Quarterly Report

Berkeley Resources Limited 31 January 2008 BERKELEY RESOURCES LIMITED QUARTERLY ACTIVITIES REPORT For the Quarter Ended 31 December 2007 KEY DEVELOPMENTS • Calculation of a revised JORC total inferred and indicated resource for the Salamanca I project of 16.9m lb of U3O8 at an average grade of 563ppm - an increase of 42%. • An initial indicated resource at Retortillo of 4.8m lb of U3O8 at 581ppm included in the above. • Drilling subsequent to the JORC resource calculation has extended the known mineralisation at Santidad a further 800m in total. • An airborne geophysical survey was completed over key target areas, with favourable initial indications. • AMC Consultants commenced a Scoping Study on the potential for mining at the Salamanca I project. • Sipa Resources completed further drilling at the Miriam-Bouchers project near Coolgardie. Enquiries - Managing Director: Matt Syme Telephone: +61 417 906 717 Email: info@berkeleyresources.com.au Salamanca I Berkeley's drilling objectives in the December quarter were to generate sufficient data to allow calculation of a revised resource for the Retortillo deposit and an initial resource for the Santidad deposit, and also to continue to test the potential extensions of the Retortillo-Santidad stratigraphy. Both objectives were successfully completed and ongoing drilling continues to test the potential for additional resources in the Salamanca I project area. New Resource Estimates Results from the new resource calculations were as follows: At a 200ppm U3O8 cutoff, total inferred and indicated resources are: Ore Tonnes Grade (ppm Contained (m lb U3O8) at U3O8) (Mt) 200ppm U3O8 cutoff Retortillo 9.6 615 13.0 Santidad 3.4 382 2.9 Zona 7 0.6 760 1.0 TOTAL 13.6 563 16.9 including the following indicated resources: Ore Tonnes Grade (ppm Contained (m lb U3O8) at U3O8) 200ppm U3O8 cutoff (Mt) Retortillo 3.8 581 4.8 At a 100ppm cut-off the total inferred and indicated resources are: Ore Tonnes Grade (ppm Contained (m lb U3O8) at U3O8) 100ppm U3O8 cutoff (Mt) Retortillo 15.6 432 14.9 Santidad 6.7 255 3.8 Zona 7* 0.6 760 1.0 TOTAL 22.9 389 19.6 * Zona 7 resources have been calculated at a 200ppm cut-off only. including the following indicated resources: Ore Tonnes Grade (ppm Contained (m lb U3O8) at (Mt) U3O8) 100ppm U3O8 cutoff Retortillo 5.7 431 5.4 Note - for comparative purposes - previously published resource targets at Salamanca 1 (based on historic ENUSA estimates) included an additional 590,000 pounds of U3O8 in 3 small deposits which are excluded from the above calculations because detailed work has not yet commenced. These estimates are based on data from historical drilling campaigns by the Junta de Energia Nuclear (JEN) and Empresa Nacional Uranio S.A. (ENUSA) in the period from the late 1950's to the mid 1980's at Retortillo and Zona 7, supplemented by Berkeley drilling of 72 diamond and RC holes at Retortillo, 87 RC and diamond holes at Santidad and 7 diamond holes at Zona 7. They have been developed by a team of in-house and consulting geoscientists with calculations based on block modeling methods (for Retortillo and Santidad) and the polygonal method (for Zona 7). Full details of the new resource calculation are included in the announcement dated 19 November 2007. Drilling Results Drilling in the quarter comprised: • Retortillo - 12 diamond drill holes holes totalling 1167.9m • Santidad - 13 diamond drill holes totalling 948.4m and 70 reverse circulation drill holes totalling 4041.0m Full details of the drilling are set out in the Appendix. Notable intersections (at a cut-off grade of 200ppm U3O8) include: Retortillo RTO-067 3.0m @ 0.046% U3O8 from 33.0m and 6.0m @ 0.058% U3O8 from 45.0m RTO-068 5.0m @ 0.038% U3O8 from 46.0m and 13.0m @ 0.050% U3O8 from 68.0m RTO-069 18.0m @ 0.069% U3O8 from 32.0m RTO-070 43.0m @ 0.024% U3O8 from 39.0m RTO-072 10.0m @ 0.086% U3O8 from 28.0m and 3.0m @ 0.044% U3O8 from 45.0m RTO-075 3.0m @ 0.060% U3O8 from 40.0m. Santidad SANR-047 11.0m @ 0.031% U3O8 from 24.0m SANR-052 9.0m @ 0.066% U3O8 from 14.0m and 5.0m @ 0.036% U3O8 from 33.0m SANR-059 13.0m @ 0.035% U3O8 from 33.0m SANR-071 14.0m @ 0.048% U3O8 from 3.0m and 6.0m @ 0.037% U3O8 from 31.0m SANR-077 24.0m @ 0.026% U3O8 from 15.0m and 7.0m @ 0.029% U3O8 from 49.0m SANR-081 16.0m @ 0.020% U3O8 from 10.0m SAN-089 6.0m @ 0.070% U3O8 from 16.0m SANR-102 10.0m @ 0.076% U3O8 from 9.0m SANR-125 9.0m @ 0.037% U3O8 from 14.0m SANR-130 10.0m @ 0.076% U3O8 from 3.0m and 3.0m @ 0.024% U3O8 from 21.0m. Subsequent to the calculation of the revised JORC inferred resource on 19 November 2007, ongoing drilling extended the known limits of the Santidad mineralisation by approximately 550m to the North West and 250m to the South East. The Santidad mineralisation remains open along strike in both directions. Drilling in the March quarter is aimed at testing for extensions to the North West and also in the area immediately North of the Santidad deposit where two positive holes were drilled in the September quarter and where a potential parallel structure is interpreted. Land access is limited to the South East for the time being due to quarantine issues with a cattle herd. Drilling at Retortillo was focussed on upgrading resources and increasing confidence in the geological, structural and mineralogical interpretations for the new resource estimate. The Santidad mineralisation occurs in the same sequence of greenschist facies metamorphosed slates and shales as the Retortillo mineralisation. The Santidad mineralisation is generally of a weaker tenor than that at Retortillo, probably due to the lack of Tertiary cover and the eroded topography. These features cause the Santidad mineralisation to be at exposed at the surface and to be generally at shallow depth with low strip ratios. The Retortillo diamond drilling and petrological studies on the resultant core have led to a better understanding of the Retortillo mineralisation. Preliminary interpretations of the petrology into a predictive geological model show the uranium mineralisation is related to the weathering process with cordierite-biotite-pyrrhotite being converted to pinnate-kaolinite-pyrite. This process is affected by the presence or absence of Tertiary cover and may explain the lower tenor of the Santidad mineralisation, relative to Retortillo. The geological logging and petrology has also show the mineralisation to be dominantly controlled by the host lithologies and the degree of the weathering process. Continuing petrological work on these aspects will help to prioritise drill targets as determined from the airborne surveys and geological investigations. AIRBORNE GEOPHYSICAL SURVEY Aretech Solutions completed flying a 5,924 line kilometre, low level, close-spaced airborne magnetic and radiometric survey in the quarter. The survey covered Salamanca I, part of the Salamanca II, and the Caceres VI and Toledo II areas. The survey had two objectives: 1. to better define controlling structures and host lithologies associated with uranium mineralisation; and 2. to provide direct and indirect criteria for targeting new areas with potential for mineralisation, particularly in areas of partial or complete cover. Initial indications are that the survey has provided very good data for both objectives. Compilation, processing and interpretation of data is ongoing and is expected to be completed in coming weeks. SALAMANCA REGIONAL TENEMENTS A number of additional exploration permits were applied for in the quarter - collectively known as the 'Salamanca Regional' project. This project comprises a number of regional scale exploration permits with the potential for similar lithologies to Santidad and Retortillo, including • potential extensions of the Retortillo-Santidad stratigraphy itself; • potential areas of similar carbonaceous shale stratigraphy, including beneath Tertiary cover; and • areas of contact between carbonaceous shales and granites. It is understood that little or no uranium exploration work has been undertaken on most of the Salamanca Regional tenements. A review for any available historical data is presently underway. SALAMANCA I SCOPING STUDY The successful increase in the resource base at Salamanca I, along with the outstanding potential for additional resources, gave the Company impetus to commence a scoping study on the potential for mining at Salamanca I. AMC Consultants were engaged to prepare the study and substantial progress was made in the quarter. AMC expect to complete the study in early February. COOLGARDIE GOLD PROJECT (Sipa Resources Ltd earning 70% from Berkeley) Eight Reverse Circulation holes for 858 metres were drilled at two Prospects at Coolgardie in December. Six holes on six sections were drilled at the Forest Gold Prospect adjacent to the Burbanks Shear Zone to follow-up previous Sipa RAB intersections such as 10 metres at 2.5 g/t gold. A best result of 5 metres grading 8 g/t gold was returned. Whilst all other holes returned zones of anomalous gold, no other potentially ore-grade intercepts resulted, including from holes 50 metres north and south along strike of the best result. Two holes were drilled into a significant northerly trending soil anomaly 1.5 kilometres long known as the Comet Shear Prospect, located 5 kilometres northwest of the Forest Gold Prospect. These holes were drilled scissored towards each other. The hole drilled to the west returned 50 metres grading 0.2 g/t from 20 metres, whilst the hole drilled to the east (and probably down dip) returned 83 metres at 0.3 g/t from 25 metres. Results are being evaluated and more drilling may be required. The information in this report that relates to Exploration Results, Mineral Resources or Ore Reserves is based on information compiled by Mr Peter Ellis, who is a Member of The Australian Institute of Geoscientists and an employee of Berkeley Resources Limited. Mr Ellis has sufficient experience which is relevant to the style of mineralisation and type of deposit under consideration and to the activity which he is undertaking to qualify as a Competent Person as defined in the 2004 Edition of the 'Australasian Code for Reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves'. Mr Ellis consents to the inclusion in the report of the matters based on his information in the form and context in which it appears. APPENDIX A - Drill results for December quarter Santidad Drilling and Assay Summary (31.12.07) HOLE ID UTM UTM North RL Inclination End of Minimum Intersections > 200ppm U3O8 East Hole FROM TO M % SAN-043 716,535 4,522,807 753.044 -60 59.90 3.00 4.00 1.00 0.0236 SAN-044 716,503 4,522,751 762.023 -60 70.00 No significant mineralisation SAN-045 716,480 4,522,709 769.894 -60 55.45 15 23 8 0.035 33 34 1 0.026 SAN-046 716,457 4,522,665 778.552 -60 56.70 32 36 4 0.039 SANR-047 716,807 4,522,437 771.189 -90 60.00 24.00 35.00 11.00 0.0306 SANR-048 716,891 4,522,606 756.408 -90 49.00 Not Sampled SANR-049 716,873 4,522,571 759.828 -90 50.00 Not Sampled SANR-050 716,780 4,522,616 752.113 -90 50.00 Not Sampled SANR-051 716,715 4,522,704 752.366 -90 50.00 Not Sampled SANR-052 716,385 4,522,821 764.067 -90 50.00 7.00 8.00 1.00 0.0230 14.00 23.00 9.00 0.0660 28.00 29.00 1.00 0.0230 33.00 38.00 5.00 0.0360 40.00 41.00 1.00 0.0310 46.00 47.00 1.00 0.0250 SANR-053 716,404 4,522,875 756.361 -90 50.00 9.00 11.00 2.00 0.0538 SANR-054 716,432 4,522,913 753.921 -90 50.00 Not Sampled SANR-055 716,151 4,522,943 763.648 -90 50.00 Not Sampled SANR-056 716,177 4,522,984 758.133 -90 50.00 Not Sampled SANR-057 716,332 4,522,726 783.321 -90 50.00 Not Sampled SANR-058 716,347 4,522,779 772.324 -90 50.00 Not Sampled SANR-059 716,601 4,522,478 786.337 -90 70.00 33.00 46.00 13.00 0.0353 SANR-060 716,852 4,523,084 724.019 -90 50.00 3.00 4.00 1.00 0.0381 SAN-061 716,534 4,522,704 762.468 -90 61.00 7.00 8.00 1.00 0.0277 12.00 13.00 1.00 0.0212 14.00 15.00 1.00 0.0275 18.00 20.00 2.00 0.0564 22.00 24.00 2.00 0.0682 27.00 29.00 2.00 0.0279 36.00 37.00 1.00 0.0587 SANR-062 716,032 4,522,945 758.181 -90 60.00 7.00 8.00 1.00 0.0230 SANR-063 716,085 4,523,030 748.174 -90 51.00 27.00 28.00 1.00 0.0230 SANR-064 716,065 4,522,994 751.326 -90 69.00 42.50 44.50 2.00 0.0330 SANR-065 716,111 4,523,079 747.346 -90 50.00 Not Sampled SANR-066 716,123 4,523,124 743.157 -90 50.00 Not Sampled SANR-067 716,156 4,523,165 740.104 -90 50.00 Not Sampled SANR-068 716,244 4,523,119 743.56 -90 50.00 Not Sampled SANR-069 716,223 4,523,073 748.839 -90 45.00 Not Sampled SANR-070 716,191 4,523,028 753.491 -90 50.00 Not Sampled SANR-071 715,857 4,523,286 738.937 -90 57.00 3.00 17.00 14.00 0.0480 20.00 22.00 2.00 0.0310 24.00 25.00 1.00 0.0300 27.00 29.00 2.00 0.0340 31.00 37.00 6.00 0.0370 SANR-072 715,835 4,523,245 738.11 -90 50.00 No significant mineralisation SANR-073 715,880 4,523,330 738.504 -90 60.00 19.00 20.00 1.00 0.0210 21.00 22.00 1.00 0.0210 48.00 49.00 1.00 0.0270 SANR-074 715,905 4,523,373 739.09 -90 50.00 Not Sampled SANR-075 715,784 4,523,160 743.404 -90 50.00 3.00 4.00 1.00 0.0240 5.00 6.00 1.00 0.0210 SANR-076 715,808 4,523,200 740.36 -90 60.00 34.00 37.00 3.00 0.0210 38.00 39.00 1.00 0.0210 43.00 44.00 1.00 0.0250 48.00 51.00 3.00 0.0260 SANR-077 715,753 4,523,370 752.831 -90 75.00 15.00 39.00 24.00 0.0260 49.00 56.00 7.00 0.0290 SANR-078 715,741 4,523,325 755.282 -90 45.00 Not Sampled SANR-079 716,007 4,523,072 735.036 -90 50.00 Not Sampled SANR-080 715,962 4,522,992 743.486 -90 50.00 No significant mineralisation SANR-081 716,502 4,522,750 762.184 -90 48.00 10.00 26.00 16.00 0.0200 35.00 37.00 2.00 0.0200 SANR-082 716,761 4,522,393 778.73 -90 80.00 46.00 47.00 1.00 0.0220 51.00 53.00 2.00 0.0220 SANR-083 716,753 4,522,336 782.966 -90 60.00 Not Sampled SANR-084 716,893 4,522,192 771.129 -90 50.00 Not Sampled SANR-085 716,934 4,522,250 764.115 -90 50.00 Not Sampled SANR-086 716,965 4,522,341 751.916 -90 51.00 Not Sampled SANR-087 716,950 4,522,288 758.178 -90 50.00 Not Sampled SANR-088 717,004 4,522,377 749.566 -90 60.00 No significant mineralisation SAN-089 716,688 4,522,550 767.259 -90 75.45 16.00 22.00 6.00 0.0697 SANR-090 717,144 4,522,253 752.148 -90 54.00 Not Sampled SAN-091 716,657 4,522,508 775.365 -90 75.20 41.00 42.00 1.00 0.0206 SANR-092 716,679 4,522,439 781.027 -90 80.00 No significant mineralisation SANR-093 716,904 4,522,433 759.623 -90 57.00 3.00 6.00 3.00 0.0210 SANR-094 716,880 4,522,392 758.691 -90 57.00 Not Sampled SANR-095 716,925 4,522,481 767.32 -90 60.00 Not Sampled SAN-096 716,705 4,522,590 761.535 -90 74.80 Not Sampled SANR-097 717,012 4,522,442 754.492 -90 60.00 Not Sampled SANR-098 716,865 4,522,325 768.433 -90 60.00 No significant mineralisation SANR-099 716,830 4,522,290 775.094 -90 60.00 Not Sampled SANR-100 717,163 4,522,297 746.64 -90 60.00 Not Sampled SANR-101 717,120 4,522,195 758.768 -90 60.00 Not Sampled SANR-102 717,095 4,522,164 764.175 -90 60.00 9.00 19.00 10.00 0.0755 SANR-103 717,067 4,522,122 766.748 -90 60.00 No significant mineralisation SANR-104 717,047 4,522,072 770.238 -90 60.00 Not Sampled SANR-105 717,317 4,522,145 768.429 -90 60.00 Not Sampled SANR-106 717,293 4,522,112 769.147 -90 60.00 Not Sampled SAN-107 716,726 4,522,632 758.507 -90 66.30 13.00 14.00 1.00 0.0200 23.00 24.00 1.00 0.0238 SANR-108 717,189 4,522,110 770.678 -90 60.00 33.00 34.00 1.00 0.0373 37.00 38.00 1.00 0.0371 54.00 55.00 1.00 0.0364 SANR-109 717,215 4,522,152 766.752 -90 69.00 Not Sampled SANR-110 717,165 4,522,067 770.752 -90 75.00 24.00 26.00 2.00 0.0303 SANR-111 717,230 4,522,195 759.747 -90 60.00 Not Sampled SANR-112 717,054 4,522,295 748.102 -90 54.00 14.00 15.00 1.00 0.0206 SAN-113 716,750 4,522,678 750.985 -90 74.70 Not Sampled SANR-114 717,032 4,522,245 754.324 -90 60.00 5.00 7.00 2.00 0.0218 8.00 9.00 1.00 0.0210 SAN-115 716,642 4,522,462 784.137 -90 76.90 Not Sampled SANR-116 717,061 4,522,327 744.838 -90 54.00 Not Sampled SANR-117 717,091 4,522,383 743 -90 55.00 Not Sampled SANR-118 717,015 4,522,206 757 -90 59.00 No significant mineralisation SANR-119 716,981 4,522,160 761 -90 60.00 No significant mineralisation SAN-120 717,130 4,522,150 764 -60 81.40 Not Sampled SANR-121 716,564 4,522,439 788 -90 87.00 Not Sampled SANR-122 715,648 4,523,599 751 -90 59.00 Not Sampled SANR-123 715,625 4,523,556 756 -90 60.00 11.00 12.00 1.00 0.0320 17.00 19.00 2.00 0.0210 SANR-124 715,596 4,523,506 762 -90 69.00 Not Sampled SANR-125 715,585 4,523,463 770 -90 60.00 14.00 23.00 9.00 0.0370 29.00 30.00 1.00 0.0220 SAN-126 716,624 4,522,646 763 -60 84.60 Awaiting Assays SANR-127 715,550 4,523,416 778 -90 60.00 48.00 50.00 2.00 0.1690 SAN-128 716,771 4,522,523 763 -60 81.35 Not Sampled SANR-129 715,769 4,523,413 752 -90 60.00 Not Sampled SANR-130 715,615 4,523,551 756 -90 30.00 3.00 13.00 10.00 0.0760 14.00 15.00 1.00 0.0210 21.00 24.00 3.00 0.0240 SANR-131 715,798 4,523,450 750 -90 62.00 37.00 38.00 1.00 0.0220 SANR-132 715,398 4,523,554 782 -90 60.00 Not Sampled SANR-133 715,418 4,523,603 776 -90 60.00 Not Sampled SANR-134 715,440 4,523,650 769 -90 52.00 Not Sampled SANR-135 715,463 4,523,691 762 -90 40.00 Not Sampled SANR-136 715,249 4,523,687 789 -90 60.00 Awaiting Assays SANR-137 715,283 4,523,727 781 -90 55.00 Not Sampled SAN-138 715,846 4,523,285 739 -90 84.55 Awaiting Assays SANR-139 715,300 4,523,775 774 -90 62.00 Awaiting Assays SANR-140 715,661 4,523,371 767 -90 60.00 Awaiting Assays SANR-141 715,678 4,523,412 762 -90 60.00 Awaiting Assays Retortillo Drilling and Assay Summary (31.12.07) HOLE ID UTM East UTM North RL Inclination End of Minimum Intersections > 200ppm Hole U3O8 RTO-064 720,139.652 4,519,883.908 741.945 -90 79.50 41.50 44.50 3.00 0.0260 RTO-065 720,220.074 4,519,842.163 740.263 -90 98.20 Not Sampled RTO-066 719,754.591 4,520,345.004 731.621 -60 93.00 Not Sampled RTO-067 720,050.696 4,519,927.986 741.746 -90 80.00 33.00 36.00 3.00 0.0460 45.00 51.00 6.00 0.0580 RTO-068 719,445.021 4,520,541.961 746.567 -60 119.15 46.00 51.00 5.00 0.0380 68.00 81.00 13.00 0.0498 RTO-069 720,009.677 4,519,952.072 743.474 -90 93.20 32.00 50.00 18.00 0.0690 RTO-070 720,050.907 4,519,815.984 748.271 -90 96.30 39.00 82.00 43.00 0.0240 RTO-071 719,882.643 4,520,240.221 742.883 -60 110.40 Not Sampled RTO-072 719,457.880 4,520,408.368 751.575 -90 101.50 25.00 26.00 1.00 0.0776 28.00 38.00 10.00 0.0859 40.00 42.00 2.00 0.0382 43.00 44.00 1.00 0.0712 45.00 48.00 3.00 0.0442 50.00 51.00 1.00 0.0448 53.00 55.00 2.00 0.0443 RTO-073 719,369.405 4,520,343.385 750.572 -90 95.30 No significant mineralisation RTO-074 720,319.199 4,519,678.652 747.248 -90 101.30 48.00 49.00 1.00 0.0630 56.00 58.00 2.00 0.0293 78.00 79.00 1.00 0.0303 RTO-075 720,425.228 4,519,671.746 748.135 -90 100.00 40.00 43.00 3.00 0.0600 45.00 46.00 1.00 0.0231 This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock Exchange
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