18 June 2012
Barclays PLC ("the Company")
Director/PDMR shareholding: Disclosure and Transparency Rules 3.1.4R(1)(a)
1. The Company was notified on 15 June 2012 that, on 14 June 2012, following the re-investment of the interim dividend for the year ended 31 December 2012, the following Directors/PDMRs or their connected persons had received ordinary shares in the Company as follows at a price of 190.62 pence per share:
Director/PDMR |
No. of shares received |
R E Diamond Jr T Kalaris
6,510 31,621
2. The Company was notified by a third party custodian on 15 June 2012 that, on 15 June 2012, following the re-investment of the interim dividend for the year ended 31 December 2012, Ms A Carnwath received 215 ordinary shares in the Company at a price of 188.73 pence per share.
The revised total shareholding for each Director following these transactions is as follows:
Director Beneficial Holding Non-Beneficial Holding
R E Diamond Jr 13,412,839 -
A Carnwath 48,556 -