FORM 8.3 PUBLIC OPENING POSITION DISCLOSURE/DEALING DISCLOSURE BY A PERSON WITH INTERESTS IN RELEVANT SECURITIES REPRESENTING 1% OR MORE Rule 8.3 of the Takeover Code (the "Code") 1. KEY INFORMATION (a) Identity of the person whose positions/dealings are being disclosed: BARCLAYS PLC (b) Owner or controller of interests and short positions disclosed, if different from 1(a): The naming of nominee or vehicle companies is insufficient (c) Name of offeror/offeree in relation to whose relevant securities this form relates: DANA PETROLEUM PLC Use a separate form for each offeror/offeree (d) If an exempt fund manager connected with an offeror/ offeree, state this and specify identity of offeror/offeree: (e) Date position held/dealing undertaken: 2 July 2010 (f) Has the discloser previously disclosed, or NO are they today disclosing, under the Code in respect of any other party to this offer? If YES, specify which: 2. POSITIONS OF THE PERSON MAKING THE DISCLOSURE (a) Interests and short positions in the relevant securities of the offeror or offeree to which the disclosure relates following the dealing (if any) Class of relevant security: Ordinary Interests Short positions Number % Number % (1) Relevant securities wned and/or controlled: 1,003,949 1.08% 328,210 0.35% (2) Derivatives (other than options): 284,043 0.31% 0 0.00% (3) Options and agreements to purchase/sell: 0 0.00 0 0.00 TOTAL: 1,287,992 1.39% 328,210 0.35% All interests and all short positions should be disclosed. Details of any open derivative or option positions, or agreements to purchase or sell relevant securities, should be given on a Supplemental Form 8 (Open Positions). (b) Rights to subscribe for new securities (including directors' and other executive options) Class of relevant security in relation to which subscription right exists: Details, including nature of the rights concerned and relevant percentages: If there are positions or rights to subscribe to disclose in more than one class of relevant securities of the offeror or offeree named in 1(c), copy table 2(a) or (b) (as appropriate) for each additional class of relevant security. 3. DEALINGS (IF ANY) BY THE PERSON MAKING THE DISCLOSURE (a) Purchases and sales Class of Purchase/sale Number of Price per relevant securities unit security ORD Purchase 28 14.2310 GBP ORD Purchase 50 14.0767 GBP ORD Purchase 56 14.2350 GBP ORD Purchase 62 14.2010 GBP ORD Purchase 70 14.3510 GBP ORD Purchase 82 14.1200 GBP ORD Purchase 100 13.6618 GBP ORD Purchase 108 14.0520 GBP ORD Purchase 124 14.2050 GBP ORD Purchase 125 14.1030 GBP ORD Purchase 132 14.1100 GBP ORD Purchase 133 14.2030 GBP ORD Purchase 138 14.0067 GBP ORD Purchase 150 14.2910 GBP ORD Purchase 150 14.3420 GBP ORD Purchase 157 14.4220 GBP ORD Purchase 200 13.7500 GBP ORD Purchase 200 14.0020 GBP ORD Purchase 200 14.1330 GBP ORD Purchase 200 14.3110 GBP ORD Purchase 200 14.3620 GBP ORD Purchase 216 14.0600 GBP ORD Purchase 266 14.2150 GBP ORD Purchase 272 14.0068 GBP ORD Purchase 276 14.0150 GBP ORD Purchase 279 14.3135 GBP ORD Purchase 293 13.9830 GBP ORD Purchase 300 14.1685 GBP ORD Purchase 300 14.3089 GBP ORD Purchase 300 14.3500 GBP ORD Purchase 300 14.3822 GBP ORD Purchase 308 13.9500 GBP ORD Purchase 310 13.6700 GBP ORD Purchase 310 14.2505 GBP ORD Purchase 314 14.4300 GBP ORD Purchase 326 14.1920 GBP ORD Purchase 357 14.2020 GBP ORD Purchase 366 14.1020 GBP ORD Purchase 395 14.1115 GBP ORD Purchase 400 13.5950 GBP ORD Purchase 400 14.0050 GBP ORD Purchase 400 14.0210 GBP ORD Purchase 400 14.1450 GBP ORD Purchase 400 14.3700 GBP ORD Purchase 438 13.6850 GBP ORD Purchase 449 13.7936 GBP ORD Purchase 500 13.9415 GBP ORD Purchase 500 14.0667 GBP ORD Purchase 500 14.0950 GBP ORD Purchase 518 13.7650 GBP ORD Purchase 525 13.9820 GBP ORD Purchase 544 14.0100 GBP ORD Purchase 547 14.1523 GBP ORD Purchase 560 14.1350 GBP ORD Purchase 568 13.9400 GBP ORD Purchase 586 13.6650 GBP ORD Purchase 586 13.9950 GBP ORD Purchase 600 13.5650 GBP ORD Purchase 600 14.1700 GBP ORD Purchase 620 14.2550 GBP ORD Purchase 622 14.1230 GBP ORD Purchase 640 14.1850 GBP ORD Purchase 652 14.2000 GBP ORD Purchase 672 14.0785 GBP ORD Purchase 714 14.0300 GBP ORD Purchase 714 14.1600 GBP ORD Purchase 800 14.0250 GBP ORD Purchase 800 14.1050 GBP ORD Purchase 828 14.4450 GBP ORD Purchase 839 14.1189 GBP ORD Purchase 898 13.7950 GBP ORD Purchase 914 14.3505 GBP ORD Purchase 958 14.3150 GBP ORD Purchase 1,000 13.9310 GBP ORD Purchase 1,000 13.9550 GBP ORD Purchase 1,000 14.0310 GBP ORD Purchase 1,000 14.0400 GBP ORD Purchase 1,000 14.0700 GBP ORD Purchase 1,000 14.3200 GBP ORD Purchase 1,040 14.1150 GBP ORD Purchase 1,050 13.9900 GBP ORD Purchase 1,084 14.0820 GBP ORD Purchase 1,094 14.1550 GBP ORD Purchase 1,150 14.0510 GBP ORD Purchase 1,200 14.1210 GBP ORD Purchase 1,344 14.0800 GBP ORD Purchase 1,432 14.4100 GBP ORD Purchase 1,690 14.2950 GBP ORD Purchase 1,761 14.2016 GBP ORD Purchase 1,968 14.3550 GBP ORD Purchase 2,000 13.9350 GBP ORD Purchase 2,000 14.0506 GBP ORD Purchase 2,000 14.3400 GBP ORD Purchase 2,084 13.5799 GBP ORD Purchase 2,089 14.3202 GBP ORD Purchase 2,168 14.0900 GBP ORD Purchase 2,400 14.1300 GBP ORD Purchase 2,600 14.3300 GBP ORD Purchase 2,610 14.2592 GBP ORD Purchase 2,800 14.0550 GBP ORD Purchase 2,820 14.1500 GBP ORD Purchase 3,000 13.6100 GBP ORD Purchase 3,000 14.0450 GBP ORD Purchase 3,037 13.6266 GBP ORD Purchase 3,522 13.7350 GBP ORD Purchase 3,844 14.0304 GBP ORD Purchase 4,000 13.9650 GBP ORD Purchase 4,000 14.0750 GBP ORD Purchase 5,000 14.5000 GBP ORD Purchase 5,268 14.2100 GBP ORD Purchase 5,392 14.0363 GBP ORD Purchase 6,368 14.1250 GBP ORD Purchase 6,571 13.9632 GBP ORD Purchase 10,000 14.4000 GBP ORD Purchase 13,558 14.2316 GBP ORD Purchase 13,998 13.5961 GBP ORD Purchase 14,878 13.9533 GBP ORD Purchase 19,064 14.0165 GBP ORD Purchase 25,570 14.0092 GBP ORD Purchase 31,362 14.2158 GBP ORD Purchase 36,900 14.2239 GBP ORD Purchase 72,150 13.9608 GBP ORD Purchase 75,000 13.5000 GBP ORD Purchase 77,000 14.1760 GBP ORD Purchase 84,065 13.6080 GBP ORD Sale 39 14.1573 GBP ORD Sale 41 14.1164 GBP ORD Sale 56 14.2350 GBP ORD Sale 82 14.1200 GBP ORD Sale 100 13.7579 GBP ORD Sale 109 13.6863 GBP ORD Sale 124 14.2050 GBP ORD Sale 132 14.1100 GBP ORD Sale 154 13.9513 GBP ORD Sale 170 14.2114 GBP ORD Sale 200 13.5963 GBP ORD Sale 200 13.6700 GBP ORD Sale 200 13.7500 GBP ORD Sale 216 14.0600 GBP ORD Sale 250 14.0664 GBP ORD Sale 259 13.7713 GBP ORD Sale 266 14.2150 GBP ORD Sale 276 14.0150 GBP ORD Sale 280 14.1364 GBP ORD Sale 281 14.1874 GBP ORD Sale 284 13.9479 GBP ORD Sale 293 13.6381 GBP ORD Sale 300 13.5663 GBP ORD Sale 300 14.3500 GBP ORD Sale 308 13.9500 GBP ORD Sale 314 14.4300 GBP ORD Sale 357 13.9776 GBP ORD Sale 400 13.5950 GBP ORD Sale 400 14.0050 GBP ORD Sale 400 14.1450 GBP ORD Sale 400 14.3700 GBP ORD Sale 414 14.4768 GBP ORD Sale 416 14.4114 GBP ORD Sale 438 13.6850 GBP ORD Sale 500 14.0950 GBP ORD Sale 518 13.7650 GBP ORD Sale 544 14.0100 GBP ORD Sale 560 14.1350 GBP ORD Sale 568 13.9400 GBP ORD Sale 586 13.6650 GBP ORD Sale 586 13.9950 GBP ORD Sale 600 13.5650 GBP ORD Sale 600 14.1050 GBP ORD Sale 600 14.1700 GBP ORD Sale 620 14.2550 GBP ORD Sale 640 14.1850 GBP ORD Sale 652 14.2000 GBP ORD Sale 695 14.2964 GBP ORD Sale 703 14.2179 GBP ORD Sale 714 14.0300 GBP ORD Sale 800 14.0250 GBP ORD Sale 803 14.1264 GBP ORD Sale 821 13.7402 GBP ORD Sale 828 14.4450 GBP ORD Sale 898 13.7950 GBP ORD Sale 940 13.7423 GBP ORD Sale 958 14.3150 GBP ORD Sale 1,000 13.9550 GBP ORD Sale 1,000 14.0314 GBP ORD Sale 1,000 14.0400 GBP ORD Sale 1,000 14.0700 GBP ORD Sale 1,000 14.3414 GBP ORD Sale 1,040 14.1150 GBP ORD Sale 1,050 13.9900 GBP ORD Sale 1,094 14.1550 GBP ORD Sale 1,344 14.0800 GBP ORD Sale 1,432 14.4100 GBP ORD Sale 1,500 13.5094 GBP ORD Sale 1,672 13.9695 GBP ORD Sale 1,690 14.2950 GBP ORD Sale 1,759 14.1314 GBP ORD Sale 1,880 14.1500 GBP ORD Sale 1,968 14.3550 GBP ORD Sale 2,000 13.9350 GBP ORD Sale 2,000 13.9563 GBP ORD Sale 2,000 14.3400 GBP ORD Sale 2,168 14.0900 GBP ORD Sale 2,400 14.1300 GBP ORD Sale 2,600 14.3300 GBP ORD Sale 2,800 14.0550 GBP ORD Sale 3,000 13.6100 GBP ORD Sale 3,000 14.0450 GBP ORD Sale 3,200 14.0963 GBP ORD Sale 3,202 14.1162 GBP ORD Sale 3,522 13.7350 GBP ORD Sale 4,000 13.9650 GBP ORD Sale 4,000 14.0750 GBP ORD Sale 4,105 14.1103 GBP ORD Sale 4,536 13.9620 GBP ORD Sale 5,000 14.5000 GBP ORD Sale 5,268 14.2100 GBP ORD Sale 6,368 14.1250 GBP ORD Sale 6,499 14.1158 GBP ORD Sale 6,885 14.3223 GBP ORD Sale 7,278 14.1195 GBP ORD Sale 9,238 13.9566 GBP ORD Sale 10,000 14.1000 GBP ORD Sale 10,000 14.4000 GBP ORD Sale 12,221 13.9045 GBP ORD Sale 12,785 14.0092 GBP ORD Sale 13,000 14.0413 GBP ORD Sale 14,000 14.1126 GBP ORD Sale 18,096 14.0042 GBP ORD Sale 22,714 14.1600 GBP ORD Sale 24,000 14.0456 GBP ORD Sale 27,116 14.2316 GBP ORD Sale 29,378 14.1431 GBP ORD Sale 36,900 14.2226 GBP ORD Sale 61,554 14.2303 GBP ORD Sale 63,843 14.0384 GBP ORD Sale 75,000 13.5000 GBP (b) Derivatives transactions (other than options) Class of Product Nature of dealing Number of Price relevant description e.g. opening/ reference per unit security e.g. CFD closing a long/ securities short position, increasing/reducing a long/short position ORD CFD Long 3,200 14.0963 GBP ORD CFD Short 3,844 14.0304 GBP ORD CFD Short 6,571 13.9632 GBP ORD CFD Short 14,878 13.9533 GBP ORD CFD Short 36,900 14.2239 GBP (c) Options transactions in respect of existing securities (i) Writing, selling, purchasing or varying Class of Product Writing, Number Exercise Type Expiry Option relevant description purchasing, of Price e.g. date Money security e.g. selling, securities per unit paid/ call varying to which American, received option etc. option European per unit relates etc. (ii) Exercising Class of Product Number of Exercise relevant description securities price security e.g. call per unit option (d) Other dealings (including subscribing for new securities) Class of Nature of Details Price per Relevant dealing e.g. unit security subscription, (if applicable) conversion The currency of all prices and other monetary amounts should be stated. Where there have been dealings in more than one class of relevant securities of the offeror or offeree named in 1(c), copy table 3(a), (b), (c) or (d) (as appropriate) for each additional class of relevant security dealt in. 4. OTHER INFORMATION (a) Indemnity and other dealing arrangements Details of any indemnity or option arrangement, or any agreement or understanding, formal or informal, relating to relevant securities which may be an inducement to deal or refrain from dealing entered into by the person making the disclosure and any party to the offer or any person acting in concert with a party to the offer: If there are no such agreements, arrangements or understandings, state "none" (b) Agreements, arrangements or understandings relating to options or derivatives Details of any agreement, arrangement or understanding, formal or informal, between the person making the disclosure and any other person relating to: (i) the voting rights of any relevant securities under any option; or (ii) the voting rights or future acquisition or disposal of any relevant securities to which any derivative is referenced: If there are no such agreements, arrangements or understandings, state "none" (c) Attachments Is a Supplemental Form 8 (Open Positions) attached? NO Date of disclosure: 5 July 2010 Contact name: Geoff Smith Telephone number: 020 7116 2913 Public disclosures under Rule 8 of the Code must be made to a Regulatory Information Service and must also be emailed to the Takeover Panel at The Panel's Market Surveillance Unit is available for consultation in relation to the Code's dealing disclosure requirements on +44 (0)20 7638 0129. The Code can be viewed on the Panel's website at


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