Notice of AGM

Berkeley Resources Limited 22 May 2007 BERKELEY RESOURCES LIMITED ABN 40 052 468 569 NOTICE OF GENERAL MEETING The General Meeting of the Company will be held in Duxton Room 4, Duxton Hotel, 1 St Georges Terrace, Perth, Western Australia on Thursday, 21 June 2007 at 4.00pm. This Notice of General Meeting should be read in its entirety. If Shareholders are in doubt as to how they should vote, they should seek advice from their accountant, solicitor or other professional adviser prior to voting. Should you wish to discuss any matter please do not hesitate to contact the Company Secretary by telephone on (08) 9322 6322. BERKELEY RESOURCES LIMITED ABN 40 052 468 569 NOTICE OF GENERAL MEETING Notice is hereby given that a General Meeting of shareholders of Berkeley Resources Limited ('Company') will be held in Duxton Room 4, Duxton Hotel, 1 St Georges Terrace, Perth, Western Australia on 21 June 2007 at 4.00pm ('Meeting'). The Explanatory Memorandum to this Notice of General Meeting provides additional information on matters to be considered at the Meeting. The Explanatory Memorandum and Proxy Form are part of this Notice of General Meeting. The Directors have determined pursuant to regulation 7.11.37 of the Corporations Regulations 2001 (Cth) that the persons eligible to vote at the Meeting are those who are registered as Shareholders of the Company on 19 June 2007 at 4.00pm. Terms and abbreviations used in this Notice and Explanatory Memorandum are defined in Schedule 1. AGENDA 1. Resolution 1 - Ratification of Prior Issue of Shares To consider, and if thought fit, to pass with or without amendment as an ordinary resolution the following: 'That, pursuant to and in accordance with Listing Rule 7.4 and for all other purposes, Shareholders approve and ratify the prior issue by the Directors of 12,500,000 Shares each at an issue price of $1.85 and on the terms and conditions in the Explanatory Memorandum.' Voting Exclusion The Company will disregard any votes cast on this resolution by a person who received securities in relation to the issue, or any associate of such a person. However, the Company will not disregard a vote if: a) it is cast by the person as proxy for a person who is entitled to vote, in accordance with directions on the Proxy Form; or b) it is cast by the person chairing the Meeting as proxy for a person who is entitled to vote, in accordance with a direction on the Proxy Form to vote as the proxy decides. 2. Resolution 2 - Authority to Grant Incentive Options to Senor Jose Ramon Esteruelas To consider, and if thought fit, to pass the following resolution as an ordinary resolution: 'That, pursuant to and in accordance with Listing Rule 10.11 and Chapter 2E of the Corporations Act, Shareholders authorise the Directors to grant 250,000 Incentive Options exercisable at $1.00 each on or before 30 November 2008 (' Esteruelas Incentive Options') to Senor Jose Ramon Esteruelas, on the terms and conditions set out in the Explanatory Memorandum accompanying this Notice.' Voting Exclusion The Company will disregard any votes cast on this resolution by a person or their associate, who is to receive Esteruelas Incentive Options (except a benefit solely in their capacity as holder of ordinary securities), if the resolution is passed. However, the Company will not disregard a vote if: a) it is cast by the person as proxy for a person who is entitled to vote, in accordance with directions on the Proxy Form; or b) it is cast by the person chairing the Meeting as proxy for a person who is entitled to vote, in accordance with a direction on the Proxy Form to vote as the proxy decides. 3. Resolution 3 - Authority to Grant Incentive Options to Mr Sean James To consider, and if thought fit, to pass the following resolution as an ordinary resolution: 'That, pursuant to and in accordance with Listing Rule 10.11 and Chapter 2E of the Corporations Act, Shareholders authorise the Directors to grant 250,000 Incentive Options exercisable at $1.00 each on or before 30 November 2008 (' James Incentive Options') to Mr Sean James, on the terms and conditions set out in the Explanatory Memorandum accompanying this Notice.' Voting Exclusion The Company will disregard any votes cast on this resolution by a person or their associate, who is to receive James Incentive Options (except a benefit solely in their capacity as holder of ordinary securities), if the resolution is passed. However, the Company will not disregard a vote if: a) it is cast by the person as proxy for a person who is entitled to vote, in accordance with directions on the Proxy Form; or b) it is cast by the person chairing the Meeting as proxy for a person who is entitled to vote, in accordance with a direction on the Proxy Form to vote as the proxy decides. 4. Resolution 4 - Authority to Grant Incentive Options to Mr Matthew Syme To consider, and if thought fit, to pass the following resolution as an ordinary resolution: 'That, pursuant to and in accordance with Listing Rule 10.11 and Chapter 2E of the Corporations Act, Shareholders authorise the Directors to grant 1,000,000 Incentive Options exercisable at $1.00 each on or before 30 November 2008 ('Syme Incentive Options') to Hopetoun Consulting Pty Ltd, a related party of Mr Matthew Syme, on the terms and conditions set out in the Explanatory Memorandum accompanying this Notice.' Voting Exclusion The Company will disregard any votes cast on this resolution by a person or their associate, who is to receive Syme Incentive Options (except a benefit solely in their capacity as holder of ordinary securities), if the resolution is passed. However, the Company will not disregard a vote if: a) it is cast by the person as proxy for a person who is entitled to vote, in accordance with directions on the Proxy Form; or b) it is cast by the person chairing the Meeting as proxy for a person who is entitled to vote, in accordance with a direction on the Proxy Form to vote as the proxy decides. 5. Resolution 5 - Adoption of Employee Option Scheme To consider, and if thought fit pass with or without amendment as an ordinary resolution, the following: 'That in accordance with Exception 9 of ASX Listing Rule 7.2, Shareholders approve the establishment of an employee option scheme to be called the 'Berkeley Employee Option Scheme' and the issue of Options pursuant to this scheme on the terms and conditions in the Explanatory Memorandum'. Voting Exclusion The Company will disregard any votes cast on this resolution by a Director (except one who is ineligible to participate in any employee incentive scheme in relation to the Company) or any associate of a Director. However, the Company will not disregard a vote if: a) it is cast by the person as a proxy for a person who is entitled to vote, in accordance with directions on the Proxy Form; or b) it is cast by the person chairing the Meeting as proxy for a person who is entitled to vote, in accordance with directions on the Proxy Form to vote as the proxy decides. 6. Resolution 6 - Deed of Indemnity and Access with Senor Jose Ramon Esteruelas To consider, and if thought fit, to pass the following resolution as an ordinary resolution: 'That pursuant to section 200B and Chapter 2E of the Corporations Act and for all other purposes approval be given to the Company to: (a) indemnify Senor Jose Ramon Esteruelas, during the period of his directorship and after the cessation of his directorship, in respect of certain claims should any be made against him whilst acting in his capacity as a director of the Company; (b) use its reasonable endeavours to procure an insurance policy and pay the premiums of insurance as assessed at market rates applicable from time to time for Senor Esteruelas in respect of certain claims made against him acting in the capacity of a director of the Company (except to the extent such insurance cannot be procured at a reasonable cost or is otherwise unavailable to the Company); (c) use its reasonable endeavours to ensure that an insurance policy for Senor Esteruelas is at all times covered under an insurance policy during the Insurance Run-Off Period, which will be on terms not materially less favourable to Senor Esteruelas than the terms of insurance applicable at the date of termination of his directorship and to continue to pay those premiums during that Insurance Run-Off Period (except to the extent such insurance cannot be procured at a reasonable cost or is otherwise unavailable to the Company); and (d) provide Senor Esteruelas with access, upon the cessation for any reason of his directorship and for a period of not less than 7 years following that cessation, to any Company records which are either prepared or provided to Senor Esteruelas during the period of his directorship, upon and subject to the terms and conditions as set out in the Explanatory Memorandum.' BY ORDER OF THE BOARD Shane Cranswick Company Secretary Dated: 16 May 2007 BERKELEY RESOURCES LIMITED ABN 40 052 468 569 EXPLANATORY MEMORANDUM 1. Introduction This Explanatory Memorandum has been prepared for the information of Shareholders of the Company in connection with the business to be conducted at the General Meeting to be held in Duxton Room 4, Duxton Hotel, 1 St Georges Terrace, Perth, Western Australia on 21 June 2007 at 4.00pm. This Explanatory Memorandum should be read in conjunction with and forms part of the accompanying Notice. The purpose of this Explanatory Memorandum is to provide information to Shareholders in deciding whether or not to pass the Resolutions set out in the Notice. A Proxy Form is located at the end of the Explanatory Memorandum. 2. Action to be taken by Shareholders Shareholders should read the Notice and this Explanatory Memorandum carefully before deciding how to vote on the Resolutions. A Proxy Form is attached to the Notice. This is to be used by Shareholders if they wish to appoint a representative (a 'proxy') to vote in their place. All Shareholders are invited and encouraged to attend the Meeting or, if they are unable to attend in person, sign and return the Proxy Form to the Company in accordance with the instructions thereon. Lodgement of a Proxy Form will not preclude a Shareholder from attending and voting at the Meeting in person. 3. Resolution 1 - Ratification of Prior Issue of Shares The Company announced on 13 April 2007 it had completed a placement of 12,500,000 Shares to institutional investors based in Europe, the USA, Canada and Australia to raise $23,125,000 before issue costs. The funds will be used to progress current exploration activities for the Company's existing Spanish uranium projects, fund new exploration projects in Spain, expand business development activities and augment working capital requirements. These Shares were issued within the 15% annual limit permitted under Listing Rule 7.1, without the need for Shareholder approval. The effect of Shareholders passing Resolution 1 by ratifying the issue of the 12,500,000 Shares will be to restore the Company's ability to issue Shares (or Options) within that limit, to the extent of the 12,500,000 Shares issued. Listing Rule 7.5 requires that the following information be provided to shareholders for the purpose of obtaining Shareholder approval pursuant to Listing Rule 7.4: a) the Shares were issued to institutional investors based in Europe, the USA, Canada and Australia (who are all unrelated parties of the Company); b) 12,500,000 Shares were each issued at $1.85 to raise $23,125,000 (before issue costs); c) the 12,500,000 Shares are ordinary listed fully paid shares in the capital of the Company; d) a voting exclusion statement is included in the Notice; and e) the expected application of funds is outlined below: Description Amount Exploration 16,725,000 Capital raising expenses 1,400,000 Business development 1,000,000 Working capital 4,000,000 Total 23,125,000 4. Resolution 2 - Authority to Grant Incentive Options to Senor Jose Ramon Esteruelas Resolution 2 seeks the approval of Shareholders pursuant to Listing Rule 10.11 and Chapter 2E of the Corporations Act for the Directors to grant 250,000 Incentive Options to Senor Jose Ramon Esteruelas. Shareholder approval is required under ASX Listing Rule 10.11 and section 208 of the Corporations Act because Senor Esteruelas is a related party of the Company. Furthermore, Shareholder approval of the grant of the Esteruelas Incentive Options means that this issue will not reduce the Company's 15% placement capacity under ASX Listing Rule 7.1. Resolution 2 is an ordinary resolution. Specific Information Required by Listing Rule 10.13 and section 219 of the Corporations Act a) 250,000 Incentive Options will be granted to Senor Esteruelas exercisable at $1.00 each on or before 30 November 2008. b) Senor Esteruelas was appointed a Non-Executive Director on 16 November 2006. The Board agreed to issue Incentive Options to Senor Esteruelas as part of his remuneration package upon his acceptance to join the Board. The average closing price of Berkeley Shares during the five trading days up to the date of Senor Esteruelas' appointment was $1.07. Senor Esteruelas is a very experienced Spanish executive whose senior executive roles have included Director General of Correos y Telegrafos (the Spanish postal service), President of Minas de Almaden y Arrayanes SA (formerly the world's largest mercury producer) and Chief Executive Officer of Compania Espanola de Tabaco en Rama SA (the leading tobacco company in Spain). Senor Esteruelas is Berkeley's senior Spanish representative as the Company seeks to capitalise on its substantial asset base in the country. The Company is a small listed company which is exploring a number of uranium projects in Spain. The Company has limited funds, most of which are allocated to specific exploration and development activities. As a result, the Board chose to grant Incentive Options to Senor Esteruelas as a key component of his remuneration in order to attract and retain his services. There are no additional performance criteria on Incentive Options as given the speculative nature of the Company's activities and the small management team responsible for its running, it is considered the performance of Senor Esteruelas and the performance and value of the Company are closely related. c) It is noted that the granting of options to non-executive directors is contrary to ASX Corporate Governance Guideline 9.3, however, for the reasons outlined in paragraph (b), the other Directors still consider the granting of Incentive Options in this circumstance to be appropriate and accordingly, Shareholder approval is sought to grant these Incentive Options to Senor Esteruelas. d) In addition to the Incentive Options to be issued in accordance with this Resolution 2, Senor Esteruelas currently receives the following remuneration package: Directors Fees €48,000 p.a. Total €48,000 p.a. In addition, Senor Esteruelas is entitled to reimbursement of all reasonable travelling, accommodation and other expenses that a Director properly incurs in attending meetings of Directors or any meetings of committees of Directors, in attending any meetings of Shareholders and in connection with the business of the Company. Other than as set out in this Notice, Senor Esteruelas does not receive any other emoluments. e) The Incentive Options will be granted for nil consideration. f) Upon exercise of the Incentive Options, the Shares will be issued on a one for one basis on the same terms as the Company's existing Shares; g) the Incentive Options are exercisable from the date of grant until 30 November 2008. The Incentive Options will not be quoted on ASX. Further terms and conditions of the Incentive Options are in Schedule 2 of this Explanatory Memorandum. h) The Company will grant the Incentive Options no later than 1 month after the date of the Meeting (or such longer period of time as ASX may in its discretion allow). i) Senor Esteruelas has an interest in the Resolution under which Incentive Options will be granted to him and therefore does not want to make a recommendation. In relation to the Incentive Options to be granted to Senor Esteruelas, each other Director has no interest in the outcome of the grant of Incentive Options and is in favour of the Resolution. j) Other than the Incentive Options the subject of this Resolution 2, Senor Esteruelas currently does not hold an interest in securities of the Company. k) A valuation of these Incentive Options has been obtained from an independent expert and on the basis of the assumptions set out below the technical value of one Incentive Option is as follows: Name Number of Options Value Per Total Value Security Senor Esteruelas 250,000 $1.046 $261,500 This valuation imputes a total value of $261,500 to the Esteruelas Incentive Options. The value may go up or down after the date of valuation as it will depend on the future price of a Share. Black & Scholes methodology has been used, together with the following assumptions: i. The risk free rate is the Commonwealth Government securities rate with a maturity date approximating that of the expiration period of the Incentive Options as at 1 May 2007 - 6.14%; ii. The underlying security spot price used for the purposes of this valuation is based on the closing price of the Company's Shares as at 30 April 2007 - $1.695; iii. the volatility factor is set as 95% which is based on an average of comparable companies' historical data from the Australian Graduate School of Management's Risk Measurement Service; iv. for the purposes of the valuation, no future dividend payments have been forecast; and v. for the purposes of the valuation it is assumed that the Incentive Options will not be exercised any earlier than the expiry date of 30 November 2008. l) If the Shareholders approve the proposed grant of Incentive Options under this Resolution, the exercise of those Incentive Options will result in a dilution of all other Shareholders' holdings in the Company of 0.28% based on issued Shares as at the date of this Notice. m) Under the new accounting standard AASB 2 Share Based Payments, the Company would recognise the fair value of options granted to Senor Esteruelas as an expense of $261,500 in the income statement with a corresponding adjustment to equity. n) The market price of Shares would normally determine whether Senor Esteruelas will exercise the Incentive Options or not. If the Incentive Options are exercised at a price that is lower than the price at which Shares are trading on ASX, there may be a perceived cost to the Company. o) No funds will be raised by the grant of the Esteruelas Incentive Options as they are being issued for nil consideration. p) Historical share price information for the last twelve months is set out below: Price Date Highest $2.01 10 April 2007 Lowest $0.58 22 June 2006 Last $1.55 15 May 2007 q) Other than the information above and otherwise set out in this Explanatory Memorandum, the Company believes that there is no other information that would be reasonably required by Shareholders to pass Resolution 2. r) A voting exclusion statement is included in this Notice. As Shareholder approval is sought under Listing Rule 10.11, approval under Listing Rule 7.1 is not required. 5. Resolution 3 - Authority to Grant Incentive Options to Mr Sean James Resolution 3 seeks the approval of Shareholders pursuant to Listing Rule 10.11 and Chapter 2E of the Corporations Act for the Directors to grant 250,000 Incentive Options to Mr Sean James. Shareholder approval is required under ASX Listing Rule 10.11 and section 208 of the Corporations Act because Mr James is a related party of the Company. Furthermore, Shareholder approval of the grant of the James Incentive Options means that this issue will not reduce the Company's 15% placement capacity under ASX Listing Rule 7.1. Resolution 3 is an ordinary resolution. Specific Information Required by Listing Rule 10.13 and section 219 of the Corporations Act (a) 250,000 Incentive Options will be granted to Mr James exercisable at $1.00 each on or before 30 November 2008. (b) Mr James was appointed to the Board on 28 July 2006. The Board agreed to issue Executive Options to Mr James as part of his remuneration package upon his acceptance to join the Board. On 16 November 2006 Mr James relinquished his executive role and as such, Resolution 8 of the 2006 Notice of Annual General Meeting which dealt with the grant of the Executive Options to Mr James was not put to shareholders. As such, Mr James has no entitlement to Executive Options. The Board revised the remuneration and incentive components of Mr James' remuneration package as outlined below and the subject of this resolution. The average closing price of Berkeley Shares during the five trading days up to the date of Mr James' revised role was $1.07. Mr James is a mining engineer and was formerly the Managing Director of the Rossing Uranium Mine in Namibia which is the world's largest low grade, open pit uranium mine. After 16 years at Rossing, he returned to London as a Group Mining Executive at Rio Tinto Plc in London. Mr James' experience in managing the Rossing mine is ideally suited for the type of uranium mining operations the Company aims to develop in the Iberian Peninsula. The Company is a small listed company which is exploring a number of uranium projects in Spain. The Company has limited funds, most of which are allocated to specific exploration and development activities. As a result, the Board chose to grant Incentive Options to Mr James as a key component of his remuneration in order to attract and retain his services. There are no additional performance criteria on Incentive Options as given the speculative nature of the Company's activities and the small management team responsible for its running, it is considered the performance of Mr James and the performance and value of the Company are closely related. (c) It is noted that the granting of options to non-executive directors is contrary to ASX Corporate Governance Guideline 9.3, however, for the reasons outlined in paragraph (b), the other Directors still consider the granting of Incentive Options in this circumstance to be appropriate and accordingly, Shareholder approval is sought to grant these Incentive Options to Mr James. (d) In addition to the Incentive Options to be issued in accordance with Resolution 3, Mr James currently receives the following remuneration package: Directors Fees £18,000 p.a. Total £18,000 p.a. In addition, Mr James is entitled to reimbursement of all reasonable travelling, accommodation and other expenses that a Director properly incurs in attending meetings of Directors or any meetings of committees of Directors, in attending any meetings of Shareholders and in connection with the business of the Company. Other than as set out in this Notice, Mr James does not receive any other emoluments. (e) The Incentive Options will be granted for nil consideration. (f) Upon exercise of the Incentive Options, the Shares will be issued on a one for one basis on the same terms as the Company's existing Shares; (g) the Incentive Options are exercisable from the date of grant until 30 November 2008. The Incentive Options will not be quoted on ASX. Further terms and conditions of the Incentive Options are in Schedule 2 of this Explanatory Memorandum. (h) The Company will grant the Incentive Options no later than 1 month after the date of the Meeting (or such longer period of time as ASX may in its discretion allow). (i) Mr James has an interest in the Resolution under which Incentive Options will be granted to him and therefore does not want to make a recommendation. In relation to the Incentive Options to be granted to Mr James, each other Director has no interest in the outcome of the grant of Incentive Options and is in favour of the Resolution. (j) Other than the Incentive Options the subject of this Resolution 3, Mr James currently does not hold an interest in securities of the Company. (k) A valuation of these Incentive Options has been obtained from an independent expert and on the basis of the assumptions set out below the technical value of one Incentive Option is as follows: Name Number of Options Value Per Total Value Security Mr James 250,000 $1.046 $261,500 This valuation imputes a total value of $261,500 to the James Incentive Options. The value may go up or down after the date of valuation as it will depend on the future price of a Share. Black & Scholes methodology has been used, together with the following assumptions: i. The risk free rate is the Commonwealth Government securities rate with a maturity date approximating that of the expiration period of the Incentive Options as at 1 May 2007 - 6.14%; ii. The underlying security spot price used for the purposes of this valuation is based on the closing price of the Company's Shares as at 30 April 2007 - $1.695; iii. the volatility factor is set as 95% which is based on an average of comparable companies' historical data from the Australian Graduate School of Management's Risk Measurement Service; iv. for the purposes of the valuation, no future dividend payments have been forecast; and v. for the purposes of the valuation it is assumed that the Incentive Options will not be exercised any earlier than the expiry date of 30 November 2008. (l) If the Shareholders approve the proposed grant of Incentive Options under this Resolution, the exercise of those Incentive Options will result in a dilution of all other Shareholders' holdings in the Company of 0.28% based on issued Shares as at the date of this Notice. (m) Under the new accounting standard AASB 2 Share Based Payments, the Company would recognise the fair value of options granted to Mr James as an expense of $261,500 in the income statement with a corresponding adjustment to equity. (n) The market price of Shares would normally determine whether Mr James will exercise the Incentive Options or not. If the Incentive Options are exercised at a price that is lower than the price at which Shares are trading on ASX, there may be a perceived cost to the Company. (o) No funds will be raised by the grant of the James Incentive Options as they are being issued for nil consideration. (p) Historical share price information for the last twelve months is set out below: Price Date Highest $2.01 10 April 2007 Lowest $0.58 22 June 2006 Last $1.55 15 May 2007 (q) Other than the information above and otherwise set out in this Explanatory Memorandum, the Company believes that there is no other information that would be reasonably required by Shareholders to pass Resolution 3. (r) A voting exclusion statement is included in this Notice. As Shareholder approval is sought under Listing Rule 10.11, approval under Listing Rule 7.1 is not required. 6. Resolution 4 - Authority to Grant Incentive Options to Mr Matthew Syme Resolution 4 seeks the approval of Shareholders pursuant to Listing Rule 10.11 and Chapter 2E of the Corporations Act for the Directors to grant 1,000,000 Incentive Options to Hopetoun Consulting Pty Ltd, a company of which Mr Syme is a director and beneficial shareholder. Shareholder approval is required under ASX Listing Rule 10.11 and section 208 of the Corporations Act because Mr Syme is a related party of the Company. Furthermore, Shareholder approval of the grant of the Syme Incentive Options means that this issue will not reduce the Company's 15% placement capacity under ASX Listing Rule 7.1. Resolution 4 is an ordinary resolution. Specific Information Required by Listing Rule 10.13 and section 219 of the Corporations Act (a) 1,000,000 Incentive Options will be granted to Hopetoun Consulting Pty Ltd, a related party of Mr Syme exercisable at $1.00 each on or before 30 November 2008. (b) On 27 August 2004, Mr Syme commenced as managing director of Berkeley. Mr Syme was appointed to pursue acquisition and new business opportunities as well as manage the Company's existing portfolio of assets. The Incentive Options the subject of this resolution, form part of Mr Syme's revised employment terms, as announced by the Company on 4 December 2006. The average closing price of Berkeley Shares during the five trading days up to the date of the announcement by the Company was $1.12. The Company is small listed company which has recently acquired an interest in various uranium projects is Spain. The Company has limited funds, most of which are allocated to specific exploration and development activities. As a result, the Board chose to grant Incentive Options to Mr Syme as a key component of his remuneration in order to retain his services and to provide additional incentive linked to the performance of the Company. There are no additional performance criteria on the Incentive Options as given the speculative nature of the Company's activities and the small management team responsible for its running, it is considered the performance of Mr Syme and the performance and value of the Company are closely related. As such, the Incentive Options granted will generally only be of benefit if Mr Syme performs to the level whereby the value of the Company increases sufficiently to warrant exercising the Incentive Options. (c) In addition to the Incentive Options to be issued in accordance with Resolution 4, Mr Syme currently receives the following remuneration package: Salary $250,000 pa Superannuation $22,500 pa Total $272,500 pa Mr Syme is also entitled to a cost of living allowance of £1,500 per month to cover additional living expenses whilst based in London. In addition, Mr Syme is entitled to reimbursement of all reasonable travelling, accommodation and other expenses that a Director properly incurs in attending meetings of Directors or any meetings of committees of Directors, in attending any meetings of Members and in connection with the business of the Company. Other than as set out in this Notice, Mr Syme does not receive any other emoluments. (d) The Incentive Options will be granted for nil consideration. (e) Upon exercise of the Incentive Options, the Shares will be issued on a one for one basis on the same terms as the Company's existing Shares; (f) the Incentive Options are exercisable from the date of grant until 30 November 2008. The Incentive Options will not be quoted on ASX. Further terms and conditions of the Incentive Options are in Schedule 2 of this Explanatory Memorandum. (g) The Company will grant the Incentive Options no later than 1 month after the date of the Meeting (or such longer period of time as ASX may in its discretion allow). (h) Mr Syme has an interest in the Resolution under which Incentive Options will be granted to him and therefore does not want to make a recommendation. In relation to the Incentive Options to be granted to Mr Syme, each other Director has no interest in the outcome of the grant of Incentive Options and is in favour of the Resolution. (i) The current security holding of Mr Syme is as follows: Name of Director Shares Executive Options - Executive Options - $0.20 $0.25 Matthew Syme 760,1001 1,000,000 1,000,000 1 720,100 of these shares are held by Hopetoun Consulting Pty Ltd, a related party of Mr Syme. (j) A valuation of these Incentive Options has been obtained from an independent expert and on the basis of the assumptions set out below the technical value of one Incentive Option is as follows: Name Number of Options Value Per Total Value Security Hopetoun Consulting Pty Ltd 1,000,000 $1.046 $1,046,000 This valuation imputes a total value of $1,046,000 to the Syme Incentive Options. The value may go up or down after the date of valuation as it will depend on the future price of a Share. Black & Scholes methodology has been used, together with the following assumptions: i. The risk free rate is the Commonwealth Government securities rate with a maturity date approximating that of the expiration period of the Incentive Options as at 1 May 2007 - 6.14%; ii. The underlying security spot price used for the purposes of this valuation is based on the closing price of the Company's Shares as at 30 April 2007 - $1.695; iii. the volatility factor is set as 95% which is based on an average of comparable companies' historical data from the Australian Graduate School of Management's Risk Measurement Service; iv. for the purposes of the valuation, no future dividend payments have been forecast; and v. for the purposes of the valuation it is assumed that the Incentive Options will not be exercised any earlier than the expiry date of 30 November 2008. (k) If the Shareholders approve the proposed grant of Incentive Options under this Resolution, the exercise of those Incentive Options will result in a dilution of all other Shareholders' holdings in the Company of 1.12% based on issued Shares as at the date of this Notice. (l) Under the new accounting standard AASB 2 Share Based Payments, the Company would recognise the fair value of options granted to Mr Syme as an expense of $1,046,000 in the income statement with a corresponding adjustment to equity. (m) The market price of Shares would normally determine whether Mr Syme will exercise the Incentive Options or not. If the Incentive Options are exercised at a price that is lower than the price at which Shares are trading on ASX, there may be a perceived cost to the Company. (n) No funds will be raised by the grant of the Syme Incentive Options as they are being issued for nil consideration. (o) Historical share price information for the last twelve months is set out below: Price Date Highest $2.01 10 April 2007 Lowest $0.58 22 June 2006 Last $1.55 15 May 2007 (p) Other than the information above and otherwise set out in this Explanatory Memorandum, the Company believes that there is no other information that would be reasonably required by Shareholders to pass Resolution 4. (q) A voting exclusion statement is included in this Notice. As Shareholder approval is sought under Listing Rule 10.11, approval under Listing Rule 7.1 is not required. 7. Resolution 5 - Adoption of Employee Option Scheme Resolution 5 seeks Shareholder approval in accordance with the ASX Listing Rule 7.2 for the establishment of the Berkeley Employee Option Scheme and the issue of Options pursuant to this Scheme. The two main purposes of the Scheme are to give an incentive to the Eligible Employees to provide dedicated and ongoing commitment and effort to the Company aligning the interests of both employees and Shareholders and for the Company to reward Eligible Employees for their efforts. The Scheme contemplates the issue to Eligible Employees of options to subscribe for Shares. ASX Listing Rule 7.1 places restrictions on the number of equity securities, including options, which a listed company may issue in any 12 months. However, certain issues are exempt from this ASX Listing Rule and are effectively disregarded for the purposes of counting the number of securities which a company may issue. Exempt issues include an issue of securities to persons participating in an employee option scheme where shareholders have approved the issue of securities under the scheme as an exemption from ASX Listing Rule 7.1. Shareholder approval must be given in a general meeting held not more than 3 years before the date of issue where the Notice contains or is accompanied by certain prescribed information (set out below). In order to take advantage of the exemption from ASX Listing Rule 7.1 and allow the Company greater flexibility to issue securities, Shareholders are requested to approve the Scheme as an exemption from ASX Listing Rule 7.1. This approval will be effective for a period of 3 years from the date the passing by Shareholders of Resolution 5. For the purpose of ASX Listing Rule 7.2 Exception 9 the terms of the Scheme are in Schedule 3. 8. Resolution 6 - Deed of Indemnity and Access with Senor Jose Ramon Esteruelas 8.1 Background The purpose of Resolution 6 is to enable the Company to provide Senor Esteruelas with a reasonable level of protection in relation to claims made against him acting as a Director of the Company, effective from the date of Senor Esteruelas' appointment. Shareholder approval was granted for the Company to enter into the same Deed of Indemnity and Access with each existing Director at the 2005 and 2006 annual general meetings. Given his duties and responsibilities as a director of a public company and his potential liabilities, the Board considers it appropriate that Senor Esteruelas be suitably protected from certain claims made against him. The proposed protection will not extend to the extent it is prohibited by the Corporations Act. As a person may be called to account for his or her actions several years after ceasing to be a director of a company, it is considered reasonable that suitable protection should extend for a period of time after Senor Esteruelas has ceased to be a director of the Company. It is generally recognised that a director or former director of a company may face considerable difficulty in properly answering or defending any claim made against him or her, particularly, as is often the case, where the claim is brought after the director ceases to hold office. Difficulties may arise by reason of the following: a) No indemnity after directorship ends While a Company's constitution provides Directors with an indemnity in respect of claims made while they remain Directors, arguably that indemnity ceases when the directorship ends. Without the benefit of an indemnity, the cost of defending such a claim in respect of the actions of a Director or former Director, even if the claim is ultimately proven to be without merit, can be considerable and beyond the financial resources of the individual Director. b) Maintenance of insurance policies Directors' and Officers' insurance policies generally only provide cover for claims made during the currency of the insurance policy, ie. while insurance premiums continue to be paid on the policy. Generally, unless insurance premiums continue to be paid after the time a person ceases to be a Director, claims made after cessation of the directorship will not be covered by the insurance policy. The cost to a former Director of personally maintaining insurance cover after ceasing to be a Director can be prohibitive, particularly given the number of years for which insurance must be maintained and given the former Director will no longer be receiving any income from the Company. c) Access to board papers Directors have a statutory right to inspect the books of the Company: i) whilst they hold office; and ii) for a period of 7 years after the Director ceases to hold office, at all reasonable times for the purpose of a legal proceeding to which the Director is a party, that the Director proposes in good faith to bring or that the Director has reason to believe will be brought against him or her. Despite this statutory right, Senor Esteruelas may require access to company documents which are relevant to his holding office as a Director of the Company and not strictly required for the purpose of anticipated, threatened or commenced legal proceedings. Furthermore, although a proceeding may be instituted within six years after a cause of action arises, that six year period is calculated from the date the damage is found to have occurred - this may be long after the conduct in question, from which the later damage arose, actually occurred. Given these difficulties a person may be unwilling to become or to remain as a Director of a public company without suitable protection being provided by the Company. The benefit to the Company in providing such protection is that it will continue to be able to attract persons of suitable expertise and experience to act as Directors. 8.2 Summary of the Indemnity, Insurance and Access Deed The Company will enter into a Deed of Indemnity, Insurance and Access ('Deed') which, subject to Shareholder approval, will require: a) the Company to indemnify Senor Esteruelas during the period of his directorship and after the cessation of the directorship, in respect of certain claims made against him in his capacity as a Director of the Company to the extent allowable under the Corporations Act; b) the Company to use its best endeavours (subject to cost and availability) to maintain an insurance policy and pay the premiums of insurance as assessed at market rates applicable from time to time, to the extent available under the Corporations Act, for Senor Esteruelas in respect of certain claims made against him in his capacity as a Director of the Company and to continue to pay those premiums for a period of up to 7 years following the termination of his directorship; c) that if the Company cannot procure an insurance policy for a Director at a reasonable cost it shall advise such Director who may refer the matter to an expert (whose decision shall be final and binding on the parties) for determination that the Company has not used reasonable endeavours and the expert may direct the Company to obtain an insurance policy on the best available terms; and d) the Company to provide Senor Esteruelas with access, upon ceasing for any reason to be a director of the Company and for a period of up to 7 years following that cessation, to any Company records which are either prepared or provided to Senor Esteruelas during the period during which he was a director of the Company. The Deed will also require Senor Esteruelas to maintain confidentiality and to protect the Company's intellectual property. 8.3 Summary of indemnity and insurance provisions in the Corporations Act In considering Resolution 6, Shareholder should be aware of the following limitations in the Corporations Act concerning the provision of indemnities and insurance to Company officers. The deed for which Shareholder approval is sought under Resolution 6, complies with these limitations. a) Section 199A of the Corporations Act The Corporations Act now sets out specific prohibitions to the Company's ability to grant indemnities for liabilities and legal costs. The Company is prohibited from indemnifying its officers against a liability if it is a liability: i) to the Company or any of its related bodies corporate; ii) to a third party that arose out of conduct involving a lack of good faith; or iii) for a pecuniary penalty order or a compensation order under the Corporations Act (such orders being made for breaches such as breaches of Director's duties, the related party rules and insolvent trading rules). The Company is also prohibited from indemnifying its officers against legal costs incurred: i) in defending actions where an officer is found liable for a matter for which he or she cannot be indemnified by the Company as set out immediately above; ii) in defending criminal proceedings where the officer is found guilty; iii) in defending proceedings brought by the ASIC or a liquidator for a court order if the grounds for making the order are found by the court to be established; or iv) in connection with proceedings for relief to the director under the Corporations Act where the court denies the relief. b) Section 199B of the Corporations Act If the Company, or a related body corporate of the Company, pays the premium on an insurance policy in favour of a Director, then section 199B of the Corporations Act requires the Company to ensure that the relevant contract of insurance does not cover liabilities incurred by the officer arising out of conduct involving either: i) a wilful breach of duty in relation to the Company; or ii) contravention of the provisions relating to an officer making improper use of information or improper use of his or her position for his or her advantage or gain, or to the detriment of the Company. 8.4 Shareholder approval To enable the Company to enter into a Deed of Indemnity and Access with Senor Esteruelas, Resolution 6 seeks Shareholder approval in accordance with the following provisions of the Corporations Act: a) Section 200B of the Corporations Act Section 200B of the Corporations Act relevantly provides that the Company cannot give a benefit to a Director in connection with the retirement of that Director from his or her office, without Shareholder approval. The Directors consider that as: i) the proposed payment of insurance premiums; ii) the benefit of the indemnity in relation to liabilities incurred during the period Senor Esteruelas holds office; and iii) Senor Esteruelas' access to Company records, continues for a period of up to 7 years after Senor Esteruelas ceases to hold office, this may be viewed as the provision of a benefit given 'in connection with' Senor Esteruelas' retirement from the board for the purposes of section 200B of the Corporations Act. The insurance premiums under the Deed of Indemnity and Access will be calculated at the market rates applicable from time to time. A copy of all company documents will be kept at the Company's registered office and made available for inspection and copying by each Director for a period of 7 years after he or she ceases to hold office, for whatever reason. b) Section 208 of the Corporations Act Chapter 2E of the Corporations Act prohibits a company from giving a financial benefit to a related party of the Company unless either: i) the giving of the financial benefit falls within one of the nominated exceptions to the provision (eg section 212); or ii) prior shareholder approval is obtained to the giving of the financial benefit. For the purposes of Chapter 2E, Senor Esteruelas is considered to be a related party of the Company. The provision of insurance and indemnity to Senor Esteruelas may involve the provision of a financial benefit to related parties of the Company within the prohibition provided by Chapter 2E of the Corporations Act. The Board consider that, although the payment of insurance premiums and the provision of indemnities by the Company are 'reasonable in the circumstances' of the Company and therefore are exceptions from the prohibition in Chapter 2E of the Corporations Act, consideration of the reasonable nature of the provision of any indemnity or insurance is an appropriate matter for the Shareholders of the Company. In accordance with sections 200E and 219 of the Corporations Act, the following information is provided to Shareholders to allow them to assess the proposed resolution: i) The Company proposes to take out an insurance policy which will provide insurance cover for Senor Esteruelas against all permitted liabilities incurred by Senor Esteruelas acting as a director of the Company. ii) The insurance premiums payable will be calculated at market rates applicable from time to time, if insurance is available, with an indicative range of $5,000 - $15,000 per annum. iii) Senor Esteruelas is a related party of the Company to whom the proposed resolution would permit the giving of benefits. iv) The nature of the benefit to be given to Senor Esteruelas is the benefit under the Deed of Indemnity, Insurance and Access, the terms of which are summarised in Section 8.2. v) Senor Esteruelas is not entitled to or wishes to make a recommendation to shareholders about the proposed resolution as he holds an interest in the benefit proposed to be given by the Company, as he is a proposed party to the Deed of Indemnity, Insurance and Access. In relation to the benefit under the Deed of Indemnity, Insurance and Access to be given to Senor Esteruelas, each other Director has no interest in the outcome of this Resolution and is in favour of the Resolution. vi) Neither the Directors nor the Company are aware of any other information that would be reasonably required by shareholders to make a decision in relation to the benefits contemplated by the proposed Resolution. vii) The reasons and basis for the benefit are set out in Section 8.1. viii) The remuneration of Senor Esteruelas is set out in Section 4. Schedule 1- Definitions In this Explanatory Memorandum and Notice of General Meeting: 'ASIC' means Australian Securities and Investments Commission. 'ASX' means ASX Limited, trading as the Australian Securities Exchange. 'Board' means Directors of the Company. 'Business Day' means a day on which the ASX is open for trading. 'Chair' means the person appointed to chair the Meeting of the Company convened by this Notice. 'Company' or 'Berkeley' means Berkeley Resources Limited ABN 40 052 468 569. 'Constitution' means the Constitution of the Company as at the date of the Meeting. 'Corporations Act' means the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth). 'Directors' means the directors of the Company. 'Explanatory Memorandum' means the explanatory memorandum to the Notice. 'Incentive Option' means an option which entitles the holder to subscribe for one Share on the terms and conditions in Schedule 2. 'Incentive Optionholder' means a person who holds an Incentive Option. 'Insurance Run-Off Period' means a period of 7 years commencing the date a Director ceases to be a director of the Company. 'Listing Rules' means the listing rules of ASX. 'Meeting' has the meaning given in the introductory paragraph of the Notice. 'Notice' means this Notice of General Meeting. 'Official List' means the official list of ASX. 'Proxy Form' means the proxy form attached to the Notice. 'Resolution' means a resolution referred to in this Notice. 'Share' means a fully paid ordinary share in the capital of the Company. 'Shareholder' means a shareholder of the Company. In this Notice, words importing the singular include the plural and vice versa. Schedule 2 - Terms and Conditions of Incentive Options 1. Exercise Price The exercise price of each Incentive Option is $1.00 ('Exercise Price'). 2. Expiry Date Each Incentive Option has an expiry date of 30 November 2008 ('Expiry Date'). 3. Exercise Period The Incentive Options are only exercisable during the exercise period (being from the date of issue to the Expiry Date). 4. Quotation of Incentive Options Application will not be made for the official quotation on ASX of the Incentive Options. 5. Entitlement The Incentive Options entitle the holder to subscribe for one Share upon exercise of each Incentive Option. 6. Notice of Exercise The Incentive Options may be exercised by notice in writing to the Company. Any notice of exercise of an Incentive Option received by the Company will be deemed to be a notice of the exercise of that Incentive Option as at the date of receipt. 7. Timing of issue of Shares After an Incentive Option is validly exercised, the Company must, within, 20 Business Days of the notice of exercise and receipt of cleared funds equal to the sum payable on the exercise of the Incentive Option: (i) issue and allot the Share; and (ii) do all such acts matters and things to obtain the grant of Official Quotation of the Share on ASX no later than 5 Business Days after issuing the Shares. 8. Shares issued on exercise Shares issued on exercise of the Incentive Options rank equally with the then Shares of the Company. 9. Quotation of Shares on exercise Application will be made by the Company to ASX for Official Quotation of the Shares issued upon the exercise of the Incentive Options. 10. Participation in new issues There are no participation rights or entitlements inherent in the Incentive Options and holders will not be entitled to participate in new issues of capital offered to Shareholders during the currency of the Incentive Options. However, the Company will ensure that for the purposes of determining entitlements to any such issue, the record date will be at least 10 business days after the issue is announced. This will give holders of Incentive Options the opportunity to exercise their Incentive Options prior to the date for determining entitlements to participate in any such issue. 11. Adjustment for bonus issues of Shares If the Company makes a bonus issue of Shares or other securities to existing Shareholders (other than an issue in lieu or in satisfaction, of dividends or by way of dividend reinvestment): (i) the number of Shares which must be issued on the exercise of an Incentive Option will be increased by the number of Shares which the Incentive Optionholder would have received if the Incentive Optionholder had exercised the Incentive Option before the record date for the bonus issue; and (ii) no change will be made to the Exercise Price. 12. Adjustment for rights issue If the Company makes an issue of Shares pro rata to existing Shareholders (other than an issue in lieu of in satisfaction of dividends or by way of dividend reinvestment) the Exercise Price of an Incentive Option will be reduced according to the following formula: New exercise price = O - E(P-(S+D)) N+1 O = the old Exercise Price of the Incentive Option. E = the number of underlying Shares into which one Incentive Option is exercisable. P = average market price per Share weighted by reference to volume of the underlying Shares during the 5 trading days ending on the day before the ex rights date or ex entitlements date. S = the subscription price of a Share under the pro rata issue. D = the dividend due but not yet paid on the existing underlying Shares (except those to be issued under the pro rata issue). N = the number of Shares with rights or entitlements that must be held to receive a right to one new Share. 13. Adjustments for reorganisation If there is any reconstruction of the issued share capital of the Company, the rights of the Incentive Optionholders will be varied to comply the ASX Listing Rules which apply to the reconstruction at the time of the reconstruction. 14. Incentive Options non transferable The Incentive Options are not transferable. 15. Lodgement instructions Cheques shall be in Australian currency made payable to the Company and crossed 'Not negotiable'. The application for Shares on exercise of the Incentive Options with the appropriate remittance should be lodged at the Company's Share Registry. Schedule 3 - Terms and Conditions of the Berkeley Employee Option Scheme 1. Scheme Terms and Conditions The Directors are empowered to operate the Scheme in accordance with the Listing Rules and on the following terms and conditions: a) Subject to paragraph (d), the Directors may offer to issue Options to Eligible Employees in accordance with Class Order 03/184, the Scheme and in such manner and on such terms and conditions as they in their absolute discretion determine. b) If the Company has offered you Options, to accept the offer complete the Acceptance Form or accept in such other form as the Directors may in their absolute discretion approve from time to time. c) The Eligible Employees to participate in the Scheme shall be as the Directors in their absolute discretion determine and shall take into account skills, experience, length of service with the Company, remuneration level and such other criteria as the Directors consider appropriate in the circumstances. d) Options may not be offered under this Scheme without the issue of a prospectus in accordance with Chapter 6D of the Corporations Act, if the aggregate of: i) the number of Options to be issued; ii) the number of Shares which would be issued if all the current Options issued under any employment incentive scheme were exercised; iii) the number of Shares which have been issued as a result of the exercise of Options issued under any employee incentive scheme, where the Options were issued during the preceding five years; and iv) all other Shares issued pursuant to any employee incentive scheme during the preceding five years; but disregarding any offer made, Options or Shares issued by way of or as a result of: v) an offer to a person situated at the time of receipt of the offer outside Australia; vi) an offer that was an excluded offer or invitation within the meaning of the Corporations Act as it stood prior to the commencement of Schedule 1 of the Corporate Law Economic Reform Program Act 1999; vii) an offer that did not need disclosure to investors because of section 708 of the Corporations Act; or viii) an offer under a disclosure document, would exceed 5% of the then current number of Shares on issue. e) The Directors may, in their absolute discretion, offer to Eligible Employees Options under the Scheme, notwithstanding that it has previously issued more than the 5% limit in paragraph (d), up to a maximum of 10%, provided that the issue is made in accordance with the requirements of Chapter 6D of the Corporations Act. f) Options will be issued free of charge to Eligible Employees. The exercise price of the Options shall be as the Directors in their absolute discretion determine, provided that it shall not be less than that amount which is equal to 90% of the average market price of the Shares in the 5 days in which sales in the Shares were recorded immediately preceding the day on which the Directors resolve to offer the Options. g) The Directors may limit the total number of Options which may be exercised under the Scheme in any year. h) The Directors, in their absolute discretion, having regard to skills, experience, length of service with the Company, remuneration level and such other criteria as the Directors consider appropriate in the circumstances, shall determine criteria to establish the periods during which the Options may be exercised. i) All Options with a common expiry date shall have the same exercise price and rights to participate in issues of securities by the Company. j) Unless the Directors in their absolute discretion determine otherwise, Options shall lapse upon the earlier of: i) the expiry of the exercise date; ii) the Option holder ceasing to be an Eligible Employee by reason of dismissal, resignation or termination of employment, office or services for any reason; iii) the expiry of 30 days after the Option holder ceases to be an Eligible Employees by reason of retirement; or iv) a determination by the Directors that the Option holder has acted fraudulently, dishonestly or in breach of his or her obligations to the Company or an Associated Body Corporate; k) If an Eligible Employee accepts an offer from the Company to participate in the Scheme then the Company will evidence the issue of an Option to an Eligible Employee by issuing that Eligible Employee a Certificate for that Option. l) Each Option entitles the holder to subscribe for and be issued with one Share. m) Shares issued pursuant to the exercise of Options will in all respects, including bonus issues and new issues, rank equally and carry the same rights and entitlements as other Shares on issue. n) There are no participating rights or entitlements inherent in the Options and holders will not be entitled to participate in new issues of capital offered to shareholders during the currency of the Options. However, the Company will ensure that for the purposes of determining entitlements to any such issue, the record date will be at least 7 business days after the issue is announced. This will give Option holders the opportunity to exercise their Options prior to the date for determining entitlements to participate in any such issue. o) The Options will not be quoted on the ASX. However, application will be made to the ASX for official quotation of the Shares issued on the exercise of the Options if the Shares are listed on the ASX at that time. p) An application to be issued Options may be made by Eligible Employees invited to participate in the Scheme in such form and on such terms and conditions concerning the closing date for applications as the Directors in their absolute discretion determine. q) If at any time the issued capital of the Company is reconstructed, all rights of Option holders are to be changed in a manner consistent with the Listing Rules. r) Subject to and in accordance with the Listing Rules (including any waiver issued under such Listings Rules), the Directors (without the necessity of obtaining the prior or subsequent consent of shareholders of the Company in a general meeting) may from time to time amend (including the power to revoke, add to or vary) all or any provisions of the Terms and Conditions in any respect whatsoever, by an instrument in writing, provided that rights or entitlements in respect of any Option issued before the date of amendment shall not be reduced or adversely affected unless prior written approval from the affected holder(s) is obtained. s) At the absolute discretion of the Directors, the terms upon which Options will be issued may incorporate performance related factors. Such factors may reflect, inter alia, profitability levels, increases in production or decreases in production costs and may, subject to clause (r) above, be amended from time to time in a manner favourable to the Option holder. However such performance related factors, if included in the Option terms or so amended shall not act in any way to constitute a breach of the Terms and Conditions. t) Notwithstanding the Terms and Conditions, upon the occurrence of a Trigger Event the Directors may determine: i) that the Options may be exercised at any time from the date of such determination, and in any number until the date determined by the Directors acting bona fide so as to permit the holder to participate in any change of control arising from a Trigger Event provided that the Directors will forthwith advise in writing each holder of such determination. Thereafter, the Options shall lapse to the extent they have not been exercised; or ii) to use their reasonable endeavours to procure that an offer is made to holders of Options on like terms (having regard to the nature and value of the Options) to the terms proposed under the Trigger Event in which case the Directors shall determine an appropriate period during which the holder may elect to accept the offer and, if the holder has not so elected at the end of that period, the Options shall immediately become exercisable and if not exercised within 10 days, shall lapse. u) An Option may not be transferred or assigned except that a legal personal representative of a holder of an Option who has died or whose estate is liable to be dealt with under laws relating to mental health will be entitled to be registered as the holder of that Option after the production to the Directors of such documents or other evidence as the Directors may reasonably require to establish that entitlement. v) An Option is exercisable by the holder lodging with the Company a Notice of Exercise of Option together with a cheque for the exercise price of each Option to be exercised and the relevant Option Certificate. If not all of the holder's Options are being exercised, a holder must exercise Options in multiples of 1,000. w) Neither participation in the Scheme by the Company or an Associated Body Corporate or any Eligible Employees or Option holders or anything contained in these Terms and Conditions shall in any way prejudice or affect the right of the Company or an Associated Body Corporate to dismiss any Eligible Employees or Option holder or to vary the terms of employment of any Eligible Employees or Option holder. Nor shall participation or the rights or benefits of an Eligible Employees or Option holder under the Terms and Conditions be relevant to or be used as grounds for granting or increasing damages in any action brought by an Eligible Employees or Option holder against the Company or an Associated Body Corporate whether in respect of any alleged wrongful dismissal or otherwise. x) At all times during which Eligible Employees may subscribe for or purchase Shares upon exercise of an Option issued pursuant to the Scheme, the Company shall provide, within a reasonable period of a request by Eligible Employees, the current market price of the Shares. Contact the Company Secretary to obtain this information. y) The Scheme shall be administered by the Directors who shall have power to: i) determine appropriate procedures for administration of the Scheme consistent with these Terms and Conditions; ii) resolve conclusively all questions of fact or interpretation or dispute in connection with the Scheme and settle as the Directors in their absolute discretion determine expedient any difficulties or anomalies howsoever arising with or by reason of the operation of the Scheme; iii) delegate to any one or more persons for such period and on such conditions as it may determine the exercise of any of the Directors' powers or discretions arising under the Scheme; and iv) subject to the Listing Rules, waive strict compliance with, amend or add to the Terms and Conditions of the Scheme except for the provisions of clause (d), and where such actions are taken such actions shall be conclusive, final and binding on Option holders. 2. Definitions In this Schedule the following terms shall bear the following meanings: 'Acceptance Form' means the Acceptance Form which will accompany the invitation to the Eligible Employee to participate in the Scheme. 'Associated Body Corporate' means: i) a related body corporate (as defined in the Corporations Act) of the Company; ii) a body corporate which has an entitlement to not less than 20% of the voting shares of the Company; and iii) a body corporate in which the Company has an entitlement to not less than 20% of the voting shares. 'ASX' means the Australian Stock Exchange Limited. 'Business Day' means those days other than a Saturday, Sunday, New Year's Day, Australia Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, Anzac Day, Christmas Day, Boxing Day and any other day which the ASX shall declare and publish is not a business day. 'Certificate' means a certificate for any Option issued to Eligible Employees which will include all of the terms and conditions of the Option and the Notice of Exercise of Option or such other evidence of ownership that the Directors may in their absolute discretion determine from time to time. 'Company' means Berkeley Resources Limited ABN 40 052 468 569. 'Company Group' means the Company and its Associated Bodies Corporate. 'Corporations Act' means the Corporations Act 2001 (Commonwealth). 'Directors' mean the directors from time to time of the Company. 'Eligible Employees' means any full or part time employees and consultants of the Company or its Associated Bodies Corporate. 'Listing Rules' means the official listing rules of ASX as amended from time to time. 'Notice of Exercise of Option' means the Notice of Exercise of Option which will accompany the invitation to the Eligible Employee to participate in the Scheme. 'Offer Period' means the period referred to in the definition of that expression in Section 624 of the Corporations Act, provided that where a takeover bid is publicly announced prior to the service of an off-market bidder's statement on the Company in relation to that takeover bid the Offer Period shall be deemed to have commenced at the time of that announcement. 'Option' means an option to acquire a Share issued in accordance with the Scheme. 'Scheme' means the Berkeley Resources Limited ABN 40 052 468 569 Employee Option Scheme in which Eligible Employees may be invited to participate in accordance with the Terms and Conditions. 'Share' means a fully paid ordinary share in the capital of the Company. 'Terms and Conditions' means the terms and conditions in section 1 of Schedule 3 as amended from time to time. 'Trigger Event' means: i) the despatch of a notice of meeting to consider a scheme of arrangement between the Company and its creditors or members or any class thereof pursuant to section 411 of the Corporations Act; ii) the service of a bidder's statement or a like document on the Company; or iii) the date upon which a person or a group of associated person becomes entitled, subsequent to the date of issue of the Option, to sufficient Shares to give it or them the ability, in general meeting to replace all, or allow a majority, of Directors in circumstances where such ability was not already held by a person associated with such person or group of associated persons. This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock Exchange
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