Disclosure of Short Position in company underta...
Form TR-3. FSA Version 1.0 June 2008
TR-3(1): Disclosure of Disclosable Short Position relating to
Securities which are the subject of a rights issue(2)
1. Full name of person(s) BGI Eos Ltd
holding the disclosable short
2: Name of the issuer of the AEA Technology Plc
relevant securities
3: Disclosable short position(4) 0.47%
4. Date that disclosable short 20 June 2008
position was reached or
(1) This form, or the information contained within it, should be disclosed via an
RIS using the short code DSP. Issuers should conform the commencement of the
rights issuer period with a disclosure, via an RIS, using the short code ARI.
(2) This form relates to the disclosure of short positions in compliance with
amendments to MAR 1.9 market abuse (misleading behaviour) and market abuse
(distortion) of the Market Conduct Sourcebook (MAR). Further material on this
can be found in the FSA's press release of 13 June 2008,
http://www.fsa.gov.uk/pages/Library/Communication/PR/2008/057.shtml and the
related FAQ document on the FSA's website.
(3) Specify the owner or controller of the interest. The naming of nominees or
vehicle companies is insufficient. In the case of positions held by fund
managers on behalf of discretionary clients, the clients need not be named.
Market makers as defined in the Glossary of Definitions in the FSA Handbook and
acting in their capacity as such may be exempt from disclosure of own account
positions: see the definition of "disclosable short position". Positions may be
aggregated in some cases. See FAQ document for further details.
(4) Figure to be expressed as a percentage of issued share capital. Disclosable
short position is defined in the Glossary of Definitions in the FSA Handbook.
Positions must be disclosed on a net basis of all holdings. All financial
instruments that represent a direct interest or direct economic interest in the
relevant issuer must be included within such holdings.
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Obtains access to the information in a personal capacity;
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Does not currently act in any capacity as an investment adviser, whether or not they have at some time been qualified to do so;
Uses the information solely in relation to the management of their personal funds and not as a trader to the public or for the investment of corporate funds;
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