FORM 8.3 DEALINGS BY PERSONS WITH INTERESTS IN SECURITIES REPRESENTING 1% OR MORE (Rule 8.3 of the City Code on Takeovers and Mergers) 1. KEY INFORMATION Name of person dealing BARCLAYS PLC (Note 1) Company dealt in BHP BILLITON PLC Class of relevant security USD0.50 to which the dealings being disclosed relate (Note 2) Date of dealing 22 January 2008 2. INTERESTS, SHORT POSITIONS AND RIGHTS TO SUBSCRIBE (a) Interests and short positions (following dealing) in the class of relevant security dealt in (Note 3) Long Short Number (%) Number (%) (1) Relevant 114,260,925 5.18% 1,171,952 0.05% securities (2) Derivatives 2,309,020 0.10% 4,162,401 0.19% (other than options) (3) Options and 1,002,150 0.05% 752,775 0.03% agreements to purchase/sell Total 117,572,095 5.33% 6,087,128 0.28% (b) Interests and short positions in relevant securities of the company, other than the class dealt in (Note 3) Class of Long Short relevant security: Number (%) Number (%) (1) Relevant securities (2) Derivatives (other than options) (3) Options and agreements to purchase/sell Total (c) Rights to subscribe (Note 3) Class of relevant security: Details 3. DEALINGS (Note 4) (a) Purchases and sales Purchase/sale Number of Securities Price per unit (GBP) Purchase 992 13.0000 Purchase 60,000 12.1339 Purchase 7,502 12.2898 Purchase 30 12.2165 Purchase 49,752 12.5041 Purchase 240 12.5388 Purchase 290 12.6163 Purchase 4,596 12.3369 Purchase 350 12.6263 Purchase 350 12.5588 Purchase 44,000 12.5207 Purchase 8,602 12.5759 Purchase 310 12.4575 Purchase 5,806 13.0000 Purchase 700 12.6300 Purchase 3,098,038 12.2729 Purchase 801 12.2918 Purchase 20,573 12.6773 Purchase 18,563 12.2756 Purchase 300 12.8263 Purchase 3,166,038 12.2745 Purchase 1,857 13.0000 Purchase 400 12.8263 Purchase 1,008 12.5749 Purchase 104,260 12.4126 Purchase 1,619 12.2622 Purchase 33,912 12.4038 Purchase 63,533 12.4760 Purchase 1,990 12.4575 Purchase 246,260 12.2436 Purchase 4,822 11.8469 Purchase 29,673 13.0000 Purchase 300 12.1088 Purchase 4,822 11.8469 Purchase 60,000 12.2007 Purchase 871,978 12.4316 Purchase 176 12.5300 Purchase 755 13.0000 Purchase 4,596 12.3369 Purchase 45,000 12.6600 Purchase 1,612,334 12.1227 Purchase 200 12.2400 Purchase 68,000 12.3481 Purchase 10,500 12.3000 Purchase 113,835 12.3907 Purchase 6,281 13.0000 Purchase 2,456,523 12.2684 Purchase 1,394,328 12.4292 Purchase 200 12.4075 Purchase 31,739 12.2757 Purchase 340 12.9200 Purchase 4,100 12.4500 Purchase 103,798 12.3447 Purchase 794 13.0000 Purchase 635 12.4575 Purchase 77 Transfer Purchase 80,887 12.3590 Purchase 245 12.8975 Purchase 44,170 12.4197 Purchase 2,660 12.0112 Purchase 1,825 13.0000 Purchase 87 Transfer Purchase 347 11.9500 Sale 49,752 12.5041 Sale 4,596 12.3354 Sale 4,596 12.3369 Sale 30,276 12.4512 Sale 80,887 12.3590 Sale 77 Transfer Sale 871,978 12.4294 Sale 63,533 12.4760 Sale 7,502 12.2898 Sale 1,394,328 12.4292 Sale 10,500 12.3000 Sale 290 12.6550 Sale 112 12.6517 Sale 44,000 12.5207 Sale 31,739 12.2745 Sale 183 12.2322 Sale 103,798 12.3447 Sale 20,573 12.6760 Sale 4,822 11.8469 Sale 68,000 12.3481 Sale 33,912 12.4038 Sale 4,596 12.3369 Sale 1,612,334 12.1227 Sale 153,950 12.3911 Sale 2,456,523 12.2662 Sale 5,806 12.9975 Sale 8,602 12.5759 Sale 3,098,038 12.2729 Sale 2,660 12.0100 Sale 176 12.5300 Sale 104,260 12.4115 Sale 700 12.6300 Sale 350 12.6325 Sale 727 12.1215 Sale 200 12.2382 Sale 60,000 12.1316 Sale 18,563 12.2756 Sale 60,000 12.1984 Sale 500 12.3725 Sale 820 13.0000 Sale 19,624 12.4512 Sale 1,825 13.0000 Sale 1,619 12.2599 Sale 801 12.2900 Sale 755 13.0000 Sale 113,835 12.3895 Sale 246,260 12.2436 Sale 45,000 12.6600 Sale 1,439,328 12.4364 Sale 214 12.3900 Sale 87 Transfer Sale 875 12.2200 Sale 400 12.4899 (b) Derivatives transactions (other than options) Product name, Long/Short Number of Price per (e.g. CFD) (Note 6) Securities unit (GBP) CFD Short 4822 11.8468 CFD Short 2660 12.0111 CFD Short 60000 12.1338 CFD Short 102875 12.1661 CFD Short 6444 12.2376 CFD Short 246260 12.2436 CFD Short 2361184 12.2478 CFD Short 2456523 12.2684 CFD Short 31739 12.2757 CFD Short 801 12.2918 CFD Short 68000 12.3504 CFD Short 93593 12.3887 CFD Short 107391 12.3998 CFD Short 49752 12.504 CFD Short 122826 12.5054 CFD Short 6756 12.5638 CFD Short 811 12.677 CFD Short 67504 12.7994 CFD Long 60000 12.1984 CFD Long 200 12.2381 CFD Long 1619 12.2598 CFD Long 729849 12.3286 CFD Long 4596 12.3354 CFD Long 103798 12.3446 CFD Long 24957 12.3528 CFD Long 44000 12.3844 CFD Long 84517 12.3855 CFD Long 87593 12.4016 CFD Long 81100 12.4229 CFD Long 871978 12.4293 CFD Long 63533 12.4759 CFD Long 19743 12.5226 CFD Long 8602 12.5759 CFD Long 700 12.63 CFD Long 45000 12.6575 CFD Long 20573 12.6759 CFD Long 65664 12.8414 CFD Long 45561 12.9935 CFD Long 6372 12.9975 NB: The below transactions which were previously disclosed have been cancelled Deal Date Long/Short Number of Securities Price per unit (GBP) 21/01/2008 Short 197,586 12.6075 21/01/2008 Long 114,091 12.8921 (c) Options transactions in respect of existing securities (i) Writing, selling, purchasing or varying Product name, Writing, Number of Exercise Type, e.g. Expiry Option money e.g. call selling, securities to price American, date paid/received option purchasing, which the option European etc. per unit (GBP) varying etc. relates (GBP) (ii) Exercising Product name, e.g. Number of Exercise price per call option securities unit (Note 5) (d) Other dealings (including new securities) (Note 4) Nature of transaction Details Price per unit (Note 8) (if applicable) (Note 5) 4. OTHER INFORMATION None Agreements, arrangements or understandings relating to options or derivatives Full details of any agreement, arrangement or understanding between the person disclosing and any other person relating to the voting rights of any relevant securities under any option referred to on this form or relating to the voting rights or future acquisition or disposal of any relevant securities to which any derivative referred to on this form is referenced. If none, this should be stated. Is a Supplemental Form 8 attached? (Note 9) YES Date of disclosure 23 January 2008 Contact name Geoff Smith Telephone number 020 7116 2913 If a connected EFM, name of offeree/offeror with which connected If a connected EFM, state nature of connection (Note 10) Notes The Notes on Form 8.3 can be viewed on the Takeover Panel's website at SUPPLEMENTAL FORM 8 DETAILS OF OPEN POSITIONS (This form should be attached to Form 8.1, Form 8.1(b)(ii) or Form 8.3, as appropriate) OPEN POSITIONS (Note 1) Product name, Written or Number of securities Exercise price Type, e.g. Expiry date e.g. call option purchased to which the option (Note 2) American, or derivative relates European etc. Option Purchased 500,000 9.5000 EURO 19/12/2008 Option Purchased 250,000 14.0000 AMER 20/06/2008 Option Purchased 250,000 14.0000 AMER 20/06/2008 Option Purchased 700 1,400.0000 EURO 20/03/2008 Option Purchased 500 1,500.0000 EURO 15/02/2008 Option Purchased 450 1,400.0000 EURO 20/03/2008 Option Purchased 250 1,600.0000 EURO 15/02/2008 Option Purchased 250 1,700.0000 EURO 19/12/2008 Option Purchased -500 950.0000 EURO 19/12/2008 Option Purchased -500 950.0000 EURO 19/12/2008 Option Purchased -1,775 1,600.0000 EURO 20/06/2008 Option Purchased -250,000 16.0000 AMER 19/09/2008 Option Purchased -500,000 9.5000 EURO 19/12/2008 Notes 1. Where there are open option positions or open derivative positions (except for CFDs), full details should be given. Full details of any existing agreements to purchase or to sell should also be given on this form. 2. For all prices and other monetary amounts, the currency must be stated. For details of the Code's dealing disclosure requirements, see Rule 8 and its Notes which can be viewed on the Takeover Panel's website at


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