Investment Property Databank

Barclays PLC 13 February 2001 Investment Property Databank - Update to December 2000 Progress Report No 1, 13 February 2001 In confidence - not for quotation or publication. At this point in the update, we have collected end-2000 capital value information from all clients. The records on capital and revenue flows for some funds are now being completed, and all inputs being checked. These provisional figures are therefore based on unconfirmed data for those funds which have already provided complete information. It is not possible to estimate how close to these provisional results the final 2000 figure is likely to be. The later stages of the update towards the end of February can have significant effects on the bottom line. 1. 2000 Provisional Results - based on an estimated 48.7% of the final Databank. Capital Income Total Growth Return Return IPD Universe - Portfolio Benchmark 5.3 6.6 11.8 (including transactions, development and other active management) IPD Index - Standing Investments (excluding transactions, development and active management) All Property 3.5 6.8 10.3 Retail 0.6 6.2 6.8 Office 8.0 7.4 15.4 Industrial 5.0 8.5 13.6 2. Size of the Databank (£m) Total value updated so far Estimated final total % Completed 45,462 93,407 48.7 3. Sector Weightings - % of Capital Value Retail Office Industrial This year's Provisional Databank At end-2000 49.2 34.0 14.3 At end-1999 52.0 31.8 13.5 Last year's Final Databank At end-1999 50.3 32.6 13.2 (c) Investment Property Databank Ltd (IPD) February 2001. All rights conferred by law of copyright and by virtue of international copyright conventions are reserved by IPD. No part of the IPD statistics or information contained within this may be reproduced or transmitted, in any form or by any means, without the prior written consent of IPD. Investment Property Databank will have no liability for any losses, damages costs and expenses suffered by any persons as a result of any reliance on the information or for any errors or inaccuracies contained within.


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