FORM 8.3 DEALINGS BY PERSONS WITH INTERESTS IN SECURITIES REPRESENTING 1% OR MORE (Rule 8.3 of the City Code on Takeovers and Mergers) 1. KEY INFORMATION Name of person dealing BARCLAYS PLC (Note 1) Company dealt in BHP BILLITON PLC Class of relevant security USD0.50 to which the dealings being disclosed relate (Note 2) Date of dealing 11 July 2008 2. INTERESTS, SHORT POSITIONS AND RIGHTS TO SUBSCRIBE (a) Interests and short positions (following dealing) in the class of relevant security dealt in (Note 3) Long Short Number (%) Number (%) (1) Relevant 105,809,213 4.79% 4,223,501 0.19% securities (2) Derivatives 3,955,027 0.18% 9,000,083 0.41% (other than options) (3) Options and 502,700 0.02% 751,000 0.03% agreements to purchase/sell Total 110,266,940 5.00% 13,974,584 0.63% (b) Interests and short positions in relevant securities of the company, other than the class dealt in (Note 3) Class of Long Short relevant security: Number (%) Number (%) (1) Relevant securities (2) Derivatives (other than options) (3) Options and agreements to purchase/sell Total (c) Rights to subscribe (Note 3) Class of relevant security: Details 3. DEALINGS (Note 4) (a) Purchases and sales Purchase/sale Number of Price per unit Securities (GBP) Purchase 75,000 17.2302 Purchase 27,497 17.1819 Purchase 213 16.9527 Purchase 15,402 17.2499 Purchase 20,455 17.2911 Purchase 14,650 17.3222 Purchase 76,885 17.2955 Purchase 71,027 17.2146 Purchase 311 17.4758 Purchase 23,695 16.9500 Purchase 3,683 16.9500 Purchase 140,256 16.9500 Purchase 200 17.1300 Purchase 4,986 16.9500 Purchase 2,083 16.9097 Purchase 15,798 17.1000 Purchase 21,443 17.5388 Purchase 66,284 17.3151 Purchase 180 16.9975 Purchase 1,200 17.1200 Purchase 400 17.3779 Purchase 287 17.2779 Purchase 600 17.2679 Purchase 303,020 17.3063 Sale 29,872 17.1967 Sale 448 17.4000 Sale 209 17.2100 Sale 118 17.4000 Sale 1,343 17.1600 Sale 1,567 17.1800 Sale 447 17.2100 Sale 671 17.2000 Sale 673 17.1500 Sale 1,161 17.3600 Sale 447 17.2100 Sale 896 17.2800 Sale 657 17.1700 Sale 447 17.1800 Sale 673 17.3600 Sale 600 17.4000 Sale 262 17.4000 Sale 700 17.1600 Sale 75,986 17.3374 Sale 447 17.2400 Sale 77,261 17.3031 Sale 448 17.2800 Sale 1,120 17.1700 Sale 756 17.4000 Sale 613,848 17.2020 Sale 3,541 17.4050 Sale 167 17.1600 Sale 1,343 17.4000 Sale 672 17.3600 Sale 447 17.1800 Sale 625 17.2900 Sale 895 17.1600 Sale 449 17.1700 Sale 717 17.3900 Sale 1,343 17.1600 Sale 449 17.1900 Sale 686 17.2200 Sale 448 17.1700 Sale 100 17.1800 Sale 174 17.4621 Sale 447 17.2100 Sale 101 17.0342 Sale 700 17.1900 Sale 668 17.1500 Sale 945 17.4000 Sale 67 17.1700 Sale 643 17.1600 Sale 447 17.1700 Sale 448 17.1600 Sale 500 17.4000 Sale 672 17.1800 Sale 171 17.4100 Sale 447 17.1600 Sale 1,120 17.1600 Sale 841 17.1700 Sale 948 17.4100 Sale 671 17.2000 Sale 19,777 17.2567 Sale 658 17.1800 Sale 625 17.3900 Sale 900 17.1600 Sale 437 17.2400 Sale 671 17.3600 Sale 1,299 17.1900 Sale 447 17.1800 Sale 21,443 17.5388 Sale 75 17.3021 Sale 1,250 17.1800 Sale 448 17.1600 Sale 447 17.3600 Sale 660 17.5121 Sale 4 17.1600 Sale 192 17.1800 Sale 160 17.2621 Sale 671 17.2000 Sale 447 17.1700 Sale 39 17.1800 Sale 449 17.2000 Sale 895 17.2100 Sale 329 17.4000 Sale 253 17.4000 Sale 136 17.1800 Sale 644 17.1800 Sale 448 17.4000 Sale 448 17.1600 Sale 800 17.4000 Sale 8,161 17.0579 Sale 47 17.4542 Sale 448 17.1800 Sale 682 17.4000 Sale 3,375 17.1267 Sale 4,142 17.2558 Sale 15,798 17.1000 Sale 600 17.2842 Sale 800 17.1612 Sale 140,619 16.9500 Sale 365 17.2100 Sale 447 17.3000 Sale 447 17.3800 Sale 447 17.3100 Sale 10 17.2400 Sale 492 17.2000 Sale 300 17.1600 Sale 1,000 17.2771 Sale 1,119 17.1800 Sale 447 17.2100 Sale 622 17.4000 Sale 447 17.1600 Sale 978 17.2100 Sale 447 17.1900 Sale 447 17.1700 Sale 380 17.1700 Sale 671 17.1800 Sale 462 17.2000 Sale 281,456 17.3037 Sale 448 17.4000 Sale 1,559 17.1600 Sale 438 17.4000 Sale 1,390 17.2900 Sale 500 17.3900 Sale 12,479 16.9500 Sale 1,791 17.1800 Sale 703 17.6000 Sale 406 17.3600 Sale 1,791 17.4000 Sale 1,343 17.1700 Sale 1,120 17.1800 Sale 671 17.2000 Sale 556 17.1800 Sale 5,600 17.2366 Sale 672 17.1700 Sale 224 17.1800 Sale 504 17.1500 Sale 1,119 17.1600 Sale 447 17.1800 Sale 186 17.4000 Sale 27,870 17.1902 Sale 480 17.1800 Sale 147 17.1600 Sale 447 17.1800 Sale 77 17.0742 Sale 447 17.1700 Sale 400 17.3900 Sale 6,000 17.2500 Sale 671 17.2800 Sale 311 17.1800 Sale 756 17.1800 Sale 1,400 17.1700 Sale 15 17.1700 NB: The below transactions which were previously disclosed have been cancelled Deal Date Purchase/Sale Number of Securities Price per unit (GBP) 13/06/2008 Sale 1,388 18.2225 (b) Derivatives transactions (other than options) Product name, Long/Short Number of Price per (e.g. CFD) (Note 6) Securities unit (GBP) CFD Long 27870 17.1901 CFD Long 29872 17.1967 CFD Long 613848 17.202 CFD Long 5600 17.2366 CFD Long 19777 17.2567 CFD Long 1000 17.2771 CFD Long 77261 17.3031 CFD Long 281456 17.3036 CFD Long 75986 17.3373 CFD Long 21443 17.5387 CFD Short 213 16.9527 CFD Short 1200 17.12 CFD Short 200 17.13 CFD Short 27497 17.1819 CFD Short 71027 17.2145 CFD Short 15402 17.2499 CFD Short 20455 17.291 CFD Short 76885 17.2954 CFD Short 303020 17.3063 CFD Short 66284 17.315 CFD Short 14650 17.3222 CFD Short 21443 17.5387 (c) Options transactions in respect of existing securities (i) Writing, selling, purchasing or varying Product name, Writing, Number of Exercise Type, e.g. Expiry Option money e.g. call selling, securities to price American, date paid/received option purchasing, which the option European etc. per unit (GBP) varying etc. relates (GBP) (ii) Exercising Product name, e.g. Number of Exercise price per call option securities unit (Note 5) (d) Other dealings (including new securities) (Note 4) Nature of transaction Details Price per unit (Note 8) (if applicable) (Note 5) 4. OTHER INFORMATION None Agreements, arrangements or understandings relating to options or derivatives Full details of any agreement, arrangement or understanding between the person disclosing and any other person relating to the voting rights of any relevant securities under any option referred to on this form or relating to the voting rights or future acquisition or disposal of any relevant securities to which any derivative referred to on this form is referenced. If none, this should be stated. Is a Supplemental Form 8 attached? (Note 9) YES Date of disclosure 14 July 2008 Contact name Geoff Smith Telephone number 020 7116 2913 If a connected EFM, name of offeree/offeror with which connected If a connected EFM, state nature of connection (Note 10) Notes The Notes on Form 8.3 can be viewed on the Takeover Panel's website at SUPPLEMENTAL FORM 8 DETAILS OF OPEN POSITIONS (This form should be attached to Form 8.1, Form 8.1(b)(ii) or Form 8.3, as appropriate) OPEN POSITIONS (Note 1) Product name, Written or Number of securities Exercise price Type, e.g. Expiry date e.g. call option purchased to which the option (Note 2) American, or derivative relates European etc. Option Purchased 500,000 9.5000 EURO 19/12/2008 Option Purchased 750 2,200.0000 EURO 19/12/2008 Option Purchased 350 1,450.0000 EURO 18/12/2009 Option Purchased 350 1,450.0000 EURO 18/12/2009 Option Purchased 250 1,700.0000 EURO 19/12/2008 Option Purchased 250 1,500.0000 EURO 18/12/2009 Option Purchased 250 1,500.0000 EURO 18/12/2009 Option Purchased 250 1,900.0000 EURO 18/12/2009 Option Purchased 250 1,900.0000 EURO 18/12/2009 Option Purchased -500 950.0000 EURO 19/12/2008 Option Purchased -500 950.0000 EURO 19/12/2008 Option Purchased -250,000 16.0000 AMER 19/09/2008 Option Purchased -500,000 9.5000 EURO 19/12/2008 Notes 1. Where there are open option positions or open derivative positions (except for CFDs), full details should be given. Full details of any existing agreements to purchase or to sell should also be given on this form. 2. For all prices and other monetary amounts, the currency must be stated. For details of the Code's dealing disclosure requirements, see Rule 8 and its Notes which can be viewed on the Takeover Panel's website at


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