EPT Disclosure Kraft Foods Inc

FORM 38.5(b) DEALINGS BY CONNECTED EXEMPT PRINCIPAL TRADERS WITHOUT RECOGNISED INTERMEDIARY STATUS, OR WITH RI STATUS BUT NOT DEALING IN A CLIENT-SERVING CAPACITY (Rule 38.5(b) of the Takeover Code) 1. KEY INFORMATION Name of exempt principal Barclays Capital Inc trader Company dealt in Kraft Foods Inc Class of relevant security A Common to which the dealings being disclosed relate (Note 1) Date of dealing 1 February 2010 2. INTERESTS, SHORT POSITIONS AND RIGHTS TO SUBSCRIBE (a) Interests and short positions (following dealing) in the class of relevant security dealt in (Note 2) Long Short Number (%) Number (%) (1) Relevant securities 598,674 0.04% 294,479 0.02% (2) Derivatives (other than 0 0.00% 0 0.00% options) (3) Options and agreements 704,500 0.05% 1,915,900 0.13% to purchase/sell Total 1,303,174 0.09% 2,210,379 0.15% (b) Interests and short positions in relevant securities of the company, other than the class dealt in (Note 2) Class of relevant security: Long Short Number (%) Number (%) (1) Relevant securities (2) Derivatives (other than options) (3) Options and agreements to purchase/sell Total (c) Rights to subscribe (Note 2) Class of relevant security: Details 3. DEALINGS (Note 3) (a) Purchases and sales Purchase/sale Number of securities Price per unit (Note 4) (USD) Sale 124 27.9081 Sale 7,464 28.06 Sale 2,179 28.06 Sale 347 27.9445245 Sale 9,606 28.06 Sale 19,834 28.06 Sale 1,600 27.8099 Sale 36,000 27.8973 Sale 724 27.85 Sale 6 27.97 Sale 400 28.0725 Sale 100 27.841 Sale 125 27.87 Sale 108,461 27.99372775 Sale 2,500 27.92 Sale 16,200 27.85216049 Sale 1,000 27.7121 Sale 5,300 27.90830189 Sale 1,200 27.71333333 Sale 900 27.70444444 Sale 2,300 27.91956522 Sale 13,600 27.78566324 Sale 1,100 27.931818 Sale 3,400 27.825588 Sale 9,251 27.91417793 Sale 12,100 28.06 Sale 100 27.97 Sale 175 27.85 Sale 300 27.85 Sale 200 27.85 Sale 133,155 27.87835019 Sale 100 27.86 Sale 1,000 27.96 Sale 17,400 27.81505402 Sale 124 27.69 Sale 4,300 27.71232558 Sale 1,400 28.08928571 Sale 6,500 27.717 Sale 1,384 27.7190896 Sale 500 27.694 Sale 4,037 27.7095645 Sale 9,621 27.69650972 Sale 1,100 27.77272727 Sale 500 28.0218 Sale 7,300 27.95749315 Sale 1,900 28.04236842 Sale 7,600 27.95553947 Sale 1,900 28.04236842 Sale 2,700 27.9262963 Sale 500 28.09 Sale 200 28.034 Sale 2,300 28.01043478 Sale 3,700 28.0229 Sale 400 27.691 Sale 4,200 27.85262143 Sale 200 28.03 Sale 500 27.7442 Sale 200 28.02 Sale 3,000 27.94666667 Sale 100 27.81 Sale 500 27.716 Sale 100 27.7 Sale 1,900 27.91789474 Sale 100 28.07 Sale 10,000 27.967 Sale 4,800 27.99985417 Sale 1,200 27.7917 Sale 2,400 27.865 Sale 116,788 27.97955518 Sale 194,477 27.92275714 Purchase 9,906 28.05242883 Purchase 47 28.08 Purchase 100 27.89 Purchase 100 27.99 Purchase 30 27.81 Purchase 1,370 27.81567883 Purchase 19,834 28.06 Purchase 7,588 28.05751771 Purchase 2,179 28.06 Purchase 1,300 27.88615385 Purchase 6,400 27.89305944 Purchase 2,500 27.9068 Purchase 4,800 27.893125 Purchase 900 27.89444444 Purchase 1,600 27.918125 Purchase 300 27.91 Purchase 200 27.91 Purchase 7,464 28.06 Purchase 1,600 28.08311875 Purchase 1,600 28.0205625 Purchase 700 28.08857143 Purchase 3,400 27.92676471 Purchase 15,100 28.04533775 Purchase 500 28.004 Purchase 100 27.85 Purchase 600 27.85 Purchase 24 27.85 Purchase 6 27.97 Purchase 3,300 27.66 Purchase 25,700 27.99762646 Purchase 23,600 27.98974576 Purchase 5,640 27.98609929 Purchase 8,425 27.99712166 Purchase 7,600 27.98140789 Purchase 27,701 27.99118176 Purchase 6,620 27.99528701 Purchase 5,800 27.98787931 Purchase 500 28.0262 Purchase 2,600 27.805 Purchase 5,251 28.06 Purchase 1,100 27.93181818 Purchase 13,600 27.78566176 Purchase 600 27.92 Purchase 4,000 27.72275 Purchase 200 27.81 Purchase 5,300 27.90831698 Purchase 2,300 27.919565 Purchase 16,200 27.8522 Purchase 3,100 27.710355 Purchase 12,100 28.06 Purchase 66,655 27.8645515 Purchase 19,089 27.88664886 Purchase 15,006 27.86777955 Purchase 1,800 27.88166667 Purchase 15,305 27.87556942 Purchase 4,700 27.84521277 Purchase 24,400 27.87635246 Purchase 3,600 27.89472222 Purchase 300 27.85333333 Purchase 1,000 27.96 Purchase 475 27.85 Purchase 100 27.97 Purchase 124 27.9081 Purchase 400 28.025 Purchase 500 27.996 Purchase 2,600 28.03776923 Purchase 27,442 27.70991006 Purchase 1,900 28.04236842 Purchase 1,900 27.74631579 Purchase 1,400 27.89642857 Purchase 400 27.691 Purchase 3,700 28.02291892 Purchase 2,300 28.0104 Purchase 7,800 27.96599359 Purchase 1,400 28.0893 Purchase 10,300 27.9479 Purchase 200 28 Purchase 2,200 27.85272727 Purchase 1,400 28.01142857 Purchase 2,100 27.92 Purchase 3,400 27.99508824 Purchase 600 27.73683333 Purchase 1,200 27.79166667 Purchase 10,900 27.95761468 Purchase 3,000 27.946667 Purchase 311,422 27.9451664 (b) Derivatives transactions (other than options) Product Long/short Number of securities Price per unit name, (Note 5) (Note 6) (Note 4) e.g. CFD (c) Options transactions in respect of existing securities (i) Writing, selling, purchasing or varying Product Writing, Number Exercise Type, Expiry Option name, selling, of price e.g. date money e.g. call purchasing, securities (USD) American, paid/received option varying to which European per unit etc. the option etc. (Note 4) relates (Note 6) Put Option Selling 100 24 American 20/03/2010 0.125 Put Option Selling 100 24 American 20/03/2010 0.14 Call Option Selling 100 30 American 22/01/2011 1.225 Call Option Selling 1,000 20 American 21/01/2012 8.2 Call Option Selling 1,000 20 American 21/01/2012 8.2 Call Option Selling 1,000 20 American 21/01/2012 8.2 Call Option Selling 100 29 American 20/02/2010 0.23 Put Option Purchasing 100 27 American 20/02/2010 0.26 Put Option Purchasing 100 24 American 20/03/2010 0.125 Put Option Purchasing 1,100 25 American 22/01/2011 1.53 Put Option Purchasing 1,000 25 American 22/01/2011 1.53 Put Option Purchasing 1,000 25 American 22/01/2011 1.53 Put Option Purchasing 1,000 25 American 22/01/2011 1.53 Call Option Purchasing 100 30 American 22/01/2011 1.225 Call Option Purchasing 1,000 30 American 22/01/2011 1.25 Call Option Purchasing 900 30 American 22/01/2011 1.29 Call Option Purchasing 100 30 American 22/01/2011 1.29 Call Option Purchasing 1,200 35 American 21/01/2012 0.73 Call Option Purchasing 1,000 29 American 20/02/2010 0.2 (ii) Exercising Product name, e.g. call Number of securities Exercise price per unit option (Note 4) (d) Other dealings (including new securities) (Note 3) Nature of transaction Details Price per unit (if (Note 7) applicable) (Note 4) 4. OTHER INFORMATION Agreements, arrangements or understandings relating to options or derivatives Full details of any agreement, arrangement or understanding between the person disclosing and any other person relating to the voting rights of any relevant securities under any option referred to on this form or relating to the voting rights or future acquisition or disposal of any relevant securities to which any derivative referred to on this form is referenced. If none, this should be stated. Is a Supplemental Form 38.5(b) attached? (Note 8) YES Date of disclosure 2 February 2010 Contact name Geoff Smith Telephone number 020 7116 2913 Name of offeree/offeror with which Kraft Foods Inc connected Nature of connection (Note 9) Advisor SUPPLEMENTAL FORM 38.5(b) DETAILS OF OPEN POSITIONS (This form should be attached to Form 38.5(b)) OPEN POSITIONS (Note 1) Product Written Number of Exercise Type, Expiry date name, or securities price e.g. e.g. call purchased to which (Note 2) American, option the option (USD) European or etc. derivative relates Put Option Sold 2300 27 American 20-Mar-10 Put Option Sold 6300 28 American 20-Mar-10 Put Option Sold 6400 29 American 20-Mar-10 Put Option Sold 2700 33 American 20-Mar-10 Put Option Sold 1900 25 American 20-Feb-10 Put Option Sold 5700 28 American 19-Jun-10 Put Option Sold 11800 32 American 19-Jun-10 Put Option Sold 172900 30 American 20-Mar-10 Put Option Sold 200 35 American 20-Mar-10 Put Option Sold 1500 32 American 20-Mar-10 Put Option Sold 500 24 American 19-Jun-10 Put Option Sold 20800 26 American 19-Jun-10 Put Option Sold 1400 34 American 19-Jun-10 Put Option Sold 1100 20 American 21-Jan-12 Put Option Sold 54100 25 American 18-Sep-10 Put Option Sold 2200 25 American 21-Jan-12 Put Option Sold 1300 32 American 18-Sep-10 Put Option Sold 75700 27 American 20-Feb-10 Put Option Sold 500 26 American 20-Feb-10 Put Option Sold 8800 31 American 20-Mar-10 Put Option Sold 26800 22.5 American 22-Jan-11 Put Option Sold 50000 31 American 18-Sep-10 Put Option Sold 25400 28 American 20-Feb-10 Put Option Sold 163900 30 American 20-Feb-10 Put Option Sold 13300 29 American 20-Feb-10 Put Option Sold 34800 27 American 18-Sep-10 Put Option Sold 200 12.5 American 22-Jan-11 Put Option Sold 1000 20 American 19-Jun-10 Put Option Sold 100 10 American 22-Jan-11 Put Option Purchased 900 30 American 21-Jan-12 Put Option Purchased 5100 33 American 18-Sep-10 Put Option Purchased 27900 30 American 22-Jan-11 Put Option Purchased 7600 35 American 22-Jan-11 Put Option Purchased 5500 40 American 22-Jan-11 Put Option Purchased 100 50 American 22-Jan-11 Put Option Purchased 5400 30 American 19-Jun-10 Put Option Purchased 1100 23 American 19-Jun-10 Put Option Purchased 600 28 American 18-Sep-10 Put Option Purchased 100 30 American 18-Sep-10 Put Option Purchased 400 22.5 American 18-Sep-10 Put Option Purchased 33500 23 American 20-Mar-10 Put Option Purchased 1200 21 American 20-Mar-10 Put Option Purchased 1300 35 American 21-Jan-12 Put Option Purchased 1500 26 American 18-Sep-10 Put Option Purchased 3300 27 American 19-Jun-10 Put Option Purchased 500 31 American 19-Jun-10 Put Option Purchased 120000 30 American 20-Feb-10 Put Option Purchased 8700 15 American 22-Jan-11 Put Option Purchased 9200 20 American 22-Jan-11 Put Option Purchased 3400 29 American 19-Jun-10 Put Option Purchased 4900 25 American 19-Jun-10 Put Option Purchased 111200 25 American 22-Jan-11 Put Option Purchased 72000 26 American 20-Mar-10 Put Option Purchased 2800 24 American 20-Mar-10 Put Option Purchased 500 17.5 American 22-Jan-11 Put Option Purchased 9800 25 American 20-Mar-10 Put Option Purchased 27300 31 American 20-Feb-10 Call Option Sold 3000 28 American 19-Jun-10 Call Option Sold 600 35 American 21-Jan-12 Call Option Sold 200 25 American 19-Jun-10 Call Option Sold 9600 22.5 American 22-Jan-11 Call Option Sold 100 17.5 American 22-Jan-11 Call Option Sold 28500 26 American 19-Jun-10 Call Option Sold 2400 24 American 19-Jun-10 Call Option Sold 875500 29 American 20-Mar-10 Call Option Sold 13900 25 American 21-Jan-12 Call Option Sold 2100 15 American 22-Jan-11 Call Option Sold 47700 30 American 19-Jun-10 Call Option Sold 1500 45 American 22-Jan-11 Call Option Sold 27300 35 American 22-Jan-11 Call Option Sold 73800 25 American 22-Jan-11 Call Option Sold 3800 40 American 22-Jan-11 Call Option Sold 13500 30 American 20-Mar-10 Call Option Sold 30300 26 American 20-Feb-10 Call Option Sold 1800 35 American 19-Jun-10 Call Option Sold 600 33 American 20-Mar-10 Call Option Sold 500 32 American 20-Mar-10 Call Option Sold 41600 28 American 20-Mar-10 Call Option Sold 3100 20 American 21-Jan-12 Call Option Sold 1900 30 American 20-Feb-10 Call Option Sold 8300 50 American 22-Jan-11 Call Option Sold 30700 30 American 22-Jan-11 Call Option Purchased 2100 30 American 18-Sep-10 Call Option Purchased 2300 29 American 19-Jun-10 Call Option Purchased 300 28 American 18-Sep-10 Call Option Purchased 1000 31 American 18-Sep-10 Call Option Purchased 1100 29 American 18-Sep-10 Call Option Purchased 200 27 American 19-Jun-10 Call Option Purchased 10500 31 American 20-Mar-10 Call Option Purchased 4200 28 American 20-Feb-10 Call Option Purchased 2400 20 American 22-Jan-11 Call Option Purchased 700 32 American 18-Sep-10 Call Option Purchased 4900 31 American 19-Jun-10 Call Option Purchased 200 23 American 19-Jun-10 Call Option Purchased 100 26 American 18-Sep-10 Call Option Purchased 2000 26 American 20-Mar-10 Call Option Purchased 11200 31 American 20-Feb-10 Call Option Purchased 200 20 American 20-Mar-10 Call Option Purchased 96400 29 American 20-Feb-10 Call Option Purchased 200 33 American 18-Sep-10 Call Option Purchased 300 25 American 20-Mar-10 Call Option Purchased 9800 27 American 20-Feb-10 Call Option Purchased 300 27 American 18-Sep-10 Call Option Purchased 2900 34 American 19-Jun-10 Call Option Purchased 500 32 American 19-Jun-10 Call Option Purchased 76800 27 American 20-Mar-10 Call Option Purchased 200 33 American 19-Jun-10 Call Option Purchased 7900 30 American 21-Jan-12 Notes 1. Where there are open option positions or open derivative positions (except for CFDs), full details should be given. Full details of any existing agreements to purchase or to sell should also be given on this form. 2. For all prices and other monetary amounts, the currency must be stated. For details of the Code's dealing disclosure requirements, see Rules 8 and 38.5 and their Notes which can be viewed on the Takeover Panel's website at www.thetakeoverpanel.org.uk


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