19TH JUNE 2008
The company was yesterday informed that on the same day, under the terms of the Bellway plc Employee Share Trust (1992) (a trust used to reward directors and employees), the Trustees acquired 10,000 Bellway plc 12.5p ordinary shares at a price of 473p per share.
The Company was further advised that an additional 10,000 Bellway plc 12.5p ordinary shares were purchased today at a price of 468.50p per share.
Following the above transactions, the total number of shares held in the Bellway plc Employee Share Trust (1992) is 180,858 (0.16%) (160,858; 0.14%). Of these, the executive directors have a beneficial interest in 99,669 (0.09%) (99,669; 0.09%) under deferred bonus arrangements.
Under the terms of the Bellway plc (2004) Performance Share Plan, the Bellway plc executive directors have a potential future beneficial interest in up to 445,715(0.39%) (445,715; 0.39%) shares held in the Trust.
In addition, each Bellway executive director has a potential further beneficial interest in up to nil (0.0%) nil (0.0%) shares held in the Trust.
The other interests of the directors remain unchanged.