BHP H/Y Report-Dec 2000Pt3

BHP Limited 13 March 2001 PART 3 Independent Review Report To the members of BHP Limited Scope We have reviewed the financial report of BHP Limited for the half year ended 31 December 2000 as set out on pages 10 to 28. The financial report includes the consolidated financial statements of the consolidated entity comprising the company and the entities it controlled at the end of the half year or from time to time during the half year. The company's directors are responsible for the financial report. We have performed an independent review of the financial report in order to state whether, on the basis of the procedures described, anything has come to our attention that would indicate that the financial report is not presented fairly in accordance with Accounting Standard AASB1029 'Half year accounts and consolidated accounts' and other mandatory professional reporting requirements and statutory requirements in Australia so as to present a view which is consistent with our understanding of the consolidated entity's financial position, and performance as represented by the results of its operations and its cash flows, and in order for the company to lodge the financial report with the Australian Securities and Investments Commission. Our review has been conducted in accordance with Australian Auditing Standards applicable to review engagements. The review is limited primarily to inquiries of the company's personnel and analytical procedures applied to the financial data. These procedures do not provide all the evidence that would be required in an audit, thus the level of assurance is less than given in an audit. We have not performed an audit and accordingly, we do not express an audit opinion. Statement Based on our review, which is not an audit, we have not become aware of any matter that makes us believe that the half year financial report of BHP Limited is not in accordance with: (a) the Corporations Law, including: (i) giving a true and fair view of the consolidated entity's financial position as at 31 December 2000 and of its performance for the half year ended on that date; and (ii) complying with Accounting Standard AASB1029 'Half Year Accounts and Consolidated Accounts' and the Corporations Regulations; and (b) other mandatory professional reporting requirements. Arthur Andersen Chartered Accountants G A HOUNSELL Partner Dated in Melbourne this 13th day of March 2001 Selected financial information has been restated on a six months to 30 December basis and is included below. These statistics have not been subject to audit review. The purpose of making such restated data available is to provide information, which is comparable in all material respects with similar entities having a 30 December half year end. All data presented has been prepared in accordance with Australian GAAP. Half year ended 31 December 2000 1999 STATISTICS $ million $ million Sales revenue ($ million) 10 506 9 285 Net profit before tax ($ million) 2 077 1 327 Net profit attributable to BHP Shareholders ($ million) 1 427 1 210 Shareholders' equity attributable to members of the BHP 10 408 10 144 Entity ($ million) Net tangible assets attributable to members of the BHP 10 406 9 974 Entity ($ million) Number of fully paid shares on issue (million) 1 786 1 774 Weighted average fully paid shares on issue over the 1 784 1 761 period (million) Profit from ordinary activities before tax as a 19.77 14.29 percentage of sales revenue (%) (a) Return on BHP shareholders' equity (annualised % rate) (b) 27.4 23.9 Return on capital (annualised % rate) 17.5 13.6 Basic earnings per share (cents) (c) 80.0 68.8 Earnings per American Depositary Share (US cents) (d) 89.0 90.3 Net tangible assets per fully paid share (A$) (e) 5.83 5.62 Gearing Ratio (%) 38.6 48.0 EBIT Interest Cover (times) 7.6 4.6 EBITDA Interest Cover (times) 10.9 7.3 Average A$/US$ hedge settlement rate (cents) 0.55 0.65 (a) For the six months ended 31 November 1999 profit from ordinary activities as a percentage of sales revenue was 12.74%. (b) For the six months ended 31 November 1999 return on shareholders equity was 22.0%. (c) Based on Net profit attributable to members of the BHP Entity divided by the weighted average number of fully paid shares. (d) Each American Depositary Share represents two ordinary shares. Translated at the noon buying rate on Friday 29 December 2000 was certified by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York A$1=US$0.5560 (30 November 1999 A$1=US$0.6371; 31 December 1999 A$1 = US$0.6560). (e) For the six months ended 31 November 1999 net tangible assets per fully paid share was $5.46.
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