29 December 2022
Baronsmead Second Venture Trust plc
The Board of Baronsmead Second Venture Trust plc (the "Company") announces that on 29 December 2022 the Company purchased 279,821 ordinary shares of 10p at a price of 63.77 pence per share to be held in Treasury.
Following the share buyback, the Company's issued ordinary share capital consists of 357,889,473 shares of which 32,249,932 shares are held in Treasury. Therefore, the total number of shares in circulation which hold voting rights in the Company is 325,639,541 ordinary shares of 10p. Each share has one voting right.
For further information please contact:
Baronsmead VCT Investor Relations
020 7382 0999
LEI 2138008D3WUMF6TW8C28