Quarterly Update

Berkeley Resources Limited 31 July 2007 QUARTERLY ACTIVITIES REPORT To the Australian Stock Exchange For the Quarter Ended 30th June 2007 KEY DEVELOPMENTS • Initial JORC compliant resource of 11.9 million lbs of U3O8 at a grade of 0.072% calculated for the Retortillo and Zona 7 Deposits in the Salamanca I license. • Initial drill testing extends the Retortillo mineralisation 400 m to the southeast. • Initial diamond drill testing of the Zona 7 mineralisation and its potential for extensions was commenced. • Extensions of the Zona 7 ground radiometric anomaly identified a significantly larger radiometric anomaly extending beyond the current tenements. New tenement applications have been made. • Positive results from initial metallurgical test work, with recoveries of U3O8 exceeding 90% on all samples. • Initial drill testing of the defined Saguazal prospect targets in Caceres III was completed. • Acquisition of five new exploration areas, increasing the Company's holding to over 208,000 ha. • Completed a placement of 12.5m shares at $1.85 per share, raising $23.1M (£9.65M), with institutional investors in North America, Europe and Australia. • Mr Scott Yelland joined the Company as Chief Operating Officer. Enquiries - Matt Syme Telephone: +61 417 906717 Managing Director Email: info@berkeleyresources.com.au ACN 052 468 569 Level 9, BGC Centre, 28 The Esplanade, Perth WA 6000 Tel: + 618 9322 6322, Fax: + 618 9322 6558 PO Box Z5083, Perth WA 6831,Australia 1. EXPLORATION SALAMANCA PROVINCE Following completion of the initial JORC compliant resource calculation of 11.9 million lbs of U3O8 for the Retortillo and Zona 7 Deposits in the Salamanca I license in early April, exploration in Salamanca Province focussed on drill testing potential extensions to the southeast of the main Retortillo resource and extending confirmatory drilling at the Zona 7 deposit. Results to date confirm significant extensions to the Retortillo deposits, including 400m along strike to the southeast. . Extensions of the ground radiometric survey at Zona 7 defined a larger radiometric anomaly extending >1km to the north of the Mina Cristina area. Historic radiometric data indicates that this anomaly extends for another 5km to beyond the Salamanca I tenement, resulting in new ground acquisition. Assessment of low resolution regional radiometrics elsewhere in Salamanca also resulted in new tenement applications. SALAMANCA 1 Retortillo Re-interpretation of the historic JEN and ENUSA drill data, guided by confirmatory Berkeley diamond drilling provided the basis of 3D models of the Retortillo and Zona 7 deposits and calculation of JORC compliant resources early in the quarter. The results of this calculation are summarised in the following table. INFERRED RESOURCES AT RETORTILLO & ZONA 7 (200ppm cut-off) Ore Tonnes Grade Contained Resource (Mt) (ppm U3O8) (Mlb U3O8) Retortillo 6.8 720 10.8 Zona 7 0.62 760 1.1 TOTAL 7.42 723 11.9 Subsequent extension and confirmatory drilling at Retortillo was focussed in the southeast sector. Eleven diamond holes (totalling 1053.3m), six RC holes (totalling 559m) and one roto-percussion hole and six pre-collars (totalling 116m) were completed by the end of the Quarter. This work extended the southeast limit of mineralisation by 400m and full details, including assays received to date, are attached as Appendix 1. Notable intersections (at a cut-off of 200ppm U3O8) include:- Hole RTO-018 3.00 metres @ 0.0696% U3O8 from 66.50m 9.50 metres @ 0.058% U3O8 from 83.00m Hole RTO-024 2.30 metres @ 0.035% U3O8 from 60.90m 2.80 metres @ 0.049% U3O8 from 76.00m Hole RTOR-025 14.00 metres @ 0.0918% U3O8 from 20.00m Hole RTOR-026 11.00 metres @ 0.0547% U3O8 from 43.00m Hole RTO-027 2.00 metres @ 0.2467% U3O8 from 62.00m 2.00 metres @ 0.0904% U3O8 from 69.00m Hole RTO-033 2.05 metres @ 0.132% U3O8 from 63.30m Hole RTO -035 1.80 metres @ 0.048% U3O8 from 54.8m All holes were geologically and radiometrically logged before being sampled (1/4 core) at approximately 1m intervals (intervals varied from 0.5 to 1.5m based on geology) Duplicate 1/4 core samples and blank samples were included and all samples were assayed for total uranium by the Delayed Neutron Count (DNC) method at Activation Laboratories Limited in Ontario, Canada. Check assays at other laboratories (including ENUSA and ALS ChemEx), and acid soluble U assays and Th analyses, are being completed on selected samples, based on an assessment of the initial assay data. ALS Chemex analysed approx 5 % of the samples using XRF, and their results indicate acceptable repeatability and mean percentage differences of < 6% for <100ppm U3O8. Results confirm the historical assays and radiometric equivalent grades from surrounding JEN and ENUSA drilling and, in some instances, have increased both grade and thickness. In addition, the more detailed geological information acquired by Berkeley Resources has improved our understanding of the controls influencing supergene and primary uranium mineralisation. Step-out drilling on traverses at 100m intervals, then 200m, extended the Retortillo mineralisation 400m to the southeast with grades similar to the range within the main mineralised zone. A trial IP survey was completed over the Retortillo deposit and initial results indicated the various lithologies, particularly the quartzite's, and identified a NW-SE trending structure which limits mineralisation to the northeast. A second NW-SE trending structure may control the thicker zone of mineralisation within the deposit. These results will guide angle drilling to better define structural controls, scheduled for the September Quarter. The University of Salamanca and University of Granada are studying selected drill core samples for petrology, mineralogy and clay identification (XRD) which will aid metallurgical test work and the geological understanding of the deposit. Additional geological observations from the core include: • The lithology in mineralised holes consists mainly of andalusite spotted shales. • The mineralisation appears to be truncated to the northeast by a west-northwest trending sub-vertical fault with mainly chlorite spotted shale's occurring across this bounding fault. • To the southwest the shales are truncated by quartzites. Results from initial metallurgical testwork on two representative samples of Retortillo mineralisation were received. Test work by SGS Lakefield Oretest Laboratories in Perth, Western Australia, indicated U3O8 recoveries in excess of 90% for the sample of strongly oxidised mineralisation after eight hours of leaching over the entire range of size distribution, up to and including 80% passing 850 microns. For the sample of weakly oxidised mineralisation, recoveries exceeded 90% after two hours for the entire size range, and increased to 93% - 94% after eight hours of leaching. During the September Quarter the RC/diamond drilling program will continue to test and infill the southeast extension of the Retortillo deposit, and commence testing of radiometric anomalies that occur along the 3km extension of the Retortillo stratigraphy to the northwest of the Rio Yeltes. Zona 7 Confirmatory and extension diamond drilling also continued in the Zona 7 area with a further six (Z7-002 to Z7-007) holes (totalling 360.8m) completed. Details for these holes, including assays received to date, are included in Appendix I. Notable intersections (at a cut-off of 200ppm U3O8) include:- Hole Z7-001 8.5metres @ 0.2841% U3O8 from 0.0m Hole Z7-007 8.95metres @ 0.063% U3O8 from 2.0m 9.55metres @ 0.183% U3O8 from 14.8m Drill results confirm high grade mineralisation outside of the area of the resource calculation in ZN7-007, but also indicate highly variable distribution of both mineralisation and grade. Five of the seven holes intersected shallow mineralisation which occurs in structurally controlled veins with massive pitchblende and disseminated torbernite. Extension of the Zona 7 radiometric survey has located larger anomalies which have been traced beyond the Mina Cristina mineralisation. An assessment of historical, detailed ground radiometric data shows that this anomaly extends another 5km to the northeast, adjacent to the granite contact, and is also open to the south. These anomalies have been confirmed by initial Berkeley traverses. Activity in the September Quarter will include reassessment of the Zona 7 mineralisation and field work to generate drill targets within the new northeast trending anomalous zone. Assessment of the regional radiometric datasets also identified a zone of intrusives to the north of our recently acquired north-western Salamanca tenements with strong radiometric signatures and as a result an application was made to the Salamanca Mines Department for 4 new tenements, to the north of Zona 7 and to the north of Retortillo, a total of 10,080Ha. Salamanca II and III No exploration during the quarter. CACERES REGION Exploration in the Caceres region continued with most work concentrated on the Saguazal prospect in the Caceres III area. Nine diamond drill holes were drilled within a mineralised area previously tested by CISA in the 1980's with encouraging results. Vein style uranium mineralisation was identified at the Zafrilla prospect to the southeast of Saguazal and included in a new tenement application, adding an additional 4,760 ha to the Berkeley tenements in the Caceres Region. Caceres III An initial program of 9 diamond drill holes was completed with the aim of confirming previous high grade intersections and testing potentially mineralised NE-SW sulphide-bearing structures and other geophysical targets defined by an IP survey. This program was preceded by background environmental radiometric and radon surveys. The IP survey indicated two fracture sets of a NE-SW set with a sulphide (+/- pitchblende) association, and a NW-SE set without sulphides . Domal features in the chargeability profiles appear to coincide with the transition between fresh and weathered rock and the presence of sulphides (from the old geological drill logs). However, initial reconciliation with drill results failed to show that either the domal features or IP structures relate to the mineralisation. Integration of the new diamond drill results with radiometric data from historic open hole drilling indicates that high grade uranium mineralisation is associated with a shallow, sub-horizontal zone of pyrite/marcasite +/- pitchblende+/- coffinite mineralisation in variably fractured and brecciated granite. Recognition of these structural and mineralogical controls enables a reassessment of all historical data and the opportunity to target new areas for drill testing along the extensive radiometric anomaly at Saguazal. Notable intersections (at a cut-off of 200ppm U3O8) include:- SAG-001 1.0metres @ 0.071% U3O8 from 8.0m 0.5metres @ 0.051% U3O8 from 11.0m 0.5metres @ 0.074% U3O8 from 16.1m SAG-002 3.5metres @ 0.506% U3O8 from 15.0m SAG-003 0.5metres @ 0.059% U3O8 from 5.3m * SAG-004 8.4metres @ 0.372% U3O8 from 12.3m * SAG-005 10.0metres @ 0.362% U3O8 from 13.0m * Assay procedures for samples from Saguazal have been identical to those described for Retortillo samples. *These intervals and assay values differ from estimates based on down hole radiometrics announced on the 22nd June, 2007. Inspection of drill core indicates that intervals with anomalous radiometric values, but low uranium assays, in SAG 003 and SAG 005, coincide with moderate hydrothermal alteration of granite. Although widths have reduced in the two holes, assays have increased the grades. In SAG 004, assays have increased both width and grade. Caceres VI The main Caceres VI tenement was granted on the 18th June 2007. Land access negotiations over Ojaranzo and Gambuta are in progress, and are expected to lead to additional geological mapping, baseline environmental surveys and an initial diamond drilling program during the September Quarter. 2. SHARE PLACEMENT In April, Berkeley issued 12.5 million new ordinary shares at a price of A$1.85 (£0.77) per share, with institutional investors in Europe, the USA, Canada and Australia. The issue raised A$23.1M (£9.65M) before expenses and will enable the Company to expand its exploration programs in Spain, as well as to pursue new business development opportunities. The placement was coordinated by RBC Capital Markets as lead manager and sole bookrunner, with Mirabaud Securities Limited acting as co-manager. 3. Appointment of CHIEF OPERATING OFFICER Mr Scott Yelland joined the Company as Chief Operating Officer in early April. Mr Yelland is a mining engineer with over 25 years experience managing mining operations around the world, including in Spain. Mr Yelland will manage the Company's current uranium exploration operations in Spain as well as providing technical expertise in Berkeley's assessment of other exploration and development opportunities around the world. The information in this report that relates to Exploration results, Mineral Resources or Ore Reserves is based on information compiled by Mr Peter Ellis, who is a Member of The Australian Institute of Geoscientists and a consultant of Berkeley Resources Limited. Mr Ellis has sufficient experience which is relevant to the style of mineralisation and type of deposit under consideration and to the activity which he is undertaking to qualify as a Competent Person as defined in the 2004 edition of the'Australasian Code for Reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral resources and Ore Reserves'.Mr Ellis consents to the inclusion in the report of the matters based on his information in the form and context in which it appears. APPENDIX 1: DRILL HOLES COMPLETION IN THE JUNE 2007 QUARTER See website: www.berkeleyresources.com.au This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock Exchange
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