Interim Results

Banco Santander Central Hispano SA 26 July 2007 Press release Banco Santander's attributable profit rose 39% to EUR 4.458 billion in the first half of 2007 Attributable profit excluding capital gains amounted to EUR 3,892 million, up 21% from the same period of last year and in line to reach EUR 8 billion for the year. - Revenue rose by 22%, more than double the increase in costs, which grew by 10%, allowing operating income to rise by 34%. - Revenue growth was supported by strong activity in all businesses in Europe as well as in Latin America. Loans grew by 16% and customer funds 17%. - In Continental Europe, attributable profit grew by 45% to EUR 2,468 million, with growth in loans of 20% and in customer funds of 16%. - In Latin America, attributable profit increased by 28% in dollar terms to US $1,807 million, with growth of 20% in loans and 23% in customer funds. In euros, attributable profit was EUR 1,360 million, up 19%. - Abbey's attributable profit rose 20% to £406 million, with growth of 8% in loans and 5% in deposits in pounds sterling. In euros, attributable profit amounted to EUR 602 million, up 22%. - The 12 points difference between revenue and cost growth enabled Group efficiency to improve by 4.9 percentage points to 44.4%. - The non-performing loan rate was 0.83%, a decline of 0.05 point. Coverage was 169%, eight points less than a year earlier. - In the first half of the year, Santander sold its 1.79% stake in Intesa Sanpaolo with a capital gain of EUR 566 million. - The first dividend charged against 2007 results, amounting to EUR 0.12294, up 15%, will be paid from 1st August. Madrid, July 26th, 2007 - Grupo Santander registered attributable profit of EUR 4,458 million in the first half of 2007, an increase of 39% from a year earlier. This result includes EUR 566 million in capital gains from the sale of the 1.79% stake the Group had in Intesa Sanpaolo. Excluding this transaction, attributable profit amounted to EUR 3,892 million, up 21%. These results are in line with the goal of ending the year with attributable profit of EUR 8,000 million, excluding extraordinary items, announced at the Shareholders' Meeting of June 23rd. Second quarter profit was EUR 2,090 million, exceeding EUR 2,000 million in one quarter for the first time. Results The key factor in first half 2007 results is strong growth in business activity, which rose by 16%, and the growing gap between the loan yield and the cost of funds. This has enabled revenues to grow more than double the increase in costs, 22% versus 10%, allowing net operating income to rise 34%. Distribution of attributable profit (w/o capital gains) EUR Mill. Europe contributes 69% of attributable profit, with EUR 3,070 million EUR Mill. % of operating areas Continental Europe 2,468 56% UK 602 13% Latin America 1,360 31% Group results H1'07 EUR Mill. TOTAL GROUP - EUR Million H1'07 Change o/ H1'06 Amount % Gross operating income 13,207 +2,367 +21.6 Operating expenses -5,980 -531 +9.7 Net operating income 7,193 +1,828 +34.1 Loan-loss provisions -1,511 -410 +37.3 PBT (w/o capital gains) 5,395 +1,151 +27.1 Net profit from ordinary 4,161 +809 +24.1 activity Attributable profit (w/o 3,892 +676 +21.0 capital gains) Attributable profit 4,458 +1,242 +38.6 Insolvency provisions grew by 37%, in line with growth in net operating income. Increase in provisions is due basically to Latin America, where the change in business mix to more profitable products involves assuming higher risk premiums, and the inclusion in 2007 of Drive, the consumer finance business acquired in the US. As a result of this, together with taxes growing 38%, profit from ordinary activity was EUR 4,161 million, 24% higher. Businesses in Continental Europe registered an operating margin growth of 41%, with an increase of 29% in revenue and of 13% in costs. Attributable profit for the first half reached EUR 2,468 million, up 45%. The greatest contribution came from the Santander branch network in Spain, with EUR 899 million, up 34%, followed by Santander Consumer Finance, with EUR 352 million, 25% higher, Banesto with EUR 338 million (up 22%, excluding the capital gains from the sale of Urbis in 2006) and Portugal with EUR 276 million, up 28%. The Santander branch network in Spain focused on profitable growth, which enabled it to continue to improve its growth rates in net interest income, which increased by 21%, three times the rise in costs (+7%). Moreover, the Santander branch network was able to bear the costs of eliminating income from fees on services to all linked customers, as well as the new groups included this year (self-employed customers, stores, students and immigrants). This performance enabled Santander branch network's efficiency ratio to reach a record low at 38.8%, improving 3.2 points, despite the expansion of the branch network, which grew by 151 branches in a year. Europe: Main units H1'07 EUR Mill. and % o/ H1'06 Solid and diversified growth: net operating income and attributable profit around 25% or above in all units Gross operating income: 6,567 mill.; +29% SAN Branch Network 2,348 +17% Banesto 1,112 +14% Santander Consumer Finance** 1,295 +48% Portugal 696 +26% Rest*** 1,115 (GWB: 802) +61% Net operating income: 4,120 mill.; +41% SAN Branch Network 1,418 +23% Banesto 633 +26% Santander Consumer Finance** 921 +62% Portugal 425 +43% Rest*** 723 (GWB: 571) +76% Attributable profit: 2,468 million; +45% SAN Branch Network 899 +34% Banesto 338 +12% (+22%)* Santander Consumer Finance** 352 +25% Portugal 276 +28% Rest*** 603 (GWB: 525) +163% (*) Net profit from ordinary activity (**) Including Drive. Excluding Drive: gross operating income +12%; net operating income +13% and attributable profit +8% (***) Banif, Asset Management and Insurance and Global Wholesale Banking Latin America: Main countries H1'07 US$ Mill. and % o/ H1'06 Strong growth of revenues in all countries with costs under control. Increased LLPs due to greater lending and change of mix Gross operating income: 6,750 mill.; +32% Brazil 2,740 +40% Mexico 1,640 +35% Chile 979 +14% Other countries 1,188 +31% Santander Private Banking 204 +24% Net operating income: 3,798 mill.; +46% Brazil 1,610 +63% Mexico 985 +57% Chile 579 +15% Other countries 503 +31% Santander Private Banking 122 +22% Attributable income: 1,807 mill.; +28% Brazil 604 +38% Mexico 428 +26%* Chile 368 +27%** Other countries 297 +17% Santander Private Banking 109 +23% (*) Impact from normalisation of tax regulation. PBT: +35% (**) Net profile (before minority interests): +35% In Latin America, costs grew by 17%, due principally to investment being carried out in new projects and the branch networks in the main countries, whilst revenues grew by 29%, so that net operating income rose 46% (all changes are in dollars, the operating currency). Attributable profit from the region grew by 28% to US $1,807 million, or by 19% in euros to EUR 1,360 million. Brazil made the largest contribution, with profit of $604 million, an increase of 38%, followed by Mexico, $428 million, up 26% and Chile, $368 million, up 27%. Abbey's results are in line with the framework laid out in its strategic plan, with growth of 8% in revenue and a reduction of 3% in costs, resulting in growth of 22% in net operating income and of 20% in attributable profit, measured in pounds. In euros, attributable profit for the quarter increased 22% to EUR 602 million, in line with the annual target of EUR 1,200 million. By businesses, retail banking pretax profit increased 30% to EUR 4,637 million; Global Wholesale Banking rose 85% to EUR 1,303 million and Asset Management and Insurance increased 15% to EUR 355 million. Retail banking contributes around 73% to Grupo Santander's profit, Global Wholesale Banking 21% and Asset Management and Insurance 6%. Global Wholesale Banking registered a sharp increase in activity, with revenues rising by 47% and costs by 16%, resulting in net operating income growing 62%. Generic provisions in the business fell sharply in the first half, as a result of distributing part of the risk taken in large customer transactions. Thus, gross profit grew by 85%. Revenues in Asset Management grew 13% and costs 10%, enabling both net operating income and pretax profit to increase 15%. Business Santander ended the first half with EUR 1,071.815 billion in funds under management, an increase of 10%. Of these, EUR 885,603 million are on the balance sheet, an increase of 8%, and the rest off-balance mutual funds, pensions and other customer funds. Group gross lending was EUR 561,295 million at the close of the first half, up 16%. Some Continental Europe accounted for 53% of this lending, the United Kingdom (Abbey) for 36% and Latin America the remaining 11%. Loans to customers (gross) EUR billion Jun 06 484 Sep 06 505 Dec 06 532 Mar 07 539 Jun 07 561(*) (*)+15.9% as compared to Jun 06. The increase is of 14.9% excluding the effect of exchange rate Loans to customers. June 2007 % o/ operating areas Latin America 11% Continental Europe 53% UK - Abbey 36% In Continental Europe, lending grew by 21% to EUR 290,506 million, with increases in all countries and units. The Santander branch network in Spain increased lending by 13%, Banesto by 27%, Portugal by 4% and Santander Consumer Finance by 24%. The Santander branch network in Spain increased business volumen and imporved its margins. The success of the 'We want to be your bank' programme, launched in 2006, has resulted in a 6% increase in linked customers in the last 12 months. Lending volume to individuals grew by 12% and to companies by 16%, with growth in mortgage lending slowing to 12%. Banesto lending to individuals grew by 19%, to companies by 31% and mortgage business by 19%. Santander Consumer this year incorporated Drive, the finance company acquired in the U.S. Without Drive's figures, new lending at Santander Consumer Finance grew by 8%, with growth of 16% in the Nordic countries and Eastern Europe and 15% in Spain, with a decline of 1% in Germany. The performance in Germany is related to an increase in the VAT rate this year, which drove a wave of purchases in the fourth quarter of 2006, which has since resulted in a 1% drop in the core auto financing business. In Portugal, Santander Totta grew by 20% in SME financing and 10% in loans to individuals. Loan volume in Latin America came to EUR 63,689 million, an increase of 20% in local currencies. Brazil, which opened 157 branches in the last 12 months and installed 195 automatic tellers, increased lending by 27%, with growth of 31% in lending to individuals, 21% to SMEs and companies. Mexico grew by 34%, with increases of 50% in lending to individuals, and 39% to SMEs and companies. In Chile, lending increased by 8%, with increases of 20% to individuals and SMEs and a decrease in corporate lending. Abbey continues to mark progress, closing the first quarter with loan volume of EUR 197,474 million, which represents growth of 8% in euros and 5% in pounds. The balance of mortgage loans came to £105,300 million at the end of the half, up 7% from a year earlier. Market share in new mortgage production is 9.6%. Managed customer funds EUR billion Jun 06 682 Sep 06 715 Dec 06 739 Mar 07 771 Jun 07 800(*) (*)+17.2% as compared to Jun 06. The increase is of 16.6% excluding the effect of exchange rate Managed customer funds. June 2007 % o/ operating areas Latin America 22% Continental Europe 46% UK - Abbey 32% Total customer funds under management came to EUR 799,685 million at the end of June 2007, an increase of 17% from a year earlier. Balance sheet resources rose 19% to EUR 604,954 million. Mutual funds increased by 18%. In Continental Europe, total customer funds under management were EUR 313,997 million, up 16%. In Spain, which represents about 80% of the total, customer funds grew by 7% in the Santander branch network, by 18% at Banesto and 47% at Santander Consumer. In Portugal customer funds grew by 22%. In Latin America, customer funds came to EUR 154,323 million, with growth of 23% in local currency. Deposits grew by 12% and investment funds by 43% in local currency. By country, savings increased by 29% in Brazil, 5% in Mexico and 15% in Chile. Abbey closed the first half with EUR 222,951 million in customer funds, an increase of 7% in pounds. Total deposits grew by 4% and investment funds by 10%, both in pounds. Abbey is attracting new business, reflected in the opening of 217,000 new accounts during the first half. Management and capital ratios Efficiency: Revenue grew by 12 percentage points more than costs, driving improvement in the efficiency ratio. Costs and amortizations as a percentage of revenues were 44.4% at the end of the first half of 2007, compared to 49.3% a year earlier. Abbey registered the greatest improvement within the group, with the efficiency ratio improving to 50.4% at the end of the half from 56.3% a year earlier. In Continental Europe, the efficiency ratio was 36.7%, a 5.1-point improvement. In Latin American, efficiency was 41.3%, an improvement of 5.2 points. H1'07 Results. Efficiency Maintaining 'wide open jaws' Revenues and Costs - Base 100: Q1'06 Revenues Costs Difference Revenues - Costs Q1'06 100 100 0 Q2 105 99 +6 Q3 111 101 +10 Q4 112 107 +5 Q1'07 118 107 +11 Q2 132 110 +22 Group's efficiency ratio (%) % H1'06 49.3 H1'07 44.4(**) (**) -4.9 p.p. as compared to H1'06 Efficiency ratio* principal segments (%) (*) Including amortisations Continental Europe % H1'06 41.8 H1'07 36.7 Abbey % H1'06 56.3 H1'07 50.4 Latin America % H1'06 46.5 H1'07 41.3 H1'07 Results. NPLs and Capital NPLs and coverage ratios Jun'06* Jun'07 Coverage 177% 169% NPL 0.88% 0.83% High allowances (65% generic) NPLs 5,354 Allowance 9,056* (*) 5,920 Generic and 3,136 Specific Capital ratios Dec'06 Mar'07 Jun'07 BIS Ratio 12.49% 13.22% 13.09% Tier I 7.42% 7.64% 7.90% Core Capital 5.91% 5.97% 6.27% (*) In like-for-like basis with 2007 (criteria change in Portugal in Q1'07). Published NPL ratio in June'06: 0.83% and coverage: 186%. NPLs: The Group's non-performing loan rate remains at historic lows, falling to 0.83% from 0.88%. The Group's coverage ratio fell to 169% at the end of the half from 177% a year earlier. The NPL rate is below year-earlier levels in key Group markets such as Spain, the U.K., Brazil, Chile and Portugal. The Group's generic funds come to EUR 5,920 million. Capital: The Group's eligible capital came to EUR 63,667 million at the end of the half, with a surplus of EUR 24,756 million above the required minimum. With this capital base, the BIS ratio came to 13.09%, Tier I capital to 7.90% and core capital to 6.27%. The Share and dividend The Santander share ended the first half at EUR 13.69 euros, up 19.9% from a year earlier. At the end of June, Santander's market capitalization came to EUR 85,621 million. Santander is the largest company in Spain and the leading bank in the euro zone in terms of market value. On August 1, the first dividend against 2007 earnings of EUR 0.12294 will be paid, an increase of 15% from the year-earlier dividend. Santander has 2,315,649 shareholders. 135,922 persons work in the Group, serving 69 million customers in 11,092 branches. More information at: Income statement Million euros Variation H1 '07 H1 '06 Amount % Net interest income (w/o dividends) 7.133 5.804 1.329 22,9 Dividends 284 237 47 19,8 Net interest income 7.417 6.041 1.375 22,8 Income from companies accounted for by the 160 241 (81) (33,7) equity method Net fees 4.154 3.494 660 18,9 Insurance activity 189 148 42 28,1 Commercial revenue 11.919 9.924 1.996 20,1 Gains (losses) on financial transactions 1.288 917 371 40,5 Gross operating income 13.207 10.840 2.367 21,8 Income from non-financial services 77 47 30 62,6 Non-financial expenses (41) (33) (8) 25,2 Other operating income (70) (40) (30) 76,4 Operating expenses (5.980) (5.450) (531) 9,7 General administrative expenses (5.356) (4.893) (463) 9,5 Personnel (3.169) (2.949) (220) 7,5 Other administrative expenses (2.187) (1.944) (243) 12,5 Depreciation and amortisation (624) (557) (68) 12,1 Net operating income 7.193 5.366 1.828 34,1 Impairment loss on assets (1.545) (1.133) (412) 36,4 Loans (1.511) (1.100) (410) 37,3 Goodwill - (5) 5 (100,0) Other assets (34) (28) (7) 24,6 Other income (254) 11 (264) - Profit before taxes (w/o capital gains) 5.395 4.244 1.151 27,1 Tax on profit (1.234) (892) (342) 38,4 Net profit from ordinary activity 4.161 3.352 809 24,1 Net profit from discontinued operations - 194 (194) (100,0) Net consolidated profit (w/o capital gains) 4.161 3.546 614 17,3 Minority interests 268 330 (62) (18,7) Attributable profit to the Group (w/o 3.892 3.216 676 21,0 capital gains) Extraordinary capital-gains 566 - 566 - Attributable profit to the Group 4.458 3.216 1.242 38,6 Customer loans Million euros Variation 30.06.07 30.06.06 Amount % 31.12.06 Public sector 5.640 5.628 12 0,2 5.329 Other residents 213.526 175.294 38.233 21,8 199.994 Commercial bills 17.423 14.911 2.512 16,8 17.276 Secured loans 118.639 96.576 22.063 22,8 110.863 Other loans 77.464 63.806 13.658 21,4 71.854 Non-resident sector 342.129 303.520 38.608 12,7 326.187 Secured loans 198.927 179.598 19.329 10,8 191.724 Other loans 143.201 123.922 19.279 15,6 134.463 Gross loans and credits 561.295 484.442 76.853 15,9 531.509 Loan-loss allowances 8.610 7.852 758 9,7 8.163 Net loans and credits 552.686 476.591 76.095 16,0 523.346 Pro memoria: Doubtful loans 5.320 4.470 850 19,0 4.613 Public sector 1 19 (18) (97,1) 18 Other residents 1.374 1.096 278 25,4 1.212 Non-resident sector 3.945 3.355 590 17,6 3.383 Customer funds under management Million euros Variation 30.06.07 30.06.06 Amount % 31.12.06 Public sector 12.509 11.156 1.353 12,1 15.266 Other residents 96.497 87.421 9.076 10,4 94.750 Demand deposits 53.284 52.008 1.276 2,5 55.050 Time deposits 26.973 20.194 6.778 33,6 24.670 REPOs 16.241 15.219 1.022 6,7 15.030 Non-resident sector 224.971 207.205 17.766 8,6 221.206 Demand deposits 121.699 116.192 5.507 4,7 119.861 Time deposits 73.479 70.939 2.540 3,6 72.258 REPOs 27.675 17.405 10.270 59,0 26.343 Public Sector 2.117 2.669 (551) (20,7) 2.744 Customer deposits 333.977 305.782 28.195 9,2 331.223 Debt securities 239.149 172.323 66.826 38,8 204.069 Subordinated debt 31.828 30.240 1.588 5,3 30.423 On-balance-sheet customer funds 604.954 508.344 96.610 19,0 565.715 Mutual funds 133.774 113.618 20.156 17,7 119.838 Pension funds 31.629 27.709 3.920 14,1 29.450 Managed portfolios 20.809 17.088 3.721 21,8 17.835 Savings-insurance policies 8.520 15.377 (6.857) (44,6) 6.385 Other customer funds under management 194.731 173.791 20.940 12,0 173.509 Customer funds under management 799.685 682.135 117.550 17,2 739.223 Shareholders' equity and minority interests Million euros Variation 30.06.07 30.06.06 Amount % 31.12.06 Capital stock 3.127 3.127 - - 3.127 Additional paid-in surplus 20.370 20.370 - - 20.370 Reserves 16.879 12.389 4.490 36,2 12.352 Treasury stock (109) (22) (87) 387,3 (127) On-balance-sheet shareholders' equity 40.267 35.864 4.403 12,3 35.722 Attributable profit 4.458 3.216 1.242 38,6 7.596 Interim dividend distributed - - - - (1.337) Shareholders' equity at period-end 44.725 39.080 5.645 14,4 41.981 Interim dividend not distributed (769) (669) (100) 15,0 (1.919) Shareholders' equity 43.956 38.411 5.545 14,4 40.062 Valuation adjustments 1.886 2.406 (519) (21,6) 2.871 Minority interests 2.304 2.898 (594) (20,5) 2.221 Preferred securities 664 1.257 (593) (47,2) 668 Preferred securities in subordinated debt 7.365 6.286 1.078 17,2 6.837 Shareholders' equity and minority interests 56.175 51.258 4.917 9,6 52.658 Computable capital and BIS ratio Million euros Variation 30.06.07 30.06.06 Amount % 31.12.06 Computable basic capital 38.411 32.928 5.483 16,7 35.539 Computable supplementary capital 25.256 22.180 3.076 13,9 24.237 Computable capital 63.667 55.107 8.560 15,5 59.776 Risk-weighted assets 486.391 444.420 41.971 9,4 478.733 BIS ratio 13,09 12,40 0,69 12,49 Tier 1 7,90 7,41 0,49 7,42 Core capital 6,27 5,75 0,52 5,91 Shareholders' equity surplus 24.756 19.554 5.202 26,6 21.478 This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock Exchange
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