Prod Rept QE 30 June 2001-Pt2

BHP Billiton Limited 31 July 2001 PART 2 BHP BILLITON PRODUCTION SUMMARY QUARTER ENDED 12 MONTHS % CHANGE ENDED JUNE JUNE FY Q01 Q01 01 JUNE MARCH JUNE JUNE JUNE vs vs vs 2000 2001 2001 2001 2000 JUNE MAR FY Q00 Q01 00 ALUMINIUM Alumina ('000 497 868 998 2,938 1,878 101% 15% 56% tonnes) Aluminium ('000 218 250 250 984 883 15% 0% 11% tonnes) BASE METALS Copper ('000 214.7 263.3 260.1 1,020.9 847.5 21% -1% 20% tonnes) Lead (tonnes)55,317 48,929 58,613 216,896 206,897 6% 20% 5% Zinc (tonnes)31,274 34,688 35,501 140,174 127,008 14% 2% 10% Gold (ounces)183,990 180,774 203,510 766,610 589,095 11% 13% 30% Silver ('000 8,827 7,436 8,728 33,653 32,310 -1% 17% 4% ounces) Molybdenum('000 - 0.2 0.2 0.7 - na 0% na tonnes) CARBON STEEL MATERIALS Iron ore ('000 17,060 15,274 17,074 65,854 59,816 0% 12% 10% tonnes) Metal- ('000 7,316 9,498 10,802 37,136 30,633 48% 14% 21% lurgical tonnes) coal Manganese('000 788 917 936 3,774 3,600 19% 2% 5% ores tonnes) Manganese('000 195 160 136 642 676 -30% -15% -5% alloys tonnes) Hot ('000 145 243 276 1,046 580 90% 13% 80% briquetted iron tonnes) STAINLESS STEEL MATERIALS Nickel ('000 13.2 16.8 16.8 60.8 54.1 27% 0% 12% tonnes) Chrome ('000 967 674 665 3,158 3,726 -31% -1%-15% ores tonnes) Chrome ('000 281 192 194 908 1,055 -31% 1%-14% alloys tonnes) THERMAL ('000 22,834 23,010 23,134 92,866 93,902 1% 1% -1% COAL tonnes) OTHER MINERALS Diamonds ('000 370 375 427 1,428 1,301 15% 14% 10% carats) PETROLEUM Crude oil('000 20,833 19,911 18,378 79,102 79,784 -12% -8% -1% and bbl) condensate Natural (bcf) 63.25 67.61 71.64 261.83 238.63 13% 6% 10% gas LPG ('000 167.36 170.62 175.60 673.56 681.68 5% 3% -1% tonnes) Ethane ('000 19.94 15.69 18.53 67.42 79.82 -7% 18%-16% tonnes) STEEL Raw steel('000 1,338 1,277 1,328 5,432 5,461 -1% 4% -1% tonnes) Market- ('000 1,268 1,345 1,469 5,316 4,883 16% 9% 9% able steel products tonnes) BHP BILLITON ATTRIBUTABLE PRODUCTION QUARTER ENDED 12 MONTHS TO BHP JUNE SEPT DEC MARCH JUNE JUNE JUNE Billiton Interest 2000 2000 2000 2001 2001 2001 2000 ALUMINIUM ALUMINA Production ('000 tonnes) Worsley (a) 86% 177 206 211 541 674 1,632 592 Suriname 45% 211 213 215 213 211 852 857 Alumar 36% 109 120 107 114 113 454 429 Total 497 539 533 868 998 2,938 1,878 ALUMINIUM Production ('000 tonnes) Hillside 100% 122 126 127 122 123 498 494 Bayside 100% 43 46 45 44 43 178 177 Alumar 46.3% 43 43 44 42 43 172 171 Valesul 45.5% 10 11 12 11 9 43 41 Mozal (b) 47% - 7 23 31 32 93 - Total 218 233 251 250 250 984 883 BASE METALS COPPER Mine production ('000 tonnes) Escondida 57.5% 106.0 114.0 109.7 101.8 92.3 417.3 449.7 Ok Tedi (c) 52% 56.0 51.5 55.9 53.5 55.2 216.1 185.4 Tintaya 100% 22.0 23.4 24.8 19.1 20.8 88.1 87.3 Alumbrera (d) 25% - - 10.3 11.2 12.4 33.9 - Highland Valley (d) 33.6% - - 16.0 14.8 14.1 45.0 - Selbaie 100% 3.3 3.6 3.3 3.4 3.1 13.4 13.5 Total 187.3 192.5 219.9 203.8 197.9 813.7 735.9 Refined production ('000 tonnes) Escondida 57.5% 20.1 20.0 20.5 21.0 22.0 83.4 80.2 Cerro Colorado (d) 100% - - 31.0 32.0 34.0 97.0 - San Manuel 100% 3.0 2.8 2.7 2.5 2.3 10.3 13.1 Pinto Valley 100% 4.3 4.3 4.4 4.0 3.8 16.4 18.2 Total 27.4 27.1 58.6 59.5 62.2 207.1 111.6 LEAD Mine production (tonnes) Cannington 100% 53,871 54,029 52,108 47,608 57,127 210,872 200,480 Pering 100% 1,446 1,616 1,601 1,321 1,486 6,024 6,417 Total 55,317 55,645 53,709 48,929 58,613 216,896 206,897 ZINC Mine production (tonnes) Cannington 100% 15,212 15,556 21,335 18,868 20,363 76,122 61,754 Selbaie 100% 11,231 11,359 11,231 10,810 9,740 43,140 44,600 Pering 100% 4,831 5,005 5,499 5,010 5,398 20,912 20,654 Total 31,274 31,920 38,065 34,688 35,501 140,174 127,008 BASE METALS (continued) GOLD Mine production(ounces) Ok Tedi (c) 52% 149,565 144,357 130,307 118,540 127,928 521,131 440,239 Escondida 57.5% 16,358 20,469 17,586 14,024 13,652 65,726 75,772 Tintaya 100% 9,641 8,173 5,457 6,054 9,050 28,734 39,484 Alumbrera (d) 25% - - 33,172 33,556 43,740 110,468 - Selbaie 100% 8,426 12,574 10,236 8,600 9,141 40,551 33,600 Total 183,990 185,573 196,758 180,774 203,510 766,610 589,095 SILVER Mine production ('000 ounces) Cannington 100% 8,239 8,195 8,194 6,989 8,392 31,770 29,664 Selbaie 100% 588 494 606 447 337 1,884 2,646 Total 8,827 8,689 8,800 7,436 8,728 33,653 32,310 MOLYBDENUM Mine production ('000 tonnes) Highland Valley (d)33.6% - - 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.7 - CARBON STEEL MATERIALS IRON ORE Production ('000 tonnes) Mt Newman Joint 85% 6,030 5,620 5,500 4,591 5,239 20,952 19,396 Venture Goldsworthy Joint 85% 1,424 1,630 1,730 1,453 1,788 6,604 6,114 Venture Yandi Joint 85% 6,570 7,080 5,840 6,354 6,882 26,148 22,618 Venture Jimblebar 100% 1,246 1,130 1,250 991 1,272 4,641 4,923 Samarco 50% 1,790 1,820 1,910 1,885 1,893 7,509 6,765 Total 17,060 17,280 16,230 15,274 17,074 65,854 59,816 METALLURGICAL COAL (e) Production ('000 tonnes) CQCA 52.1% 3,597 3,961 3,794 3,519 4,064 15,336 15,000 Gregory Joint 64.1% 703 851 970 845 960 3,626 3,249 Venture BHP Mitsui 80% 1,245 1,414 1,525 1,678 1,802 6,418 6,108 Coal (f) QCT Resources (g) 50% - - 1,260 1,837 2,087 5,183 - Illawarra 100% 1,771 1,738 1,328 1,619 1,889 6,573 6,276 Total 7,316 7,964 8,877 9,498 10,802 37,136 30,633 MANGANESE ORES Saleable production ('000 tonnes) South Africa (h) 60% 506 555 579 538 490 2,162 2,099 Australia (h) 60% 282 469 318 379 446 1,612 1,501 Total 788 1,024 897 917 936 3,774 3,600 MANGANESE ALLOYS Saleable production ('000 tonnes) South Africa (h) 60% 130 111 106 96 85 397 461 Australia (h) 60% 65 64 67 64 51 245 215 Total 195 175 173 160 136 642 676 CARBON STEEL MATERIALS (cont'd) HOT BRIQUETTED IRON Production ('000 tonnes) Port Hedland 100% 99 105 291 177 276 848 420 Orinoco (i) 50% 46 48 82 67 - 198 160 Total 145 153 373 243 276 1,046 580 STAINLESS STEEL MATERIALS NICKEL Production ('000 tonnes) CMSA 99.8% 7.5 6.4 6.9 9.4 9.1 31.8 28.9 Yabulu 100% 5.7 6.4 7.5 7.4 7.7 29.0 25.2 Total 13.2 12.8 14.4 16.8 16.8 60.8 54.1 CHROME ORES Saleable production ('000 tonnes) Samancor (h) 60% 967 921 898 67 4 665 3,158 3,726 CHROME ALLOYS Saleable production ('000 tonnes) Samancor (h) 60% 281 273 249 192 194 908 1,055 THERMAL COAL Production ('000 tonnes) Ingwe 100% 16,034 14,561 17,811 14,379 14,571 61,323 66,316 New Mexico 100% 3,695 3,080 3,962 3,993 3,890 14,924 14,485 COAL 100% 1,229 1,235 1,227 1,512 1,329 5,303 5,100 Kalimantan (j) 80% 1,876 1,966 2,134 2,035 2,291 8,485 8,001 Colombia (k) 16%-33% - - 687 1,091 1,053 2,831 - Total 22,834 20,842 25,821 23,010 23,134 92,866 93,902 OTHER MINERALS DIAMONDS Production ('000 carats) EkatiTM 51% 370 309 318 375 427 1,428 1,301 PETROLEUM Production Crude oil (000 bbl) 20,833 20,820 20,000 19,911 18,378 79,102 79,784 &condensate Natural gas (bcf) 63.25 61.75 60.83 67.61 71.64 261.83 238.63 LPG ('000 tonnes) 167.36 172.56 155.04 170.62 175.60 673.56 681.68 Ethane ('000 tonnes) 19.94 23.19 9.98 15.69 18.53 67.42 79.82 STEEL Production ('000 tonnes) Raw steel 100% 1,338 1,455 1,372 1,277 1,328 5,432 5,461 Marketable steel 100% 1,268 1,425 1,268 1,345 1,469 5,316 4,883 products (a) Interest in Worsley increased from 30% to 86% effective January 2001. (b) Mozal produced its first metal in June 2000 and achieved full commissioning of its 253,000 tpa capacity in December 2000. (c) Shown on 100% basis. BHP Billiton holds a 52% equity interest in Ok Tedi. (d) Included from 1 October 2000, the effective date of the acquisition of Rio Algom. (e) Coal production is reported on the basis of saleable product. Production figures include some thermal coal. (f) Shown on 100% basis before 20% outside equity interest. (g) Production reported represents BHP Billiton's 50% equity interest in MetCoal Holdings. MetCoal Holdings is equally owned by BHP Billiton and Mitsubishi Development Pty Ltd and acquired QCT Resources Limited in November 2000. (h) Shown on 100% basis. BHP Billiton interest in saleable production is 60%. (i) BHP Billiton ceased its investment in Orinoco in March 2001. (j) Production shown on 86.5% basis after allowing for Indonesian state owned corporation's 13.5% share of production. (k) Colombian thermal coal interests acquired in September and November 2000. PRODUCTION AND SHIPMENT REPORT QUARTER ENDED 12 MONTHS TO JUNE SEPT DEC MARCH JUNE JUNE JUNE 2000 2000 2000 2001 2001 2001 2000 ALUMINIUM BHP Billiton attributable production and sales unless otherwise stated. ('000 tonnes) ALUMINA Production Worsley, Australia (a) 177 206 211 541 674 1,632 592 Paranam, Suriname 211 213 215 213 211 852 857 Alumar, Brazil 109 120 107 114 113 454 429 Total 497 539 533 868 998 2,938 1,878 Sales Worsley, Australia (a) 175 185 205 388 725 1,503 624 Paranam, Suriname 205 214 194 224 186 818 850 Alumar, Brazil 107 110 116 120 116 462 403 Total 487 509 515 732 1,027 2,783 1,877 (a) Interest in Worsley increased from 30% to 86% effective January 2001. ALUMINIUM Production Hillside, South Africa 122 126 127 122 123 498 494 Bayside, South Africa 43 46 45 44 43 178 177 Alumar, Brazil 43 43 44 42 43 172 171 Valesul, Brazil 10 11 12 11 9 43 41 Mozal, Mozambique (b) - 7 23 31 32 93 - Total 218 233 251 250 250 984 883 Sales Hillside, South Africa 122 126 127 121 124 498 494 Bayside, South Africa 47 41 46 42 50 179 189 Alumar, Brazil 44 42 43 41 45 171 172 Valesul, Brazil 11 11 11 7 12 41 40 Mozal, Mozambique (b) - 5 20 32 33 90 - Total 224 225 247 243 264 979 895 (b) Mozal produced its first metal in June 2000 and achieved full commissioning of its 253,000 tpa capacity in December 2000. PRODUCTION AND SHIPMENT REPORT QUARTER ENDED 12 MONTHS TO JUNE SEPT DEC MARCH JUNE JUNE JUNE 2000 2000 2000 2001 2001 2001 2000 BASE METALS BHP Billiton attributable production and sales unless otherwise stated. Escondida, Chile Material ('000 73,592 75,557 77,436 74,691 77,115 304,800 266,726 mined tonnes) (100%) Sulphide ('000 11,528 12,358 11,534 11,128 10,650 45,671 46,199 ore milled tonnes) (100%) Average (%) 1.83% 1.85% 1.94% 1.95% 1.82% 1.89% 1.93% copper grade Production ('000 184.5 199.5 190.4 176.4 159.5 725.8 780.9 ex Mill (100%) tonnes) Production Copper in ('000 106.0 114.0 109.7 101.8 92.3 417.3 449.7 concentrate tonnes) Gold in (fine 16,358 20,469 17,586 14,024 13,652 65,726 75,772 concentrate ounces) Copper ('000 tonnes) 20.1 20.0 20.5 21.0 22.0 83.4 80.2 Cathode (SXEW) Sales Copper in ('000 117.0 89.4 122.5 113.2 91.2 416.3 459.7 concentrate tonnes) Gold in (fine 19,478 17,582 21,838 17,814 13,422 70,656 83,094 Concentrate ounces) Copper cathode 24.0 22.1 19.8 21.8 23.1 86.8 83.7 (SXEW)('000 tonnes) OK Tedi, Papua New Guinea (a) Material mined('000 21,020 22,299 22,673 22,244 22,482 89,698 84,296 tonnes) Ore milled ('000 7,997 7,371 8,286 8,250 8,116 32,023 27,653 tonnes) Average head grades - Copper (%) 0.97% 0.93% 0.91% 0.85% 0.92% 0.90% 0.88% - Gold (g/t) 0.98 0.99 0.77 0.70 0.82 0.82 0.84 Production Copper in ('000 56.0 51.5 55.9 53.5 55.2 216.1 185.4 concentrate tonnes) Gold in (fine 149,565 144,357 130,307 118,540 127,928 521,131 440,239 Concentrate ounces) Sales Copper in ('000 46.0 37.6 55.5 55.5 70.0 218.6 187.2 concentrate tonnes) Gold in concentrate (fine 122,739 104,586 141,549 119,735 164,354 530,224 432,907 ounces) (a) Ok Tedi data shown on 100% basis. BHP Billiton holds a 52% equity interest in Ok Tedi. Tintaya, Peru Material mined 16,244 16,394 16,723 14,566 16,447 64,130 59,650 ('000 tonnes) Ore milled 1,519 1,620 1,744 1,429 1,508 6,301 5,709 ('000 tonnes) Average copper 1.61% 1.56% 1.56% 1.47% 1.56% 1.54% 1.68% Grade % Production Copper in ('000 22.0 23.4 24.8 19.1 20.8 88.1 87.3 concentrate tonnes) Gold in concentrate (fine ounces) 9,641 8,173 5,457 6,054 9,050 28,734 39,484 Sales Copper in ('000 21.0 18.3 25.3 12.5 33.1 89.2 86.8 concentrate tonnes) Gold in concentrate 7,563 6,603 5,431 3,629 11,560 27,223 37,372 (fine ounces) Cerro Colorado, Chile (a) Material mined - - 14,957 13,342 14,177 42,475 - ('000 tonnes) Ore milled - - 3,264 3,479 3,546 10,290 - ('000 tonnes) Average copper grade (%) - - 1.08% 1.09% 1.09% 1.09% - Production Copper cathode ('000 tonnes) - - 31 32 34 97 - Sales Copper cathode ('000 tonnes) - - 30 33 34 97 - (a) Cerro Colorado (BHP Billiton 100%) included from 1 October 2000, the effective date of the acquisition of Rio Algom. Alumbrera, Argentina (a) Material mined ('000 tonnes) - - 27,823 25,829 27,182 80,834 - (100%) Ore milled (100%) ('000 tonnes) - - 7,097 7,041 7,445 21,583 - Average head grades - Copper (%) - - 0.64% 0.71% 0.74% 0.70% - - Gold (g/t) - - 0.8 0.8 1.0 0.9 - Production Copper in ('000 tonnes) - - 10.3 11.2 12.4 33.9 - concentrate Gold in concentrate (fine ounces) - - 31,250 31,754 41,455 104,459 - Gold in dore (fine ounces) - - 1,922 1,802 2,285 6,009 - Sales Copper in ('000 - - 7 9 16 32 - concentrate tonnes) Gold in concentrate (fine - - 26,819 27,635 45,999 100,453 - ounces) Gold in dore (fine - - 2,114 2,869 2,853 7,837 - ounces) (a) Alumbrera (BHP Billiton 25%) included from 1 October 2000, the effective date of the acquisition of Rio Algom. Highland Valley, Canada (a) Material mined ('000 tonnes) - - 21,203 19,104 18,988 59,295 - (100%) Ore milled (100%) ('000 - - 13,155 11,784 11,355 36,294 - tonnes) Average copper grade (%) - - 0.42% 0.43% 0.43% 0.43% - Production Copper in ('000 - - 16.0 14.8 14.1 45.0 - concentrate tonnes) Molybdenum in conc ('000 - - 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.7 - tonnes) Sales Copper in ('000 - - 10.5 12.8 14.1 37.5 - concentrate tonnes) Molybdenum in conc ('000 tonnes) - - 0.4 0.3 0.3 1.0 - (a) Highland Valley (BHP Billiton 33.6%) included from 1 October 2000, the effective date of the acquisition of Rio Algom. Cannington, Australia Material mined ('000 430 430 460 464 507 1,861 1,618 tonnes) Ore milled ('000 420 408 461 422 490 1,781 1,604 tonnes) Average head grades - Silver (g/t) 667 653 615 539 577 599 636 - Lead (%) 14.0% 14.5% 14.0% 13.0% 13.2% 13.3% 14.1% - Zinc (%) 4.6% 5.1% 6.0% 6.0% 5.5% 5.4% 5.1% Production Silver in ('000 8,239 8,195 8,194 6,989 8,392 31,770 29,664 concentrate ounces) Lead in concentrate (tonnes) 53,871 54,029 52,108 47,608 57,127 210,872 200,480 Zinc in concentrate (tonnes) 15,212 15,556 21,335 18,868 20,363 76,122 61,754 Sales Silver in ('000 8,608 7,485 7,095 8,779 9,333 32,693 29,985 concentrate ounces) Lead in concentrate (tonnes) 60,503 48,504 45,300 58,893 64,466 217,164 205,383 Zinc in concentrate (tonnes) 18,144 13,853 15,726 24,795 20,739 75,113 64,806 Selbaie, Canada Ore milled ('000 904 327 1,884 902 896 3,682 3,525 tonnes) Average head grades - Zinc (%) 1.56% 1.61% 1.52% 1.53% 1.51% 1.51% 1.84% - Copper (%) 0.44% 0.45% 0.44% 0.45% 0.44% 0.44% 0.49% - Gold (g/t) 0.38 0.51 0.49 0.46 0.45 0.45 0.40 - Silver (g/t) 34.85 22.66 29.40 28.00 25.60 25.60 43.12 Production Zinc in concentrate (tonnes) 11,231 11,359 11,231 10,810 9,740 43,140 44,600 Copper in (tonnes) 3,338 3,593 3,308 3,360 3,093 13,353 13,500 concentrate Gold in concentrate (ounces) 8,426 12,574 10,236 8,600 9,141 40,551 33,600 Silver in ('000 588 494 606 447 337 1,884 2,646 concentrate ounces) Sales Zinc in concentrate (tonnes) 9,351 9,383 9,786 9,109 8,406 36,684 44,800 Copper in (tonnes) 3,012 2,983 3,385 3,258 3,039 12,665 15,600 concentrate Gold in concentrate (ounces) 7,029 6,283 11,776 10,178 8,207 36,444 44,300 Silver in ('000 621 535 494 445 405 1,879 3,005 concentrate ounces) Pering, South Africa Ore milled ('000 333 336 336 327 345 1,343 1,365 tonnes) Average head grades - Zinc (%) 1.98% 2.03% 2.22% 2.03% 2.09% 2.09% 2.03% - Lead (%) 0.63% 0.68% 0.68% 0.55% 0.60% 0.64% 0.68% Production Zinc in concentrate (tonnes) 4,831 5,005 5,499 5,010 5,398 20,912 20,654 Lead in concentrate (tonnes) 1,446 1,616 1,601 1,321 1,486 6,024 6,417 Sales Zinc in concentrate (tonnes) 5,304 4,927 4,988 5,171 5,063 20,149 20,631 Lead in concentrate (tonnes) 1,914 1,702 1,246 1,587 1,493 6,028 7,637 San Manuel, USA Production Copper cathode ('000 3.0 2.8 2.7 2.5 2.3 10.3 13.1 (SXEW) tonnes) Pinto Valley, USA Production Copper cathode ('000 4.3 4.3 4.4 4.0 3.8 16.4 18.2 (SXEW) tonnes) PRODUCTION AND SHIPMENT REPORT QUARTER ENDED 12 MONTHS TO JUNE SEPT DEC MARCH JUNE JUNE JUNE 2000 2000 2000 2001 2001 2001 2000 CARBON STEEL MATERIALS BHP Billiton attributable production and sales unless otherwise stated. ('000 tonnes) IRON ORE (a) Pilbara, Western Australia Production Mt Newman Joint Venture 6,030 5,620 5,500 4,591 5,239 20,952 19,396 Goldsworthy Joint 1,424 1,630 1,730 1,453 1,788 6,604 6,114 Venture Yandi Joint Venture 6,570 7,080 5,840 6,354 6,882 26,148 22,618 Jimblebar 1,246 1,130 1,250 991 1,272 4,641 4,923 Total 15,270 15,460 14,320 13,389 15,181 58,345 53,051 Shipments Lump 3,587 3,940 3,730 3,950 3,823 15,446 14,076 Fines 11,239 11,040 11,400 11,171 11,545 45,151 39,598 Total 14,826 14,980 15,130 15,121 15,368 60,597 53,674 (a) Iron ore production and shipments are reported on a wet tonnes basis. Samarco, Brazil Production 1,790 1,820 1,910 1,885 1,893 7,509 6,765 Shipments 1,715 1,670 2,150 1,699 1,460 6,971 7,195 METALLURGICAL COAL (a) Queensland, Australia Production CQCA Blackwater 839 1,056 1,076 1,066 1,130 4,328 3,547 Goonyella 836 924 965 967 1,122 3,977 3,453 Peak Downs 831 893 886 571 779 3,129 3,612 Saraji 558 608 433 504 530 2,074 2,319 Norwich Park 533 480 434 411 503 1,828 2,069 CQCA total 3,597 3,961 3,794 3,519 4,064 15,336 15,000 Gregory Joint Venture Gregory 125 297 109 292 382 1,081 810 Crinum 578 554 861 553 578 2,545 2,439 Gregory JV total 703 851 970 845 960 3,626 3,249 BHP Mitsui Coal (b) Moura (c) - - - - - - 554 Riverside 563 745 727 834 966 3,272 3,021 South Walker Creek 682 669 798 844 836 3,146 2,533 BHP Mitsui Coal total 1,245 1,414 1,525 1,678 1,802 6,418 6,108 Queensland total 5,545 6,226 6,289 6,042 6,826 25,380 24,357 Shipments Coking coal 4,177 4,554 4,669 4,401 4,813 18,437 17,744 Weak coking coal 1,111 1,065 1,466 1,138 1,245 4,914 4,574 Thermal coal 512 633 657 474 624 2,387 1,943 Total 5,800 6,252 6,792 6,013 6,682 25,738 24,261 (a) Coal production is reported on the basis of saleable product. Production figures include some thermal coal. (b) BHP Mitsui Coal production shown on 100% basis before 20% outside equity interest. (c) Moura sold in August 1999. QCT Resources, Australia (a) Production CQCA - - 732 1,093 1,263 3,087 - Gregory Joint Venture - - 173 213 242 628 - South Blackwater - - 355 531 582 1,468 - Total - - 1,260 1,837 2,087 5,183 - Shipments Coking coal - - 876 1,633 1,476 3,985 - Weak coking coal - - 146 227 231 604 - Thermal coal - - 245 209 268 722 - Total - - 1,267 2,069 1,975 5,311 - (a) Production and shipments reported represents BHP Billiton's 50% equity interest in MetCoal Holdings. MetCoal Holdings is equally owned by BHP Billiton and Mitsubishi Development Pty Ltd and acquired QCT Resources Limited in November 2000. Illawarra, Australia Production 1,771 1,738 1,328 1,619 1,889 6,573 6,276 Shipments Coking coal 1,573 1,326 1,512 1,410 1,686 5,933 5,748 Thermal coal 85 128 165 67 246 606 469 Total 1,658 1,454 1,677 1,477 1,932 6,539 6,217 MANGANESE ORES South Africa Saleable production (a) 506 555 579 538 490 2,162 2,099 (a) Shown on 100% basis, BHP Billiton interest in saleable production is 60%. Australia Saleable production (a) 282 469 318 379 446 1,612 1,501 (a) Shown on 100% basis, BHP Billiton interest in saleable production is 60%. MANGANESE ALLOYS South Africa Saleable production (a) 130 111 106 96 85 397 461 (a) Shown on 100% basis, BHP Billiton interest in saleable production is 60%. Australia Saleable production (a) 65 64 67 64 51 245 215 (a) Shown on 100% basis, BHP Billiton interest in saleable production is 60%. HOT BRIQUETTED IRON Port Hedland, Australia Production 99 105 291 177 276 848 420 Shipments 72 54 107 238 342 741 404 Orinoco, Venezuela (a) Production 46 48 82 67 - 198 160 Shipments 47 40 66 52 - 159 169 (a) BHP Billiton ceased its investment in Orinoco in March 2001. PRODUCTION AND SHIPMENT REPORT QUARTER ENDED 12 MONTHS TO JUNE SEPT DEC MARCH JUNE JUNE JUNE 2000 2000 2000 2001 2001 2001 2000 STAINLESS STEEL MATERIALS BHP Billiton attributable production and sales unless otherwise stated. ('000 tonnes) NICKEL CMSA, Colombia Production 7.5 6.4 6.9 9.4 9.1 31.8 28.9 Sales 7.4 6.4 5.5 8.8 10.2 30.9 28.6 Yabulu, Australia Production Nickel 5.7 6.4 7.5 7.4 7.7 29.0 25.2 Cobalt 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.5 1.8 1.6 Sales Nickel 7.4 6.3 6.3 6.5 8.2 27.3 26.6 Cobalt 0.3 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 1.6 1.5 CHROME ORES South Africa Saleable production (a) 967 921 898 674 665 3,158 3,726 (a) Shown on 100% basis, BHP Billiton interest in saleable production is 60%. CHROME ALLOYS South Africa Saleable production (a) 281 273 249 192 194 908 1,055 (a) Shown on 100% basis, BHP Billiton interest in saleable production is 60%. PRODUCTION AND SHIPMENT REPORT QUARTER ENDED 12 MONTHS TO JUNE SEPT DEC MARCH JUNE JUNE JUNE 2000 2000 2000 2001 2001 2001 2000 THERMAL COAL BHP Billiton attributable production and sales unless otherwise stated. ('000 tonnes) Ingwe, South Africa Production 16,034 14,561 17,811 14,379 14,571 61,323 66,316 Sales Export 6,287 6,569 6,489 6,164 6,557 25,778 25,800 Local utility 8,735 7,098 10,273 6,957 6,821 31,148 34,900 Inland 1,375 1,217 1,473 1,207 1,110 5,007 5,400 Total 16,397 14,884 18,235 14,328 14,488 61,933 66,100 New Mexico, USA Production Navajo Coal 1,976 1,544 2,119 1,838 2,170 7,671 8,365 San Juan Coal 1,719 1,536 1,843 2,155 1,720 7,253 6,120 Total 3,695 3,080 3,962 3,993 3,890 14,924 14,485 Sales - local utility 3,208 3,785 3,565 3,566 3,434 14,351 13,607 COAL, Australia Production 1,229 1,235 1,227 1,512 1,329 5,303 5,100 Sales Export 1,024 949 685 1,190 1,201 4,025 4,100 Inland 229 392 235 396 399 1,422 1,000 Total 1,253 1,341 920 1,586 1,600 5,447 5,100 Kalimantan, Indonesia (a) Production Senakin 928 905 1,050 924 1,099 3,996 4,019 Satui 703 818 871 926 981 3,637 3,068 Petangis 245 243 213 185 211 852 914 Total 1,876 1,966 2,134 2,035 2,291 8,485 8,001 Sales - export 2,179 2,075 2,049 1,942 2,308 8,375 8,197 (a) Reported on 86.5% basis after allowing for the Indonesian state-owned corporation's 13.5% share of all production. CDC & CZN, Colombia (a) Production - - 687 1,091 1,053 2,831 - Sales - export - - 676 1,102 959 2,737 - (a) BHP Billiton acquired a one third interest in CDC in September 2000. A consortium owned equally by BHP Billiton, Anglo American and Glencore International acquired a 50% interest in CZN in November 2000. PRODUCTION AND SHIPMENT REPORT QUARTER ENDED 12 MONTHS TO JUNE SEPT DEC MARCH JUNE JUNE JUNE 2000 2000 2000 2001 2001 2001 2000 OTHER MINERALS BHP Billiton attributable production and sales unless otherwise stated. DIAMONDS Ekati, Canada Production ('000 carats) 370 309 318 375 427 1,428 1,301 PLATINUM GROUP METALS (ounces) Hartley, Zimbabwe (a) Production Platinum in final leach - - - - - - 9,063 concentrate Palladium in final leach - - - - - - 6,944 concentrate Rhodium in final leach - - - - - - 611 concentrate Shipments Platinum in final leach 3,402 - - - - - 23,149 concentrate Palladium in final leach 2,701 - - - - - 17,018 concentrate Rhodium in final leach 172 - - - - - 1,711 concentrate (a) Sale of Hartley finalised in December 2000. PRODUCTION AND SHIPMENT REPORT QUARTER ENDED 12 MONTHS TO JUNE SEPT DEC MARCH JUNE JUNE JUNE 2000 2000 2000 2001 2001 2001 2000 PETROLEUM BHP Billiton attributable production unless otherwise stated. CRUDE OIL & CONDENSATE ('000 barrels) Bass Strait 8,282 7,807 7,096 6,990 6,946 28,833 35,918 North West Shelf - condensate 1,378 1,225 1,144 1,240 1,239 4,848 5,656 North West Shelf - Wanaea/ 1,764 1,682 1,885 1,820 1,757 7,145 5,764 Cossack Laminaria (a) 3,889 4,369 3,875 3,533 3,076 14,853 9,182 Buffalo (b) 897 757 763 - - 1,520 2,854 Griffin 1,223 1,991 1,714 2,241 1,194 7,141 5,659 Pakistan (c) - - - 3 14 15 - Papua New Guinea (d) - - - - - - 1,178 Americas 754 826 944 941 958 3,669 3,552 Liverpool Bay 2,218 1,716 1,978 2,469 2,516 8,678 7,497 Bruce/Keith (e) 428 447 601 674 678 2,400 2,524 Total 20,833 20,820 20,000 19,911 18,37879,102 79,784 NATURAL GAS (billion cubic feet) Bass Strait 23.49 27.78 18.96 22.91 26.75 96.40 79.57 North West Shelf - Domestic 3.09 3.13 3.28 3.29 3.81 13.50 13.00 North West Shelf - LNG 14.26 15.19 13.83 14.24 13.47 56.74 60.07 Griffin 0.48 0.75 0.82 0.73 0.84 3.14 1.43 Pakistan (c) - - - 0.40 2.03 2.43 - Americas 5.31 5.21 5.38 5.19 5.52 21.30 17.88 Bruce 6.52 5.01 9.38 10.43 7.59 32.41 28.30 Keith (e) - - 0.11 0.24 0.25 0.60 - Liverpool Bay 10.10 4.68 9.07 10.18 11.38 35.31 38.38 Total 63.25 61.75 60.83 67.61 71.64 261.83 238.63 LPG ('000 tonnes) Bass Strait 118.25 127.94 95.70 113.21 117.66 454.24 491.59 North West Shelf 30.33 31.48 30.69 30.44 31.65 124.26 121.58 Griffin 1.08 1.57 1.50 0.51 - 3.58 4.11 Bruce 17.70 11.57 26.72 23.01 24.85 86.15 64.40 Keith (e) - - 0.43 3.45 1.44 5.33 - Total 167.36 172.56 155.04 170.62175.60 673.56 681.68 ETHANE ('000 tonnes) 19.94 23.19 9.98 15.69 18.53 67.42 79.82 METHANOL ('000 tonnes) 7.56 - - - - - 35.14 (a) Laminaria commenced production in November 1999. (b) Buffalo sold effective September 2000. (c) Zamzama extended well test commenced in March 2001. (d) PNG assets sold in December 1999. (e) Keith commenced production in November 2000. PRODUCTION AND SHIPMENT REPORT QUARTER ENDED 12 MONTHS TO JUNE SEPT DEC MARCH JUNE JUNE JUNE 2000 2000 2000 2001 2001 2001 2000 STEEL BHP Billiton attributable production unless otherwise stated. ('000 tonnes) PRODUCTION Iron Sands NZS, New Zealand 699 723 712 274 478 2,187 2,587 Coke Port Kembla, Australia 599 616 599 578 643 2,436 2,396 Iron Port Kembla, Australia 1,211 1,298 1,231 1,177 1,269 4,976 4,921 Raw Steel Port Kembla, Australia 1,223 1,308 1,226 1,120 1,176 4,830 4,906 NZS, New Zealand 115 147 146 157 152 602 555 Total 1,338 1,455 1,372 1,277 1,328 5,432 5,461 Delta, Ohio (a) 183 193 186 190 197 766 688 Marketable Steel Products Flat Products Flat and Tinplate products 1,181 1,242 1,152 1,094 1,183 4,671 4,729 Coated Products Rolled and coated 534 531 464 462 474 1,931 2,120 products Flat and coated products (NZS) 108 137 125 139 135 537 533 Rolled and coated products 92 70 98 81 89 338 313 (offshore) Building products (includes 62 40 34 42 42 154 197 offshore) Total (b) 1,268 1,425 1,268 1,345 1,469 5,316 4,883 Delta, Ohio (a) 179 189 182 186 193 750 675 DESPATCHES (c) Business unit despatches Flat Products 1,267 1,243 1,069 1,098 1,294 4,704 4,661 Coated Products 772 732 691 666 813 2,903 3,052 Total (d) 1,356 1,236 1,237 1,282 1,587 5,343 4,858 External despatches Australia Domestic(e) 466 485 503 515 585 2,089 1,921 Export 670 541 515 546 757 2,359 2,051 New Zealand Domestic(e) 42 67 62 56 55 240 184 Export 84 68 55 77 97 298 373 Other offshore 94 75 102 88 93 357 329 Total 1,356 1,236 1,237 1,282 1,587 5,343 4,858 Delta, Ohio (a) 174 190 177 190 191 748 673 (a) Production and despatches reported is that proportion determined by BHP Billiton's equity interest in North Star BHP LLC (50%). (b) Total excludes production for intra-business sales. Therefore, the total figure is less than the sum of the individual businesses. (c) Steel products only. Excludes pig iron and by-products. (d) Total excludes intra-business sales. Therefore, the total figure is less than the sum of the individual businesses. (e) Includes despatches to OneSteel Limited from 1 November 2000. PRODUCTION AND SHIPMENT REPORT QUARTER ENDED 12 MONTHS TO JUNE SEPT DEC MARCH JUNE JUNE JUNE 2000 2000 2000 2001 2001 2001 2000 STEEL - DISCONTINUED OPERATIONS (a) BHP Billiton attributable production unless otherwise stated. ('000 tonnes) PRODUCTION Iron Ore Whyalla, Australia 658 656 254 - - 909 2,817 Coke Whyalla, Australia 146 149 49 - - 198 761 Iron Whyalla, Australia 295 270 102 - - 372 1,568 Raw Steel Whyalla, Australia 266 245 99 - - 344 1,005 Newcastle, Australia - - - - - - 434 Sydney, Australia 115 128 36 - - 164 397 Total 381 373 135 - - 508 1,836 Marketable Steel Products Long products 767 551 171 - - 723 2,640 Other offshore (USA) (b) 107 - - - - - 430 Total (b) 876 540 171 - - 711 3,125 DESPATCHES (c) Business unit despatches Long Products 662 527 166 - - 701 2,667 Other offshore (USA) (b) 107 - - - - - 430 Total (d) 769 527 166 - 692 3,047 External despatches Australia Domestic 565 482 150 - - 631 2,170 Export 98 45 16 - - 61 448 Other offshore (USA) (b) 107 - - - - - 430 Total 769 527 166 - - 692 3,048 (a) Data tables reflect the spin-out of OneSteel Limited from BHP Billiton effective 31 October 2000. (b) US steel businesses were sold in June 2000. (c) Steel products only. Excludes pig iron and by-products. (d) Total excludes intra-business sales. Therefore, the total figure is less than the sum of the individual businesses.
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