Preliminary Results

Stanelco PLC 28 February 2006 28th February 2006 Stanelco PLC ('Stanelco', 'the Company' or 'the Group') Preliminary Results for the Year ended 31st October 2005 Highlights • Turnover of £1.5 million (2004: £1.3 million) • Loss on ordinary activities before taxation of £3.2 million (2004: loss £2.8 million) • Strategy focussed on the transformation from a manufacturer and supplier of capital goods to an IP business • Two successful placings of Ordinary Shares with UK institutions, raising a total of £14.3 million (before expenses) • Acquisition of Biotec GmbH in September for US$25 million • Continued work towards commercialisation of GREENSEAL lidding project; ASDA supplier machines are currently being commercialised Philip Lovegrove, Chairman of Stanelco PLC, commented: 'This has been a significant year for the Company as it continued to transform into a leading Intellectual Property business, making good progress in relation to the developments of GREENSEAL, Starpol and Biotec products. 'With a strong management team and growing opportunities for our products, we look forward to the next year with optimism as we work towards the commercialisation of our technologies.' For further information please contact: Martin Wagner, Chief Executive Officer Tel: 02380 867100 Stanelco PLC Jonathon Brill/Caroline Stewart Tel: 020 7831 3113 Financial Dynamics CHAIRMAN'S STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 OCTOBER 2005 STANELCO PLC CHAIRMAN'S STATEMENT The Board's strategy over the last year has been to continue the transformation of the Group from a manufacturer and supplier of capital goods into an intellectual property business. This allows the Company to exploit the Group's core technologies in Radio Frequency Technology, RF Applications and Biodegradable starch film material directed at the international packaging industry. Stanelco's involvement with Walmart Sustainable Value Network in the United States announced recently is an illustration of this strategy. Your Company is now initiating a series of investigations as to how best to meet the potential requirements of retailers and fast food outlets by establishing joint venture manufacturing units to supply converters with Starpol starch based material. The intention is to offer a number of manufacturing licences in the US to produce its range of materials through a micro manufacturing program for supply to the supermarket and quick service restaurant industry. These licences will enable converters to ensure a guaranteed supply of biodegradeable material in order to satisfy the demands of these industries. Each licence will be for a minimum of 20,000 tonnes and will be operated as joint ventures. This program will ensure the availability of product in order that the market will be able to have a rapid uptake of biodegradable materials. Recent negotiations with manufacturers that are particularly concerned with the future of petroleum based plastics have shown great interest in vertically integrating resin production in or beside their plants. The Managing Director's Statement and the Chief Executive's Review provide a detailed and extensive analysis of the various strategies and innovations undertaken by the Company in the financial year. The Group has made steady progress which is continuing in the current year. The accounts for the year show a loss for the group of £3.2 million on a turnover of £1.5 million. Turnover is primarily related to sales of traditional RF equipment, the receipt of royalties from Aquasol products and two months of sales of materials from our subsidiary Biotec which we acquired in September 2005. The operating loss of £3.2 million was principally due to substantial further investment in research and development and considerable management involvement in procuring joint venture partners and building our capabilities to grow the business in the pursuit of our main objectives. These continue to ensure that the commercialisation of the GREENSEAL lidding project is achieved as is the exploitation of the markets for our range of environmentally responsible packaging materials. An additional £690,000 charge in the year relates to the recent settlement of our legal dispute in regard to defence of patents. The Group's balance sheet was strengthened as funds were raised on two occasions during the year. £14.3 million of equity funding (net of expenses) was successfully raised in order to continue the Group's investment in technology, and £7.1 million of this was utilised in relation to the first instalment of the purchase of our 50% owned subsidiary Biotec in Germany in partnership with SPhere (formerly SP Metal) of France. A further investment of EU1.5 million was made by each shareholder of Biotec in order to fund expansion of Biotec's research and production facilities. The Board is not recommending a dividend for the financial year under review, but will consider distributions as soon as the Company's profitability warrants such a decision. During the last two years the Group has been moving rapidly from a research and development base to a commercialisation phase. In order to keep pace with the management requirements of the Group, the Board has recently revised the structure of the management organisation. The Group Board now consists of myself as Chairman, Elizabeth Filkin as Senior Independent non-Executive Director, together with Martin Wagner as Chief Executive, Ian Balchin as Executive Vice-Chairman, Robert Boardman as Finance Director and Howard White as Managing Director and President of Stanelco's U.S. Operations. An Executive Management Board has been established to manage and supervise the day-to-day activities of the Group and as a result Terry Robins, Robert Duggan and Graham Whitchurch have been appointed to this body. They have resigned from the Group Board which will now focus on strategy and finance in accordance with Corporate Governance Guidelines. The Board continues to be greatly encouraged at the recent substantial developments made by the Group and it looks forward to further progress in this financial year. Philip Lovegrove Chairman 27 February 2006 MANAGING DIRECTORS STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 OCTOBER 2005 STANELCO PLC MANAGING DIRECTORS STATEMENT The Group has been in a transitional phase which is now coming to an end. There have been significant strides forward in this time with regard to GREENSEAL and our biodegradable product offerings which are new, groundbreaking, innovative and exciting. The opportunities for commercialisation are substantial and as a result we have attracted the attention of some of the largest companies in the world. The message coming back from these companies is that we have the product ranges, at the right price, which is engaging their attention at the highest level. It is clear that our products can help meet the increasing demand for environmental responsibility. Whilst the specific requirements in Europe are biodegradability, compostability and sustainability, in the U.S. it is primarily about sustainability, always with cost competitiveness in mind. We are encouraged that our product ranges comfortably satisfy most requirements in these areas. In 2005 we began to develop these technologies into a targeted marketplace. The acquisition of Biotec GMBH allows us to have a complete solution to the environmentally, cost competitive challenges that face the packaging world today. We believe 2006 will be the year that we commence full commercialisation of these technologies. In order to satisfy likely market demand for our biodegradable materials it will be necessary to build a number of manufacturing plants referred to as micro manufacturing facilities in the Chairman's statement. This will enable us to build up our capacity much more rapidly as we will be in partnership with existing end users, who have the manpower and skills to achieve production goals in a short time frame. This will also help to provide global availability for our products. With regard to GREENSEAL, our ongoing co-operation with a number of Original Equipment Manufacturers ('OEMs') will ensure that as soon as we have commercially demonstrated the process in its totality, the OEMs will be ready to offer GREENSEAL technology as an option on their new machines. Research and Development is by its very nature frustrating, often seeming like two steps forward and one step back. The development of GREENSEAL technology has been no exception and mirrors similar experiences in the process engineering industry on production machinery. However, we have now reached the point where we are testing the equipment in a commercial environment on an extended shift work basis. Harald Schmidt, MD of Biotec in Germany has in Starpol 2000 developed an incredibly versatile material that can be blown into film, cast into sheet and injection moulded, all on standard equipment. I would like to give some indication of our potential market, especially in the US. We are evaluating one tray, for one customer that has a current usage of 1.5 billion units per annum. Each tray weighs approx 50 grams and therefore consumes around 75,000 tonnes of (non-environmentally friendly) plastic a year. It would require between 500 and 600 tray lidders to seal just these trays. We are able to offer a complete solution through the supply chain. Stanelco therefore finds itself at the forefront of addressing a lot of the environmental issues that exist today. Our experience to date has shown us that whilst the environment is a cause celebre at this time, the message is loud and clear, solve it but at no extra cost. We believe that our solutions are at worst, cost neutral but in most cases, cost beneficial to the end user. What is revolutionary about our offering is that Starpol 3000 is less expensive than current APET prices but its performance is comparable. There are still some significant developments going on but we believe that we lead the world in these functional products and that we are significantly ahead of any competition with comprehensive patent cover on all of our technologies. From a management perspective we have, over the last year, built up a stronger management team, and I particularly welcome the addition of Martin Wagner to spearhead the commercialisation phase of Stanelco's growth. We have made enormous strides in the US under Stephanie Morgan-Fisher, CEO, where recent developments have alluded to much greater things to come, and the assistance of Graham Whitchurch, MD of Adept Polymers has accelerated this situation and I acknowledge the many hours he has spent travelling to potential customers over the last months. I continue to work closely with Ian Balchin and the rest of the board and executive team; we continue to look to strengthen ourselves to meet the demanding and exciting challenges ahead. Howard White Managing Director 27 February 2006 CHIEF EXECUTIVE'S STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 OCTOBER 2005 STANELCO PLC CHIEF EXECUTIVE'S STATEMENT GREENSEAL During the year Stanelco has continued to develop its RF sealing platform technology for the welding of recyclable plastic 'mono materials' for tray-lidding and thermoforming, specifically for the food packaging market. This process offers substantial financial benefits to food packing houses, supermarkets and an improved end product for consumers. The process replaces heat-sealing as the method for sealing plastic film lids on to plastic trays for food packaging. By using Stanelco's GREENSEAL technology it is possible to offer considerable savings to both the retailers and their food packers by: • eliminating the need for a PE layer and creating a secure seal, even through contamination. This should considerably reduce wastage rates from the factory and through the supply chain to the retailer. • using a mono material means the tray is fully recyclable and all factory waste can be reused. • replacing heat sealing methods with GREENSEAL can provide a further energy saving of up to 70 per cent. • reducing the waste and financial penalties associated with leaking packs Stanelco licences GREENSEAL technology to the end users and will retain ownership of the patented RF system. End users pay a yearly license fee that includes maintenance of the system and ongoing user training and operational technology updates. Patents in regard to key aspects of this technology have also been applied for. We announced on 29 July 2005 that we had signed a contract with ASDA Stores for an exclusive arrangement for a minimum of one year for the UK and Ireland to introduce GREENSEAL technology to a minimum of 200 machines into ASDA's supplier base. The first two of these machines are in the process of being commercialized at two of ASDA's suppliers. We are currently working with ASDA and five of its key suppliers including those referred to above to fulfil the initial stage of the ASDA contract. In addition, we are working with a key player in the produce market to adapt GREENSEAL technology for use with vertical form fill seal machines - in a market which is even larger than tray lidding The Company is also making significant progress with a number of Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) to adopt GREENSEAL as an option. This is likely to lead to further opportunities of deliveries in parallel to the retro fit programme with ASDA and increase the rate of roll out. The Group continues to work closely with a number of equipment manufacturers, including Reiser (USA) and Mondini (Italy). Interest in GREENSEAL remains high outside the UK. The Company remains in active negotiation with other major supermarket chains in both the US and Continental Europe. Discussions continue with Walmart in regard to GREENSEAL and other Stanelco technologies. The first US specification machine is now in the United States with our partner Advanced Technologies for further development prior to being shown to potential US customers. BIOTEC AND STARPOL MATERIALS In September 2005 we completed the purchase of Biotec from EKI and the subsequent part disposal to Sphere. Biotec is one of the world's leading exponents of starch technology. Biotec also has a considerable intellectual property portfolio, including many patents, extending to uses in pharmaceutical and edible applications, as well as within the food and beverage industries. The starch products from Biotec are currently used by Stanelco in the following projects: Starpol starch blend films used in packaging; sheet for making food trays; starch film for air pillows; starch pellets for food trays; and starch film for edible packaging. Biotec will also be a supplier of film to the InGel capsule project. Sales of Biotec materials (Biodegradable, compostible and edible polymers based upon starch) are continuing to both SPhere (formerly SP Metal) and other customers enabling Biotec to concentrate further resource on R&D. The relationship with SPhere is working well. We are on schedule to substantially increase in 2006 the production capacity of these materials - including Starpol - and expect have a capacity of 20,000 tonnes in Germany by early 2007. In December 2005 we entered into a landmark cooperation with Perseco ( for the two companies to participate in a joint effort to explore Stanelco's technologies, with a view toward developing materials and products that are focused on fulfilling Perseco's growing requirements for environmentally friendly, cost effective, innovative packaging solutions. Perseco, a subsidiary of HAVI Global Solutions (, is an international leader in Packaging and Supply Chain Services to the food service and beverage industries. Amongst their clients are some of the world's leading fast food brands in the US. WELSH GRANT FUNDING We are pleased to announce that we have received a substantial offer of Regional Selective Assistance funding in relation to a proposed production and R&D facility in Blaenau Gwent. The offer of funding would allow Stanelco to invest in creating a 40,000 tonne facility for production and materials development based upon Biotec's technologies for the primary purpose of substituting conventional plastic for packaging and other applications with biodegradable alternatives from replenishable sources such as starch. CIGARETTE FILTERS We announced our intention to dispose of our biodegradable starch-based cigarette filter technology acquired through the Biotec joint venture. Rothschild have been appointed to seek out interested parties. QUANTUM FINISH The launch in Europe of Reckitt Benckiser's new automatic dishwashing product Finish Quantum (R) in addition to their sales of Electrasol Gelpacs (R) in the same segment in the North American market is expected to contribute towards a growing royalty stream through our Aquasol subsidiary which contributed technology towards these products. ELECTRASOL, GELPACS, FINISH and QUANTUM, are trade marks of Reckitt Benckiser plc. FROGPACK FrogPack is a patent applied for box designed to replace traditional packaging used for transporting delicate and or valuable items that are vulnerable to damage in transit due to crushing or shock, such as electronic components, car parts, glass items, compact discs, flowers, foodstuffs, medicines and medical devices. Its unique design incorporates the unique SAAP (shock absorbing arcuate panels) technology developed by Aquasol. The distribution and manufacturing deals for FrogPack, have been reviewed and restructured and we are now pleased to announce that we have agreed a deal with Mondi Packaging. PULSLINE Pulsline is a unique security label patented by our subsidiary, Aquasol, which will ensure authenticity of product. Negotiations have commenced with major global companies about the take up of this technology. FROGMAT The latest development from Aquasol is a fully biodegradable cushioning material that offers significantly increased protection, is non static and is fully patented. Again we are in discussion with major suppliers in this arena with regards to commercialisation. Other products available from Aquasol include FrogWrap and Airbags. HARD SHELL CAPSULES Stanelco jointly owns a patent with Carclo plc for injection moulded water soluble capsules for drug delivery and dietary supplements. We have made encouraging progress in the last few months with this technology. We are working closely with a customer who intends to use the technology in veterinary applications. High level discussions are underway with major drug delivery companies on the human application of the technology. TRADITIONAL RF BUSINESS We have now outsourced all manufacture of these items but retain control of the intellectual property. We have, however, seen a useful recovery in the demand for consumable items for RF furnaces. We continue to make sales of mobile RF welding units for sealing industrial plastic bags and have seen increase in demand for these items. SOFT CAPSULES InGel Technologies Limited (InGel) was established to commercialise Stanelco's water soluble soft capsule making technology. The outstanding patent dispute with BioProgress Technology Limited as reported last year, has been settled. Stanelco is now free to exploit the technology for all applications including edible capsules for pharmaceutical and dietry, dishwasher and laundry capsules as well as other water soluble products. FINANCIAL REVIEW The Group has invested considerable financial resources in the development and protection of its technologies in line with its strategy. £3.4 million has been invested in research and development during the year. The Group's balance sheet has strengthened via fundraisings and the acquisition of Biotec with an increase in net assets of £12.8 million and a cash inflow of £3.5 million for the year. Due to the strength of its technology platform and importance of the Group's products the Group has been able to raise £14.3 million (net of expenses) via the issue of equity in the financial year. The Group has also been able to obtain further funding for projects such as the government grant funding for its proposed facility in Wales. OUTLOOK In light of the progress on all fronts but in particular in relation to the commercialisation of GREENSEAL, Starpol and Biotec products we continue to view the forthcoming year with optimism. We now have several major technologies and products which are starting to reach their target markets. THANK YOU Thank you to the team of hard working people at Stanelco and Biotec who in partnership with our customers, suppliers and partners continue to improve our business. Martin Wagner Chief Executive 27 February 2006 CONSOLIDATED PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 OCTOBER 2005 Note 2005 2004 £'000 £'000 Turnover Continuing operations 1,192 1,211 Acquisitions 262 121 ----- ----- 1 1,454 1,332 Cost of sales (889) (797) ----- ----- Gross profit 565 535 Distribution costs (67) (41) Administrative expenses 1 (3,120) (1,682) Exceptional items: provision in respect of conclusion of patent defence. 1 (690) (1,669) ----- ----- OPERATING LOSS Continuing operations (3,182) (2,787) Acquisitions (130) (70) ----- ----- (3,312) (2,857) Interest receivable and similar income 168 14 Interest payable and similar charges (35) (3) ----- ----- LOSS ON ORDINARY ACTIVITIES BEFORE TAXATION (3,179) (2,846) Taxation 37 59 ----- ----- LOSS ON ORDINARY ACTIVITIES AFTER TAXATION (3,142) (2,787) Minority interest 72 4 Dividends - (7) ----- ----- RETAINED LOSS FOR THE YEAR (3,070) (2,790) ----- ----- Basic and diluted loss per share - pence 2 (0.354) (0.370) ----- ----- All transactions arise from continuing operations. All recognised gains and losses are included in the profit and loss account. CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET AS AT 31 OCTOBER 2005 At 31 October 2005 At 31 October 2004 Notes £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 FIXED ASSETS Intangible assets 19,380 5,567 Tangible assets 3,235 918 ----- ----- 22,615 6,485 CURRENT ASSETS Stock 2,604 610 Debtors 4,746 651 Cash at bank and in hand 4,396 920 ----- ----- 11,746 2,181 CREDITORS: AMOUNTS FALLING DUE WITHIN ONE YEAR (10,347) (1,292) ----- ----- NET CURRENT ASSETS 1,399 889 ----- ----- TOTAL ASSETS LESS CURRENT LIABILITIES 24,014 7,374 CREDITORS: AMOUNTS FALLING DUE AFTER MORE THAN ONE YEAR (3,678) (159) PROVISIONS FOR LIABILITIES AND CHARGES 4 (1,453) (1,093) ----- ----- 18,883 6,122 ----- ----- CAPITAL AND RESERVES Called up share capital 929 832 Share premium account 19,899 5,209 Shares to be issued 1,050 2,500 Profit and loss unrealised exchange 19 - reserve Profit and loss account (5,512) (2,442) ----- ----- SHAREHOLDERS' FUNDS 16,385 6,099 Minority interest - equity interest 2,498 23 ----- ----- 18,883 6,122 ----- ----- CONSOLIDATED CASH FLOW STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 OCTOBER 2005 2005 2004 Note £'000 £'000 NET CASH OUTFLOW FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES 5 (4,095) (731) RETURNS ON INVESTMENTS AND SERVICING OF FINANCE Interest received 168 14 Interest paid (33) (3) ----- ----- NET CASH INFLOW FROM RETURNS ON INVESTMENTS AND SERVICING OF FINANCE 135 11 ----- ----- TAXATION Corporation tax paid (10) - ----- ----- CAPITAL EXPENDITURE AND FINANCIAL INVESTMENT Investment in intangible fixed assets (3,436) (1,466) Sale of tangible fixed assets 25 79 Purchase of tangible fixed assets (807) (280) ----- ----- NET CASH OUTFLOW FROM CAPITAL EXPENDITURE AND FINANCIAL INVESTMENT (4,218) (1,667) ----- ----- ACQUISITIONS AND DISPOSALS Purchase of subsidiary (7,082) - Cash at bank acquired with subsidiary 65 59 Part disposal of subsidiary 3,372 - ----- ----- (3,645) 59 EQUITY DIVIDENDS PAID Dividends paid (1) (79) ----- ----- FINANCING Issue of ordinary share capital 14,287 2,919 Issue of shares in subsidiary to minority interest 1,015 - shareholder Capital element of finance lease payments (19) (3) New bank loan - 150 New finance leases 42 - Repayment of loan capital (15) (3) ----- ----- NET CASH INFLOW FROM FINANCING 15,310 3,063 ----- ----- INCREASE IN CASH 6 3,476 656 ----- ----- NOTES 1. TURNOVER AND PROFIT ON ORDINARY ACTIVITIES BEFORE TAXATION 2005 2004 £'000 £'000 Turnover Sales are made from the United Kingdom into the following geographical markets: United Kingdom 492 647 Europe 383 98 Asia 142 472 North America 430 40 Rest of world 7 75 ----- ----- 1,454 1,332 ----- ----- The world-wide activities of Stanelco plc are highly integrated and, accordingly, it is not possible to present geographical segment information for Profit Before Tax without making internal allocations, some of which are necessarily subjective. 2005 2004 £'000 £'000 The profit on ordinary activities before taxation is stated after charging/ (crediting): Depreciation, amortisation and impairment: Intangible fixed assets, owned 422 348 Tangible fixed assets, owned 202 157 Tangible fixed assets, leased 14 14 Goodwill on investments 244 60 Loss on disposal of tangible fixed assets 10 68 Auditors' remuneration: audit work 75 46 non-audit work 37 29 Hire of plant and machinery 20 5 Operating lease rentals: Land and buildings 140 123 Loss on foreign exchange transactions 317 2 Exceptional items Best estimate of liabilities in relation to conclusion of 690 1669 patent defence. Bad debt provision 2 - ----- ----- 2. EARNINGS PER SHARE The calculation of earnings per share is based on the loss after tax for the year of £(3,142,000) (2004: £(2,787,000) and a weighted average of 888,097,434 (2004: 753,303,455) ordinary shares in issue. 3. DIVIDEND The directors do not recommend the payment of a dividend. 4. PROVISIONS FOR LIABILITIES AND CHARGES Deferred tax Warranty Other Total provision provision provisions £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 At 1 November 2004 - 12 1,081 1,093 Utilised in the year - (12) (444) (456) On acquisition - - 99 99 Provided in year - 2 715 717 ----- ----- ----- ----- At 31 October 2005 - 2 1,451 1,453 ----- ----- ----- ----- At 1 November 2003 64 18 - 82 Utilised in the year (64) (18) - (82) Provided in year 12 1081 1093 ----- ----- ----- ----- At 31 October 2004 - 12 1081 1093 ----- ----- ----- ----- The warranty provision is for expected warranty claims on products sold during the financial year by Stanelco RF Technologies Limited (formerly Stanelco Fibre Optics Limited). It is expected that this expenditure will be incurred in the next financial year. Other provisions relate primarily to best estimates of the liabilities incurred in respect of action in defence of patents. On 9th February 2005 Stanelco Plc announced that it had reached a settlement of the legal dispute between two of their subsidiaries with BioProgress plc. Stanelco plc agreed to issue to BioProgress new ordinary 0.1p shares and or cash up to a maximum market value of £1,000,000. Stanelco Plc subsequently announced that these shares had been issued and sold by BioProgress Plc and that this represents full and final settlement of the dispute. The Board have made provision against the estimated liabilities associated with the conclusion of this litigation following the end of the financial year. 5. RECONCILIATION OF OPERATING LOSS TO NET CASH OUTFLOW FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES 2005 2004 £'000 £'000 Operating loss (3,312) (2,857) Amortisation and impairment of intangible fixed assets 422 348 Depreciation of tangible fixed assets 216 171 Amortisation of goodwill 244 60 Loss / (profit) on sale of tangible fixed assets 10 68 (Increase)/ decrease in stocks (1,504) (61) (Increase)/ decrease in debtors (172) (98) Increase/ (decrease) in creditors (261) 563 Increase in provision for liabilities and charges 262 1,075 ----- ----- Net cash outflow from operating activities (4,095) (731) ----- ----- 6. RECONCILIATION OF NET CASH FLOW TO MOVEMENT IN NET DEBT 2005 2004 £'000 £'000 Increase/ (decrease) in cash in the year 3,476 656 Cash inflow/(outflow)from increase in debt lease financing 34 (144) New finance leases (42) (54) ----- ----- Change in net debt resulting from cash flows 3,468 458 Net funds at 1 November 2004 722 264 ----- ----- Net funds at 31 October 2005 4,190 722 ----- ----- 7. ANALYSIS OF CHANGES IN NET FUNDS/DEBT 1 November Acquisition Other non- 31 October 2004 Cashflow (excl. cash cash changes 2005 and overdrafts) £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 Cash in hand and at bank 920 3,476 - - 4,396 ----- 3,476 Bank loan (147) 15 - - (132) Finance leases (51) 19 - (42) (74) ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 722 3,510 - (42) 4,190 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 8. CONTINGENT LIABILITIES Certain patents relating to Stanelco's edible capsule making technology had been the subject of litigation between our subsidiary Stanelco RF Technologies Ltd and BioProgress Technology Limited, more details of which are set out in the Chief Executives Statement. On 9th February 2005 Stanelco Plc announced that it had reached a settlement of the legal dispute between two of their subsidiaries with BioProgress plc. Stanelco plc agreed to issue to BioProgress new ordinary 0.1p shares and or cash up to a maximum market value of £1,000,000. Stanelco Plc subsequently announced that these shares had been issued and sold by BioProgress Plc and that this represents full and final settlement of the dispute. The Board have made provision against the estimated liabilities associated with the conclusion of this litigation following the end of the financial year. 9. REPORT AND FINANCIAL STATEMENTS The information relating to the year ended 31 October 2005 is extracted from the audited accounts that have not yet been filed at Companies House and on which the auditors issued an unqualified opinion. The information relating to the year ended 31 October 2004 is extracted from the audited accounts that have been filed at Companies House and on which the auditors issued an unqualified opinion. The above financial information does not constitute statutory accounts within the meaning of Section 240 of the Companies Act 1985. This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock Exchange
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