Director Shareholding

Big Yellow Group PLC 18 September 2000 BIG YELLOW GROUP PLC NOTIFICATION OF MAJOR INTERESTS AND DIRECTORS'INTERESTS Notification of directors' dealing and changes in substantial shareholdings to the London Stock Exchange plc. We write to inform you of the following director's dealing and changes in substantial shareholdings in Big Yellow Group Plc (the 'Company'). David Ross, a director of the Company, bought 765,020 ordinary shares (0.79% of the issued share capital) on 15 September 2000 at 130p per share, which results in a total beneficial holding by David Ross of 790,020 ordinary shares (0.82% of the issued share capital). The Company was notified of this transaction on 18 September 2000. David Ross purchased 708,164 shares of the above from TR Property Investment Trust Plc, a substantial shareholder in the Company. The sale of 708,164 shares (0.73% of the issued share capital) by TR Property Investment Trust Plc resulted in a remaining beneficial holding by TR Property Investment Trust Plc of 13,218,643 ordinary shares (13.70% of the issued share capital). The Company was notified of this transaction on 18 September 2000. Name of contact and telephone number for queries: Nicholas Vetch or James Gibson 01276 470190 Date of notification: 18 September 2000
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