Rule 8.3 - CADBURY PLC

FORM 8.3 DEALINGS BY PERSONS WITH INTERESTS IN SECURITIES REPRESENTING 1% OR MORE (Rule 8.3 of the City Code on Takeovers and Mergers) 1. KEY INFORMATION Name of person dealing BARCLAYS PLC (Note 1) Company dealt in CADBURY PLC Class of relevant security GBP0.10 to which the dealings being disclosed relate (Note 2) Date of dealing 25 November 2009 2. INTERESTS, SHORT POSITIONS AND RIGHTS TO SUBSCRIBE (a) Interests and short positions (following dealing) in the class of relevant security dealt in (Note 3) Long Short Number (%) Number (%) (1) Relevant 64,221,198 4.68% 0 0.00% securities (2) Derivatives 1,477,602 0.11% 2,427,072 0.18% (other than options) (3) Options and 1,738,400 0.13% 1,642,200 0.12% agreements to purchase/sell Total 67,437,200 4.92% 4,069,272 0.30% (b) Interests and short positions in relevant securities of the company, other than the class dealt in (Note 3) Class of Long Short relevant security: Number (%) Number (%) (1) Relevant securities (2) Derivatives (other than options) (3) Options and agreements to purchase/sell Total (c) Rights to subscribe (Note 3) Class of relevant security: Details 3. DEALINGS (Note 4) (a) Purchases and sales Purchase/sale Number of Price per unit Securities (GBP) Purchase 800 26.855 USD Purchase 4,300 26.90007209 USD Purchase 4,000 26.954 USD Purchase 54,400 26.95397059 USD Purchase 2,260 26.93825398 USD Purchase 10,800 26.84740741 USD Purchase 2,400 26.93833333 USD Purchase 2,000 26.804 USD Purchase 30,800 26.95399221 USD Purchase 2,800 26.82 USD Purchase 26,800 26.83298507 USD Purchase 18,700 26.84284011 USD Purchase 4,996 26.88891914 USD Purchase 16,824 26.83694484 USD Purchase 20,800 26.87038462 USD Purchase 22,000 26.80212727 USD Purchase 800 26.78 USD Purchase 14,400 26.823 USD Purchase 800 26.91 USD Purchase 11,600 26.78 USD Purchase 1,600 26.755 USD Purchase 14,000 26.84828571 USD Purchase 3,200 26.93875 USD Purchase 3,827 8.0535 Purchase 16,400 26.84829276 USD Purchase 40 26.91 USD Purchase 82,789 8.11 Purchase 400 26.95 USD Purchase 3,640 26.8608 USD Purchase 800 26.95 USD Purchase 9,600 26.955 USD Purchase 3,904 8.0933 Purchase 8,800 26.78995455 USD Purchase 1,660 26.7847 USD Purchase 2,000 26.811 USD Purchase 400 27.02 USD Purchase 400 26.9499 USD Purchase 400 26.92 USD Purchase 61,520 26.88635956 USD Purchase 800 26.8899 USD Purchase 302,504 26.81775791 USD Purchase 400 26.82 USD Purchase 15,944 26.91 USD Purchase 5,608 26.79080585 USD Purchase 7,600 26.79210526 USD Purchase 1,600 26.8 USD Purchase 2,000 26.8 USD Purchase 400 26.79 USD Purchase 800 26.8 USD Purchase 3,200 26.8325 USD Purchase 36,800 26.84359565 USD Purchase 4,800 26.95166667 USD Purchase 400 26.94 USD Purchase 32,400 26.8262963 USD Purchase 32,400 26.84888889 USD Purchase 5,864 26.82173493 USD Purchase 400 26.98 USD Purchase 14,800 26.79702703 USD Purchase 32,660 26.80325903 USD Purchase 4,400 26.81636364 USD Purchase 8,800 26.79136364 USD Purchase 50,572 26.7995643 USD Purchase 63,600 26.7991195 USD Purchase 6,000 26.86 USD Purchase 9,432 26.8 USD Purchase 1,600 26.787 USD Purchase 400 26.76 USD Purchase 526 8.12 Purchase 800 26.75 USD Purchase 140 26.8 USD Purchase 210 8.12 Purchase 1,200 26.78 USD Purchase 4,400 26.82 USD Purchase 54,434 8.0775 Purchase 6,028 8.14 Purchase 1,200 26.85966667 USD Purchase 600 8.0992 Purchase 2,800 26.817143 USD Purchase 4,400 26.92090909 USD Purchase 800 26.945 USD Purchase 11,600 26.81989655 USD Purchase 800 26.779 USD Purchase 1,600 26.79 USD Purchase 1,200 26.77366667 USD Purchase 400 26.825 USD Purchase 34,480 26.80227378 USD Purchase 4,144 26.8699 USD Purchase 400 27.08 USD Purchase 13,176 8.11 Purchase 74,910 8.0775 Purchase 54,434 8.0775 Purchase 14,492 8.0719 Purchase 29,600 26.83717838 USD Sale 15,200 26.85157895 USD Sale 54,434 8.0775 Sale 400 26.91 USD Sale 1,200 26.80666667 USD Sale 1,600 26.787 USD Sale 4,000 26.9101 USD Sale 36,800 26.84358696 USD Sale 74,910 8.0775 Sale 400 26.825 USD Sale 1,600 26.91 USD Sale 800 26.96 USD Sale 37,200 26.842473 USD Sale 16,800 26.79330238 USD Sale 41,832 26.83786583 USD Sale 12,800 26.8155625 USD Sale 9,944 26.91 USD Sale 6,189 8.11 Sale 6,028 8.14 Sale 6,028 8.14 Sale 60 26.77 USD Sale 4,547 8.0796 Sale 800 26.7855 USD Sale 400 26.77 USD Sale 1,050 8.0774 Sale 3,200 26.8681 USD Sale 5,600 26.811429 USD Sale 800 26.785 USD Sale 700 8.0693 Sale 7,565 8.08 Sale 446 8.08 Sale 9,955 8.11 Sale 197 8.08 Sale 3,648 26.86092961 USD Sale 124,191 8.08 Sale 400 26.8 USD Sale 484,000 26.8113 USD Sale 700 8.0987 Sale 800 26.9 USD Sale 800 26.8899 USD Sale 18,400 26.78321739 USD Sale 3,200 26.79625 USD Sale 400 26.79 USD Sale 4,144 26.8699 USD Sale 8,400 26.92238095 USD Sale 800 26.99 USD Sale 40,600 26.89287783 USD Sale 1,600 26.9375 USD Sale 1,200 8.0492 Sale 7,460 26.9388 USD Sale 28,800 26.81232222 USD Sale 100,000 26.954 USD Sale 21,200 26.85135849 USD Sale 400 26.76 USD Sale 3,200 26.78625 USD Sale 2,400 26.805 USD Sale 2,800 26.81571429 USD Sale 2,000 26.8218 USD Sale 800 26.91 USD Sale 400 27.08 USD Sale 400 26.9 USD Sale 3,100 26.9001 USD Sale 12,400 26.82319355 USD Sale 2,889 8.0727 Sale 6,400 26.790625 USD Sale 2,800 26.89142857 USD Sale 800 26.75 USD Sale 61,448 26.82665018 USD Sale 14,400 26.81805556 USD Sale 40 26.8608 USD Sale 17,748 26.81372774 USD Sale 5,012 26.79 USD Sale 26,712 26.82556155 USD Sale 20,676 26.82886305 USD Sale 2,000 26.8274 USD Sale 3,600 26.8608 USD Sale 4,400 26.92090909 USD Sale 800 27.04 Sale 4,800 26.80525 USD Sale 2,400 26.79 USD Sale 8,400 26.81257143 USD Sale 10,800 26.84740741 USD Sale 2,000 26.804 USD Sale 800 26.785 USD Sale 2,000 26.83 USD Sale 140 26.82 USD Sale 2,800 26.78285714 USD Sale 400 26.8 USD Sale 800 26.79 USD Sale 800 26.945 USD (b) Derivatives transactions (other than options) Product name, Long/Short Number of Price per (e.g. CFD) (Note 6) Securities unit (GBP) CFD Long 1200 8.0491 CFD Long 700 8.0692 CFD Long 124191 8.0799 CFD Long 6052 8.0839 CFD Long 700 8.0987 CFD Short 3904 8.0932 CFD Short 600 8.0991 (c) Options transactions in respect of existing securities (i) Writing, selling, purchasing or varying Product name, Writing, Number of Exercise Type, e.g. Expiry Option money e.g. call selling, securities to price American, date paid/received option purchasing, which the option European etc. per unit (GBP) varying etc. relates (GBP) Call Purchasing 400 50 USD AMER 19/12/2009 3.9 USD Call Purchasing 400 55 USD AMER 19/12/2009 0.7 USD Call Purchasing 3600 50 USD AMER 19/12/2009 3.9 USD Call Purchasing 18000 55 USD AMER 19/12/2009 0.7 USD Call Selling 400 55 USD AMER 19/12/2009 0.75 USD Call Selling 400 55 USD AMER 16/01/2010 1.2 USD Call Selling 800 55 USD AMER 19/12/2009 0.75 USD Call Selling 2000 55 USD AMER 16/01/2010 1.3 USD Call Selling 3600 55 USD AMER 16/01/2010 1.2 USD Put Purchasing 400 50 USD AMER 19/12/2009 0.15 USD Put Purchasing 400 50 USD AMER 19/12/2009 0.2 USD Put Purchasing 400 50 USD AMER 16/01/2010 0.6 USD (ii) Exercising Product name, e.g. Number of Exercise price per call option securities unit (Note 5) (d) Other dealings (including new securities) (Note 4) Nature of transaction Details Price per unit (Note 8) (if applicable) (Note 5) 4. OTHER INFORMATION None Agreements, arrangements or understandings relating to options or derivatives Full details of any agreement, arrangement or understanding between the person disclosing and any other person relating to the voting rights of any relevant securities under any option referred to on this form or relating to the voting rights or future acquisition or disposal of any relevant securities to which any derivative referred to on this form is referenced. If none, this should be stated. Is a Supplemental Form 8 attached? (Note 9) YES Date of disclosure 26 November 2009 Contact name Geoff Smith Telephone number 020 7116 2913 If a connected EFM, name of offeree/offeror with which connected If a connected EFM, state nature of connection (Note 10) Notes The Notes on Form 8.3 can be viewed on the Takeover Panel's website at SUPPLEMENTAL FORM 8 DETAILS OF OPEN POSITIONS (This form should be attached to Form 8.1, Form 8.1(b)(ii) or Form 8.3, as appropriate) OPEN POSITIONS (Note 1) Product name, Written or Number of securities Exercise price Type, e.g. Expiry date e.g. call option purchased to which the option (Note 2) American, or derivative relates European etc. Option Purchased 41,200 50 USD AMER 19/12/2009 Option Purchased -22,800 45 USD AMER 19/12/2009 Option Purchased -22,400 40 USD AMER 19/12/2009 Option Purchased -21,200 55 USD AMER 16/01/2010 Option Purchased -18,000 60 USD AMER 19/12/2009 Option Purchased -5,600 50 USD AMER 16/01/2010 Option Purchased -5,200 55 USD AMER 19/12/2009 Option Purchased -2,000 55 USD AMER 16/01/2010 Option Purchased 800 30 USD AMER 19/12/2009 Option Purchased -80,000 45 USD AMER 20/03/2010 Option Purchased 9,600 35 USD AMER 19/12/2009 Option Purchased 500,000 7.4 EURO 18/12/2009 Option Purchased 44,800 55 USD AMER 19/12/2009 Option Purchased 134,000 50 USD AMER 19/12/2009 Option Purchased -750,000 8.60 EURO 18/12/2009 Option Purchased -665,000 7.40 EURO 18/12/2009 Option Purchased -50,000 8.40 EURO 18/12/2009 Option Purchased 375,000 8.00 EURO 18/12/2009 Option Purchased 375,000 8.00 EURO 18/12/2009 Option Purchased 250,000 8.2 EURO 18/12/2009 Option Purchased 8,000 45 USD AMER 19/12/2009 Notes 1. Where there are open option positions or open derivative positions (except for CFDs), full details should be given. Full details of any existing agreements to purchase or to sell should also be given on this form. 2. For all prices and other monetary amounts, the currency must be stated. For details of the Code's dealing disclosure requirements, see Rule 8 and its Notes which can be viewed on the Takeover Panel's website at


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