Interim Results:Part I of II

Berkeley Group Holdings (The) PLC 09 December 2004 The Berkeley Group Holdings plc PRESS RELEASE 9th DECEMBER 2004 INTERIM RESULTS ANNOUNCEMENT BERKELEY GENERATES £104 MILLION OF CASH REPAYMENT OF £5 PER UNIT MADE ON 3RD DECEMBER 2004 FORWARD SALES AT £878 MILLION The Berkeley Group Holdings plc ('Berkeley' or the 'Group'), the urban regenerator and residential property developer announces its interim results for the six months ended 31st October 2004. Highlights of these results include: • Pre-tax Profits 5.0% reduction to £110.5 million (2003 restated: £116.3 million) • Operating Margins Group housebuilding operating margins, excluding land sales and merger expenses, up to 20.2% from 17.6% at the full year • Earnings Per Share Increased by 1.4% to 65.4 pence (2003 restated: 64.5 pence) • Net Asset Value Per Share Up 6.5% to 1,005 pence from the year-end (April 2004 restated: 944 pence) • Net Cash Up £104.0 million to £249.2 million in the period • ROCE Increased to 22.5% from 20.7% (October 2003 restated) • Land Holdings Remain strong at 26,627 plots, compared to year-end level of 26,654 • Forward Order Book Remains solid at £877.7 million • Share Buy-Back 2.1 million (2%) shares bought back for £20.7 million • Strategic Review First tranche (£5) of four B share payments paid on 3rd December 2004 with next tranche (£2) expected in December 2006 October 2004 October 2003 % Difference Restated Turnover £518.7m £575.8m -10.0% Operating Profit £100.8m £109.6m -8.0% Joint Ventures £10.6m £10.6m - Merger Expenses (£1.5m) - - Interest £0.6m (£3.9m) - Profit before Tax £110.5m £116.3m -5.0% EPS 65.4p 64.5p +1.4% DPS - 5.8p - NAVPS 1,005p 888p +13.2% Commenting on the results, Managing Director, A W Pidgley said: 'In our full year statement I set out Berkeley's proposal to return £12.00 a share in cash to shareholders over a six year period. I also spoke of our strategy to concentrate on highly-complex inner city, large-scale urban regeneration schemes following our move away from traditional housebuilding and discussed the resulting natural size for the business and the state of the land and housing market. I am delighted this plan received such overwhelming support from our shareholders and am grateful for the backing given to the executive directors to deliver this strategy for Berkeley. I am pleased to announce today results which accord with our expectations, having also recently completed on time and as promised the first stage of the cash return to shareholders (£5 per Unit), on 3rd December 2004. As I explained in our full year statement, Berkeley's focus is on protecting the value of our assets and on generating cash flow - as opposed to concentrating primarily on the profit and loss account. Today's results show the success of this approach in the current more normal and resilient market conditions, for which we began planning some time ago. Having made the first return we are now focused on working towards the next £2 return in December 2006. In the last six months, Berkeley has achieved a pre-tax profit of £110.5 million, increased its operating margin to 20.2% and has generated £104.0 million of cash flow to produce cash balances of £249.2 million at 31st October. At the same time we maintain a strong forward sales position at £877.7 million, have improved the Group's operating efficiency and have maintained our unrivalled land holdings. In becoming one of Britain's leading urban regenerators and residential property developers, Berkeley promotes a challenging and entrepreneurial approach that has kept it at the forefront of its sector and in tune with the market. Berkeley is placed in a uniquely strong position to lead the continuing revival of Britain's cities and the retrieval for housing of derelict land in urban areas. I feel very honoured that the passion we have for Berkeley has been given independent validation by the sweep of industry awards bestowed upon us in recent weeks. We have been recently named 'Best Housebuilder' and 'Best Volume Housebuilder' at the Daily Telegraph What House? Magazine Awards; 'Urban Regeneration Housebuilder of the Year' at the Building Magazine and Property Week Regeneration Awards; and 'Private Housebuilder of the Year' and 'Best Land, Planning and Regeneration Strategy' at the Building Homes Quality Awards. These are just some of the many accolades the Group, its developments and its people have received, and reflect the dynamic approach to housebuilding that we have pioneered. The achievement of these awards is only possible through the exceptional performance of our people. I would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge the huge contribution they make to our business which is at the heart of our success.' Roger Lewis, Chairman, said: 'The housing market has moderated over the last six months against a back-drop of uncertainty about interest rates after five recent rises and media comment which has correctly explained that the boom of recent years was not sustainable. The fundamentals, however, remain good with interest rates still relatively low, employment strong and supply at historically low levels. The demand for housing will continue if the macro-economic climate remains favourable. We welcome these more normal market conditions which play well to our strengths in terms of location, product and marketing flair and provide us with the opportunity to demonstrate the strength of our land bank and the skills we promote to first create and then sell an innovative product that is right for its market. In each location, Berkeley produces a sales strategy to match supply with demand. Despite various attempts to free up the planning regime, it does unfortunately remain slow and bureaucratic, but we believe the current process, if operated correctly, does work and we take great care to include local communities and other stakeholders in formulating our regeneration proposals. I am therefore delighted to report that we now have enhanced consents at Grosvenor Waterside in London and an approval for over 1,000 units at Holborough Valley in Kent. We continue to submit applications on the majority of our sites and I look forward to updating you further at the full year. Results Berkeley is delighted to announce a pre-tax profit of £110.5 million for the six months ended 31st October 2004. While this is 5.0% less than the restated figure of £116.3 million for the same period last year, our earnings per share rose 1.4% from 64.5 pence to 65.4 pence. Five factors have contributed to this result: reduced operating profit (-8.0%), merger expenses (-1.2%), reduced interest charge (+4.3%), reduced tax charge (+0.4%) and share buy-backs and other movements (+5.9%). Berkeley is expecting a broadly similar trading profile between the first and second halves of the year. Results at the pre-tax level in the second half will be reduced by higher interest charges resulting from the £604.1 million payment to shareholders made on 3rd December and costs associated with the Scheme of Arrangement, which include the Long Term Incentive Plan ('LTIP') charge for the share options granted to management in October. The accounting charge for the LTIP is based on a number of factors, including the £11.86 share price at the date of the award, and will be approximately £7 million per year until vesting in January 2011. Shareholders' funds increased by £60.8 million to £1,202.9 million (30th April 2004 - £1,142.1 million), an increase of 5.3%. The increase in shareholders' funds is after taking account of share buy-backs of £20.7 million. Net assets per share stand at 1,005 pence, an increase of 6.5% since the year-end (944 pence), and an increase of 13.2% since the last half-year (888 pence). Return on Capital Employed was 22.5%, compared to 20.7% last half year. This increase is due to Berkeley's retirement from the Gunwharf Quays Limited Partnership in December 2003 and greater operational efficiencies. At 31st October 2004 Berkeley had net cash balances of £249.2 million (April 2004 - £145.2 million) after generating £104.0 million of cash flow in the six months. Scheme of Arrangement The Scheme of Arrangement and The Berkeley Group Holdings plc reduction of capital was approved by shareholders on 17th September 2004 and by the Court at the end of October 2004. The Scheme of Arrangement created a Berkeley Unit comprising one ordinary share and four redeemable B shares. The 2004 B shares were redeemed on 3rd December 2004 for £5 a share at a cost to Berkeley of £604.1 million. The redemption of the three remaining B shares is expected in December 2006, December 2008 and December 2010 for £2, £2 and £3 a share respectively. As part of the Scheme of Arrangement, the Group agreed new banking facilities for £825 million. These comprise a £500 million term loan for seven years, a £175 million revolving facility for three years and a £150 million 364 day revolving facility with a 2 year term-out option. At the time of the December payment, the Group had drawn £600 million of its new facilities to make the 2004 B share redemption and held over £200 million of cash balances. This can be used for working capital, new land acquisitions or the 2006 B share payment and supports the confidence the Group has in delivering its strategy. The UK Housing Market The housing market in London and the South-East continues to provide a stable environment in which to operate with a continuing demand for houses and flats of the right quality in the right location at the right price. That said the market has moderated in the last six months. Reservation levels in Berkeley Homes and St George in the first six months are 15% down compared to the same period last year although the market is showing signs of resilience with this trend reversing in November and reservations are now at similar levels for the seven month period when compared to the same period last year. The overall Group reservations (including joint ventures) for the six months are down by 28%. This is largely due to Crosby which operates in cities in the north of England and Midlands. The Crosby management team subscribed for 50.01% of the shares in the business last year, which will not see control pass to them until £450 million of operating cash flow has been generated. As a consequence, Crosby aggressively sold forward in 2003/04 and has already sold more than 50% of the units required to achieve their target. Reservations for the Group as a whole are above the levels we predicted and which we require to achieve the return of capital to shareholders over the six year period. We believe that perceptions of the housing market have been affected by five sequential rises in interest rates and the widely held belief that the boom of the last few years was no longer sustainable. Nevertheless, confidence in the UK housing market remains firm, despite opinions expressed by certain market commentators, with a growing appreciation of the benefits of a more normal market and the forecast economic growth in the UK. The fundamentals for housing are still good with historically low interest rates, strong employment and constraints in supply due to planning delays and the overall complexity of delivering urban regeneration schemes. Investors continue to account for over 50% of our reservations - a reassuring sign of the continuing strength of the underlying investor market. Under the Group's definition, investors can range from large institutions to customers purchasing a second home. Sales price increases achieved have been up to 5% above our business plan forecast and are covering build cost increases which we continue to experience. Operating margins are under pressure due to affordable housing requirements and Section 106 planning gain payments. We currently estimate that these costs will reduce the operating margin going forward by 0.3% to 0.4%. In the land market, Berkeley has continued to find prices extremely competitive and has been very selective. As a consequence, the Group has agreed only ten new sites, totalling 1,129 units in the six month period. For the Group to achieve its full year targets for 2004/05, 57% of the sales required are of units with selling prices under £300,000 and 85% under £500,000. This puts us in a strong position to achieve our full year forecast in these market conditions. Trading Analysis Group turnover was £518.7 million (2003 - £575.8 million). This comprises £474.2 million (2003 - £555.8 million) of residential turnover and £44.5 million (2003 - £19.9 million) of commercial turnover. During the period Berkeley sold 1,801 units at an average selling price of £262,000. This compares to 2,015 units at an average selling price of £271,000 in the corresponding period in 2003. At the same time, the Group realised turnover of £3.8 million from land sales (2003 - £9.4 million). The Group's policy has always been to take advantage of suitable land sale opportunities, though its performance does not depend on realising such opportunities. Group commercial turnover increased by £24.6 million to £44.5 million, with Berkeley taking commercial sales from ten sites, including the sale of 62,900 sq ft of office space at St George Wharf in Vauxhall. The Group's share of joint venture turnover totalled £68.6 million (2003 - £59.5 million). This comprises £67.5 million (2003 - £56.9 million) from residential projects and £1.1 million (2003 - £2.6 million) from commercial schemes. The number of units sold was 486 at an average price of £301,000, compared to 493 units at an average selling price of £231,000 in the corresponding period last year. Excluding joint ventures and land sales, the housebuilding operating margin stands at 20.2% compared to 17.6% in the last full year. This is above both the range achieved for recent reporting periods and our expectations going forward. Over recent reporting periods the Group has achieved operating margins in a range of 17.5% to 19.5% (depending on mix). We expect to be broadly in this range for the full year if current market conditions prevail. Joint venture operating margins are 15.2% compared to 17.8% last year. Joint Ventures Berkeley currently has £70.8 million of capital employed in joint ventures, an increase of £2.9 million on last year's figure of £67.9 million. Our share of joint venture bank borrowings has fallen by £25.7 million to £52.9 million. Berkeley's largest joint venture company is St James, which is jointly owned with Thames Water. St James is currently developing 2,597 homes within the business, with a similar number being worked up with Thames Water on potential future sites. Forward Sales Berkeley's strategy continues to be to sell houses at an early stage in the development cycle as this secures customers' commitment and therefore the quality of future revenue. It is encouraging to note that, at 31st October 2004, the Group held forward sales of £877.7 million. This is a drop of £67.6 million from 30th April 2004, although at a similar level to this time last year (2003: £875.4 million). Of this total, £96.6 million (April 2004 - £156.4 million) was included in the results for the six months to October 2004. The balance of £781.1 million (April 2004 - £788.9 million) will benefit the second six months of the current financial year as well as future years. Land Holdings At 31st October 2004 the Group controlled some 26,627 plots compared to 26,654 plots at 30th April 2004. Of these holdings, 22,513 (April 2004 - 21,449 plots) are owned and included on the balance sheet. In addition, 3,896 (April 2004 - 4,315) are contracted and a further 218 (April 2004 - 890) have terms agreed and solicitors instructed. At the 31st October 2004 the estimated gross margin is £1,857 million compared to £1,926 million at 30th April 2004, a reduction of £69 million. Berkeley is concentrating on maximising the returns from our land holdings and we have submitted planning applications on the majority of our regeneration sites. Significant new consents achieved include: Holborough Valley in Kent for 1,000 units; Paragon Works in Brentford for 221 Key Worker units, 839 student units, 103,000 sq ft of academic teaching space and 2,700 sq ft of retail space; and Sandleford Hospital in Newbury for 116 units. In addition we achieved further consents at Grosvenor Waterside, Westminster and New River Village, Hornsey, both St James sites in London. Prospects Berkeley is well placed for the future. We target ourselves as being an added value urban regenerator and property developer rather than a volume housebuilder - the model we believe to be best suited to the particular challenges of a cyclical business. Our concentration on mixed-use, complex, inner city developments has allowed us to build up an unrivalled land bank from which we will continue to operate over the medium to long-term. Our strategy is to maximise these holdings while returning cash to our shareholders and selectively acquiring further opportunities. Our primary goal is to maximise our returns to shareholders as opposed to mainly concentrating on the profit and loss account and this alignment allows the business to continue maximising short-term opportunities under an unambiguous long-term operating model. We look forward to the future with a great deal of confidence - supported by a business model that is cash generative, efficient in terms of scale and which allows the skills of our people to converge on adding value throughout the development process. We remain on target to achieve the 2006 B share payment and the £12 return by January 2011, and to create a sustainable and meaningful ongoing business.' For further information: The Berkeley Group Smithfield Roger Lewis, Chairman John Antcliffe 01932 868555 Rupert Trefgarne 020 7360 4900 This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock Exchange
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