Rule 8 - TESCO

Form 8.1/8.3 Lodge with a RIS or Newstrack, if appropriate, and the Takeover Panel. Use separate form for each class of securities in which dealings have been made. Date of Disclosure 10 March 2003 DISCLOSURE UNDER RULES 8.1(a), 8.1(b)(i) and 8.3 OF THE CITY CODE ON TAKEOVERS AND MERGER Date of Dealing 7 March 2003 Dealing in TESCO (1)Class of security (eg ordinary shares) ORD GBP0.05 (2)Amount bought Amount sold Price per unit 71 0 1.6116 101 0 1.6015 121 0 1.6115 121 0 1.6135 122 0 1.6090 124 0 1.6090 129 0 1.6040 141 0 1.6080 144 0 1.6110 162 0 1.6040 168 0 1.6065 181 0 1.6090 183 0 1.6110 192 0 1.6116 194 0 1.6110 243 0 1.6105 255 0 1.6060 258 0 1.6110 261 0 1.6121 271 0 1.6121 274 0 1.6060 279 0 1.6040 281 0 1.6065 301 0 1.6115 303 0 1.6090 304 0 1.6115 304 0 1.6065 309 0 1.6140 324 0 1.6115 328 0 1.6090 334 0 1.6090 345 0 1.6115 352 0 1.6195 360 0 1.6090 364 0 1.6130 365 0 1.6090 376 0 1.6115 403 0 1.6060 425 0 1.6130 428 0 1.6065 435 0 1.6135 450 0 1.6040 457 0 1.6090 473 0 1.6816 475 0 1.6080 487 0 1.6115 502 0 1.6090 505 0 1.6090 515 0 1.6090 541 0 1.6140 545 0 1.6115 546 0 1.6090 580 0 1.6196 607 0 1.6090 608 0 1.6065 609 0 1.6090 673 0 1.6121 730 0 1.6145 762 0 1.6040 792 0 1.6190 914 0 1.6110 1,023 0 1.6121 1,188 0 1.6115 1,828 0 1.6115 2,071 0 1.6115 4,387 0 1.6097 6,765 0 1.6130 19,255 0 1.6050 19,900 0 1.6119 27,519 0 1.6050 45,996 0 1.6100 0 179 1.6131 0 251 1.6161 0 268 1.6104 0 278 1.6104 0 291 1.6081 0 312 1.6041 0 484 1.6086 0 485 1.6783 0 594 1.6179 0 690 1.6104 0 875 1.6106 0 885 1.6056 0 947 1.6136 0 1,048 1.6104 0 1,238 1.6111 0 1,438 1.6061 0 1,725 1.6106 0 1,758 1.6081 0 1,921 1.6041 0 2,010 1.6056 0 2,058 1.6106 0 2,080 1.6081 0 2,245 1.6106 0 2,417 1.6256 0 2,579 1.6256 0 3,234 1.6106 0 4,113 1.6106 0 19,900 1.6119 0 20,202 1.6100 0 45,963 1.6090 (3)Resultant total of the same class owned or controlled 331,105,073 (and percentage of class) (4.55 % ) (4) Party making disclosure Barclays PLC (5) EITHER (a) Name of purchaser/vendor (Note 1) (b) If dealing for discretionary client(s), name of fund management organisation Barclays PLC (6) Reason for disclosure (Note 2) (a) associate of (i) offeror (Note 3) NO (ii) offeree NO Specify which category or categories of associate (1-8 overleaf) (b) Rule 8.3 (i.e disclosure because of ownership or control of 1% or more of the class of relevant securities dealt in) YES Signed, for and on behalf of the party named in (4) above .................................................................. (Also print name of signatory) Geoff Smith Telephone and extension number 0207 699 2305


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