Interim Results - 6 Months to 30 September 1999

Finsbury Life Sciences Inv Tst PLC 24 November 1999 FINSBURY LIFE SCIENCES INVESTMENT TRUST PLC PRELIMINARY RESULTS FOR THE HALF YEAR ENDED 30TH SEPTEMBER 1999 Finsbury Life Sciences Investment Trust PLC, which invests in European life science companies with particular emphasis on biotechnology, today announces preliminary results for the half year ended 30th September 1999. 6 months ended 6 months ended year ended 30/09/99 30/09/99 31/03/99 (unaudited) (unaudited) (audited) Gains/(losses) on investments (£'000) 1,877 (5,897) (4,633) Investment income (£'000) 37 234 304 Other income (£'000) 9 60 108 Net return before finance costs and taxation (£'000) 1,655 (5,866) (4,742) Return on ordinary activities after taxation (£'000) 1,652 (5,881) (4,765) Total return per ordinary share 5.5p (19.5)p (15.8)p Net asset value per ordinary share 87.7p 78.9p 82.2p Percentage increase/(decrease) in net asset value per ordinary share 6.7% (19.8)% (16.5)% Percentage increase/(decrease) in FTSE- All Share Index (2.4)% (5.6)% 4.1% Percentage increase/(decrease) in Lehman's UK/Europe Biotechnology Index 13.5% (31.3)% (37.4)% No interim dividend is proposed. For and on behalf of Rea Brothers Limited - Secretary 24th November 1999 The following are attached: * Chairman's Statement * Statement of Total Return * Balance Sheet * Notes to the preliminary results For further information please contact: Dr Andrew Clark, Director 0171-426 6288 Neil Mainland, Mainland Public Relations 0171-439 4359 Chairman's Statement Results The Trust's Net Asset Value ('NAV') in the six months to 30th September 1999 rose from 82.2p per share to 87.7p, an increase of 6.7%. This compares with an increase of 13.5% in the Lehman's UK/Europe Biotechnology Index and a fall of 2.4% in the FTSE All-Share Index. Since launch the Trust's NAV per share has declined by 10.3% against a fall in the Lehman's UK/Europe Biotechnology Index of 47.6%. Over the same period the FTSE All-Share Index increased by 29.4%. The total return on the Trust's shares in the six months to 30th September 1999 was 5.9p against a negative return of 19.5p in the equivalent period last year. No dividend is proposed. Change of Name At the Extraordinary General Meeting held on 21st September 1999 the shareholders approved a special resolution to change the name of the Trust from Reabourne Merlin Life Sciences Investment Trust PLC to Finsbury Life Sciences Investment Trust PLC. This change became effective on 22nd September 1999. Investment Review During 1999 there has been considerable corporate activity within the life sciences sector, both in Europe and North America. This activity affected our own portfolio with Celltech and Chiroscience, two of our core holdings, merging to form Europe's largest biotechnology company, which itself has recently agreed to merge with Medeva. In addition, Shire Pharmaceuticals has merged with Roberts Pharmaceuticals of the US and Polymasc has been acquired by Valentis, also of the US. The Board considers that the prospects for biotechnology companies are attractive and that current valuations represent good long term value. It is therefore intended to take advantage of the powers granted at the recent Extraordinary General Meeting and to introduce an element of gearing into the portfolio. The Board is concerned by the level of discount between the NAV and the share price and believe that this would be improved if the prospects for biotechnology were better understood. The Investment Manager and Advisers are therefore instituting an enhanced communication programme targeted at improving investors' awareness of the Trust as an interesting investment opportunity. Although confidence has returned to the US biotechnology sector there has yet to be an equivalent re-rating in Europe. Whilst there has been disappointing newsflow from some of our holdings, we have had a number of significant success stories. The majority of the companies within our portfolio continue to make steady progress and we firmly believe a recovery will occur. John Sclater, Chairman 24th November 1999 FINSBURY LIFE SCIENCES INVESTMENT TRUST PLC Statement of Total Return (incorporating the revenue account for the six months ended 30th September 1999) Six months to 30/09/99 Six months to 30/09/99 (unaudited) (unaudited) Revenue Capital Total Revenue Capital Total £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 Gains/(losses) on investments - 1,877 1,877 - (5,897) (5,897) Gains/(losses) on currency balances - 1 1 - (17) (17) Investment income 37 - 37 234 - 234 Other income 9 - 9 60 - 60 Investment management fee - (163) (163) - (146) (146) Other expenses (106) - (106) (100) - (100) Net return before finance costs and taxation (60) 1,715 1,655 194 (6,060) (5,866) Interest payable and similar charges (2) - (2) (5) - (5) Return on ordinary activities before taxation (62) 1,715 1,653 189 (6,060) (5,871) Taxation on ordinary activities (1) - (1) (10) - (10) Return on ordinary activities after taxation (63) 1,715 1,652 179 (6,060) (5,881) Dividends on ordinary shares - - - - - - Transfer (from)/to reserves (63) 1,715 1,652 179 (6,060) (5,881) Return per ordinary share - pence (0.2)p 5.7p 5.9p 0.6p (20.1)p (19.5)p FINSBURY LIFE SCIENCES INVESTMENT TRUST PLC Balance Sheet as at 30th September 1999 (unaudited) (unaudited) (audited) 30/09/99 30/09/98 31/03/99 £'000 £'000 £'000 Fixed asset investments 26,578 24,053 24,688 Net current (liabilities)/assets (183) (306) 75 Net assets 26,395 23,747 24,743 Capital and reserves Called up share capital 7,525 7,525 7,525 Share premium account 21,679 21,679 21,679 Capital reserve - realised (19) (455) 96 Capital reserve - unrealised (3,068) (5,546) (4,898) Revenue reserve 278 544 341 Total shareholders' funds 26,395 23,747 24,743 Net asset value per ordinary share 87.7p 78.9p 82.2p FINSBURY LIFE SCIENCES INVESTMENT TRUST PLC Notes to the preliminary results for the half year ended 30th September 1999 1. Return per ordinary share Revenue return per ordinary share is calculated by dividing the net revenue return available for ordinary share holders of £63,000 loss (six months ended 30th September 1998: £179,000 profit) by the 30,100,000 (30th September 1998: 30,100,00) ordinary shares in issue. Capital return per ordinary share is calculated by dividing the net capital return available for ordinary share holders of £1,715,000 profit (six months ended 30th September 1998: £6,060,000 loss) by the 30,100,000 (30th September 1998: 30,100,000) ordinary shares in issue. 2. Comparative Information The figures and financial information for the year ended 31st March 1999 are an extract from the latest published accounts and do not constitute statutory accounts for that year as defined by section 240 of the Companies Act 1985. The statutory accounts for that year have been filed with the Registrar of Companies and include a report of the auditors which was unqualified and did not contain a statement under either section 237 (2) or section 237 (3) of the Companies Act 1985. Rea Brothers Limited, Secretary 24th November 1999
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