Progress Report

Brancote Holdings PLC 14 August 2000 Contacts Richard Prickett, Chairman Bill Humphries, Managing Director Brancote Holdings PLC 020 7493 1002 David Bick Holborn Public Relations 020 7929 5599 BRANCOTE HOLDINGS PLC Argentine 60% Joint venture Progress Report on Exploration programme Highlights * RESOURCE STATEMENT - Results from the Phase II drilling programme carried out in the first half of year 2000 take the resource defined to date on the highly prospective Esquel Gold Project to in excess of 2.45 million ounces of gold and 5.4 million ounces of silver. * GEOPHYSICAL SURVEY - The Induced Polarisation (I.P). and Resistivity survey carried out over the southern core area of the Cordon de Esquel has produced a large quantity of anomalous resistive features with trends similar to several of the known silicified structures and has shown the possible extension of the Galadriel Sur vein towards the Elena and Julia vein systems. * LAND - The acquisition of the Willemanco and Leleque exploration concessions completes the consolidation of M.E.D.'s land position on the highly prospective Cordon de Esquel and Cordon Leleque bringing the total area held in the Esquel region to excess of 140000 hectares. * PHASE III DRILLING - Preparations are on target to commence the Phase III 12000 metre drilling programme in early September aimed at extending the two major resources Galadriel Sur and Julia together with exploration drilling on the newly defined I.P.Resistivity targets. Bill Humphries, Managing Director of Brancote Holdings PLC said: 'The excellent drilling and exploration success achieved over the past 18 months has established the presence of a world class gold resource at Esquel.' Resource Statement Further to the resource statement published in February 2000, Minera El Desquite (MED) requested Pincock Allen & Holt (PAH) a leading mine engineering consulting company based in Denver, Colorado, to produce a resource estimate incorporating both the Phase I, 1999 and Phase II, 2000 drilling programme. These programmes comprise approximately 22000 metres and have defined resources in five deposits namely: Galadriel, Galadriel Sur, Elena Norte, Elena Sur and Julia. The resource summary reported by PAH is: TABLE 1-1 Brancote Holdings PLC Esquel Gold Project Total Project Resource Summary (as of August 2, 2000) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Gold Silver Contained Contained Resource Cutoff Resource Grade Grade Gold Silver Category Grade gpt Tonnes gpt gpt Ounces Ounces ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Measured 1.0 3,695,000 9.87 18.99 1,173,000 2,255,600 2.0 3,331,000 10.79 20.64 1,155,000 2,210,100 3.0 3,003,000 11.69 22.29 1,129,000 2,151,700 4.0 2,696,000 12.63 23.90 1,094,700 2,071,300 5.0 2,437,000 13.50 25.46 1,057,400 1,994,600 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Indicated 1.0 2,628,000 8.98 16.94 759,100 1,431,000 2.0 2,347,000 9.88 18.53 745,700 1,397,900 3.0 2,143,000 10.59 19.74 729,500 1,360,300 4.0 1,893,000 11.52 21.44 701,400 1,304,700 5.0 1,661,000 12.51 23.17 668,000 1,237,400 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Measured 1.0 6,323,000 9.50 18.1 1,932,100 3,686,700 Plus 2.0 5,678,000 10.41 19.8 1,901,000 3,608,000 Indicated 3.0 5,146,000 11.23 21.2 1,858,500 3,512,000 4.0 4,589,000 12.17 22.9 1,796,100 3,376,000 5.0 4,098,000 13.10 24.5 1,725,400 3,232,000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Inferred 1.0 1,867,000 3.27 4.97 196,400 298,300 2.0 846,000 5.53 7.52 150,400 204,500 3.0 593,000 6.84 8.73 130,400 166,400 4.0 435,000 8.07 10.04 112,900 140,400 5.0 593,000 9.87 12.27 91,700 114,000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 1.0 8,190,000 8.08 15.1 2,128,400 3,985,000 Resources 2.0 6,524,000 9.78 18.2 2,051,000 3,812,000 3.0 5,739,000 10.78 19.9 1,988,900 3,678,000 4.0 5,024,000 11.82 21.8 1,908,000 3,516,300 5.0 4,387,000 12.88 23.7 1,817,100 3,346,000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ A full report describing the work performed by PAH is being prepared. The scope of work included a review of the geology and data collection methods used by MED, including mapping, drilling, sampling, assaying, quality control procedures and data base compilation. The PAH resource statement will serve as an independent report prepared by a Competent Person as defined by the Council of Mining and Metallurgical institution in the UK. PAH has been responsible for the preparation of the resource estimate contained on this announcement and has more than five years experience in the estimation, assessment and evaluation of mineral resources on ore reserves which is relevant to the style of mineralisation under consideration. Resource definition, as estimated by PAH is attached as an appendix to this report. MED total resources at Esquel now stand at: Ounces / Gold Ounces / Silver Esquel Gold Project PAH 2,128,400 3,985,000 La Joya Del Sol 209,000 1,413,000 Huemules 114,300 Not Available --------------------------------------------------------- Total Resources 2,451,700 5,398,000 Highlights of PAH's resource estimate are: * 90% of the resource is in the measured and indicated category. * The Galadriel Sur deposit contains 1.33 million ounces of gold of which 1.2 million ounces have a grade in excess of 14 grams/tonnes. Both Galadriel Sur and Julia are open at depth with continuing high grade gold and widths. To date, Galadriel Sur has been drilled to an average of 125 metres down dip, along 500 metres of strike and remains open to the south. Julia has been drilled to an average of 70 metres down dip, along 250 metres of strike and remains open to the north. Geophysical Survey Quantac Geofisica Argentina has reported on the Induced Polarisation, Resistivity and Total Field Ground Magnetic Surveys conducted over the southern area of the Cordon De Esquel, centred on the Galadriel Sur and Elena systems. Electrical resistivity proved to be the most effective measured geophysical parameter to detect and delineate silicified structures in the survey area. The gradient surveys produced a large quantity of anomalously resistive features with similar trends to several of the known silicified structures. A comparison between mapped veins (Galadriel Sur) and resistive lineaments shows a high correlation. Three 'Real' sections conducted over the high area between the veins Galadriel and Julia indicate a trend of much stronger resistivity anomalies and shows possible extension of the Galadriel Sur vein under a tuff unit. In addition there are many similar resistive lineaments and broader resistive areas that do not correspond to known veins, in particular, data indicates that at least two resistive trends occur at depth in the vicinity of the Galadriel Sur vein. Land Negotiations have been successfully concluded with Minera Andes for the 'option to purchase' its exploration 'cateos' adjacent to the Cordon De Esquel. This acquisition gives MED strategic control over the entire 70Km long range from Cordon Leleque in the north to the Sierra Colorada in the south. Ha Land Acquired Cateo Willemanco 13105/97 3,249 Mina Leon 1 13107/97 2,047 Mina Leon II 13108/97 1,749 Cateo Leleque 13123/97 9,924 Also by MED Mina Esperanza 12909/96 1,004 Sub total 18018 Has Total area held by MED in Esquel 140952 Has Phase III Drilling Preparation is well advanced to commence the Phase III drilling and exploration programmes in early September. Major Drilling has been awarded the contract to supply two 650 multipurpose (Diamond and R.C.) drill rigs, one of which has already been mobilised to site with the second due by 10th September. Contingencies are in place for a third and larger drill if required. Drilling will target down dip and along strike extension of the two main resources Galadriel Sur and Julia, where drilling in the last programme finished in high grade (+30g/t Au). Exploration drilling will target the highly prospective Antonia and Ungoliant vein systems together with the new I.P. resistivity interpreted structures to the south of and adjacent to Galadriel Sur. This programme is scheduled for completion by mid December. APPENDIX Resource Definition The following are definitions of terms relating to various categories of resources used by PAH in this report. Resource: A concentration of naturally occurring solid, liquid or gaseous material in or on the Earth's crust in such form and amount that economic extraction of a commodity from the concentration is currently or potentially feasible. Location, grade, quality and quantity are known or estimated from specific geological evidence. To be classified as a resource, there must not only be some evidence that the concentration of materials exists, but there must be sufficient information available to estimate the quantity of material. To reflect varying degrees of geological certainty, resources can be subdivided into measured, indicated, and inferred. Measured: Quantity is computed from dimensions revealed in outcrops, trenches, workings, or drill holes; grade and/or quality are computed from the results of detailed sampling. The sites for inspection, sampling and measurements are spaced so closely and the geological character is so well defined that size, shape, depth, and mineral content of the resource are well established. Indicated: Quantity and grade and/or quality are computed from information similar to that used for measured resources, but the sites for inspection, sampling, and measurements are further apart or are otherwise less adequately spaced. The degree of assurance, although lower than measured resources, is high enough to assume geological continuity between points of observation. Inferred: Estimates are based on geological evidence and assumed continuity in which there is less confidence than for measured and/or indicated resources. Inferred resources may or may not be supported by samples or measurements but the inference must be supported by reasonable geo-scientific (geological, geochemical, geophysical, or other) data.
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