Rule 8.3- Iberdrola

Banco Santander Central Hispano SA 16 March 2007 FORM 8.3 DEALINGS BY PERSONS WITH INTERESTS IN SECURITIES REPRESENTING 1% OR MORE (Rule 8.3 of the Takeover Code) 1. KEY INFORMATION Name of person dealing (Note 1) BANCO SANTANDER CENTRAL HISPANO, S.A. Company dealt in IBERDROLA Class of relevant security to which the ORDINARY dealings being disclosed relate (Note 2) Date of dealing 15/03/2007 2. INTERESTS, SHORT POSITIONS AND RIGHTS TO SUBSCRIBE (a) Interests and short positions (following dealing) in the class of relevant security dealt in (Note 3) Long Short Number Number (%) (%) (1) Relevant securities 12,310,603........1.365% (2) Derivatives (other than options) 20,734,772........2.300% 40,828,067......4.529% (3) Options and agreements to purchase/sell 5,010,336.........0.555%... 6,975,237.......0.774% Total 38,055,711........4.221% 47,803,304......5.302% (b) Interests and short positions in relevant securities of the company, other than the class dealt in (Note 3) Class of relevant security: Long Short Number (%) Number (%) (1) Relevant securities (2) Derivatives (other than options) (3) Options and agreements to purchase/sell Total (c) Rights to subscribe (Note 3) Class of relevant security: Details 3. DEALINGS (Note 4) (a) Purchases and sales Purchase/sale Number of securities Price per unit (Note 5) Euro Purchase 13,926 33.07 Purchase 10,000 32.74 Purchase 832 32.93 Purchase 27,155 32.96 Purchase 7,500 32.97 Purchase 8,400 32.98 Purchase 2,583 32.99 Purchase 28,660 33.00 Purchase 29,379 33.01 Purchase 5,402 33.02 Purchase 6,216 33.04 Purchase 150 33.05 Purchase 20,074 33.07 Purchase 81,664 33.09 Purchase 49,202 33.10 Purchase 159,323 33.11 Purchase 72,080 33.12 Purchase 73,564 33.13 Purchase 42,500 33.14 Purchase 51,983 33.15 Purchase 5,000 33.16 Purchase 50,147 33.17 Purchase 20,000 33.18 Purchase 49,518 33.19 Purchase 40,482 33.20 Purchase 18,033 33.21 Purchase 29,035 33.22 Purchase 319 33.24 Purchase 73,355 33.25 Purchase 7,444 33.29 Purchase 15,000 33.12 Purchase 1,917 33.17 Purchase 8,961 33.21 Purchase 5,890 33.22 Purchase 23,694 33.23 Purchase 9,274 33.24 Purchase 4,581 33.25 Purchase 18,700 33.26 Purchase 500 33.28 Purchase 6,836 33.29 Purchase 19,647 33.30 Purchase 6,000 33.51 Purchase 25,000 33.40 Purchase 25,000 33.51 Purchase 6,000 33.06 Purchase 15,000 33.10 Purchase 920 32.95 Purchase 14,080 32.97 Purchase 6,629 32.94 Purchase 5,000 32.99 Purchase 10,000 32.98 Purchase 8,000 33.00 Purchase 6,859 33.07 Purchase 100,000 33.51 Purchase 800 32.98 Purchase 20,354 33.00 Purchase 4,000 33.08 Purchase 3,700 33.14 Purchase 11,300 33.15 Purchase 12,812 33.16 Purchase 24,876 33.51 Purchase 100,000 33.51 Purchase 30,000 33.25 Purchase 20,000 33.18 Purchase 40,000 33.14 Purchase 20,000 33.17 Purchase 10,000 32.74 Purchase 400 32.74 Purchase 7,502 32.74 Purchase 1,623 32.74 Purchase 475 32.74 Purchase 10,000 32.74 Purchase 10,000 32.74 Purchase 10,000 32.74 Purchase 3,830 32.74 Purchase 1,243 32.74 Purchase 5,044 32.74 Purchase 3,113 32.74 Purchase 1,770 32.74 Purchase 13,000 32.74 Purchase 5,000 32.74 Purchase 5,000 32.74 Disposal 13,926 33.11 Disposal 970,000 33.13 Disposal 115,000 33.24 Disposal 6,000 33.51 Disposal 5,000 32.90 Disposal 10,000 32.99 Disposal 9 33.08 Disposal 1,239 33.07 Disposal 3,752 33.05 Disposal 15,000 33.15 Disposal 20,000 33.19 Disposal 22,000 33.22 Disposal 15,000 33.25 Disposal 32,000 33.24 Disposal 5,000 33.17 Disposal 8,000 33.20 Disposal 2,001 33.48 Disposal 45,000 33.30 Disposal 5,000 33.18 Disposal 10,000 33.28 Disposal 5,000 33.31 Disposal 5,000 33.33 Disposal 3,132 33.39 Disposal 6,868 33.38 Disposal 9,000 33.43 Disposal 10,000 33.44 Disposal 5,000 33.42 Disposal 65,000 33.51 Disposal 13,683 32.75 Disposal 5,818 33.51 Derivatives transactions (other than options) Product name, Long/short (Note 6) Number of securities (Note 7) Price per unit (Note 5) Euro e.g. CFD Future 31/03/2007 long 600 32.70 Future 31/03/2007 long 3,000 33.06 Future 31/03/2007 long 3,000 33.08 Future 31/03/2007 long 300 33.12 Future 30/06/2007 short 1,000 33.40 Warrant put 33 short 900 0.40 06/07 Warrant call 34 short 45,000 0.65 12/07 Warrant call 34 long 45,000 0.66 12/07 Warrant call 35 short 150,000 0.44 09/07 Warrant call 35 short 50,000 0.47 09/07 Warrant call 35 long 50,000 0.48 09/07 Warrant call 35 short 50,000 0.46 09/07 Warrant call 35 long 50,000 0.46 09/07 Warrant call 35 short 50,000 0.47 09/07 Warrant call 35 long 50,000 0.48 09/07 (c) Options transactions in respect of existing securities (i) Writing, selling, purchasing or varying Product name, Writing, selling, Number of securities Exercise Type, e.g. Expiry Option money purchasing, to which the option American, e.g. call option varying etc. relates (Note 7) price European etc. date paid/received per unit (Note 5) (ii) Exercising Product name, e.g. call option Number of securities Exercise price per unit (Note 5) (d) Other dealings (including new securities) (Note 4) Nature of transaction (Note 8) Details Price per unit (if applicable) (Note 5) 4. OTHER INFORMATION Agreements, arrangements or understandings relating to options or derivatives NONE Full details of any agreement, arrangement or understanding between the person disclosing and any other person relating to the voting rights of any relevant securities under any option referred to on this form or relating to the voting rights or future acquisition or disposal of any relevant securities to which any derivative referred to on this form is referenced. If none, this should be stated. Is a Supplemental Form 8 attached? (Note 9) YES Date of disclosure 16/03/2007 Contact name JOSE MANUEL ARALUCE Telephone number (34) 91-289 3392 If a connected EFM, name of offeree/offeror with which connected If a connected EFM, state nature of connection (Note 10) Notes The Notes on Form 8.3 can be viewed on the Takeover Panel's website at SUPPLEMENTAL FORM 8 DETAILS OF OPEN POSITIONS (This form should be attached to Form 8.1, Form 8.1(b)(ii) or Form 8.3, as appropriate) OPEN POSITIONS (Note 1) Product name, Written or Number of securities Exercise price Type, e.g. Expiry date purchased to which the option or (Note 2) American, e.g. call option derivative relates European etc. Euro CALL OPTION Written 305,000 33 european 31-Mar-07 CALL OPTION Written 235,000 30 european 31-Mar-07 CALL OPTION Written 5,000 32 european 31-Mar-07 CALL OPTION purchase 210,000 34 european 31-Mar-07 CALL OPTION Written 10,000 35 european 31-Mar-07 CALL OPTION purchase 20,000 36 european 31-Mar-07 CALL OPTION Written 10,000 35 european 30-Jun-07 CALL OPTION Written 105,000 36 european 30-Jun-07 CALL OPTION Written 130,000 37 european 30-Jun-07 CALL OPTION Written 2,110,000 38 european 30-Jun-07 CALL OPTION Written 30,000 31 european 30-Sep-07 CALL OPTION Written 500,000 33 european 31-Dec-07 CALL OPTION purchase 250,000 22 european 31-Dec-08 CALL OPTION purchase 500,000 39 european 31-Dec-08 CALL OPTION purchase 100 33 european 31-Mar-07 CALL OPTION Written 300 36 european 31-Mar-07 CALL OPTION purchase 9,000 35 european 31-Dec-07 CALL OPTION purchase 200,000 21 european 30-Jun-08 CALL OPTION Written 250,000 22 european 31-Dec-08 CALL OPTION Written 300,000 34 european 16-Mar-07 CALL OPTION purchase 500,000 33.5 european 16-Mar-07 CALL OPTION Written 300,000 23 european 21-Dec-07 CALL OPTION Written 11,456 32.57 european 17-Jan-08 CALL OPTION Written 22,975 34.82 european 20-Aug-08 CALL OPTION purchase 22,975 38.6502 european 20-Aug-08 CALL OPTION Written 8,563 34.96 european 26-Feb-09 CALL OPTION Written 820,868 27.41 european 01-Apr-09 CALL OPTION purchase 87,613 20.17 european 29-Apr-08 CALL OPTION purchase 100,000 34 european 30-Jun-07 CALL OPTION Written 192,375 17.4867 european 19-Nov-07 PUT OPTION Written 300,000 34 european 16-Mar-07 PUT OPTION purchase 8,961 33.48 european 20-Mar-07 PUT OPTION purchase 19,929 27.5975 european 11-Sep-07 PUT OPTION Written 250,000 22 european 20-Jun-08 PUT OPTION Written 59,648 24.98 european 12-Jun-09 PUT OPTION purchase 160,810 18.242 european 25-Jun-09 PUT OPTION Written 200,000 32.04 european 23-Mar-07 PUT OPTION Written 100,000 33 european 31-Mar-07 PUT OPTION Written 251,000 32 european 31-Mar-07 PUT OPTION purchase 30,000 34 european 31-Mar-07 PUT OPTION purchase 500,000 32 european 30-Jun-07 PUT OPTION purchase 300,000 33 european 30-Jun-07 PUT OPTION Written 500,000 32 european 31-Dec-07 PUT OPTION Written 750,000 33 european 31-Dec-07 PUT OPTION purchase 250,000 22 european 31-Dec-08 PUT OPTION Written 50,000 32 european 31-Mar-07 PUT OPTION purchase 200,000 33 european 31-Mar-07 PUT OPTION Written 200,000 22 european 30-Jun-07 PUT OPTION purchase 150,000 33 european 30-Jun-07 PUT OPTION purchase 9,000 31 european 31-Dec-07 PUT OPTION Written 200,000 33 european 31-Dec-07 PUT OPTION Written 250,000 22 european 31-Dec-08 FUTURE Written 421,800 31-mar-07 FUTURE purchase 10,000 31-mar-07 FUTURE Written 194,600 30-jun-07 FUTURE purchase 2,000,000 18-may-07 FUTURE purchase 166,317 19-nov-08 WARRANT CALL purchase 1,858,205 36.00 european 15-Jun-07 WARRANT CALL purchase 1,926,162 38.00 european 15-Jun-07 WARRANT CALL purchase 778,960 35.00 european 21-Sep-07 WARRANT CALL purchase 11,088 37.00 european 21-Sep-07 WARRANT CALL purchase 2,989,800 36.50 european 21-Dec-07 WARRANT CALL purchase 2,996,100 34.00 european 21-Dec-07 WARRANT CALL purchase 999,890 28.00 european 15-Jun-07 WARRANT CALL purchase 999,900 26.00 european 16-Mar-07 WARRANT CALL purchase 1,498,890 34.00 european 31-Mar-07 WARRANT CALL purchase 1,500,000 37.00 european 31-Mar-07 WARRANT CALL purchase 1,499,460 40.00 european 31-Dec-07 WARRANT PUT purchase 1,998,840 33.00 european 15-Jun-07 WARRANT PUT purchase 2,000,000 36.00 european 15-Jun-07 WARRANT PUT purchase 2,000,000 32.00 european 21-Sep-07 WARRANT PUT purchase 1,998,000 34.00 european 21-Sep-07 WARRANT PUT purchase 3,000,000 31.00 european 21-Dec-07 WARRANT PUT purchase 2,999,000 35.00 european 21-Dec-07 WARRANT PUT purchase 996,500 26.00 european 15-Jun-07 WARRANT PUT purchase 998,500 24.00 european 16-Mar-07 WARRANT PUT Written 1,500,000 24.00 european 31-Mar-07 Notes 1. Where there are open option positions or open derivative positions (except for CFDs), full details should be given. Full details of any existing agreements to purchase or to sell should also be given on this form. 2. For all prices and other monetary amounts, the currency must be stated. For details of the Code's dealing disclosure requirements, see Rule 8 and its Notes which can be viewed on the Takeover Panel's website at This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock Exchange
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