Interim Results

Banco Santander Central Hispano SA 27 July 2006 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Press Release -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Santander's net attributable income rose 26% to EUR 3.216 billion in the first half of 2006 O Revenue grew 17%, more than double the 8% increase in costs, allowing net operating income to rise by 28%. O Profit was underpinned by business strength in all units, in Europe as well as in Latin America. Loans grew by 18% and customer funds by 12%. O In Continental Europe, net attributable income rose by 11% (to EUR 1,701 million) due to growth of 22% in loans and 10% in customer funds. O In Latin America, net attributable income increased by 27% (to EUR 1,147 million). In dollars, its operating currency, earnings rose 21%, with growth of 24% in loans and 20% in customer funds in local currencies. O Abbey's net attributable income rose 40%, to EUR 491 million, with increases in pounds sterling of 14% in loans and 8% in customer funds. O The non-performing loan rate was 0.83%, compared to 0.98% in June 2005. NPL coverage rose to 186% from 175% a year earlier. O The efficiency ratio improved by 4.4 points to 48.6% as revenues grew by double the pace of costs. O Return on equity (ROE) improved by two points and earnings per share (EPS) amounted to EUR 0.51, up 26%. O At June 30th, Santander held 21.97% of Sovereign, acquired at a total cost of EUR 2,046 million. The stake will be accounted for by the equity method from July 1st in the Group's earnings. Madrid, July 27th 2006. Grupo Santander registered net attributable profit of EUR 3,216 million in the first half of 2006, an increase of 26% from the same period in 2005. This result is in line with the goal of finishing the year with an ordinary attributable profit of EUR 6,500 million announced by Chairman Emilio Botin in the Shareholders Meeting of June 17th. The profit obtained in the first half of this year is about equal to the ordinary attributable profit of the whole of 2004. Attributable profit for the second quarter alone stood at EUR 1,723 million, 26% higher than the same period last year and a record. First half earnings were underpinned by strong growth in business volumes (18% in loans and 12% in customer funds), in line with the increase in revenues (17%), which was twice the rate of growth in costs (8%). As a result, net o perating income rose by 28%. After increased provisions to reflect the rise in volumes in the most profitable segments, which also have higher risk premiums, and the higher tax rate, net attributable profit rose 26%. The comparisons of this first half with those of 2005 are affected by the evolution of currencies in Latin America, which added between four and five percentage points to the Gro up's revenues and costs. This growth has been achieved together with improvement in all business ratios. Credit quality (through fewer NPLs and greater provisions), return on equity (ROE rose by two points), and efficiency (costs as a percentage of income fell 4.4 points to 48.6%) all improved. At the same time, growth in profit translated directly into growth in earnings per share (EPS), which rose by 26%. Operating areas attributable income distribution Europe accounts for EUR 2,192 million of attributable income +------------------------+------------------------+------------------------+ | | EUR Mill. | % of operating areas | +------------------------+------------------------+------------------------+ | Continental Europe | 1,701 | 51% | +------------------------+------------------------+------------------------+ | UK - Abbey | 491 | 15% | +------------------------+------------------------+------------------------+ | Subtotal Europe | 2,192 | 66% | +------------------------+------------------------+------------------------+ | Latin America | 1,147 | 34% | +------------------------+------------------------+------------------------+ | Total | 3,339 | 100% | +------------------------+------------------------+------------------------+ EUR million and % o/ operating areas total Group results H1'06 First half attributable income grows 26%, after another record quarter... +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Q2'06 attributable income - EUR million | +------------------------------------+------------------------------------+ | Q1'05 | 1,185 | +------------------------------------+------------------------------------+ | Q2'05 | 1,366 | +------------------------------------+------------------------------------+ | Q3'05 | 1,327 | +------------------------------------+------------------------------------+ | Q4'05 | 1,334 | +------------------------------------+------------------------------------+ | Q1'06 | 1,493 | +------------------------------------+------------------------------------+ | Q2'06 | 1,723* | +------------------------------------+------------------------------------+ | (*) +26% as compared to Q2'05 | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | H1'06 attributable income (Y-o-Y) - EUR million | +------------------------------------+------------------------------------+ | H1'05 | 2,551 | +------------------------------------+------------------------------------+ | H1'06 | 3,216* | +------------------------------------+------------------------------------+ | (*) +26% as compared to H1'05 | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ...that positions the Group in line with its 2006 goal (EUR 6,500 million of ordinary attributable income) Excluding extraordinary capital gains and allowances Results Continental Europe generated 51% of Group profit, Latin America 34% and the United Kingdom (Abbey) 15%. Group profit in Continental Europe rose by 11% to EUR 1,701 million, with growth of 16% in net operating income. The largest contribution came from the Santander branch network in Spain, with EUR 673 million (up 7%), followed by Banesto, EUR 302 million (up 16%), Santander Consumer Finance, with EUR 280 million (up 22%) and Portugal, with EUR 216 million (up 25%). The Santander branch network is investing in further quality enhancements and customer satisfaction, through its 'We Want to Be Your Bank' plan, its ambitious programme for opening new branches and the roll-out of the Partenon core banking platform. Costs grew by just 1% despite the addition of 124 branches to the network since June of 2005 through June of this year. As a result, net operating income rose 13%, against an increase of 7% in net operating revenue, reaching a record EUR 615 million in the second quarter. Continental Europe Attributable income of EUR 1,701 million. Implementing our business model in mature markets. Retail banking sets a new record in the second quarter. +-------------------------------------------------+ | % change H1'06/H1'05 | +------------------------+------------------------+ | Gross Operating income | +11% | +------------------------+------------------------+ | Costs* | +7% | +------------------------+------------------------+ | Net operating income | +16% | +------------------------+------------------------+ | Attributable income | +11% | +------------------------+------------------------+ | (*) Personnel + administrative costs + | | depreciation | +-------------------------------------------------+ +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Net operating income - EUR millions | +------------------------+------------------------+------------------------+ | | Retail Banking |Total Continental Europe| +------------------------+------------------------+------------------------+ | Q1'05 | 1,105 | 1,303 | +------------------------+------------------------+------------------------+ | Q2'05 | 1,199 | 1,374 | +------------------------+------------------------+------------------------+ | Q3'05 | 1,184 | 1,308 | +------------------------+------------------------+------------------------+ | Q4'05 | 1,259 | 1,447 | +------------------------+------------------------+------------------------+ | Q1'06 | 1,292 | 1,557 | +------------------------+------------------------+------------------------+ | Q2'06 | 1,371 | 1,535 | +------------------------+------------------------+------------------------+ Latin America: Main units - H1'06 US$ million and % change o/ H1'05 Strong revenue growth with costs under control in all countries. Increase in provisions due to expansion and change of mix +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Gross operating income: 5,126 mill; +25% | +------------------------+------------------------+------------------------+ | Brazil | 1,956 | +25% | +------------------------+------------------------+------------------------+ | Mexico | 1,210 | +29% | +------------------------+------------------------+------------------------+ | Chile | 856 | +32% | +------------------------+------------------------+------------------------+ | Rest of countries | 939 | +13% | +------------------------+------------------------+------------------------+ | S. Private Banking | 165 | +23% | +------------------------+------------------------+------------------------+ +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Net operating income: 2,615 mill; +40% | +------------------------+------------------------+------------------------+ | Brazil | 990 | +39% | +------------------------+------------------------+------------------------+ | Mexico | 625 | +59% | +------------------------+------------------------+------------------------+ | Chile | 504 | +42% | +------------------------+------------------------+------------------------+ | Rest of countries | 395 | +17% | +------------------------+------------------------+------------------------+ | S. Private Banking | 100 | +33% | +------------------------+------------------------+------------------------+ +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Attributable income: 1,409 mill; +21% | +------------------------+------------------------+------------------------+ | Brazil | 436 | +7%* | +------------------------+------------------------+------------------------+ | Mexico | 340 | +40% | +------------------------+------------------------+------------------------+ | Chile | 291 | +45% | +------------------------+------------------------+------------------------+ | Rest of countries | 253 | +6% | +------------------------+------------------------+------------------------+ | S. Private Banking | 88 | +28% | +------------------------+------------------------+------------------------+ | (*) Without impact of AES Tiete in 2005: +35% | +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ In Latin America, revenues grew by 25% and costs by 12%, resulting in an increase in net operating income of 40% in dollars. Provisions increased due to the strong growth in volumes, focused on the most profitable loans, which in general require higher provisions, resulting in an increase in profit of 21%, to US$ 1,409 million. The largest contribution came from Brazil, with a profit of US$ 436 million (up 7%), followed by Mexico, with US$ 340 million (up 40%) and Chile with US$ 291 million (up 45%). In euros, profit for the region rose 27% to EUR 1,147 million. In the United Kingdom, Abbey registered attributable profit in the first half of EUR 491 million, an increase of 40% from the year-earlier first half. This performance was driven by a 8% increase in revenue together with a 11% reduction in costs, resulting in a 49% increase in net operating income. By businesses' contribution to earnings, Retail Banking activities accounted for 77% of profit before tax, or EUR 3,757 million, a 25% increase. Global Wholesale Banking, which represents 14% of the Group's pre-tax earnings, contributed EUR 667 million to the pre-tax profit, 2% lower than first half of 2005, when capital gains from the sale of a stake in a Brazilian electrical utility were registered. Without this one-time item in 2005, profit rose 15%, driven by a 42% increase in customer business. Business revenue rose 42% and costs 12%. Asset Management and Insurance, with a 9% contribution to the Group's profit, grew its revenue by 20% and its costs by 5%. This enabled net operating income to rise by 35%. Pre-tax profit rose 30% to EUR 441 million. Total Group revenues in mutual funds and insurance increased 15%, with rises of 21% in insurance, 13% in mutual funds and 3% in pensions. Business Grupo Santander ended the first half of 2006 with EUR 976,511 million in funds under management, an increase of 12%. Of this total, EUR 818,096 million is on the balance sheet, which grew by 12%, and the remainder are off-balance sheet customer funds, such as mutual funds and pensions. Grupo Santander gross lending was EUR 484,442 million at the close of the first half, an increase of 18%. The inclusion of Abbey in the balance sheet at the close of 2004 results in greater geographical diversification of risks, with 51% in Continental Europe, 38% in the United Kingdom and the remaining 11% in Latin America. Gross loans and credits Billion euros +--------------------+------------------+ |Jun 05 |410 | +--------------------+------------------+ |Sep 05 |430 | +--------------------+------------------+ |Dec 05 |443 | +--------------------+------------------+ |Mar 06 |459 | +--------------------+------------------+ |Jun 06 |484 (*) | +--------------------+------------------+ |(*)+18% as compared to Jun 05. The | |increase is of +19.6% excluding the | |effect of the exchange rate. | +---------------------------------------+ Gross loans and credits. June 2006 % o/ operating areas +----------------------+----------+ |Latin America |11% | +----------------------+----------+ |Continental Europe |51% | +----------------------+----------+ |United Kingdom - Abbey|38% | +----------------------+----------+ In Continental Europe, lending rose 22%, to EUR 240,044 million, with growth in all countries and units. The Santander branch network in Spain grew 18%, Banesto 22%, Portugal 11% and Santander Consumer Finance 29%. The Santander branch network registered diversified growth both in products - mortgages (up 18%), loans (up 20%) and leasing/renting (up 17%) - and in segments - mass-market individual (up 18%) and businesses ( up 23%). Lending grew significantly in the second quarter, with a 6% rise in credit outstanding in June compared to March of this year. The Santander branch network this year launched the 'We Want To Be Your Bank' plan, which aims to improve service quality and customer satisfaction, eliminating service commissions to customers linked to the bank through products such as payroll deposits, pensions, pension plans or mortgages. It is meeting its targets. The impact on earnings was a fall in revenues from service commissions in the Santander branch network in Spain of 10%, or EUR 40 million. Banesto grew 21% in mass-market individual customers, 19% in small companies and 23% in medium-sized companies, the strategic areas it has focused on and which are enabling it to grow its market share. Santander Consumer Finance continued to expand, through organic growth as well as new projects. Its loan portfolio rose 20%, with direct loans up 35% and revolving cards 43%. Santander Totta has a loan portfolio of EUR 27,768 million. Its mortgage portfo lio grew by 11% and consumer finance loans by 17%. Retail business increased 11% and SMEs 25%. Loan volume in Latin America amounted to US$67,705 million, a 24% rise without the currency effect. Lending increased by 30% in Brazil in local currency, with 35% growth in individual customers, 45% en SMEs and 26% in companies, which enabled it to grow market share to 5.8%. Mexico grew 32% with a 75% increase in individual customers and 51% in loans to SMEs and companies. In Chile, loan volume grew 22%, with increases of 24% in individuals - where its market share amounts to 25% - and 29% in SMEs. The turnaround of Abbey is one of the bank's key priorities. Abbey closed the first half with loan volume of EUR 182,597 million, up 14% in pounds. Gross mortgage production grew 37%, from £11,600 million in the first half of 2005 to £15,900 million in the same period of this year. In the first half of last year, Abbey's mortgage balance grew only by £100 million. This year, the balance increased by £4,200 million due to the new mortgages produced and to stable repayments compared to the first half of 2005. This has enabled Abbey to improve its share in new business generated in the market. Total managed customer funds amounted to EUR 709,245 million at the close of the first half, up 12% from a year earlier. Balance sheet resources rose 11%, to EUR 550,831 million, whilst off-balance sheet items (basically mutual funds and pensions) rose 14%, to EUR 158,414 million. Mutual funds increased 9% and pension plans 12%. Continental Europe accounted for 44% of managed customer funds, Abbey 36% and Latin America 20%. Customer funds under management Billion euros +--------------------+------------------+ |Jun 05 |634 | +--------------------+------------------+ |Sep 05 |662 | +--------------------+------------------+ |Dec 05 |681 | +--------------------+------------------+ |Mar 06 |699 | +--------------------+------------------+ |Jun 06 |709* | +--------------------+------------------+ |(*)+11.9% as compared to Jun 05. The | |increase is of +13.6% excluding the | |effect of the exchange rate. | +---------------------------------------+ Customer funds under management. June 2006 % o/ operating areas +----------------------+----------+ |Latin America |20% | +----------------------+----------+ |Continental Europe |44% | +----------------------+----------+ |United Kingdom - Abbey|36% | +----------------------+----------+ In Continental Europe, customer funds under management amounted to EUR 274,115 million, up 10%. Spain, which represents more than 83%, balance sheet resources increased by 13% and off-balance resources by 10%. The Group remains the leader in mutual funds in Spain, with a market share of 24.6%, and continues to be second in Portugal. In Latin America, customer funds were US$160,404 million, up 20% excluding the exchange rate effect and up 16% in euros. In deposits less repos and securitisations, all countries grew at double-digit rates. Brazil, Mexico and Chile increased 15%, whilst Colombia, Venezuela and Argentina grew between 23% and 26%. Mutual funds increased 23% and pensions 15%. In Abbey customer manager funds rose 5%, to EUR 225,727 million, up 8% in local currency. The net savings flow (difference between new savings inflows and outflows) was a positive £1,340 million, compared to £1,290 million in the first half of last year. Managed assets in mutual funds rose 21%. In May, Abbey reached an agreement for the sale of its life insurance business to Resolution PLC. for EUR 5,200 million. The deal is expected to close during the third quarter of this year. Management and capital ratios Efficiency: Growth in revenues more than doubled growth in costs, leading to a significant improvement in the efficiency ratio. At close of the first half of 2005, overall costs and amortisations absorbed 53.0% of revenues, falling to 48.6% at the end of June 2006, a 4.4 percentage point improvement in a year. Abbey registered the biggest improvement, improving from 67.2% in the first half of 2005 to 55.2% this year. In Continental Europe, the efficiency rate was 40.5% and in Latin America 46.6%, improvements of 2.1 and 5.8 percentage points, respectively. Efficiency Strong improvement in EFFICIENCY* in all operating areas, placing the Group's ratio below 50% (*) including amortisations +-------------------------------------------------+ | Group efficiency ratio | +-------------------------------------------------+ |% | +------------------------+------------------------+ | H1'05 | 53.0% | +------------------------+------------------------+ | H1'06 | 48.6% | +------------------------+------------------------+ +-------------------------------------------------+ | Continental Europe | +-------------------------------------------------+ |% | +------------------------+------------------------+ | H1'05 | 42.6% | +------------------------+------------------------+ | H1'06 | 40.5% | +------------------------+------------------------+ +-------------------------------------------------+ | Abbey | +-------------------------------------------------+ |% | +------------------------+------------------------+ | H1'05 | 67.2% | +------------------------+------------------------+ | H1'06 | 55.2% | +------------------------+------------------------+ +-------------------------------------------------+ | Latam | +-------------------------------------------------+ |% | +------------------------+------------------------+ | H1'05 | 52.4% | +------------------------+------------------------+ | H1'06 | 46.6% | +------------------------+------------------------+ Credit quality NPL ratios still at historical lows with a high coverage ratio +--------------------------------------------------------+ | NPL and coverage | +--------------------+------------------+----------------+ | | Jun'05 | Jun'06 | +--------------------+------------------+----------------+ | Coverage | 175% | 186% | +--------------------+------------------+----------------+ | NPL | 0.98% | 0.83% | +--------------------+------------------+----------------+ +--------------------------------------------------------+ | Continental Europe | +--------------------+------------------+----------------+ | | Jun'05 | Jun'06 | +--------------------+------------------+----------------+ | Coverage | 240% | 253% | +--------------------+------------------+----------------+ | NPL | 0.79% | 0.72% | +--------------------+------------------+----------------+ +--------------------------------------------------------+ | Abbey | +--------------------+------------------+----------------+ | | Jun'05 | Jun'06 | +--------------------+------------------+----------------+ | Coverage | 74% | 82% | +--------------------+------------------+----------------+ | NPL | 0.80% | 0.63% | +--------------------+------------------+----------------+ +--------------------------------------------------------+ | LatAm | +--------------------+------------------+----------------+ | | Jun'05 | Jun'06 | +--------------------+------------------+----------------+ | Coverage | 182% | 168% | +--------------------+------------------+----------------+ | NPL | 2.09% | 1.77% | +--------------------+------------------+----------------+ NPLs: The expansion of the Group's lending activity came with a drop in the NPL ratio, meaning that the ratios of NPLs and doubtful loans reached an all-time low at the end of the first half of 2006. Grupo Santander's NPL rate is 0.83%, with 186% coverage. Grupo Santander has EUR 5,197 million in generic funds, or reserves for the future. Capital: The Group's eligible capital amounted to EUR 55,107 million at the end of the first half, with a surplus of EUR 19,554 million over minimum requirements. With this capital base, the BIS ratio is 12.4%, with Tier I at 7.4% and core capital at 5.8%. The acquisition of the stake in Sovereign Bancorp during the second quarter didn't change the soundness of capital ratios. At the end of June, Grupo Santander had a 21.97% stake in Sovereign, the 18th financial group in the US, at a cost of EUR 2,046 million. The stake will be accounted for by the equity method from July 1st of this year During the second quarter of this year, rating agencies Standard & Poor's and Fitch Ratings upgraded the ratings of the Group and its subsidiaries, whilst Moody's confirmed them. This places us as one of the best rated banks in Europe in its long-term rating. The share and the dividend The Santander share closed the first half at EUR 11.42, a 2.4% rise in six months and 19.1% in a year. At the end of June 2006, Santander's market capitalisation amounted to EUR 71,424 million, making the Group the largest Spanish company and the largest bank in the Eurozone. The first dividend charged against 2006 will be paid on August 1st. It amounts to EUR 0.106904 per share, up 15% compared to the first dividend of 2005. Grupo Santander's shareholder base comes to 2,393,463 shareholders. 130,788 persons work in the Group, servicing 67 million customers in 10,439 offices. Income statement Million euros Variation Jan.-Jun. Jan.-Jun. Amount % 06 05 Net interest income (w/o 5,721 4,731 990 20.9 dividends) Dividends 237 208 29 13.7 Net interest income 5,958 4,940 1,019 20.6 Income from companies accounted 241 329 (89) (26.9) for by the equity method Net fees 3,514 2,938 576 19.6 Insurance activity 455 397 58 14.6 Commercial revenue 10,168 8,604 1,564 18.2 Gains (losses) on financial 934 869 66 7.6 transactions Gross operating income 11,103 9,473 1,630 17.2 Income from non-financial 231 223 9 3.8 services Non-financial expenses (51) (77) 26 (33.6) Other operating income (44) (41) (3) 7.1 Operating costs (5,579) (5,165) (414) 8.0 General administrative expenses (5,021) (4,695) (326) 6.9 Personnel (3,012) (2,792) (220) 7.9 Other administrative expenses (2,009) (1,903) (106) 5.6 Depreciation and amortisation (558) (470) (88) 18.8 Net operating income 5,661 4,413 1,247 28.3 Impairment loss on assets (1,133) (697) (437) 62.7 Loans (1,100) (676) (424) 62.7 Goodwill (5) - (5) - Other assets (28) (21) (8) 37.6 Other income 5 (246) 251 - Income before taxes 4,532 3,471 1,061 30.6 Corporate income tax (979) (661) (317) 48.0 Net income from ordinary 3,553 2,810 743 26.5 activity Net income from discontinued (7) 1 (8) - operations Net consolidated income 3,546 2,811 736 26.2 Minority interests 330 260 71 27.2 Attributable income to the 3,216 2,551 665 26.1 Group Customer loans Million euros Variation 30.06.06 30.06.05 Amount % 31.12.05 Public sector 5,628 5,474 154 2.8 5,243 Other residents 175,294 140,018 35,276 25.2 153,727 Secured loans 96,576 70,626 25,950 36.7 81,343 Other loans 78,717 69,391 9,326 13.4 72,384 Non-resident sector 303,520 264,980 38,540 14.5 284,468 Secured loans 179,598 167,637 11,962 7.1 174,117 Other loans 123,922 97,344 26,578 27.3 110,352 Gross loans and credits 484,442 410,472 73,970 18.0 443,439 Credit loss allowance 7,852 7,340 511 7.0 7,610 Net loans and credits 476,591 403,132 73,459 18.2 435,829 Pro memoria: Doubtful loans 4,470 4,289 181 4.2 4,356 Public sector 19 1 18 - 3 Other residents 1,096 982 114 11.6 1,027 Non-resident sector 3,355 3,306 49 1.5 3,326 Customer funds under management Million euros Variation 30.06.06 30.06.05 Amount % 31.12.05 Public sector 11,156 14,555 (3,399) (23.4) 14,366 Other residents 87,421 81,827 5,593 6.8 83,392 Demand deposits 52,008 48,454 3,554 7.3 50,124 Time deposits 20,194 18,436 1,758 9.5 18,799 REPOs 15,219 14,938 281 1.9 14,470 Non-resident sector 207,205 201,996 5,209 2.6 208,008 Demand deposits 116,192 111,965 4,227 3.8 113,603 Time deposits 70,939 74,746 (3,807) (5.1) 77,195 REPOs 17,405 11,613 5,792 49.9 14,366 Public Sector 2,669 3,672 (1,003) (27.3) 2,844 Customer deposits 305,782 298,379 7,403 2.5 305,765 Debt securities 172,323 122,756 49,566 40.4 148,840 Subordinated debt 30,240 29,557 682 2.3 28,763 Insurance liabilities 42,487 43,862 (1,375) (3.1) 44,672 On-balance-sheet customer funds 550,831 494,554 56,277 11.4 528,041 Mutual funds 113,618 104,686 8,932 8.5 109,480 Pension funds 27,709 24,797 2,912 11.7 28,619 Managed portfolios 17,088 9,766 7,321 75.0 14,746 Off-balance-sheet customer 158,414 139,249 19,165 13.8 152,846 funds Customer funds under management 709,245 633,803 75,442 11.9 680,887 Shareholders' equity and minority interests Million euros Variation 30.06.06 30.06.05 Amount % 31.12.05 Capital stock 3,127 3,127 - - 3,127 Additional paid-in surplus 20,370 20,370 - - 20,370 Reserves 12,389 8,619 3,769 43.7 8,781 Treasury stock (22) (0) (22) - (53) On-balance-sheet shareholders' 35,864 32,116 3,747 11.7 32,225 equity Net attributable income 3,216 2,551 665 26.1 6,220 Interim dividend distributed - - - - (1,163) Shareholders' equity at 39,080 34,667 4,413 12.7 37,283 period-end Interim dividend not (669) (581) (87) 15.0 (1,442) distributed Shareholders' equity 38,411 34,086 4,325 12.7 35,841 Valuation adjustments 2,406 3,004 (598) (19.9) 3,077 Minority interests 2,898 2,462 436 17.7 2,848 Preferred securities 1,257 1,759 (501) (28.5) 1,309 Preferred securities in 6,286 6,797 (510) (7.5) 6,773 subordinated debt Shareholders' equity and minority interests 51,258 48,107 3,151 6.6 49,848 Computable capital and BIS ratio Million euros Variation 30.06.06 30.06.05 Amount % 31.12.05 Computable basic capital 32,928 28,609 4,318 15.1 32,532 Computable supplementary 22,180 20,628 1,551 7.5 20,894 capital Computable capital 55,107 49,238 5,869 11.9 53,426 Risk-weighted assets 444,420 384,428 59,992 15.6 412,734 BIS ratio 12.40 12.81 (0.41) 12.94 Tier 1 7.41 7.44 (0.03) 7.88 Core capital 5.75 5.35 0.40 6.05 Cushion 19,554 18,484 1,070 5.8 20,407 This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock Exchange
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