Standard Form TR-1
Standard form for notification of major holdings
NOTIFICATION OF MAJOR HOLDINGS ( to be sent to the relevant issuer and to the Central Bank of Ireland) i
1.Identityoftheissuerortheunderlyingissuerofexistingsharestowhichvotingrightsare attached i i : BankofCyprusHoldingsPublicLimitedCompany |
2.Reasonforthenotification (pleaseticktheappropriateboxorboxes): [x]Anacquisitionordisposalofvotingrights []Anacquisitionordisposaloffinancialinstruments []Aneventchangingthebreakdownofvotingrights []Other(pleasespecify) i i i : |
3.Detailsofpersonsubjecttothenotificationobligation i v : |
T DAssetManagementInc. |
Toronto,Canada |
4.Fullnameofshareholder(s) (ifdifferentfrom3.) v :
TotalheldbyTDAM:13,273,691sharesasatDecember30th,2020 |
5.Dateonwhichthethresholdwascrossedorreached v i :
Dec e m b e r30 t h ,2020 |
Dec e m b e r31 s t 2020 |
7.Threshold(s)thatis/arecrossedorreached: 3% |
8.Totalpositionsofperson(s)subjecttothenotificationobligation: |
%ofvotingrights attachedtoshares (totalof9.A) |
%ofvotingrights throughfinancial instruments (totalof9.B.1+9.B.2) |
Tot a lofbothin% (9.A+9.B) |
Totalnumberof votingrightsof issuer v i i |
Resultingsituation o nthedateonwhich thresholdwas crossedorreached |
2 .98 |
- |
2 .98 |
446.199.933 |
Positionofprevious notification(if applicable) |
3 .99 |
- |
3 .99 |
9.Notifieddetailsoftheresultingsituationonthedateonwhichthethresholdwascrossedor reached v i i i : |
A:Votingrightsattachedtoshares |
C l a ss/typeof shares ISINcode(if possible) |
Numberofvotingrights ix |
%ofvotingrights |
D irect |
Indirect |
D i r ect |
Indirect |
Ordinary |
13,273,691 |
2.98 |
13,273,691 |
2.98 |
B1:FinancialInstrumentsaccordingtoRegulation17(1)(a)oftheRegulations |
Typeoffinancial instrument |
Expiration date x |
E x er c is e / ConversionPeriod xi |
Numberofvoting rightsthatmaybe acquiredifthe instrumentis exercised/converted. |
%ofvotingrights |
B2:FinancialInstrumentswithsimilareconomiceffectaccordingtoRegulation17(1)(b)ofthe Regulations |
Typeoffinancial instrument |
Expiration date x |
E x er c is e / Conversion P e riod xi |
P hysicalor c ash settlement x i i |
Numberof votingrights |
%ofvotingrights |
10.Informationinrelationtothepersonsubjecttothenotificationobligation (pleasetickthe applicablebox):
[x]Personsubjecttothenotificationobligationisnotcontrolledbyanynaturalpersonorlegal entityanddoesnotcontrolanyotherundertaking(s)holdingdirectlyorindirectlyaninterestinthe (underlying)issuer. xiii
[]Fullchainofcontrolledundertakingsthroughwhichthevotingrightsand/orthe financialinstrumentsareeffectivelyheldstartingwiththeultimatecontrollingnaturalpersonor legalentity x i v : |
N ame xv |
%ofvotingrightsif it equalsorishigher thanthenotifiable threshold |
%ofvotingrights throughfinancial instrumentsifitequals orishigherthanthe notifiablethreshold |
Totalofbothifitequals orishigherthanthe notifiablethreshold |
T DAssetManagementInc. asManagerofthefundslisted inNo.4 |
2.98 |
- |
2.98 |
11. In case of proxy voting: [name of the proxy holder] will cease to hold [% and number] voting rights as of [date]
12. Additional information x vi :
Shares owned by TDAM Target Return Fund are custodied through Euroclear Bank, Brussels
Done at [ Toronto, Canada ] on December 31 s t , 2020 .