Re posting of circular

Stanelco PLC 05 August 2005 5 August 2005 Stanelco plc (the 'Company') Posting of circular to shareholders Re acquisition of Biotec Holding GmbH ('Biotec') The Company announces the posting later today of a circular relating to the acquisition of Biotec Holding GmbH. It was announced on 6 June 2005 that the Company had entered into a conditional agreement to acquire the whole of the share capital of Biotec for a total consideration of US$25 million. Due to its size, under the Listing Rules, the Acquisition requires the prior approval of Shareholders. Further to the announcement of 6 June 2005, the Company announced on 5 July 2005 that it had entered into heads of agreement with SP Metal to dispose of 50 per cent. of its interest in Biotec for US$12.5 million, thereby creating the Joint Venture with SP Metal, subject to, amongst other things, the Acquisition being approved by Shareholders at the EGM. The Disposal is not conditional on Shareholders' approval. The Circular contains a notice of an Extraordinary General Meeting to be held at 10.00a.m on 30 August 2005, at which the resolution will be proposed to approve and implement the Acquisition. The EGM is to be held at the offices of KBC Peel Hunt, 111 Old Broad Street, London, EC2N 1PA. The Directors are also now seeking authority to issue additional Ordinary Shares for cash other than on a pre-emptive basis and to increase the borrowing powers contained in the Company's Articles of Association. The relevant resolutions are also contained within the notice of Extraordinary General Meeting. Information on Biotec Biotec is one of the world's leading exponents of starch technology and has a considerable intellectual property portfolio, including many patents, extending to uses in pharmaceutical and edible applications. It also has ranges of other biodegradable materials that are ready for commercialisation within the food and beverage industries. Biotec has a unique portfolio of products, central to which is a proprietary starch-based pharmaceutical grade thermoplastic ('TPS'), which uses environmentally responsible material, such as natural starch, in place of petroleum based plastics, such as polypropylene. Natural starch is one of the lowest cost biodegradable, compostable, renewable resource materials. TPS is also free from genetically modified starch. Biotec's materials are suited for a wide variety of applications, where it replaces conventional polymers such as gelatine. Depending upon the specification, Biotec's materials can be used to make materials which have a cost base of between US$5 to US$8 per kilogramme, offering customers significant cost savings when compared to gelatine and other materials which it may replace. In addition, being a homogeneous material, as opposed to a combination of materials (i.e. a laminate), waste generated during manufacture can often be immediately re-used. Biotec's main customers include a range of pharmaceutical, industrial, agricultural and food packaging businesses. Biotec's starch products are also currently utilised by Stanelco in its Starpol starch blend films used in CradleWrap packaging, material used in the manufacture of food trays, starch film for air pillows, starch pellets for food trays and starch film for edible packaging. Biotec's managing director, Harald Schmidt, is one of the world's leading experts on starch polymers. He will work for the Biotec Group under a three year service contract with Biotec Biologische Naturverpackungen Forschungs- und Entwicklungs GmbH. In addition, he will also be employed by the Company under a separate employment contract. Conditional on approval of the Acquisition, he will also join the Company's Management Committee. The Directors believe Harald's experience and skill base will add significantly to Stanelco's businesses. A summary of Biotec's financial performance for the three years ended 31 December 2004 is set out below. Year ended 31 December 2004 2003 2002 £'000 £'000 £'000 Turnover 967 1,043 1,463 Gross profit 852 863 1,355 Profit/(loss) before tax 102 (2,066) (977) As at 31 December 2004, Biotec had gross assets of approximately £2.8 million. Information on SP Metal SP Metal was founded in 1976 and is now a pan-European leader in institutional catering, agricultural and household packaging with 1,300 employees, 12 factories across Europe in Italy, Denmark, France, Spain, UK, Netherlands and in the Czech Republic and has annual turnover of approximately €254 million (source: Audited accounts for the financial year ended 31 December 2004). SP Metal produces 140,000 tonnes of plastic film per year, 100,000 tonnes for refuse bags, 16,000 tonnes for shopping bags, 13,000 tonnes for freezer bags and 11,000 tonnes for other industrial films and household products. SP Metal also produces 15,000 tonnes of aluminium foil and containers per annum. The Directors understand that SP Metal has been actively looking for innovative, environmentally responsible packaging material solutions and therefore believe that SP Metal's participation in the Joint Venture delivers a solution to that search. As a bulk user of Biotec's products, SP Metal will continue to contribute to the Joint Venture's overhead base, thereby enabling Biotec to concentrate resources further on its research and development activities. Background to and reasons for the Acquisition and Disposal The Directors believe that the Acquisition represents a significant step forward in Stanelco's strategy to become one of the world's leading exponents of viable, alternative, environmentally responsible packaging methods. Moreover, the Directors believe that the Disposal is an excellent demonstration of how Stanelco plans to use joint ventures with other market-leaders in related fields to bring immediate value to both the Company and Shareholders alike. The operation of Biotec as a joint venture between the Company and SP Metal is expected to enable each partner to leverage off Biotec's technology to exploit their respective markets and facilitate cross-selling to each partners' customers. It has become apparent that with the rise in oil prices, the cost of petroleum-based packaging materials is inevitably increasing faster than the alternatives, making such alternatives increasingly attractive. In particular Polyethylene ('PE') and Amorphous Polyethylene Terephthalate ('APET') sheet for making food trays is currently priced in the order of £1.70 per kilo, whilst the target price for Biotec's comparable materials will be priced in the region of £1.80 per kilo. There are also a large number of environmental benefits that are driving the shift from petroleum-based plastics to sustainable alternatives, such as starch-based products. The Directors believe that the Acquisition positions the Group to take advantage of this rapidly expanding market place and specifically, that it will enable the Group to sell its existing starchbased products at a price of up to 20 per cent. less than current levels. The Directors believe that the Acquisition also creates a further barrier to entry for potential competition in the GREENSEAL project, since it will enable the Enlarged Group to provide a turnkey, ecologically and environmentally responsible solution to Modified Atmosphere Packaging ('MAP') food-packaging requirements, since the Group's Radio Frequency Sealing and Welding technology can also be used to process starch polymers, such as those produced by Biotec, without the degradation caused by other methods such as thermal processing which can render the material unsuitable for food and pharmaceutical applications. Biotec also offers potential synergies with the Group's water-soluble and biodegradable technologies of Adept Polymers Limited, and the packaging design and development skills of Aquasol Limited, both wholly owned subsidiaries of Stanelco. Furthermore Biotec is expected to provide the Enlarged Group with access to a larger potential market place. In particular the Directors believe that Biotec could have packaging applications capable of being exploited in conjunction with leading supermarket chains supplying mass-markets. The Directors expect to use Biotec's film in relation to InGel Technologies Limited ('InGel'), the Company's joint venture with Cardinal Health 409, Inc. which was established to commercialise Stanelco's soft edible capsule making technology. Interaction between Biotec and other parts of the Group has already led to significant new patentable inventions and the pilot launch of a new thermoplastic material marketed under its current name, Starpol 2000. Starpol 2000 has many potential uses including food packaging and can be processed on conventional packaging machinery and does not therefore require major capital investment by packagers converting to its use. Sample product has been manufactured and discussions have commenced with major food retailers. Early indications in the food rigid tray area suggest that Starpol 2000 will be able to significantly undercut the price of polyester (in particular APET, used in clear trays, and crystalline polyethylene terephthalate ('CPET') which is used for microwaveable trays) whilst also providing the necessary gas barrier for MAP. Starpol 2000 is certified biocompostable to the relevant standard on packaging recovery through composting and biodegradation by DIN CERTCO GmbH, the certification organisation of the German Institute for Standardisation. Terms of the acquisition agreement Under the terms of the Acquisition Agreement, the Vendor has agreed to sell and the Company has agreed to purchase the whole of the issued share capital of Biotec for an aggregate consideration of US$25 million, of which US$1.23 million has already been paid to EKI in cash as a non-refundable deposit. A further US$11.27 million in cash is due to be paid on completion of the Acquisition. A further US$6.25 million in cash is due to be paid in 12 months and a final payment of US$6.25 million in cash is due 12 months thereafter. These deferred elements are not subject to performance criteria. The Acquisition Agreement further provides for the assignment to Stanelco of debts currently owed by Biotec to the Vendor amounting to approximately €16 million ('Vendor Indebtedness'). In the period between 4 June 2005 and completion of the Acquisition Agreement, the Vendor has agreed to advance to Biotec Group such sums as are reasonably required to fund their operations, such sum not to exceed €300,000 (the 'Interim Seller Advance'). If Shareholders have failed to grant approval of the Acquisition within 60 days but not later than 90 days from 4 June 2005, the cap on the Interim Seller Advance shall be increased to €400,000. These amounts shall be repaid to the Vendor by the Company at completion. Under the Acquisition Agreement the Vendor has given warranties and indemnities in respect of certain business, taxation and other matters subject to agreed limits of liability. Terms of the disposal agreement Under the terms of the Disposal Agreement to be entered into in accordance with the Heads of Terms, SP Metal will agree to acquire a 50 per cent. interest in Biotec, including a 50 per cent. interest in the Vendor Indebtedness from Stanelco for an initial consideration of US$6.25 million in cash and a further US$6.25 million to be paid in cash in two equal instalments 12 and 24 months after the Disposal Agreement is entered into. This is expected to be shortly after the EGM. Such deferred payments are not to be subject to the satisfaction of performance criteria. The consideration receivable by Stanelco under the terms of the Disposal Agreement will be used to fund 50 per cent. of the cost of the Acquisition. In the event that the Disposal is not completed the Company will fund the cost of the Acquisition from its existing cash resources. The Heads of Terms state that Disposal is subject to a number of pre-conditions, amongst others, the Company and SP Metal entering into a final form Joint Venture agreement in relation to Biotec, the final approval of the Vendor and certain license agreements within Biotec being amended and restated to the satisfaction of both parties. The Disposal Agreement and the Joint Venture Agreement are not to be subject to Shareholder approval. The entering into of the Disposal Agreement and the Joint Venture agreement is not a condition to the completion of the Acquisition. The Joint Venture between Stanelco and SP Metal arising from the Acquisition and Disposal is intended to be run on a 50:50 basis, with each of the partners retaining half of the equity in Biotec, though Stanelco will have a casting vote in the advisory council until 31 December 2009, enabling Stanelco to break any deadlock arising in material matters relating to the Joint Venture in certain circumstances. Current trading and prospects of the Enlarged Group On 29 June 2005 the Group released its interim results for the six months ending 30 April 2005. The interim results showed a loss before tax of £0.9 million (2004: losses of £0.5 million) on turnover of £0.6 million (2004: £0.3 million). Over the same period the Group has made investments in research and development of £0.7 million and increased its levels of stock by £0.8 million from £0.6 million to £1.4 million, which primarily related to equipment involved in the trials of GREENSEAL. The Group raised £4.8m (net of expenses) by way of an equity placing in February 2005, which has mainly been utilised as working capital. Shareholders funds increased from £6.1 million to £10.4 million in the period. The Group continues to invest in research and development and is increasing its cost base in a controlled manner to facilitate the roll out phase of revenue generating products and technologies which has now commenced. On 8 June 2005 the Company raised a further £9 million (net of expenses) which will be used in part to fund the cost of the Acquisition, and the balance will be used to provide funding to Biotec's business and working capital for the Enlarged Group. The Group's GREENSEAL trials and commercialisation continue to proceed well with a number of recent announcements underlining continued progress with ASDA's supplier base. The Directors also expect that the introduction of Starpol 2000 will permit the replacement of polyester in food packaging applications. Additional Authorities The Directors are also now seeking approval for two further resolutions. The first such resolution seeks Shareholder approval for the issue of further new Ordinary Shares for cash, other than on a pre-emptive basis to existing Shareholders, under the terms of section 95 of the Act. The Directors obtained an equivalent authority at the Company's last Annual General Meeting, though such authority has now been exhausted by the placing undertaken by the Company on 8 June 2005. Whilst the Directors have no current intention to use this authority in the event that it is granted, they believe it would be useful in providing the Company with the flexibility to raise further equity capital in the future on a quick and cost effective basis, should market conditions so permit and should there be a bona fide strategic reason to do so. The authority now being sought would enable the issue of 46,432,910 new Ordinary Shares, representing 5 per cent. of the Company's current issued share capital of 928,658,222 Ordinary Shares. The authority will lapse at the conclusion of the Company's next annual general meeting. The second such resolution is required to increase the borrowing powers of the Company set out in Article 94B of the Company's Articles of Association, which are currently limited to £10 million. Having regard to the level of deferred consideration payable under the Acquisition Agreement and the level of trade creditors with which the Group operates, the Directors believe that the current borrowing limit will be insufficient, and are accordingly proposing that it be increased to £25 million. Recommendation and voting intentions The Board, which has been advised by KBC Peel Hunt, considers the Resolutions to be in the best interests of the Shareholders and the Company as a whole. In providing advice to the Board, KBC Peel Hunt has placed reliance on the Directors' commercial assessments. Accordingly, the Directors unanimously recommend that Shareholders vote in favour of the Resolutions to be proposed at the Extraordinary General Meeting, as they intend to do in respect of their holdings of 6,217,083 Ordinary Shares, representing approximately 0.7 per cent. of the Company's existing issued ordinary share capital. The Directors have also received irrevocable undertakings to vote in favour of the Resolutions from the Age of Reason Foundation and Richards and Appleby Limited in respect of a further 23.38 per cent. and 8.04 per cent. respectively, of the Company's issued ordinary share capital. Availability of Circular The Circular to Shareholders, including a notice of extraordinary General Meeting, is being posted to Shareholders today. Copies of the circular will be available from KBC Peel Hunt Ltd, 111 Old Broad Street, London, EC2N 1PH until 30 August and will be submitted to the UK Listing Authority, and will be available for inspection at the UK Listing Authority's Document Viewing Facility, which is situated at: Financial Services Authority 25 The North Colonnade Canary Wharf London E14 5HS DEFINITIONS The following definitions apply throughout this announcement, unless the context otherwise requires: 'Act' the Companies Act 1985, as amended 'Acquisition' the proposed acquisition of the entire share capital of Biotec by the Company 'Acquisition Agreement' the conditional agreement dated 4 June 2005 between the Vendor and the Company 'Articles' the articles of association of the Company 'Biotec' Biotec Holding GmbH 'Biotec Group' Biotec and its subsidiary undertakings 'Board' or 'Directors' the directors of the Company 'Circular' the circular to Shareholders dated 5 August 2005 'Disposal' the conditional disposal of a 50 per cent. interest in Biotec 'Disposal Agreement' the agreement to be entered into between SP Metal and the Company 'Enlarged Group' the Group as enlarged by the Acquisition 'Extraordinary General Meeting' the extraordinary general meeting of the Company to be held on 30 August 2005 'Group' the Company and its subsidiary undertakings 'Heads of Terms' the heads of terms relating to the Disposal 'Joint Venture' the joint venture between Stanelco and SP Metal to be formed in accordance with the Heads of Terms 'KBC Peel Hunt' KBC Peel Hunt Ltd 'Listing Rules' the Listing Rules of the UK Listing Authority 'Management Committee' the Group's management committee 'Ordinary Shares' ordinary shares of 0.1p each in the capital of the Company 'Resolutions' the resolutions to be proposed at the Extraordinary General Meeting 'Shareholders' holders of Ordinary Shares 'SP Metal SP Metal S.A. 'UK Listing Authority' the Financial Services Authority acting in its capacity as the competent authority for the purposes of Part VI of the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 'Vendor' or 'EKI' E Khashoggi Industries LLC, a limited liability company formed in Delaware Ends For further information please contact: Ian Balchin, Chief Executive Stanelco PLC Tel: +44 (0)2380 867 100 Jonathon Brill/Billy Clegg Financial Dynamics Tel: +44 (0)20 7831 3113 About Stanelco plc The Stanelco Group of companies (the Group) has brought together expertise in radio frequency (RF) technology, RF applications and biodegradable material sciences to create a revolutionary range of packaging technologies. Stanelco's philosophy is that new products and processes must offer solutions and applications which: • give higher added value, • are greener, more environmentally sustainable than those they replace • and have protectable intellectual property rights. Stanelco will develop the products and processes to a demonstration stage and then work with partners in order to reach the markets; and under these circumstances Stanelco will usually seek to license its technology. Stanelco invests considerable time and resources in ensuring its technologies are protected via layers of patents wherever possible. In this way Stanelco believes it can minimise commercial risk and preserve the highest value for shareholders. The products offering the prospect of near term revenue generation are being given priority over the Group's resources. Stanelco was founded in 1953 and is a world leader in the development of radio frequency technologies for processing polymers for edible and packaging applications and the design and manufacture of optical fibre technology, induction heating and dielectric welding equipment. Stanelco's Current developments include GREENSEAL Food tray lidding technology, STARPOL (starch / pva blended material), FrogPack high impact low cost packaging format, CradleWrap range of biodegradable air cushion packaging, Soluble tape, 100% water-soluble films and adhesives, Biodegradable Airbag (void fill) packaging, water-soluble detergent capsules, edible sachets and waste packing. GREENSEAL, STARPOL, Frog Pack and CradleWrap are all trademarks of the Stanelco plc group. This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock Exchange
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