FORM 8.3 Amendment PUBLIC OPENING POSITION DISCLOSURE/DEALING DISCLOSURE BY A PERSON WITH INTERESTS IN RELEVANT SECURITIES REPRESENTING 1% OR MORE Rule 8.3 of the Takeover Code (the "Code") 1. KEY INFORMATION (a) Identity of the person whose positions/dealings are being disclosed: BARCLAYS PLC (b) Owner or controller of interests and short positions disclosed, if different from 1(a): The naming of nominee or vehicle companies is insufficient (c) Name of offeror/offeree in relation to whose relevant securities this form relates: INVESTEC PLC Use a separate form for each offeror/offeree (d) If an exempt fund manager connected with an offeror/ offeree, state this and specify identity of offeror/offeree: (e) Date position held/dealing undertaken: 24 June 2010 (f) Has the discloser previously disclosed, or YES are they today disclosing, under the Code in respect of any other party to this offer? If YES, specify which: Rensburg Sheppards Plc Investec Ltd 2. POSITIONS OF THE PERSON MAKING THE DISCLOSURE (a) Interests and short positions in the relevant securities of the offeror or offeree to which the disclosure relates following the dealing (if any) Class of relevant security: ORDINARY Interests Short positions Number % Number % (1) Relevant securities wned and/or controlled: 3,138,495 0.66% 2,090,725 0.44% (2) Derivatives (other than options): 1,715,555 0.36% 1,192,880 0.25% (3) Options and agreements to purchase/sell: 1,824,200 0.39% 1,254,000 0.26% TOTAL: 6,678,250 1.41% 4,537,605 0.96% All interests and all short positions should be disclosed. Details of any open derivative or option positions, or agreements to purchase or sell relevant securities, should be given on a Supplemental Form 8 (Open Positions). (b) Rights to subscribe for new securities (including directors' and other executive options) Class of relevant security in relation to which subscription right exists: Details, including nature of the rights concerned and relevant percentages: If there are positions or rights to subscribe to disclose in more than one class of relevant securities of the offeror or offeree named in 1(c), copy table 2(a) or (b) (as appropriate) for each additional class of relevant security. 3. DEALINGS (IF ANY) BY THE PERSON MAKING THE DISCLOSURE (a) Purchases and sales Class of Purchase/sale Number of Price per relevant securities unit security ORD Purchase 122 53.8800 ZAR ORD Purchase 122 54.6300 ZAR ORD Purchase 129 54.1400 ZAR ORD Purchase 137 53.7300 ZAR ORD Purchase 166 53.9000 ZAR ORD Purchase 178 54.0200 ZAR ORD Purchase 213 53.7000 ZAR ORD Purchase 221 53.9400 ZAR ORD Purchase 232 54.6700 ZAR ORD Purchase 262 54.4100 ZAR ORD Purchase 387 55.0600 ZAR ORD Purchase 400 4.7690 GBP ORD Purchase 408 4.8320 GBP ORD Purchase 412 53.9900 ZAR ORD Purchase 419 54.3900 ZAR ORD Purchase 479 54.1200 ZAR ORD Purchase 522 53.9200 ZAR ORD Purchase 589 53.8000 ZAR ORD Purchase 610 4.7472 GBP ORD Purchase 628 54.3100 ZAR ORD Purchase 748 53.9300 ZAR ORD Purchase 885 54.7600 ZAR ORD Purchase 887 55.0000 ZAR ORD Purchase 1,000 4.7746 GBP ORD Purchase 1,000 54.2300 ZAR ORD Purchase 1,000 54.2800 ZAR ORD Purchase 1,029 54.2600 ZAR ORD Purchase 1,031 4.8298 GBP ORD Purchase 1,066 54.0600 ZAR ORD Purchase 1,162 54.2700 ZAR ORD Purchase 1,243 53.9100 ZAR ORD Purchase 1,371 4.7840 GBP ORD Purchase 1,495 54.3500 ZAR ORD Purchase 1,531 54.0700 ZAR ORD Purchase 1,810 54.1000 ZAR ORD Purchase 1,935 54.6000 ZAR ORD Purchase 1,999 54.2000 ZAR ORD Purchase 2,006 54.0800 ZAR ORD Purchase 2,057 54.5100 ZAR ORD Purchase 2,157 54.2400 ZAR ORD Purchase 2,500 54.1500 ZAR ORD Purchase 2,656 54.2500 ZAR ORD Purchase 2,756 53.8600 ZAR ORD Purchase 4,129 4.7658 GBP ORD Purchase 4,360 4.7940 GBP ORD Purchase 6,000 54.5200 ZAR ORD Purchase 9,183 54.0300 ZAR ORD Purchase 10,290 4.7546 GBP ORD Purchase 11,000 4.7821 GBP ORD Purchase 13,090 4.8078 GBP ORD Purchase 102,140 4.7600 GBP ORD Purchase 250,724 4.7886 GBP ORD Sale 13 54.8900 ZAR ORD Sale 53 54.0700 ZAR ORD Sale 122 53.8800 ZAR ORD Sale 178 53.9100 ZAR ORD Sale 178 53.9300 ZAR ORD Sale 178 54.0200 ZAR ORD Sale 181 54.3900 ZAR ORD Sale 204 54.4000 ZAR ORD Sale 213 53.7000 ZAR ORD Sale 213 54.0300 ZAR ORD Sale 221 53.9400 ZAR ORD Sale 227 54.0100 ZAR ORD Sale 232 54.6700 ZAR ORD Sale 248 54.9800 ZAR ORD Sale 273 4.7820 GBP ORD Sale 273 55.0200 ZAR ORD Sale 280 54.0800 ZAR ORD Sale 285 54.4600 ZAR ORD Sale 316 54.1200 ZAR ORD Sale 414 53.9000 ZAR ORD Sale 429 54.4500 ZAR ORD Sale 495 54.6200 ZAR ORD Sale 497 54.6500 ZAR ORD Sale 508 54.5100 ZAR ORD Sale 604 54.5800 ZAR ORD Sale 710 55.0600 ZAR ORD Sale 775 54.8100 ZAR ORD Sale 926 54.1000 ZAR ORD Sale 1,000 54.7400 ZAR ORD Sale 1,002 54.6600 ZAR ORD Sale 1,040 54.7800 ZAR ORD Sale 1,077 54.0000 ZAR ORD Sale 1,207 54.7000 ZAR ORD Sale 1,351 54.7500 ZAR ORD Sale 1,382 54.6000 ZAR ORD Sale 1,487 4.7518 GBP ORD Sale 1,490 54.7900 ZAR ORD Sale 1,521 54.8200 ZAR ORD Sale 1,649 55.0100 ZAR ORD Sale 1,916 4.7572 GBP ORD Sale 2,000 54.9900 ZAR ORD Sale 2,900 54.5300 ZAR ORD Sale 3,000 54.7100 ZAR ORD Sale 3,100 54.5500 ZAR ORD Sale 3,255 54.6100 ZAR ORD Sale 4,248 54.5000 ZAR ORD Sale 4,746 54.6300 ZAR ORD Sale 4,982 4.7684 GBP ORD Sale 6,000 54.8600 ZAR ORD Sale 6,125 54.8000 ZAR ORD Sale 7,175 4.7876 GBP ORD Sale 7,695 54.7600 ZAR ORD Sale 7,947 54.5400 ZAR ORD Sale 10,062 4.7716 GBP ORD Sale 10,449 54.7700 ZAR ORD Sale 10,523 4.7885 GBP ORD Sale 11,000 4.7822 GBP ORD Sale 13,865 4.7759 GBP ORD Sale 24,277 54.9000 ZAR ORD Sale 33,484 4.7899 GBP ORD Sale 37,456 4.7600 GBP ORD Sale 48,824 55.0000 ZAR ORD Sale 50,644 4.7806 GBP (b) Derivatives transactions (other than options) Class of Product Nature of dealing Number of Price relevant description e.g. opening/ reference per unit security e.g. CFD closing a long/ securities short position, increasing/reducing a long/short position ORD CFD Long 122 53.8584 ZAR ORD CFD Long 710 54.5181 ZAR ORD CFD Long 1,487 4.7518 GBP ORD CFD Long 7,175 4.7876 GBP ORD CFD Long 10,523 4.7885 GBP ORD CFD Long 11,644 54.6937 ZAR ORD CFD Long 33,484 4.7899 GBP ORD CFD Long 50,388 54.2240 ZAR ORD CFD Long 50,644 4.7806 GBP ORD CFD Long 116,758 54.8575 ZAR ORD CFD Long 241,646 54.6179 ZAR ORD CFD Short 122 54.6518 ZAR ORD CFD Short 400 4.7690 GBP ORD CFD Short 610 4.7472 GBP ORD CFD Short 1,031 4.8298 GBP ORD CFD Short 2,391 54.9108 ZAR ORD CFD Short 7,996 54.1523 ZAR ORD CFD Short 10,290 4.7546 GBP ORD CFD Short 13,090 4.8078 GBP ORD CFD Short 39,879 54.2011 ZAR ORD CFD Short 250,724 4.7886 GBP ORD CFD Short 370,880 54.6925 ZAR (c) Options transactions in respect of existing securities (i) Writing, selling, purchasing or varying Class of Product Writing, Number Exercise Type Expiry Option relevant description purchasing, of Price e.g. date Money security e.g. selling, securities per unit paid/ call varying to which American, received option etc. option European per unit relates etc. (ii) Exercising Class of Product Number of Exercise relevant description securities price security e.g. call per unit option (d) Other dealings (including subscribing for new securities) Class of Nature of Details Price per Relevant dealing e.g. unit security subscription, (if applicable) conversion The currency of all prices and other monetary amounts should be stated. Where there have been dealings in more than one class of relevant securities of the offeror or offeree named in 1(c), copy table 3(a), (b), (c) or (d) (as appropriate) for each additional class of relevant security dealt in. 4. OTHER INFORMATION (a) Indemnity and other dealing arrangements Details of any indemnity or option arrangement, or any agreement or understanding, formal or informal, relating to relevant securities which may be an inducement to deal or refrain from dealing entered into by the person making the disclosure and any party to the offer or any person acting in concert with a party to the offer: If there are no such agreements, arrangements or understandings, state "none" (b) Agreements, arrangements or understandings relating to options or derivatives Details of any agreement, arrangement or understanding, formal or informal, between the person making the disclosure and any other person relating to: (i) the voting rights of any relevant securities under any option; or (ii) the voting rights or future acquisition or disposal of any relevant securities to which any derivative is referenced: If there are no such agreements, arrangements or understandings, state "none" (c) Attachments Is a Supplemental Form 8 (Open Positions) attached? YES Date of disclosure: 25 June 2010 Contact name: Geoff Smith Telephone number: 020 7116 2913 Public disclosures under Rule 8 of the Code must be made to a Regulatory Information Service and must also be emailed to the Takeover Panel at The Panel's Market Surveillance Unit is available for consultation in relation to the Code's dealing disclosure requirements on +44 (0)20 7638 0129. The Code can be viewed on the Panel's website at SUPPLEMENTAL FORM 8 (OPEN POSITIONS) DETAILS OF OPEN OPTION AND DERIVATIVE POSITIONS, AGREEMENTS TO PURCHASE OR SELL ETC. Note 5(i) on Rule 8 of the Takeover Code (the "Code") 1. KEY INFORMATION Identity of the person whose positions/dealings are being disclosed: Barclays PLC. Name of offeror/offeree in relation to whose relevant securities this from relates: INVESTEC 2. OPTIONS AND DERIVATIVES Class of Product Writing, Number of Exercise Type Expiry relevant description purchasing, securities price date security selling, to which per unit varying etc option relates ORD Futures Purchased 550,800 16 Sep 2010 ORD Put Options Purchased 19,400 47.3000 American 16 Sep 2010 ORD Put Options Written -19,400 59.1300 American 16 Sep 2010 ORD Call Options Purchased 19,400 68.0000 American 16 Sep 2010 ORD Put Options Purchased 1,234,600 52.0000 American 16 Sep 2010 ORD Call Options Written -1,234,600 70.0000 American 16 Sep 2010 3. AGREEMENTS TO PURCHASE OR SELL ETC. Full details should be given so that the nature of the interest or position can be fully understood: It is not necessary to provide details on a Supplemental Form (Open Positions) with regard to contracts for differences ("CFDs") or spread bets. The currency of all prices and other monetary amounts should be stated. The Panel's Market Surveillance Unit is available for consultation in relation to the Code's dealing disclosure requirements on +44 (0)20 7638 0129. The Code can be viewed on the Panel's website at


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