8 December 2009
Director/PDMR Shareholding: Disclosure and Transparency Rules 3.1.4R(1)(a)
The trustee of the Barclays Group Sharepurchase Plan ("the Plan"), a HM Revenue and Customs approved all-employee share plan, informed Barclays PLC ("the Company") on 8 December 2009 that it had on 7 December 2009 purchased, and now held as bare trustee of the Plan, the following ordinary shares in the capital of the Company for the following Person Discharging Managerial Responsibilities (PDMR) at a price of 298.78p per share:
Number of Shares |
Ms C L Turner |
42 |
The Plan includes Matching Shares provided by the Company on a 1:1 basis up to the first £600 per annum invested by the participant under the Plan. The number of shares purchased on 7 December 2009 for Ms Turner includes any Matching Shares.