Prelim Rslts Y/E 30/06/01-PT3
BHP Billiton Limited
20 August 2001
Part C2: Financial Information
Status of financial information
On 29 June 2001, BHP Billiton Plc (previously known as Billiton Plc) and BHP
Billiton Limited (previously known as BHP Limited) entered into a dual listed
companies ('DLC') merger. This was effected by contractual arrangements
between the companies and amendments to their constitutional documents.
The effect of the DLC merger is that BHP Billiton Plc and its subsidiaries and
BHP Billiton Limited and its subsidiaries operate together as a single
economic entity ('the BHP Billiton Group'), with neither assuming a dominant
role. Under the arrangements:
* The shareholders of BHP Billiton Plc and BHP Billiton Limited have a
common economic interest in both groups
* The shareholders of BHP Billiton Plc and BHP Billiton Limited take key
decisions, including the election of directors, through a joint electoral
procedure under which the shareholders of the two companies effectively
vote on a joint basis
* BHP Billiton Plc and BHP Billiton Limited have a common board of
directors, a unified management structure and joint objectives
* Dividends and capital distributions made by the two companies will be
The DLC merger did not involve the change of legal ownership of any assets of
BHP Billiton Plc or BHP Billiton Limited, any change of ownership of any
existing shares or securities of BHP Billiton Plc or BHP Billiton Limited, the
issue of any shares or securities or any payment by way of consideration, save
for the issue by each company of one special voting share to a trustee company
which is the means by which the joint electoral procedure is operated. In
addition, to achieve a position where the economic and voting interests of one
share in BHP Billiton Plc and one share in BHP Billiton Limited were
identical, BHP Billiton Limited made a bonus issue of ordinary shares to the
holders of its ordinary shares.
Under UK GAAP, the DLC merger is treated as a business combination because a
single economic entity has been formed, even though BHP Billiton Plc and BHP
Billiton Limited remain separate legal entities. The consolidated financial
statements of BHP Billiton Plc therefore include BHP Billiton Limited and its
subsidiary companies in accordance with the requirements of s227(5) of the
Companies Act 1985. The DLC merger is accounted for using the merger method of
accounting in accordance with UK accounting standards.
The financial information in this Part of the preliminary announcement has
been prepared on this basis. The financial information prepared on the basis
that the DLC merger had not been consummated prior to 30 June 2001 (except
that merger related costs have been recognised) and which therefore does not
include BHP Billiton Limited and its subsidiaries is set out in Part E of this
preliminary announcement 'BHP Billiton Plc Group Pro forma Results: year ended
30 June 2001'.
The figures for the two years ended 30 June 2001 and 30 June 2000 are
unaudited and do not constitute the BHP Billiton Plc's statutory accounts. The
statutory accounts for the year ended 30 June 2001 will be provided on the
basis of the financial information presented by the directors in this Part of
this preliminary announcement and will be delivered to the Registrar of
Companies following the Annual General Meeting. The statutory accounts for the
year ended 30 June 2000 received an unqualified audit report without
statements under section 237 of the Companies Act 1985 and have been filed
with the Registrar of Companies.
Basis of presentation of financial information
The financial information is presented in accordance with UK generally
accepted accounting principles. The reporting currency is US dollars, the
dominant currency in which BHP Billiton Plc and the companies in which it has
holdings operate.
The financial information in this Part of the preliminary announcement has
been prepared on the same basis and using the same accounting policies as were
used in preparing the financial statements for the year ended 30 June 2000,
except that the BHP Billiton Group has adopted two changes to its accounting
policies for deferred tax and exploration costs principally to align policies
between BHP Billiton Plc and BHP Billiton Limited.
Deferred tax
The Group has adopted FRS 19 ('Deferred tax'). Prior to the adoption of FRS
19, the BHP Billiton Group provided for deferred taxation under the liability
method, only to the extent that it was probable that a liability or asset
would crystallise in the foreseeable future. As a result of FRS19, the new
policy requires that full provision is made for deferred taxation on all
timing differences which have arisen but have not reversed at balance sheet
date, except as follows:
* Tax payable on the future remittance of the past earnings of
subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures is provided only to the extent
that dividends have been accrued as receivable or a binding agreement to
distribute all past earnings exists;
* Deferred tax is not recognised on the difference between book values and
fair values of non-monetary assets arising on acquisitions unless there is
a binding agreement to sell such an asset and the gain or loss expected to
arise has been recognised; and
* Deferred tax assets are recognised only to the extent that it is more
likely than not that they will be recovered.
The adoption of the new policy, which has been made by way of an adjustment to
previously published results as though the revised policy had always been
applied by the BHP Billiton Group, has had the following effects:
* The previously published figures at 1 July 1999 and 30 June 2000 have
been restated as follows:
a. deferred tax has been increased by US$288 million and US$294 million
b. goodwill has been increased by US$111 million and US$104 million
respectively due to increased deferred tax liabilities at the date of
acquisition of businesses; and
c. investments in joint ventures have been reduced by US$49 million and US$49
million respectively
resulting in decreases in shareholders' funds of US$189 million and US$200
million after taking account of minority interests of US$37 million and
US$39 million respectively;
* Operating profit and the tax charge on profits from ordinary activities
for the year ended 30 June 2000 have been decreased by US$7 million and
increased by US$6 million respectively from the figures previously
published, resulting in profit after tax and attributable profit being
decreased by US$13 million and US$11 million respectively; and
* The impact on the current year operating profit and charge for taxation
is a decrease of US$7 million and of US$58 million respectively, resulting
in attributable profit being increased by US$37 million, of which US$18
million is attributable to exceptional items.
Exploration costs
Prior to the DLC merger, BHP Billiton Plc's and BHP Billiton Limited's
policies for the treatment of exploration expenditure had a broadly similar
effect in that expenditure incurred prior to a project being considered to be
commercially viable was effectively recognised as a charge in the profit and
loss account. Expenditure incurred subsequent to the determination of
commercial viability was capitalised. However, BHP Billiton Plc's policy
required the write back of provisions established prior to a project being
considered to be commercially viable to the extent that the relevant costs
were recoverable whereas BHP Billiton Limited was precluded under Australian
GAAP from writing back expenditure previously charged to the profit and loss
In order to conform policies, it has been agreed that BHP Billiton Plc's
policy be changed to preclude the write back of costs previously recognised in
the profit and loss account when a project is considered to have become
commercially viable.
The adoption of the new policy, which has been made by way of an adjustment to
previously published results as though the revised policy had always been
applied by the BHP Billiton Group, has had the following effects:
* Exploration expenditure at 1 July 1999 and 30 June 2000 and
shareholders' funds as at those dates have been reduced by US$15 million;
* The current year exploration cost has been reduced by US$5 million and
profit after tax has been increased by the same amount.
consolidated profit and loss account
for the year ended 30 June 2001
2001 2000
before after before after
excep- excep- excep- excep- excep- excep-
tional tional tional tional tional tional
items items items items items items
US$m US$m US$m US$m US$m US$m
Note 1 Note 1
Turnover 19,079 - 19,079 18,402 - 18,402
of joint
ventures and
associates) (a)
Less: share
of (1,290) - (1,290) (987) - (987)
turnover 17,789 - 17,789 17,415 - 17,415
of joint
operating (14,551) (60) (14,611) (14,777) (695) (15,472)
costs (b)
Group 3,238 (60) 3,178 2,638 (695) 1,943
Share of 281 (634) (353) 239 - 239
operating profit/
(loss) of joint
ventures and
associates (b)
profit 3,519 (694) 2,825 2,877 (695) 2,182
of joint
associates) (a)
Income from 32 - 32 20 - 20
other fixed
Profit on sale 72 128 200 124 - 124
of fixed
Profit/(loss) 4 - 4 6 (4) 2
on sale of
Loss on - (430) (430) - - -
termination of
operations (c)
Costs of - - - - (61) (61)
Merger - (92) (92) - - -
Net interest (407) (6) (413) (446) - (446)
and similar
items payable -
Net interest
and (63) - (63) (43) - (43)
similar items
payable - Joint
ventures and
Profit before 3,157 (1,094) 2,063 2,538 (760) 1,778
Taxation (943) 132 (811) (774) 523 (251)
Profit after 2,214 (962) 1,252 1,764 (237) 1,527
Equity (25) 302 277 (21) - (21)
Attributable 2,189 (660) 1,529 1,743 (237) 1,506
Dividends to (754) (754) (788) (788)
profit 1,435 (660) 775 955 (237) 718
for the
financial year
Earnings per 36.8 (11.1) 25.7 30.4 (4.1) 26.3
ordinary share
(basic) (US
cents) (d)
Earnings per 36.6 (11.0) 25.6 30.4 (4.1) 26.3
ordinary share
(diluted) (US
cents) (d)
Dividend per
ordinary share
BHP Billiton 12.0 11.25
Plc (US cents)
BHP Billiton 51.0 51.0
cents) -
excluding bonus
- including bonus 24.7 24.7
(a) Included within turnover and operating profit is US$1,146 million and US$88
million respectively attributable to acquisitions.
(b) In the year ended 30 June 2001, the exceptional share of operating losses of
joint ventures and associates includes the impairment of HBI Venezuela. In the
year ended 30 June 2000, the exceptional operating costs relate to
the impairment of HBI Western Australia.
(c) In the year ended 30 June 2001, the exceptional loss on termination of
operations relates to Ok Tedi.
(d) Earnings per ordinary share is stated after taking account of the BHP
Billiton Limited bonus issue.
Attributable profit represents the profit for the financial period.
All amounts are derived from continuing activities.
There is no material difference between the historical cost profits and losses
and the profits and losses as presented in the
consolidated statement of total recognised gains and losses
for the year ended 30 June
Group Joint ventures Total
2001 2000 2001 2000 2001 2000
US$m US$m US$m US$m US$m US$m
Attributable profit for 1,964 1,367 (435) 139 1,529 1,506
the financial period
Exchange gains and
losses on foreign
net investments (712) (469) (51) (33) (763) (502)
Total recognised gains 1,252 898 (486) 106 766 1,004
for the period
Prior year adjustment
arising from the
of revised accounting
- Deferred taxation (171) (29) (200)
- Exploration (15) - (15)
Total recognised gains 1,066 (515) 551
since last annual report
balance sheet
as at 30 June
2001 2000
as restated
US$m US$m
Fixed assets
Intangible 95 127
assets -
Intangible assets - (36) (53)
negative goodwill
59 74
Tangible assets 19,231 18,580
Investments - 1,011 531
joint ventures
Investments - - share 2,816 1,962
of gross assets
Investments - - share (1,805) (1,431)
of gross liabilities
Investment - 58 -
Investment - loans to joint 911 573
ventures and associates and
other investments
21,270 19,758
Current assets
Stocks 1,675 1,819
Debtors 3,583 4,216
Investments 215 111
Cash including money 1,285 1,431
market deposits
6,758 7,577
Creditors: amounts (5,235) (5,577)
falling due within
one year
Net current 1,523 2,000
Total assets less 22,793 21,758
current liabilities
Creditors: amounts falling (7,054) (5,703)
due after more than one year
Provisions for (4,019) (4,342)
liabilities and
Net assets 11,720 11,713
Equity minority (380) (677)
Attributable net 11,340 11,036
Capital and
Called up share
- BHP Billiton 1,160 1,069
Share premium 592 27
- BHP Billiton 3,039 4,260
Profit and loss 6,549 5,798
Interest in shares of - (118)
BHP Billiton Plc
Equity 11,340 11,036
The interest in shares of BHP Billiton Plc held under the share repurchase
scheme as at 30 June 2000 was deducted from capital and reserves in order to
show a true and fair view.
consolidated statement of cash flows
for the year ended 30 June 2001
2001 2000
US$m US$m
Net cash inflow from 4,805 4,444
Group operating
Dividends received from joint 154 127
ventures and associates
Returns on investments and (535) (662)
servicing of finance
Taxation (587) (532)
Capital expenditure (3,427) (1,270)
and financial
Acquisitions and (1,636) 349
OneSteel spin out 344 -
Other acquisitions and (1,980) 349
Equity dividends (751) (361)
Net cash flow before management of (1,977) 2,095
liquid resources and financing
Management of liquid 242 (252)
Financing 1,763 (1,517)
Issue of shares/Share 937 132
Repurchase Scheme
Debt 826 (1,649)
Increase in cash 28 326
in the year
Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in net debt
Increase in cash 28 326
in the year
Cash flow from debt (826) 1,649
and lease financing
Cash flow from management of (242) 252
liquid resources
Change in net debt (1,040) 2,227
arising from cash
Loans acquired with (665) -
Other non-cash - 7
Exchange 476 489
Movement in net (1,229) 2,723
Net debt at start (6,092) (8,815)
of year
Net debt at end (7,321) (6,092)
of year
note 1. exceptional
Gross Tax Net
2001 2001 2001
US$m US$m US$m
Carbon steel Equalisation of 128 - 128
materials Queensland Coal
128 - 128
Base metals Ok (430) 14 (416)
(430) 14 (416)
Group and (92) - (92)
unallocated items
(92) - (92)
Group and Income tax (33) (33)
unallocated items audit
(33) (33)
Restructuring costs and
Steel (22) 7 (15)
Merger related
Base metals (7) 2 (5)
Exploration, technology and (7) 1 (6)
new business
Group and (22) 6 (16)
unallocated items
Net interest (6) - (6)
(64) 16 (48)
Write down in carrying value of
assets and provisions
Carbon steel HBI (180) - (180)
materials Venezuela
Energy coal Lake (26) 6 (20)
Other activities Columbus JV (114) 30 (84)
Group and HBI (340) 110 (230)
unallocated items Venezuela
(660) 146 (514)
Sale of expansion
Aluminium Mozal 61 (21) 40
61 (21) 40
Executive share awards
accelerated by merger
Aluminium (8) 2 (6)
Base metals (1) - (1)
Carbon steel (6) 2 (4)
Stainless steel (5) 1 (4)
Energy coal (8) 2 (6)
Exploration, technology and (6) 2 (4)
new business
Group and (3) 1 (2)
unallocated items
(37) 10 (27)
Total by category (1,094) 132 (962)
Gross Tax Net
Exceptional items by 2001 2001 2001
customer sector group
US$m US$m US$m
Aluminium 53 (19) 34
Base metals (a) (438) 16 (422)
Carbon steel (58) 2 (56)
Stainless steel (5) 1 (4)
Energy coal (34) 8 (26)
Steel (22) 7 (15)
Exploration, technology and (13) 3 (10)
new business
Other activities (114) 30 (84)
Group and (457) 84 (373)
Net interest (6) - (6)
Total by customer (1,094) 132 (962)
sector group
(a) Includes US$268 million attributable to equity minority interests.
(b) Includes US$34million attributable to equity minority interests.
(c) The provisions to cover financial obligations to banks in excess of the
Group's carrying value of investment in HBI Venezuela has been included
in Group and unallocated items.
note 1. exceptional items
Gross Tax Net
2000 2000 2000
US$m US$m US$m
Steel (135) 2 (133)
Petroleum 93 (1) 92
Other activities 38 - 38
(4) 1 (3)
Petroleum (12) 4 (8)
Steel (18) 7 (11)
Group and (31) 10 (21)
unallocated items
(61) 21 (40)
Group and Restatement of - 107 107
unallocated items deferred tax balances
Group and Tax benefit on - 184 184
unallocated items finalisation of
funding arrangements
- 291 291
Asset write-offs
and provisions:
Carbon Steel Western (695) 210 (485)
Materials Australian
(695) 210 (485)
Total by category (760) 523 (237)
Gross Tax Net
Exceptional items by 2000 2000 2000
customer sector group
US$m US$m US$m
Carbon steel (695) 210 (485)
Petroleum 81 3 84
Steel (153) 9 (144)
Other activities 38 - 38
Group and (31) 301 270
Total by customer (760) 523 (237)
sector group
note 2. customer
sector group data
BHP Billiton Group
Year ended 30 June 2001
US$ million
Depn Net operating Explor- Explor-
& ation ation
Turnover EBITDA amorti- EBIT assets Capex gross to profit
(a) (b) (c) (d) (e)(f) (g) (h)
Aluminium 2 971 774 198 576 4 730 1 635 1 1
Base metals 2 231 332 285 47 3 834 2 127 56 19
Carbon steel 3 369 1 022 186 836 2 289 429 5 5
Stainless steel 838 156 82 74 1 598 212 7 4
Energy coal 1 982 532 184 348 1 986 545 6 2
Petroleum 3 361 1 907 500 1 407 2 504 459 206 144
Steel 3 760 422 174 248 1 965 69 - -
Exploration, 251 24 31 ( 7) 869 408 63 75
technology and new
Other activities 1 251 16 10 6 817 59 - -
Group and (351) (974) 22 (996) 876 492 - -
unallocated (i)(j)
BHP Billiton
Group 19 079 4 211 1 672 2 539 21 468 6 435 344 250
Year ended 30 June 2000
US$ million
Depn Net operating Explor- Explor-
& ation ation
Turnover EBITDA amorti- EBIT assets Capex gross to profit
(a) (b) (c) (d) (f) (g) (h)
Aluminium 2 357 586 148 438 3 216 362 - -
Base metals 2 374 720 242 478 2 244 91 11 8
Carbon steel 2 842 98 255 (157) 2 950 190 4 3
Stainless steel 977 272 67 205 1 487 337 13 13
Energy coal 1 597 300 163 137 1 665 160 8 4
Petroleum 2 971 1 670 528 1 142 2 796 273 153 118
Steel 5 393 537 288 249 3 749 170 - -
Exploration, 224 41 29 12 416 18 72 70
technology and new
Other activities 489 167 4 163 582 35 - -
Group and (162) (376) 24 (400) 606 125 - -
unallocated (i)(k)
BHP Billiton
Group 18 402 4 015 1 748 2 267 19 711 1 761 261 216
(a) Turnover does not add to the BHP Billiton Group figure due to
inter-segment transactions.
(b) EBITDA is earnings before interest, tax, and depreciation and
(c) EBIT is earnings before interest and tax.
(d) Net operating assets comprises all assets and liabilities with the
exception of balances related to net debt, taxation and dividends.
(e) Capex in aggregate comprises $5,676 million growth and $759 million
(f) Capex includes capital and investment expenditure (before deduction of
assumed debt), including amounts contributed to joint ventures,
and excludes capitalised interest and capitalised exploration.
(g) Includes $112 million (2000: $51 million) capitalised exploration.
(h) Includes $18 million (2000: $6 million) exploration expenditure
previously capitalised, now written off.
(i) Includes consolidation adjustments and unallocated items.
(j) Includes $340 million loss representing provisions for related financial
obligations to banks and other provisions related
to the decision to cease further investment in HBI Venezuela, and merger
transaction and restructuring costs of $114 million.
(k) Includes $37 milion profit from sale of subsidiaries.
note 2. customer sector group data (continued)
Year ended 30 June 2001
US$ million
Depn Net operating Explor- Explor-
& ation ation
Turnover EBITDA amorti- EBIT assets Capex gross to profit
(a) (b) (c) (d) (e)
Alumina(f) 520 258 72 186 2 190 1 525
Aluminium(g)(h) 1 566 502 126 376 2 540 110
Intra-divisional ( 129) - - - - -
Third party 1 014 14 - 14 - -
Total Aluminium 2 971 774 198 576 4 730 1 635 1 1
Year ended 30 June 2000
US$ million
Depn Net operating Explor- Explor-
& ation ation
Turnover EBITDA amorti- EBIT assets Capex gross to profit
(a) (b) (c) (e)
Alumina(f) 339 128 35 93 766 95
Aluminium(g) 1 444 437 113 324 2 450 267
Intra-divisional ( 114) - - - - -
Third party 688 21 - 21 - -
Total Aluminium 2 357 586 148 438 3 216 362 - -
(a) EBITDA is earnings before interest, tax, and depreciation and
(b) EBIT is earnings before interest and tax.
(c) Net operating assets comprises all assets and liabilities with the
exception of balances related to net debt, taxation and dividends.
(d) Capex in aggregate comprises $1,585 million growth and $50 million
(e) Capex includes capital and investment expenditure, including amounts
contributed to joint ventures, and excludes capitalised interest and capitalised
(f) Includes Worsley, Alumar and Paranam refining operations and bauxite
(g) Includes Hillside, Bayside, Alumar, Valesul and Mozal smelting
(h) Includes $61million profit from the sale of Mozal expansion rights.
note 2. customer sector group data (continued)
Base Metals
Year ended 30 June 2001
US$ million
Depn Net operating Explor- Explor-
& ation ation
Turnover EBITDA amorti- EBIT assets Capex gross to profit
(a) (b) (c) (d)(e) (f)
Escondida 853 415 104 311 1 609 231
Ok Tedi(g) 503 ( 339) 69 (408) 11 24
Tintaya 157 26 29 ( 3) 284 47
Cerro 167 86 49 37 694 2
Antamina - - - - 707 46
Alumbrera 44 22 - 22 273 -
Cannington 302 110 25 85 260 11
Highland 46 3 - 3 131 -
Other 146 9 9 - ( 135) 16
Third 13 - - - - -
Total Base 2 231 332 285 47 3 834 2 127 56 19
Year ended 30 June 2000
US$ million
Depn Net operating Explor- Explor-
& ation ation
Turnover EBITDA amorti- EBIT assets Capex gross to profit
(a) (b) (c) (e) (f)
Escondida 931 446 100 346 1 502 52
Ok Tedi 441 79 66 13 482 15
Tintaya 156 29 35 ( 6) 265 10
Cerro - - - - - -
Antamina - - - - - -
Alumbrera - - - - - -
Cannington 298 97 28 69 345 7
Highland - - - - - -
Other 451 72 13 59 ( 350) 7
Third 97 ( 3) - ( 3) - -
Total Base 2 374 720 242 478 2 244 91 11 8
(a) EBITDA is earnings before interest, tax, and depreciation and amortisation.
(b) EBIT is earnings before interest and tax.
(c) Net operating assets comprises all assets and liabilities with the exception
of balances related to net debt, taxation and dividends.
(d) Capex in aggregate comprises $2,022 million growth and $105 million
sustaining. This reflects the acquisition of Rio Algom Limited for $1,750
million (before deduction of assumed debt) which has not been allocated between
the various operations and therefore apex does not add to the Base Metals total.
(e) Capex includes capital and investment expenditure, including amounts
contributed to joint ventures, and excludes capitalised interest and capitalised
(f) Includes $37 million (2000: $3 million) capitalised exploration.
(g) Includes a $430 million loss from the write-off of BHP Billiton's interest
in the Ok Tedi copper mine. The net impact on the BHP Billiton Group is $148
million (including Equity Minority Interests of $268 million).
(h) Includes North America Copper mining and smelting operations which ceased
during the September 1999 quarter.
note 2. customer sector group data (continued)
Carbon Steel Materials
Year ended 30 June 2001
US$ million
Depn Net operating Explor- Explor-
& ation ation
Turnover EBITDA amorti- EBIT assets Capex gross to profit
(a) (b) (c) (d)(e) (f)
WA Iron Ore 1 059 524 80 444 877 27
Samarco 224 71 - 71 253 -
Total Iron 1 283 595 80 515 1 130 27
Queensland 1 161 573 63 510 643 286
Illawarra 257 73 17 56 105 12
Total 1 418 646 80 566 748 298
Manganese(h) 548 126 26 100 413 27
WA HBI 91 ( 136) - (136) 16 31
Venezuela HBI 20 ( 208) - (208) ( 17) 46
Total HBI 111 ( 344) - (344) ( 1) 77
Intra-divisional ( 31) ( 2) - ( 2) ( 1) -
Third party 40 1 - 1 - -
Total Carbon 3 369 1 022 186 836 2 289 429 5 5
Year ended 30 June 2000
US$ million
Depn Net operating Explor- Explor-
& ation ation
Turnover EBITDA amorti- EBIT assets Capex gross to profit
(a) (b) (c) (e) (f)
WA Iron Ore 892 413 85 328 1 156 14
Samarco 194 62 - 62 236 8
Total Iron 1 086 475 85 390 1 392 22
Queensland 919 289 100 189 813 38
Illawarra 249 50 19 31 121 11
Total 1 168 339 119 220 934 49
Manganese(h) 547 127 28 99 464 32
WA HBI(j) 45 ( 833) 24 (857) ( 10) 26
Venezuela HBI 16 ( 10) - (10) 172 61
Total HBI 61 ( 843) 24 (867) 162 87
Intra-divisional ( 20) - ( 1) 1 ( 2) -
Third party - - - - - -
Total Carbon 2 842 98 255 (157) 2 950 190 4 3
(a) EBITDA is earnings before interest, tax, and depreciation and amortisation.
(b) EBIT is earnings before interest and tax.
(c) Net operating assets comprises all assets and liabilities with the exception
of balances related to net debt, taxation and dividends.
(d) Capex in aggregate comprises $300 million growth and $129 million
(e) Capex includes capital and investment expenditure, including amounts
contributed to joint ventures, and excludes capitalised interest
and capitalised exploration.
(f) Includes $nil (2000: $1 million) capitalised exploration.
(g) Includes a profit of $128 million from the sale of interests in the CQCA and
Gregory joint ventures to Mitsubishi.
(h) Includes Groote Eylandt Mining Co and Tasmanian Electro Metallurgical
Company and the South African Manganese operations
of Samancor Limited.
(i) Includes $180 million loss for the write-off of the equity investment in HBI
Venezuela and the establishment of provisions for other associated costs.
(j) Includes $695 million loss for the write-off of HBI Western Australia.
note 2. customer sector group data (continued)
Stainless Steel Materials
Year ended 30 June 2001
US$ million
Depn Net operating Explor- Explor-
& ation ation
Turnover EBITDA amorti- EBIT assets Capex gross to profit
(a) (b) (c) (d)(e) (f)
Nickel(g) 457 128 52 76 1 300 169
Chrome 375 28 30 ( 2) 298 43
Third 6 - - - - -
Total 838 156 82 74 1 598 212 7 4
Year ended 30 June 2000
US$ million
Depn Net operating Explor- Explor-
& ation ation
Turnover EBITDA amorti- EBIT assets Capex gross to profit
(a) (b) (c) (e) (f)
Nickel(g) 497 179 39 140 1 184 305
Chrome 480 93 28 65 303 32
Third - - - - - -
Total 977 272 67 205 1 487 337 13 13
(a) EBITDA is earnings before interest, tax, and depreciation and amortisation.
(b) EBIT is earnings before interest and tax.
(c) Net operating assets comprises all assets and liabilities with the exception
of balances related to net debt, taxation and dividends.
(d) Capex in aggregate comprises $157 million growth and $55 million sustaining.
(e) Capex includes capital and investment expenditure, including amounts
contributed to joint ventures, and excludes capitalised interest
and capitalised exploration.
(f) Includes $3 million (2000: $nil) capitalised exploration.
(g) Includes the Cerro Matoso mine and ferronickel smelter and the Yabulu nickel
note 2. customer sector group data (continued)
Energy Coal
Year ended 30 June 2001
US$ million
Depn Net operating Explor- Explor-
& ation ation
Turnover EBITDA amorti- EBIT assets Capex gross to profit
(a) (b) (c) (d)(e) (f)
Ingwe 1 039 321 105 216 1 131 105
New 409 127 37 90 169 51
COAL(g) 129 ( 1) 14 (15) 176 17
Indonesia 222 63 28 35 117 1
Colombia 83 16 - 16 393 371
Third 100 6 - 6 - -
Total 1 982 532 184 348 1 986 545 6 2
Year ended 30 June 2000
US$ million
Depn Net operating Explor- Explor-
& ation ation
Turnover EBITDA amorti- EBIT assets Capex gross to profit
(a) (b) (c) (e) (f)
Ingwe 890 143 85 58 1 149 124
New 368 115 29 86 163 12
COAL 122 11 17 ( 6) 194 23
Indonesia 217 31 32 ( 1) 159 1
Colombia - - - - - -
Third - - - - - -
Total 1 597 300 163 137 1 665 160 8 4
(a) EBITDA is earnings before interest, tax, and depreciation and amortisation.
(b) EBIT is earnings before interest and tax.
(c) Net operating assets comprises all assets and liabilities with the exception
of balances related to net debt, taxation and dividends.
(d) Capex in aggregate comprises $416 million growth and $129 million
(e) Capex includes capital and investment expenditure, including amounts
contributed to joint ventures, and excludes capitalised interest
and capitalised exploration.
(f) Includes $4 million (2000: $4 million) capitalised exploration.
(g) Includes $26 million loss from the write-down of Lake Mines.
Note 2. customer sector group data (continued)
Year ended 30 June 2001
US$ million
Depn Net operating Explor- Explor-
& ation ation
Turnover EBITDA amorti- EBIT assets Capex gross to profit
(a) (b) (c) (d) (e)(f) (g) (h)
Bass Strait 1 149 633 91 542 422 55
North West 731 535 54 481 850 43
Liverpool 346 277 105 172 340 48
Other 1 077 562 250 312 889 313
Marketing 164 16 - 16 6 -
Intra-divisional - - - - ( 5) -
Divisional ( 106) ( 116) - (116) 2 - 206 144
Total 3 361 1 907 500 1 407 2 504 459 206 144
Year ended 30 June 2000
US$ million
Depn Net operating Explor- Explor-
& ation ation
Turnover EBITDA amorti- EBIT assets Capex gross to profit
(a) (b) (c) (d) (f) (g) (h)
Bass Strait 1 160 674 126 548 504 89
North West 634 460 76 384 1 025 30
Liverpool 325 254 119 135 374 18
Other 768 464 208 256 905 136
Marketing 867 14 1 13 ( 9) -
Intra-divisional ( 595) ( 2) ( 2) - ( 5) -
Divisional ( 188) ( 194) - (194) 2 - 153 118
Total 2 971 1 670 528 1 142 2 796 273 153 118
(a) Petroleum turnover includes: Crude oil $2,321 million (2000: $2,038
million), Natural gas $358 million (2000: $268 million),
LNG $291 million (2000: $248 million) LPG $198 million (2000: $190 million) and
Other $193 million (2000: $227 million).
(b) EBITDA is earnings before interest, tax, and depreciation and amortisation.
(c) EBIT is earnings before interest and tax.
(d) Net operating assets comprises all assets and liabilities with the exception
of balances related to net debt, taxation and dividends.
(e) Capex in aggregate comprises $305 million growth and $154 million
(f) Capex includes capital and investment expenditure, including amounts
contributed to joint ventures, and excludes capitalised interest and
capitalised exploration.
(g) Includes $62 million (2000: $41 million) capitalised exploration.
(h) Includes $nil (2000: $6 million) exploration expenditure previously
capitalised, now written off.
(i) Includes $93 million profit on sale of subsidiaries.
note 2. customer sector group data (continued)
Year ended 30 June 2001
US$ million
Depn Net operating Explor- Explor-
& ation ation
Turnover EBITDA amorti- EBIT assets Capex gross to profit
(a) (b) (c) (d)(e)
Flat Products 1 485 114 80 34 1 068 35
Coated Products 1 790 209 59 150 876 23
Discontinuing 498 47 20 27 ( 55) 8
Intra-divisional ( 944) 28 - 28 ( 17) -
Divisional 40 (21) 1 ( 22) ( 8) -
Transport & 891 45 14 31 101 3
Total Steel 3 760 422 174 248 1 965 69 - -
Year ended 30 June 2000
US$ million
Depn Net operating Explor- Explor-
& ation ation
Turnover EBITDA amorti- EBIT assets Capex gross to profit
(a) (b) (c) (e)
Flat Products 1 628 218 89 129 1 356 34
Coated Products 2 208 266 75 191 1 086 19
Discontinuing 2 167 17 105 ( 88) 1 229 118
Intra-divisional(1 551) 7 2 5 ( 43) -
Divisional 75 (34) ( 1) ( 33) ( 20) ( 6)
Transport & 866 63 18 45 141 5
Total Steel 5 393 537 288 249 3 749 170 - -
(a) EBITDA is earnings before interest, tax, and depreciation and amortisation.
(b) EBIT is earnings before interest and tax.
(c) Net operating assets comprises all assets and liabilities with the exception
of balances related to net debt, taxation and dividends.
(d) Capex in aggregate comprises $2 million growth and $67 million sustaining.
(e) Capex includes capital and investment expenditure, including amounts
contributed to joint ventures, and excludes capitalised interest
and capitalised exploration.
(f) Includes the Long Products business (OneSteel Limited) which ceased to
report results from November 2000 following spin-out.
(g) Includes the Newcastle primary steelmaking operations, US steel assets (
including $135 million loss on sale), Lifting products
and strip casting assets.
note 2. customer sector group data (continued)
Exploration, Technology and New Business
Year ended 30 June 2001
US$ million
Depn Net operating Explor- Explor-
& ation ation
Turnover EBITDA amorti- EBIT assets Capex gross to profit
(a) (b) (c) (d)(e) (f) (g)
Ekati 241 154 26 128 913 405
Exploration 10 ( 130) 5 (135) ( 44) 3 63 75
Total 251 24 31 ( 7) 869 408 63 75
and New
Year ended 30 June 2000
US$ million
Depn Net operating Explor- Explor-
& ation ation
Turnover EBITDA amorti- EBIT assets Capex gross to profit
(a) (b) (c) (e) (f)
Ekati 217 167 23 144 383 17
Exploration 7 ( 126) 6 (132) 33 1 72 70
Total 224 41 29 12 416 18 72 70
and New
(a) EBITDA is earnings before interest, tax, and depreciation and amortisation.
(b) EBIT is earnings before interest and tax.
(c) Net operating assets comprises all assets and liabilities with the exception
of balances related to net debt, taxation and dividends.
(d) Capex in aggregate comprises $383 million growth, mainly comprising the
interest in Dia Met Minerals Limited, and $25 million sustaining.
(e) Capex includes capital and investment expenditure, including amounts
contributed to joint ventures, and excludes capitalised interest
and capitalised exploration.
(f) Includes $6 million (2000: $2 million) capitalised exploration.
(g) Includes $18 million (2000: $nil) exploration expenditure previously
capitalised, now written off.
note 2. customer sector group data (continued)
Other Activities
Year ended 30 June 2001
US$ million
Depn Net operating Explor- Explor-
& ation ation
Turnover EBITDA amorti- EBIT assets Capex gross to profit
(a) (b) (c) (d)(e)
Metals 797 30 7 23 317 10
Columbus(f) 156 ( 125) - (125) 138 1
Other 298 111 3 108 362 48
Total Other 1 251 16 10 6 817 59 - -
Year ended 30 June 2000
US$ million
Depn Net operating Explor- Explor-
& ation ation
Turnover EBITDA amorti- EBIT assets Capex gross to profit
(a) (b) (c) (e)
Metals - - - - - -
Columbus 179 ( 1) - ( 1) 260 33
Other 310 168 4 164 322 2
Total Other 489 167 4 163 582 35 - -
(a) EBITDA is earnings before interest, tax, and depreciation and amortisation.
(b) EBIT is earnings before interest and tax.
(c) Net perating assets comprises all assets and liabilities with the exception
of balances related to net debt, taxation and dividends.
(d) Capex in aggregate comprises $37 million growth and $22 million sustaining.
(e) Capex includes capital and investment expenditure, including amounts
contributed to joint ventures, and excludes capitalised interest
and capitalised exploration.
(f) Includes a $114 million loss from the write-off of BHP Billiton's interest
in the Columbus joint venture. The net impact on the BHP Billiton Group is $50
million (including Equity Minority Interests of $34 million).
(g) Includes Richards Bay Minerals operations, Shared Business Services, the
Hartley Platinum mine which was sold in January 2001
and the Beenup Mineral sands operations which was closed in April 1999.