Rule 8.3 - RIO TINTO PLC

FORM 8.3 DEALINGS BY PERSONS WITH INTERESTS IN SECURITIES REPRESENTING 1% OR MORE (Rule 8.3 of the City Code on Takeovers and Mergers) 1. KEY INFORMATION Name of person dealing BARCLAYS PLC (Note 1) Company dealt in RIO TINTO Class of relevant security ORD GBP0.10 to which the dealings being disclosed relate (Note 2) Date of dealing 30 May 2008 2. INTERESTS, SHORT POSITIONS AND RIGHTS TO SUBSCRIBE (a) Interests and short positions (following dealing) in the class of relevant security dealt in (Note 3) Long Short Number (%) Number (%) (1) Relevant 46,809,741 4.69% 999,406 0.10% securities (2) Derivatives 2,755,606 0.28% 185,987 0.02% (other than options) (3) Options and 101,461 0.01% 341,080 0.03% agreements to purchase/sell Total 49,666,808 4.98% 1,526,473 0.15% (b) Interests and short positions in relevant securities of the company, other than the class dealt in (Note 3) Class of Long Short relevant security: Number (%) Number (%) (1) Relevant securities (2) Derivatives (other than options) (3) Options and agreements to purchase/sell Total (c) Rights to subscribe (Note 3) Class of relevant security: Details 3. DEALINGS (Note 4) (a) Purchases and sales Purchase/sale Number of Securities Price per unit (GBP) Purchase 10,548 60.5500 Purchase 173,938 60.5500 Purchase 1,877 59.0756 Purchase 2,917 60.5439 Purchase 514 60.5500 Purchase 8,362 60.7690 Purchase 6,890 60.5500 Purchase 31,033 60.7806 Purchase 549 60.1563 Purchase 130 60.8165 Purchase 11,381 60.5500 Purchase 6,218 60.8409 Purchase 10,260 60.1800 Purchase 6,268 60.1800 Purchase 2,618 60.5500 Purchase 672 60.5500 Purchase 3,816 60.5500 Purchase 4,006 61.1639 Purchase 595 61.1639 Purchase 16,681 60.5500 Purchase 6,890 60.5500 Purchase 7,086 60.8430 Purchase 2,864 60.5500 Purchase 322 60.5500 Purchase 1,434 60.5500 Purchase 922 60.5500 Purchase 10,821 60.5638 Purchase 21,617 60.1800 Purchase 234 60.5500 Purchase 549 60.1600 Purchase 7,246 60.8038 Purchase 21,285 60.1593 Purchase 375 60.4800 Purchase 18,825 60.7994 Purchase 750 60.2900 Purchase 126 61.8000 Purchase 6,895 61.0512 Purchase 23,948 60.6489 Purchase 288 60.5500 Sale 1,295 60.5500 Sale 111 60.6671 Sale 635 60.5561 Sale 135 60.5500 Sale 46 60.6671 Sale 264 60.5561 Sale 6,508 60.5561 Sale 2,690 60.6095 Sale 54 60.5500 Sale 18,439 60.6095 Sale 6,936 60.6095 Sale 1,107 60.6095 Sale 1,381 60.5500 Sale 7,488 60.6671 Sale 30 60.7340 Sale 13,544 60.5500 Sale 20 60.6671 Sale 116 60.5561 Sale 42,432 60.5561 Sale 25 60.5500 Sale 1,436 59.9800 Sale 304 Transfer Sale 5,500 60.5500 Sale 2,300 60.0236 Sale 41,163 60.7264 Sale 549 60.1600 Sale 125 120.7800 USD Sale 4,500 60.6234 Sale 21 60.7300 Sale 7,212 59.8343 Sale 50 60.7736 Sale 20 60.7530 Sale 150 60.7735 Sale 1,148 60.6671 Sale 50 60.6490 Sale 50 60.5720 Sale 363 60.5561 Sale 63 60.6671 Sale 50 60.7736 Sale 9,450 60.5500 Sale 1,903 60.5561 Sale 335 60.6671 Sale 1,444 60.5500 Sale 6,808 60.5561 Sale 1,201 60.6671 Sale 10,548 60.5500 Sale 103 60.5500 Sale 128 60.5561 Sale 100 60.8530 Sale 90 60.6760 Sale 100 60.6132 Sale 175 60.6820 Sale 2,209 60.6500 Sale 373 60.5621 Sale 6,890 60.5500 Sale 542 60.6095 Sale 85 60.6671 Sale 483 60.5561 Sale 168 60.5500 Sale 85 60.3824 Sale 210 60.6095 Sale 719 60.6095 Sale 398 60.5500 Sale 562 60.5500 Sale 1,407 60.5707 Sale 721 60.6095 Sale 870 60.5707 Sale 1,563 60.5707 Sale 2,680 60.5707 Sale 763 60.5500 Sale 110 61.0004 Sale 2,973 60.5500 Sale 22 60.6671 Sale 1,975 60.5707 Sale 12,561 60.5500 Sale 34,233 60.5500 Sale 406 60.6428 Sale 495 60.5707 Sale 823 60.5707 Sale 10,437 60.5707 Sale 171 60.5707 Sale 27 60.5500 Sale 124 60.6671 Sale 709 60.5561 Sale 570 60.5500 Sale 567 60.6095 Sale 120 60.5500 Sale 399 60.5500 Sale 11,381 60.5500 Sale 159 60.5561 Sale 444 60.5707 Sale 399 60.5561 Sale 85 60.5500 Sale 70 60.6671 Sale 323 60.6095 Sale 735 60.5707 Sale 740 60.6095 Sale 2,360 60.5707 Sale 250 60.5561 Sale 44 60.6671 Sale 53 60.5500 Sale 27,352 60.5561 Sale 5,803 60.5500 Sale 4,826 60.6671 Sale 28 60.6671 Sale 2,522 60.5707 Sale 479 60.6095 Sale 2,629 60.6095 Sale 112 60.6095 Sale 306 60.5707 Sale 631 60.5290 Sale 125 60.8324 Sale 975 60.6095 Sale 1,862 60.6095 (b) Derivatives transactions (other than options) Product name, Long/Short Number of Price per (e.g. CFD) (Note 6) Securities unit (GBP) CFD Long 7212 59.8342 CFD Long 1436 59.98 CFD Long 2300 60.0236 CFD Long 787 60.5622 CFD Long 4500 60.6233 CFD Long 41163 60.7263 CFD Long 204 60.9034 CFD Short 1877 59.0756 CFD Short 718 60.5525 CFD Short 10821 60.5637 CFD Short 23948 60.6488 CFD Short 8362 60.769 CFD Short 31033 60.7806 CFD Short 18825 60.7994 CFD Short 7246 60.8038 CFD Short 6218 60.8409 CFD Short 7086 60.843 (c) Options transactions in respect of existing securities (i) Writing, selling, purchasing or varying Product name, Writing, Number of Exercise Type, e.g. Expiry Option money e.g. call selling, securities to price American, date paid/received option purchasing, which the option European etc. per unit (GBP) varying etc. relates (GBP) (ii) Exercising Product name, e.g. Number of Exercise price per call option securities unit (Note 5) (d) Other dealings (including new securities) (Note 4) Nature of transaction Details Price per unit (Note 8) (if applicable) (Note 5) 4. OTHER INFORMATION None Agreements, arrangements or understandings relating to options or derivatives Full details of any agreement, arrangement or understanding between the person disclosing and any other person relating to the voting rights of any relevant securities under any option referred to on this form or relating to the voting rights or future acquisition or disposal of any relevant securities to which any derivative referred to on this form is referenced. If none, this should be stated. Is a Supplemental Form 8 attached? (Note 9) YES Date of disclosure 02 June 2008 Contact name Geoff Smith Telephone number 020 7116 2913 If a connected EFM, name of offeree/offeror with which connected If a connected EFM, state nature of connection (Note 10) Notes The Notes on Form 8.3 can be viewed on the Takeover Panel's website at SUPPLEMENTAL FORM 8 DETAILS OF OPEN POSITIONS (This form should be attached to Form 8.1, Form 8.1(b)(ii) or Form 8.3, as appropriate) OPEN POSITIONS (Note 1) Product name, Written or Number of securities Exercise price Type, e.g. Expiry date e.g. call option purchased to which the option (Note 2) American, or derivative relates European etc. Option Purchased -135 5,200.0000 EURO 19/12/2008 Option Purchased -100,000 30.0000 AMER 20/06/2008 Option Purchased -38,000 70.0000 AMER 20/06/2008 Option Purchased -10,000 74.0000 AMER 20/06/2008 Option Purchased -2,000 70.0000 AMER 20/06/2008 Option Purchased -300 5,200.0000 EURO 19/09/2008 Option Purchased -190,000 74.0000 AMER 20/06/2008 Option Purchased -145 5,200.0000 EURO 19/12/2008 Option Purchased 100,000 56.0000 AMER 18/12/2009 Option Purchased 11 7,600.0000 EURO 20/06/2008 Option Purchased 125 4,400.0000 EURO 20/06/2008 Option Purchased 125 4,400.0000 EURO 20/06/2008 Option Purchased 250 3,800.0000 EURO 20/06/2008 Option Purchased 250 3,000.0000 EURO 20/06/2008 Option Purchased 350 4,600.0000 EURO 19/12/2008 Option Purchased 350 4,600.0000 EURO 19/12/2008 Option Purchased -250 2,500.0000 EURO 20/06/2008 Notes 1. Where there are open option positions or open derivative positions (except for CFDs), full details should be given. Full details of any existing agreements to purchase or to sell should also be given on this form. 2. For all prices and other monetary amounts, the currency must be stated. For details of the Code's dealing disclosure requirements, see Rule 8 and its Notes which can be viewed on the Takeover Panel's website at


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