 1.05%. Net attributable income, after minorities and preferred dividends, rose 33.6% to 1,381.9 million euros (Ptas. 229,923 million). Commercial banking made up 59% of the total, Global Wholesale Banking 11%, Asset Management and Private Banking 8%, alliances 15% and the industrial portfolio 7%. Latin America recorded net attributable income of US$827 million, excluding financing costs and goodwill amortization. Acquisitions in 2000, as well as organic growth, enabled the Group to achieve an average market share of 10% in customer business (comprising deposits, loans, mutual funds and pension funds). This year the focus is on organic growth, both on and off balance sheet. Nonetheless, the slowing of economic growth as well as depreciation of local currencies against the US dollar (except the Mexican peso) has reflected in a slower rate of deposit growth expressed in the US currency. The Group will continue to concentrate on improving profit and efficiency ratios, and on raising market share, especially in deposits. Banesto performed in line with objectives set for the year. Pre-tax income rose 23.1% to 268.1 million euros (Ptas. 44,614 million). BALANCE SHEET - STRONG INTERNATIONAL GROWTH Total Group assets at March 31, 2001 were 15.3% higher than at the same time last year, at 365,729 million euros (Ptas. 60.85 trillion), reflecting both new incorporations and increased activity. Total managed funds rose 15.3% to 463,040 million euros (Ptas, 77.04 trillion). This growth reflects the integration of Banco Caracas and Banespa, which contributed a combined 17,837 million euros (Ptas. 3.0 trillion) In loans they accounted for an additional 3,953 million euros (Ptas. 658 billion) and 10,979 million euros (Ptas. 1.8 trillion) in customer funds. Total customer funds rose 19.0% to 331,871 million euros (Ptas. 55.22 trillion), excluding new acquisitions mostly in the non-resident sector the rise was 15%. On balance sheet customer funds rose 20.6% in the 12 month period, reflecting a 8.3% increase in resident sector deposits and a 21.7% rise in non-resident deposits, as well as a 41.6% rise in the volume of securities issued. In the resident sector there were sizeable increases in the public sector and time deposits. Among off balance sheet items, mutual funds grew strongly both in Spain and abroad, and the Group consolidated its domestic leadership with a one percentage point rise in market share to over 26% compared to the previous 12 months. Total pension funds under management rose 34.4% over June 2000 to 20,592 million euros (Ptas. 3.43 trillion): almost three quarters of the total corresponds to Latin America where the Group is undertaking strong expansion and already has a significant presence in Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Mexico, Peru and Uruguay. In Spain, the Group continues to concentrate on individual pension plans, with a market share of 20%. Gross loans rose 12.3% to 181,241 million euros (Ptas. 30.16 trillion). Other resident sectors increased 7.4%, but excluding the effect of securitization operations, the rise would have been 11%. Loans to non-resident sectors rose 17.4%. Non-performing loan ratio stood at 2.13%, an improvement of 13 basis points on the December 2000 level and 28 bp over June 2000. Excluding NPLs backed by mortgage guarantees, the ratio declines to 1.94%, and in Spain the ratio was just 0.76%, while in Latin America it declined 53 basis points to 3.99% from the level for the end of 2000 and 113 bp from June 2000. The provision cover rate came to 137.1%, 24.1 points higher than in June 2000. BIS ratio increased to 11.65%, with a surplus equity over statutory requirements of 7,552 million euros (Ptas. 1.3 trillion). At June 30, 2001, total capital under BIS criteria stood at 24,094 million euros (Ptas.4.0 trillion). The BIS ratio thus stood at 11.65% (Tier 1 was 8.1%), and surplus equity over minimum required levels stood at 7,552 million euros (Ptas. 1.3 trillion). Two subordinated debt issues were launched during the period for a total of 1 billion euros over 10 years, another issue of perpetual subordinated debt of 200 million euros was made and the issue of 1.3 million new ordinary shares (0.03% of capital) were issued with a paid-in surplus of 1.79 euros each, in the context of an incentives programme for young executives. Shares, shareholders and dividends The Santander Central Hispano share closed the quarter at 10.70 euros (Ptas. 1,780), giving a market capitalization of 48,808 million euros (Ptas. 8.12 trillion), with a total of of 983,525 shareholders. Residents in Spain accounted for 44.7% of the total. On April 30, a final dividend for 2000 was paid out, for 0.0752 euros per share (Ptas. 12.5), giving a total dividend for the year 2000 of 0.2735 euros (Ptas. 45.5), an increase of 20.2% over the previous year. On July 31, a first interim dividend for 2001 of 0.0751 euros (Ptas. 12.5) will be paid, representing a rise of 13.6% over the first payment applicable for the year 2000. Attachments: Key Group Data Consolidated income statement Balance sheet Shareholders' equity and capital ratios Loans Customer funds. Key Group Data Balance Sheet 30.06.2001 30.06.2000 2001/2000 31.12.2000 mln ptas. mln euros mln euros % mln euros Total Assets 60,852,186 365,729.0 317,268.2 15.27 348,928.0 Loans (net) 29,216,800 175,596.5 156,744.2 12.03 169,384.2 Customer funds 55,218,703 331,871.1 278,860.9 19.01 303,098.5 Customer funds on balance sheet 39,027,511 234,560.1 194,423.9 20.64 214,450.3 Mutual Funds 11,420,673 68,639.5 61,468.2 11.67 65,011.9 Pension Funds 3,426,306 20,592.5 15,317.9 34.43 16,397.3 Managed portfolios 1,344,213 8,078.9 7,650.9 5.59 7,238.9 Equity 3,261,009 19,599.1 13,365.0 46.65 17,797.9 Total managed funds 77,043,378 463,040.0 401,705.2 15.27 437,576.1 Results January-Jun.2001 Jan-Jun.00 2001-2000 2000 Mln ptas. Mln euros Mln euros % Mln euros Net interest revenue 857,307 5,152.5 3,723.1 38.39 8,289.6 Basic revenue 1,246,950 7,494.3 5,598.5 33.86 12,302.6 Operating income 509,461 3,061.9 2,243.7 36.46 4,688.6 Pre-tax profit 395,220 2,375.3 1,798.2 32.10 3,774.0 Net attributable income 229,923 1,381.9 1,034.1 33.63 2,258.1 Key Group Data, cont. Ratios 30.06.01 30.06.01 30.06.00 31.12.00 ROA 1.05 1.00 0.99 ROE 19.33* 23.51 20.86* Efficiency 54.00 54.26 56.11 BIS Ratio 11.65 9.95 10.86 Tier 1 8.06 7.31 7.64 NPL ratio 2.13 2.41 2.26 NPL cover ratio 137.09 112.99 123.04 Shareholders and shares Number of shareholders 983,525 818,959 1,018,062 Number of shares (millions) 4,562 4,107 4,560 Share price (Pesetas, euros) 1,780 10.70 11.05 11.40 Market capitalization (millions of pesetas, euros) 8,121,041 48,808.4 45,382.8 51,986.7 Net attributable income per share 50.4 0.30 0.26 0.54 PER (market cap/net earnings per share) 17.66 21.94 23.02 Other data Number of offices 10,302 9,857 10,827 Spain 5,164 5,884 5,518 Abroad 5,138 3,973 5,309 Number of employees 120,892 110,332 129,640 Spain 42,060 44,072 43,059 Abroad 78,832 66,260 86,581 * In calculating ROE, average equity does not include 'anticipated voluntary reserves'. Including them, the ratio is 15.3% in June 2001, 22.3% in June 2000 and 17.6% in December 2000. Consolidated income Jan-Jun 2001 Jan-Jun 2001 Jan-Jun 2001 Jan-Jun 00 01/00 statement mln ptas. mln euros %ATA mln euros % NET INTEREST REVENUE 857,307 5,152.5 2.90 3,723.1 38.39 Net fees and commissions 389,643 2,341.8 1.32 1,875.4 24.87 BASIC REVENUE 1,246,950 7,494.3 4.21 5,598.5 33.86 Trading gains 74,360 446.9 0.25 275.5 62.21 Net operating revenues 1,321,310 7,941.2 4.46 5,874.0 35.19 Personnel and general expenses (713,451) (4,287.9) (2.41) (3,187.0) 34.55 a) Personnel (446,722) (2,684.9) (1.51) (2,018.0) 33.04 b) General expenses (266,729) (1,603.1) (0.90) (1,168.9) 37.14 Depreciation (98,398) (591.4) (0.33) (443.3) 33.41 NET OPERATING INCOME 509,461 3,061.9 1.72 2,243.7 36.46 Income from equity accounted holdings 34,859 209.5 0.12 344.3 (39.14) Earnings from Group transactions 55,409 333.0 0.19 344.7 (3.40) Net provisions for loan losses (138,941) (835.1) (0.47) (290.3) 187.61 Goodwill amortization (216,820) (1,303.1) (0.73) (115.1) - Other income 151,252 909.0 0.51 (729.2) - Income before taxes 395,220 2,375.3 1.33 1,798.2 32.10 Corporate Tax (84,803) (509.7) (0.29) (362.8) 40.49 Net consolidated income 310,417 1,865.6 1.05 1,435.4 29.97 Minority interests 37,118 223.1 0.13 193.0 15.56 Dividend - preferred shareholders 43,376 260.7 0.15 208.3 25.17 NET ATTRIBUTABLE INCOME 229,923 1,381.9 0.78 1,034.1 33.63 Group balance sheet ASSETS 30.06.01 30.06.01 30.06.00 Variation 31.12.00 mln ptas mln euros mln euros % mln euros Cash and Central Banks 1,373,186 8,253.0 6,178.4 33.58 8,371.7 Government debt securities 4,121,255 24,769.2 25,636.8 (3.38) 22,754.9 Due from banks 7,113,238 42,751.4 42,633.1 0.28 36,764.1 Loans 29,216,800 175,596.5 156,744.2 12.03 169,384.2 Investment securities 10,583,201 63,606.3 49,436.6 28.66 61,886.3 Fixed income 7,941,517 47,729.5 35,450.3 34.64 46,561.7 Equities 2,641,684 15,876.8 13,986.4 13.52 15,324.6 Shares and other securities 1,147,410 6,896.1 6,106.6 12.93 6,448.9 Equity stakes 1,267,344 7,616.9 6,944.5 9.68 7,719.7 Equity stakes in Group companies 226,930 1,363.9 935.3 45.83 1,156.0 Tangible and intangible assets 1,228,900 7,385.8 7,087.9 4.20 7,386.2 Treasury stock 4,314 25.9 35.1 (26.23) 56.1 Goodwill 1,780,992 10,704.0 6,767.5 58.17 11,632.8 Other assets 5,269,028 31,667.5 21,663.9 46.18 29,704.4 Prior years' results from consolidated companies 161,272 969.3 1,084.7 (10.64) 987.4 Total Assets 60,852,186 365,729.0 317,268.2 15.27 348,928.0 LIABILITIES Bank of Spain and banks 10,354,933 62,234.4 73,339.9 (15.14) 68,011.0 Customer deposits 30,326,338 182,265.0 157,481.4 15.74 169,554.5 Deposits 25,569,039 153,673.0 133,995.9 14.68 145,551.4 Repos 4,757,299 28,591.9 23,485.5 21.74 24,003.1 Debt securities 6,570,337 39,488.5 27,790.9 42.09 34,165.9 Subordinated debt 2,130,836 12,806.6 9,151.9 39.94 10,729.9 Pension and other allowances 2,707,037 16,269.6 6,306.2 158.00 15,579.5 Minority interests 1,391,767 8,364.7 7,519.0 11.25 8,331.7 Net consolidated income 310,417 1,865,6 1,435.4 29.97 3,059.1 Capital 379,488 2,280.8 2,053.5 11.07 2,280.1 Reserves 2,817,184 16,931.6 11,379.1 48.56 15,544.3 Other liabilities 3,863,849 23,222.2 20,793.2 11.68 21,671.9 Total Liabilities 60,852,186 365,729.0 317,268.2 15.27 348,928.0 Other managed funds (off-balance sheet) 16,191,192 97,311.0 84,437.0 15.25 88,648.2 Total managed funds 77,043,378 463,040.0 401,705.2 15.27 437,576.1 Contingent liabilities 4,771,857 28,679.4 25,301.0 13.35 26,192.0 Guarantees 4,032,213 24,234.1 22,198.7 9.17 22,155.7 Documentary credits 739,644 4,445.4 3,102.4 43.29 4,036.3 Shareholders' equity and capital ratios 30.06.01 30.06.01 30.06.00 Variation 31.12.00 mln ptas mln euros mln euros % mln euros Subscribed capital stock 379,488 2,280.8 2,053.5 11.07 2,280.1 Paid-in surplus 1,344,471 8,080.4 4,218.8 91.53 8,078.2 Reserves 904,113 5,433.8 4,952.2 9.73 5,437.1 Reserves at consolidated 407,328 2,448.1 1,141.5 114.47 1,014.6 companies (net) Total primary capital 3,035,400 18,243.1 12,366.0 47.53 16,837.0 Net attributable income 229,923 1,381.9 1,034.1 33.63 2,258.1 Treasury stock (4,314) (25.9) (35.1) (26.23) (56.1) Distributed interim - - - - (597.0) dividend Shareholders' equity at period end 3,261,009 19,599.1 13,365.0 46.65 18,442.1 Interim dividend pending - - - - (301.5) distribution Final dividend - - - - (342.7) Shareholders' equity after Allocation of period end results 3,261,009 19,599.1 13,365.0 46.65 17,797.9 Preferred shares 1,216,966 7,314.1 6,140.1 19.12 6,644.2 Minority interests 255,295 1,534.4 1,780.2 (13.81) 2,488.6 Shareholders' equity & minority 4,733,270 28,447.5 21,285.3 33.65 26,930.6 interests Basic Capital (Tier 1) 2,773,504 16,669.1 13,668.3 21.95 15,207.1 Supplementary Capital 1,235,435 7,425.1 4,925.6 50.74 6,413.8 Eligible capital 4,008,939 24,094.2 18,593.9 29.58 21,620.9 Risk-weighted assets (BIS criteria) 34,405,824 206,783.2 186,894.9 10.64 199,062.7 BIS ratio 11.65 9.95 10.86 Tier 1 8.06 7.31 7.64 Excess (amount) 1,256,473 7,551.6 3,642.3 107.33 5,695.9 Loans 30.06.01 30.06.01 30.06.00 Variation 31.12.00 mln ptas mln euros mln euros % mln euros Public sector 701,200 4,214.3 4,179.3 0.84 4,148.9 Private sector 13,575,957 81,593.1 76,004.3 7.35 81,677.6 Secured loans 5,079,137 30,526.2 25,346.4 20.44 27,652.7 Other loans 8,496,820 51,066.9 50,657.9 0.81 54,024.9 Non-resident sector 15,878,825 95,433.7 81,273.3 17.42 88,730.0 Secured loans 4,103,287 24,661.3 19,585.3 26.05 22,898.5 Other loans 11,775,538 70,772.4 61,708.0 14.69 65,831.5 Gross loans 30,155,982 181,241.1 161,456.9 12.25 174,556.4 Less: allowance for loan losses 939,182 5,644.6 4,712.7 19.77 5,172.2 Net loans 29,216,800 175,596.5 156,744.2 12.03 169,384.2 Note: doubtful loans 744,993 4,477.5 4,469.9 0.17 4,517.9 Public sector 624 3.8 6.9 (45.70) 3.7 Private sector 136,559 820.7 757.7 8.32 855.5 Non-resident sector 607,810 3,653.0 3,705.3 (1.41) 3,658.7 Customer funds 30.06.01 30.06.01 30.06.00 Variation 31.12.00 mln ptas mln euros mln euros % mln euros Public sector 770,217 4,629.1 2,049.7 125.85 2,358.6 Private sector 11,882,918 71,417.8 68,141.9 4.81 68,458.5 Demand deposits 3,429,649 20,612.6 20,655.0 (0.21) 20,236.2 Savings accounts 2,429,620 14,602.3 13,807.5 5.76 13,734.3 Time deposits 3,852,558 23,154.3 21,790.5 6.26 20,933.3 REPOS 2,154,944 12,951.5 11,769.0 10.05 13,407.8 Other accounts 16,147 97.0 120.0 (19.12) 146.9 Non-resident sector 17,673,203 106,218.1 87,289.8 21.68 98,737.3 Deposits 15,503,957 93,180.7 75,739.2 23.03 88,305.3 REPOS 2,169,246 13,037.4 11,550.6 12.87 10,432.0 Total customer deposits 30,326,338 182,265.0 157,481.4 15.74 169,554.5 Debt securities 6,570,337 39,488.5 27,790.9 42.09 34,165.9 Subordinated debt 2,130,836 12,806.6 9,151.6 39.94 10,729.9 Total customer funds on-balance sheet 39,027,511 234,560.1 194,423.9 20.64 214,450.3 Total managed funds 16,191,192 97,311.0 84,437.0 15.25 88,648.2 (off-balance sheet) Mutual funds 11,420,673 68,639.6 61,468.2 11.67 65,011.9 Spain 8,225,540 49,436.5 50,824.1 (2.73) 49,241.6 Abroad 3,195,133 19,203.1 10,644.1 80.41 15,770.4 Pension funds 3,426,306 20,592.5 15,317.9 34.43 16,397.3 Spain 835,029 5,018.6 4,605.4 8.97 4,940.3 Individuals 713,168 4,286.2 3,913.6 9.52 4,222.7 Abroad 2,591,277 15,573.9 10,712.5 45.38 11,457.0 Managed portfolios 1,344,213 8,078.9 7,650.9 5.59 7,238.9 Spain 388,994 2,337.9 2,854.2 (18.09) 2,242.7 Abroad 955,219 5,741.0 4,796.7 19.69 4,996.2 Total customer funds on-balance sheet 55,218,703 331,871.1 278,860.9 19.01 303,098.5
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