Interests of Substantial Hold
BHP Billiton Limited
21 April 2005
BHP Billiton Limited is issuing this announcement to fulfil disclosure
obligations arising from its secondary listing on the London Stock Exchange.
The text of this release is identical to that issued by BHP Billiton Plc
21 April 2005
To: cc:
Company Announcements Office Mr. Peter Horton - WMC
The Australian Stock Exchange New York Stock Exchange
4th Floor, 20 Bridge Street Swiss Stock Exchange
Sydney NSW 2000 Johannesburg Stock Exchange
Australia Deutsche Bank
UBS Zurich
London Stock Exchange
Old Broad Street
London EC2N 1HP
United Kingdom
Notice of Change of Interests of Substantial Holder
In accordance with Chapter 6C of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cwth), BHP Billiton
issues the attached ASIC Form 604 (Notice of Change of Interests of Substantial
Holder) in relation to the ordinary shares in WMC Resources Ltd (WMC Resources).
In addition, BHP Billiton notes that it holds economic exposure to 50,624,000
WMC Resources shares (4.31% of the issued share capital) through cash settled
derivative contracts.
Yours sincerely
Ross Mallett
Deputy Company Secretary
Form 604
Corporations Act 2001
Section 671B
Notice of change of interests of substantial holder
To Company Name/Scheme WMC Resources Ltd
ACN/ARSN 76 004 184 598
1. Details of substantial holder (1)
Name BHP Billiton Limited
ACN/ARSN (if applicable) 49 004 028 077
This notice is also given by BHP Billiton Limited on
behalf of BHP Billiton Plc and on behalf of BHP
Billiton Limited's controlled bodies corporate
(Subsidiaries) and on behalf of BHP Billiton Plc's
controlled bodies corporate including those named in
Annexure A of the Form 603 'Notice of initial
substantial holder' dated 22 March 2005
There was a change in the interests of the
substantial holder on 20/04/2005
The previous notice was given to the company on 13/04/2005
The previous notice was dated 13/04/2005
2. Previous and present voting power
The total number of votes attached to all the voting shares in the company or
voting interests in the scheme that the substantial holder or an associate (2)
had a relevant interest (3) in when last required, and when now required, to
give a substantial holding notice to the company or scheme, are as follows:
Class of securities Previous notice Present notice
(4) Person's votes Voting power (5) Person's votes Voting power
Ordinary shares 14,891,171 1.27% 27,650,396 2.35%
3. Changes in relevant interests
Particulars of each change in, or change in the nature of, a relevant interest
of the substantial holder or an associate in voting securities of the company or
scheme, since the substantial holder was last required to give a substantial
holding notice to the company or scheme are as follows:
Date of Person whose Nature of Consideration Class and Person's votes
change relevant change (6) given in relation number of affected
interest to change (7) securities
changed affected
14/04 -20/ BHP Billiton Purchaser of securities $7.85 for each WMC 12,759,225 12,759,225
04/2005 Lonsdale pursuant to contracts Resources Ltd ordinary
Investments Pty arising as a result of ordinary share shares
Ltd acceptances of takeover
offers as set out in
the Bidder's Statement,
the form of which was
given to the Australian
Stock Exchange Limited
by the substantial
holder on 21 March 2005
As above BHP Billiton Taken under section 608 Nil As above for As above for BHP
for BHP Limited (3)(b) of the BHP Billiton Billiton Lonsdale
Billiton Corporations Act to Lonsdale Investments Pty
Lonsdale have a relevant Investments Ltd
Investments interest by reason of Pty Ltd
Pty Ltd having control of BHP
Billiton Lonsdale
Investments Pty Ltd
As above Each of the Taken under section 608 Nil As above for As above for BHP
for BHP Subsidiaries (3)(a) of the BHP Billiton Billiton Lonsdale
Billiton Corporations Act to Lonsdale Investments Pty
Lonsdale have a relevant Investments Ltd
Investments interest by reason of Pty Ltd
Pty Ltd having voting power
(through the relevant
interests of its
associate, BHP Billiton
Limited) above 20% in
BHP Billiton Lonsdale
Investments Pty Ltd
4. Present relevant interests
Particulars of each relevant interest of the substantial holder in voting
securities after the change are as follows:
Holder of Registered Person Nature of Class and Person's
relevant holder of entitled relevant number of votes
interest securities to be interest (6) securities
as holder
BHP Billiton Various offerees BHP Power to control disposal of the 27,650,396 27,650,396
Lonsdale who have accepted Billiton securities pursuant to the contracts ordinary
Investments the takeover Lonsdale referred to in paragraph 3 shares
Pty Ltd offers referred to Investments
in paragraph 3 Pty Ltd
BHP Billiton As above for BHP BHP Taken under section 608(3)(b) of the As above for As above for
Limited Billiton Lonsdale Billiton Corporations Act to have a relevant BHP Billiton BHP Billiton
Investments Pty Lonsdale interest by reason of having control Lonsdale Lonsdale
Ltd Investments of BHP Billiton Lonsdale Investments Investments Investments
Pty Ltd Pty Ltd Pty Ltd Pty Ltd
Each of the As above for BHP BHP Taken under section 608(3)(a) of the As above for As above for
Subsidiaries Billiton Lonsdale Billiton Corporations Act to have a relevant BHP Billiton BHP Billiton
Investments Pty Lonsdale interest by reason of having voting Lonsdale Lonsdale
Ltd Investments power (through the relevant interests Investments Investments
Pty Ltd of its associate, BHP Billiton Pty Ltd Pty Ltd
Limited) above 20% in BHP Billiton
Lonsdale Investments Pty Ltd
5. Changes in association
The persons who have become associates (2) of, ceased to be associates of, or
have changed the nature of their association (9) with, the substantial holder in
relation to voting interests in the company or scheme are as follows:
Name and ACN/ARSN (if Nature of association
Not applicable Not applicable
6. Addresses
The addresses of persons named in this form are as follows:
Name Address
BHP Billiton Limited and C/- BHP BIlliton Limited
each other person on whose 180 Lonsdale Street, Melbourne, Victoria 3000
behalf this notice is given
print name Ross Mallett capacity Deputy Company Secretary
sign here date 21/04/2005
(1) If there are a number of substantial holders with similar or related relevant interests (eg. a corporation
and its related corporations, or the manager and trustee of an equity trust), the names could be included in
an annexure to the form. If the relevant interests of a group of persons are essentially similar, they may
be referred to throughout the form as a specifically named group if the membership of each group, with the
names and addresses of members is clearly set out in paragraph 6 of the form.
(2) See the definition of 'associate' in section 9 of the Corporations Act 2001.
(3) See the definition of 'relevant interest' in sections 608 and 671B(7) of the Corporations Act 2001.
(4) The voting shares of a company constitute one class unless divided into separate classes.
(5) The person's votes divided by the total votes in the body corporate or scheme multiplied by 100.
(6) Include details of:
(a) any relevant agreement or other circumstances because of which the change in relevant interest occurred.
If subsection 671B(4) applies, a copy of any document setting out the terms of any relevant agreement,
and a statement by the person giving full and accurate details of any contract, scheme or arrangement,
must accompany this form, together with a written statement certifying this contract, scheme or
arrangement; and
(b) any qualification of the power of a person to exercise, control the exercise of, or influence the
exercise of, the voting powers or disposal of the securities to which the relevant interest relates
(indicating clearly the particular securities to which the qualification applies).
See the definition of 'relevant agreement' in section 9 of the Corporations Act 2001.
(7) Details of the consideration must include any and all benefits, money and other, that any person from whom a
relevant interest was acquired has, or may, become entitled to receive in relation to that acquisition.
Details must be included even if the benefit is conditional on the happening or not of a contingency.
Details must be included on any benefit paid on behalf of the substantial holder or its associate in
relation to the acquisitions, even if they are not paid directly to the person from whom the relevant
interest was acquired.
(8) If the substantial holder is unable to determine the identity of the person (eg. if the relevant interest
arises because of an option) write 'unknown''.
(9) Give details, if appropriate, of the present association and any change in that association since the last
substantial holding notice.
BHP Billiton Limited ABN 49 004 028 077 BHP Billiton Plc Registration number 3196209
Registered in Australia Registered in England and Wales
Registered Office: Level 27, 180 Lonsdale Street Melbourne Registered Office: Neathouse Place London SW1V 1BH
Victoria 3000 United Kingdom
Telephone +61 1300 554 757 Facsimile +61 3 9609 3015 Telephone +44 20 7802 4000 Facsimile +44 20 7802
The BHP Billiton Group is headquartered in Australia
This information is provided by RNS
The company news service from the London Stock Exchange