Interim Results

Merrill Lynch Greater Europe IT PLC 13 April 2006 MERRILL LYNCH GREATER EUROPE INVESTMENT TRUST plc Interim results for the period ended 28 February 2006 • The undiluted net asset value ('NAV') per share rose by 22.2% over the six months to 28 February 2006 (with net income reinvested). During the same period the FTSE World Europe ex UK Index returned 16.9%. • The share price rose by 27.2% over the six months to 28 February 2006. • NAV was 163.30p undiluted and 163.21p diluted (incorporating treasury shares) at 11 April 2006. • Share price was 161.25p at 11 April 2006. For further information please contact: James Macmillan 020 7743 2289 Nigel Webb 020 7743 2302 Merrill Lynch Investment Managers OR William Clutterbuck 020 7379 5151 The Maitland Consultancy The Chairman, John Walker-Haworth, commented: 'I am pleased to report that the Company continued to perform well during the six months to 28 February 2006, through a combination of good stock selection and strong returns from the Emerging European portfolio. The Company's undiluted net asset value per share increased by 22.2% and the share price increased by 27.2%, both with net income reinvested. During the same period, the FTSE World Europe (ex UK Index) returned 16.9%. 'Tender Offer and Discount 'The Company's second semi-annual tender offer took place on 30 November 2005. This offer, like its predecessor, was for up to 20% of shares in issue at the prevailing net asset value less 2%. Consequently, 7,709,251 shares representing 5.5% of the shares then in issue were tendered at a price of 133.44p per share. In the event, 689,251 shares were cancelled and the remaining 7,020,000 shares held in treasury from which 250,000 were sold out of treasury in January 2006 at a price of 144.75p and a discount to net asset value of 1.9%. Since 28 February 2006 a further 750,000 shares have been sold out of treasury at discounts ranging from 1.8% to 1.9%. Further information is given in note 9. 'The current discount of 1.3% compares favourably with the Company's peer group average of 4.1% and reflects, in the opinion of the Board, a combination of good investment performance and the beneficial effects of the tender process. 'Investment Manager 'It was announced on 15 February 2006 that MLIM is to merge with BlackRock, the US based investment management business. The transaction is scheduled to be completed in the second half of 2006 and the new company will be one of the world's major asset management businesses. 'The direct impact on your Company is expected to be minimal but after the completion of the transaction, the name of the Investment Manager's combined firm will be BlackRock and eventually most products will assume the BlackRock name. The Board will communicate with shareholders as and when it is proposed that your Company's name should be changed to reflect the merger. 'Outlook 'The continued rise in business confidence in Continental Europe and the positive outlook for Emerging Europe has resulted in your Company enjoying another successful period. Your Board and the Investment Manager believe that prospects for the second half of the financial year are encouraging.' Commenting upon the outlook for the Company, James Macmillan of Merrill Lynch Investment Managers, the Investment Manager, noted: 'The Company continues to have a bias towards financials, mainly through banks but also the diversified financial services and insurance sectors. We believe the combination of increased real loan demand, limited credit risk and gains from technology implementation will help companies to grow their earnings. Other key sector weights include utilities, where we favour the generation companies that are well positioned to benefit from the increase in wholesale electricity prices, and energy where we prefer refiners and oil service companies to the large oil companies. 'Business confidence continues to rise in Continental Europe with economic developments generally surprising on the upside. European companies are in a healthier financial position than they have been for many years. The global economic recovery since 2003 has resulted in very strong cash flow generation, magnified by the dramatic improvement in profitability due to radical restructuring that we have seen across many European industries. Now that balance sheet strength has been regained companies are increasingly looking for suitable acquisition candidates, and the market is now prepared to reward companies that aim to boost the sustainable growth rate of their businesses through increased investment spending and merger and acquisition activity. European equity valuations are still attractive, earnings growth is robust and earnings revisions remain positive. 'We continue to believe that the long-term outlook for Emerging Europe is positive, driven by solid domestic economies and attractive growth rates (higher than those seen in Western Europe), combined with relatively attractive valuations. ' INCOME STATEMENT for the six months ended 28 February 2006 Revenue Return £'000 (Restated see note 3) Period from Period from 1 June 1 June Six months 2004 2004 ended to to 28 February 28 February 31 August 2006 2005* 2005* Notes (unaudited) (unaudited) (audited) Gains on investments held at fair value through - - - profit or loss 4 876 443 4,836 5 (116) - (77) Income 6 (351) (289) (617) ---------- ---------- ---------- Investment management fees Operating expenses Net return before finance costs and taxation 409 154 4,142 (109) (5) (25) Finance costs ---------- ---------- ---------- Return on ordinary activities before taxation 300 149 4,117 (80) (45) (1,235) Taxation on ordinary activities ---------- ---------- ---------- Return on ordinary activities after taxation 220 104 2,882 ====== ====== ====== 8 0.16p 0.06p 1.82p Return per ordinary share - basic and diluted ====== ====== ====== * The Company was incorporated on 1 June 2004 but did not commence trading until 20 September 2004. INCOME STATEMENT for the six months ended 28 February 2006 Capital Return £'000 Period from Period from 1 June 1 June Six months 2004 2004 ended to to 28 February 28 February 31 August 2006 2005* 2005* Notes (unaudited) (unaudited) (audited) Gains on investments held at fair value through 40,157 25,983 43,425 profit or loss 4 - - - 5 (1,461) - (307) Income 6 - - - ---------- ---------- ---------- Investment management fees Operating expenses Net return before finance costs and taxation 38,696 25,983 43,118 (435) (18) (100) Finance costs ---------- ---------- ---------- Return on ordinary activities before taxation 38,261 25,965 43,018 - - 122 Taxation on ordinary activities ---------- ---------- ---------- Return on ordinary activities after taxation 38,261 25,965 43,140 ====== ====== ====== 8 28.00p 15.75p 27.22p Return per ordinary share - basic and diluted ====== ====== ====== * The Company was incorporated on 1 June 2004 but did not commence trading until 20 September 2004. INCOME STATEMENT for the six months ended 28 February 2006 Total £'000 (Restated see note 3) Period from Period from 1 June 1 June Six months 2004 2004 ended to to 28 February 28 February 31 August 2006 2005* 2005* Notes (unaudited) (unaudited) (audited) Gains on investments held at fair value through 40,157 25,983 43,425 profit or loss 4 876 443 4,836 5 (1,577) - (384) Income 6 (351) (289) (617) ---------- ---------- ---------- Investment management fees Operating expenses Net return before finance costs and taxation 39,105 26,137 47,260 (544) (23) (125) Finance costs ---------- ---------- ---------- Return on ordinary activities before taxation 38,561 26,114 47,135 (80) (45) (1,113) Taxation on ordinary activities ---------- ---------- ---------- Return on ordinary activities after taxation 38,481 26,069 46,022 ====== ====== ====== 8 28.16p 15.81p 29.04p Return per ordinary share - basic and diluted ====== ====== ====== The total column of this statement represents the profit and loss account of the Company. The Company has no recognised gains and losses other than those disclosed in the Income Statement and the Reconciliation of Movements in Shareholders' Funds. * The Company was incorporated on 1 June 2004 but did not commence trading until 20 September 2004. RECONCILIATION OF MOVEMENTS IN SHAREHOLDERS' FUNDS Share Share Capital Special Other Revenue capital premium redemption reserve capital reserve Total £'000 account reserve £'000 reserves £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 for the period from 1 June 2004 to 28 February 2005* At launch 164 164,684 - - - - 164,848 Issue costs - (600) - - - - (600) Cancellation of share premium account - (164,084) - 164,084 - - - Unamortised management fee waiver - - - - 196 - 196 Net profit from ordinary activities - - - - 25,965 104 26,069 ------- ------- ------- ------------ ---------- -------- ------------ At 28 February 2005 164 - - 164,084 26,161 104 190,513 ==== ==== ==== ======= ====== ==== ======= for the period from 1 June 2004 to 31 August 2005* At launch 164 164,684 - - - - 164,848 Issue costs - (600) - - - - (600) Cancellation of share premium account - (164,084) - 164,084 - - - Net profit from ordinary activities - - - - 43,140 2,882 46,022 Share buy backs (24) - 24 (27,673) - - (27,673) Share buy back costs - - - (310) - - (310) Issue costs written back - - - 52 - - 52 ------- ------- ------- ------------ ----------- --------- ------------ At 31 August 2005 140 - 24 136,153 43,140 2,882 182,339 ==== ==== ==== ======= ====== ===== ======= for the six months ended 28 February 2006 At 31 August 2005 (as restated, see note 3) 140 - 24 136,153 43,140 2,882 182,339 Net profit from ordinary activities - - - - 38,261 220 38,481 Share buy backs - - - (10,287) - - (10,287) Share buy back costs - - - (171) - - (171) Share issue - 28 - 334 - - 362 Dividends paid** - - - - - (2,247) (2,247) ------- ------- ------- ------------ ---------- ------- ------------ At 28 February 2006 140 28 24 126,029 81,401 855 208,477 ==== ==== ==== ======= ====== ==== ======= The transaction costs incurred on the acquisition and disposal of investments are included within the capital reserve and amounted to £509,000 for the six months ended 28 February 2006 (period ended 28 February 2005: £540,000; period ended 31 August 2005: £1,020,000.) * The Company was incorporated on 1 June 2004 but did not commence trading until 20 September 2004. ** Final dividend in respect of the period ended 31 August 2005 of 1.60p per share proposed on 17 October 2005 and paid on 28 November 2005. BALANCE SHEET as at 28 February 2006 28 February 28 February * 31 August 2006 2005 2005 £'000 £'000 £'000 Notes (unaudited) (unaudited) (audited) Investments designated as held at fair value through profit or loss 232,742 196,658 192,614 Current assets 1,310 586 3,801 Debtors ------------ ------------ ------------ 1,310 586 3,801 Creditors: amounts falling due within one year (22,805) (4,188) (8,365) Bank overdraft (2,770) (2,543) (5,684) ------------ ------------ ------------ Other creditors (25,575) (6,731) (14,049) ------------ ------------ ------------ Net current liabilities (24,265) (6,145) (10,248) ------------ ------------- ------------ Total assets less current liabilities 208,477 190,513 182,366 Provision for liabilities and charges - - (27) ------------ ------------ ------------ Net assets 208,477 190,513 182,339 ======= ======= ======= Capital and reserves 9 140 164 140 Share capital Share premium account 28 - - Capital redemption reserve 24 - 24 Capital reserve - realised 35,782 5,882 18,753 Capital reserve - unrealised 45,619 20,279 24,387 Special reserve 126,029 164,084 136,153 Revenue reserve 855 104 2,882 ------------ ------------ ------------ Total equity shareholders' funds 208,477 190,513 182,339 ======= ======= ======= Undiluted net asset value per share 8 156.80p 115.57p 129.86p ======= ======= ======= Diluted net asset value per share (diluted from treasury shares) 8 156.69p - - ======= ======= ======= * Restated see note 3. SUMMARISED CASH FLOW STATEMENT for the six months ended 28 February 2006 Period from Period from 1 June 1 June Six months 2004 2004 ended to to 28 February 28 February 31 August 2006 2005 2005 £'000 £'000 £'000 (unaudited) (unaudited) (audited) Net cash (outflow)/inflow from operating activities (84) 353 3,518 Returns on investment and servicing of finance (544) (23) (125) Taxation received 39 - 3 Capital expenditure and financial investment: (125,925) (226,920) Purchase of investments (113,685) Proceeds from the sale of investments 124,306 79,372 213,280 Realised losses on foreign currency transactions (53) (212) (216) ------------ ------------ ------------ Net cash outflow from capital expenditure and financial investment (1,672) (34,525) (13,856) ------------ ------------ ------------ Equity dividends paid (2,247) - - Financing Issue of ordinary shares 362 30,555 30,555 - (548) (548) Issue expenses paid (10,287) - (27,673) (7) - (239) Purchase of ordinary shares ------------ ------------ ------------ Tender offer costs Net cash (outflow)/inflow from financing (9,932) 30,007 2,095 ------------ ------------ ------------ Decrease in cash in the period (14,440) (4,188) (8,365) ======= ====== ====== RECONCILIATION OF NET RETURN BEFORE FINANCE COSTS AND TAXATION TO NET CASH FLOW FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES Period from Period from 1 June 1 June Six months 2004 2004 ended to to 28 February 28 February 31 August 2006 2005 2005 £'000 £'000 £'000 (unaudited) (unaudited) (audited) Net return before finance costs and taxation 409 154 4,142 Investment management fees capitalised (1,461) - (307) Decrease/(increase) in debtors 32 (7) (157) Increase in creditors 1,059 257 754 Tax on investment income included within gross income (123) (51) (914) ----------- --------- ----------- Net cash (outflow)/inflow from operating activities (84) 353 3,518 ====== ====== ====== Notes to the interim announcement 1. Principal activity The Company conducts its business so as to qualify as an investment trust company within the meaning of section 842 of the Income and Corporation Taxes Act 1988. 2. Basis of preparation The interim financial statements have been prepared on the basis of the accounting policies set out in the Company's financial statements at 31 August 2005 with the following exceptions: a) Following the introduction of FRS 26 - Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement, quoted investments are now designated as held at fair value through profit or loss with fair value deemed to be bid market prices. The effect of this change on the valuation of quoted investments at 28 February 2006 was a decrease of £139,000. As permitted by FRS 26, comparatives have not been restated for this change in basis of valuation from mid to bid prices. However, if comparatives had been restated the effect of this change would have been to decrease the value of quoted investments at 28 February 2005 by £120,000 and 31 August 2005 by £141,000. As comparatives were not restated, the impact of the change in basis of valuation on investments has been taken instead through the Income Statement and resulted in a decrease in gains on investments of £141,000 in the current period to £40,157,000. b) Under FRS 21 - Events after the Balance Sheet Date, final dividends are no longer accrued in the accounts but are recognised in the period in which they are approved by the shareholders. As a result of this change, the financial statements for the period ended 31 August 2005 have been restated as set out in note 3. 3. Restatement of Balance Sheet at 31 August 2005 Previously reported Restated 31 August FRS 21 31 August 2005 adjustments 2005 £'000 £'000 £'000 Fixed asset investments 192,614 - 192,614 Current assets 3,801 - 3,801 Creditors: amounts falling due within one year* (16,296) 2,247 (14,049) ------------ ------------ ------------ Total assets less current liabilities 180,119 2,247 182,366 Provision for liabilities and charges (27) - (27) ------------ ------------ ------------ 180,092 2,247 182,339 ======= ======= ======= Capital and reserves Share capital 140 - 140 Capital redemption reserve 24 - 24 Special reserve 136,153 - 136,153 Other capital reserves 43,140 - 43,140 Revenue reserve* 635 2,247 2,882 ------------ ------------ ------------ 180,092 2,247 182,339 ======= ======= ======= Undiluted net asset value per ordinary share 128.26p 1.60p 129.86p ======= ======= ======= * No provision has been made for the final dividend on ordinary shares for the period ended 31 August 2005 of £2,247,000. 4. Income Period from Period from 1 June 1 June Six months 2004 ended to 2004 28 February 28 February to 2006 2005 31 August £'000 £'000 2005 (unaudited) (unaudited) £'000 (audited) Income from investments: 873 314 4,691 - Overseas dividends Interest receivable and other income: 3 129 145 - Deposit and cash fund interest --------- --------- --------- Total income 876 443 4,836 ===== ===== ===== 5. Investment management fees REVENUE RETURN £'000 Period from Period from 1 June 1 June Six months 2004 2004 ended to to 28 February 28 February 31 August 2006 2005 2005 (unaudited) (unaudited) (audited) Investment management fees 103 - 67 Irrecoverable VAT thereon 13 - 10 ---------- ---------- ---------- 116 - 77 Performance fee - - - Irrecoverable VAT thereon - - - ---------- ---------- ---------- - - - ---------- ---------- ---------- Total 116 - 77 ====== ====== ====== CAPITAL RETURN £'000 Period from Period from 1 June 1 June Six months 2004 2004 ended to to 28 February 28 February 31 August 2006 2005 2005 (unaudited) (unaudited) (audited) Investment management fees 413 - 269 Irrecoverable VAT thereon 51 - 38 ---------- ---------- ---------- 464 - 307 Performance fee 887 - - Irrecoverable VAT thereon 110 - - ---------- ---------- ---------- 997 - - ---------- ---------- ---------- Total 1,461 - 307 ====== ====== ====== TOTAL £'000 Six months Period from Period from ended 1 June 1 June 28 February 2004 2004 2006 to to (unaudited) 28 February 31 August 2005 2005 (unaudited) (audited) Investment management fees 516 - 336 Irrecoverable VAT thereon 64 - 48 ---------- ---------- ---------- 580 - 384 Performance fee 887 - - Irrecoverable VAT thereon 110 - - ---------- ---------- ---------- 997 - - ---------- ---------- ---------- Total 1,577 - 384 ====== ====== ====== The Manager agreed to waive its fees in respect of the first accounting period to 31 August 2005 up to a maximum of £600,000 excluding VAT. As a consequence no management fees were payable for the interim period to 28 February 2005. The investment management fee is levied quarterly, based on the value of the market capitalisation of the Company on the last day of each month. A performance fee of £887,000 (excluding VAT) is also payable, which has been calculated based on the outperformance of the Company's share price relative to the FTSE Europe (ex UK) Index for the period. 6. Operating expenses Period from Period from 1 June 1 June Six months 2004 ended to 2004 28 February 28 February 2006 2005 to £'000 £'000 31 August (unaudited) (unaudited) 2005 £'000 (audited) Administration fee 141 110 239 Custody fee 41 26 69 Other administrative costs 169 153 309 ------- ------- ------- 351 289 617 ==== ==== ==== 7. Dividend The Board has not declared an interim dividend, as dividends are considered and paid annually in respect of each accounting period. 8. Return and net asset value per ordinary share 28 February 28 February 31 August 2006 2005 2005 (unaudited) (unaudited) (audited) The weighted average number of ordinary shares during the period, on which the return per ordinary share was calculated, was: 136,641,791 164,841,285 158,469,040 The actual number of ordinary shares at the end of each period, on which the net asset value was calculated, was: 132,955,096 164,841,285 140,414,347 The number of shares in issue including treasury shares, on which the fully diluted net asset value was calculated, was: 139,725,096 - - As at 28 February 2006 the Company had 6,770,000 shares held in treasury which if sold would have resulted in a diluted net asset value of 156.69p. No fully diluted return per share has been disclosed as calculations indicate the treasury shares do not have a potentially dilutive effect at this date. 9. Share capital and shares held in treasury Ordinary shares Treasury shares number number Total Shares in issue at 31 August 2005 (ordinary shares of 0.1p each, issued and allotted, called up and fully 140,414,347 - 140,414,347 paid) Shares transferred into treasury pursuant to tender offer on 30 November 2005 (7,020,000) 7,020,000 - Shares repurchased and cancelled pursuant to tender offer on 30 November 2005 (689,251) - (689,251) Shares sold out of treasury on 16 January 2006 250,000 (250,000) - ------------------ --------------- ------------------ Shares in issue at 28 February 2006 132,955,096 6,770,000 139,725,096 ========== ======== ========== 250,000 shares were sold out of treasury on 9 March 2006 at a price of 152.75p and a discount of 1.8%. A further 500,000 shares were sold out of treasury on 7 April 2006 at a price of 163.50p and a discount of 1.9%. Any shares held in treasury will be cancelled if not sold by 31 May 2006. 10. Publication of non-statutory accounts The financial information contained in this interim report does not constitute statutory accounts as defined in section 240 of the Companies Act 1985. The financial information for the six months ended 28 February 2006 and the period to 28 February 2005 has not been audited. The information for the period ended 31 August 2005 (as restated) has been extracted from the latest published audited financial statements, which have been filed with the Registrar of Companies. The report of the independent auditor on those accounts contained no qualification or statement under sections 237(2) or (3) of the Companies Act 1985. 11. Annual Results The Company expects to announce the results for the year ending 31 August 2006 in October 2006. The annual report should be available by the end of October 2006, with the Annual General Meeting being held on 21 November 2006. 33 King William Street London EC4R 9AS 12 April 2006 This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock Exchange SMSEIL
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