Interim Results

British Portfolio Trust PLC 25 June 2007 For Immediate Release 25th June 2007 BRITISH PORTFOLIO TRUST plc ANNOUNCEMENT OF UNAUDITED INTERIM RESULTS For the period from 1st November 2006 to 30th April 2007 Net Asset Value A summary of the results for the period from 1st November 2006 to 30th April 2007 is set out below. The Net Asset Value (NAV) per Ordinary Share as at 30th April 2007 was 194.7p. This represents an increase of 5.6% over the NAV as at 31st October 2006. Over the same period the Company's benchmark index, the FTSE All-Share Index, rose by 6.9%. Interim and Special Dividend On 3rd May 2007 the Board declared an interim dividend of 1.75p per Ordinary Share (compared to 1.75p last year), which absorbed £688,854 and was paid on 14th June 2007 to all holders of Ordinary Shares on the Register of Members at the close of business on 18th May 2007. On 3rd May 2007 the Board also declared a special dividend of 1.25p per Ordinary Share which absorbed £492,039 and was paid on 14th June 2007 to all holders of Ordinary Shares on the Register of Members at the close of business on 18th May 2007. This amended timetable and special dividend reflect the fact that the Company successfully participated in proposals to offer new shares to loan noteholders of Greene King Acquisitions (No. 3) Limited. These dividend payments were made to avoid diluting existing shareholders. Under these proposals 2,914,502 Ordinary Shares were transferred out of treasury at 199.7337p per Ordinary Share to new shareholders on 23rd May 2007. Market Review and Outlook Equity markets continued to perform well during the period with strong earnings reports and merger and acquisition activity remaining at high levels. This acquisition activity has moved up into the FTSE 100 Index and away from being just a mid and small cap phenomenon. The main reason is that the availability of capital from the credit markets remains buoyant. Large private equity firms have taken advantage of this, and in the foreseeable future we see no slowdown. Managements have responded to the threat of takeovers by increasing their dividend pay out ratios and in some cases, including Smiths Group and Reed Elsevier, have instigated value creating disposal strategies. We have seen two further interest rate rises over the period taking UK base rates to 5.5%. CPI inflation in the 12 months to March 2007 was 3.1%, which is above the Monetary Policy Committee's target, and accordingly it responded with a second rate rise in this reporting period. There is now a likelihood that borrowing costs will have to go up further this year, with businesses now showing more confidence in their ability to raise prices. Wage inflation has so far been muted, but with the economy remaining strong and labour markets tight, this may become a feature later in the year. The interest rate rises have already had an impact on parts of the economy, with the housing market showing signs of slowing down. The commercial property market is no longer seeing a downward shift in yields and parts of the sector which are not in prime locations are failing to sell at the levels seen earlier in the year. On the positive side for inflation, retail electricity and gas prices are now seeing phased price cuts. Commodities saw price falls in February but have since recovered strongly with Chinese demand remaining firm. In May the Government released its Energy White Paper which focused on cutting Britain's carbon emissions and looking at increasing the security of future energy supply. This focus by the Government is likely to increase with time and has led the Manager to invest in companies with exposure to this improving environment. We also initiated positions in 3i, Standard Life and Galliford Try during the period under review. 3i is one of Europe's leading private equity investors and should continue to produce good returns. Standard Life has significant exposure to the fast growing individual SIPP market where they have 'first mover ' advantage. The fund participated in the equity placing by Galliford Try to buy Linden Homes, which provides them with the opportunity to grow their housebuilding division more quickly. The company also has exposure to construction and regeneration markets which are both seeing increased spending. Disposals included Tullett Prebon, post the de-merger from Collins Stewart, and William Hill. The holding in Savills was sold on valuation grounds following strong share price performance. Over the period the fund's overweighting to the utilities sector negatively affected performance relative to the index as the sector was impacted by the increase of bond yields in the UK and US. The longer term prospects for the sector remain attractive, however, given above average dividend yields and the prospect of further pan European consolidation. Merger and acquisition activity has remained high in the UK and the fund benefited from the takeovers of Hanson and BDI Mining. Unfortunately we did not hold either Reuters or Alliance Boots, which also received approaches. The data from the US is mixed with the housing market remaining subdued and employment growth slowing. So far we have not seen the slowdown in the US spill over into the rest of the world, and in general we expect companies who have globally spread businesses to make up any slowdown in the US with better sales elsewhere in the world. Indeed parts of Europe are recovering strongly and also China continues to show high levels of growth. Although concerns exist about the outlook for inflation and interest rates, valuations appear realistic and company profits remain buoyant, and these factors should help support equity markets. Share Buybacks and Treasury Transactions During the period under review 1,464,866 Ordinary Shares were purchased for cancellation at a cost of £2,673,501, (including 871,666 Ordinary Shares purchased into treasury at a cost of £1,578,298), at an average discount of around 3.5%. 10,000 Ordinary Shares held in treasury were cancelled during the period. In the period from 1st May 2007 until 25th June 2007 a further 75,000 Ordinary Shares have been purchased for cancellation at a cost of £144,512 (including 20,000 Ordinary Shares into treasury at a cost of £38,678). 2,914,502 Ordinary Shares have also been released from treasury. 155 Bishopsgate By Order of the Board London EC2M 3AD P W I Ingram 25th June 2007 Secretary SUMMARY OF RESULTS INCOME STATEMENT Six months ended 30th April 2007 Revenue Capital Total Return £'000s £'000s £'000s (Note 2) Net gains on investments at fair value - 4,564 4,564 Income 1,416 - 1,416 Investment management fee (148) (358) (506) Administration expenses (111) (2) (113) Net return before finance costs and taxation 1,157 4,204 5,361 Finance costs : interest payable and similar charges (50) (144) (194) Net return on ordinary activities before taxation 1,107 4,060 5,167 Taxation (1) - (1) Net return attributable to Ordinary Shareholders 1,106 4,060 5,166 Return per Ordinary Share (Note 1) 2.76p 10.14p 12.90p (basic and undiluted) BALANCE SHEET As at 30th April 2007 £'000s Investments at fair value through profit or loss 78,803 Interest Rate Swaps at fair value through profit or loss (29) Net Current Assets 3,862 Total Assets less Current Liabilities 82,636 Creditors - Amounts falling due after one year (6,000) Total Net Assets 76,636 Called up Share Capital 437 Share Premium Account 13,388 Special Reserve 39,903 Capital Redemption Reserve 112 Capital Reserves - Realised 6,269 Unrealised 14,553 Hedging Reserve (82) Revenue Reserve 2,056 Shareholders' Funds 76,636 Net Asset Value per Ordinary Share 194.7p The net asset value is based on 39,363,108 Ordinary Shares in issue. An additional 4,361,666 Ordinary Shares were held in treasury. SUMMARY OF RESULTS INCOME STATEMENT Six months ended 30th April 2006 Revenue Capital Total Return £'000s £'000s £'000s (Note 2) Net gains on investments at fair value - 11,665 11,665 Income 1,426 - 1,426 Investment management fee (149) (358) (507) Administration expenses (83) (2) (85) Net return before finance costs and taxation 1,194 11,305 12,499 Finance costs : interest payable and similar charges (47) (140) (187) Net return on ordinary activities before taxation 1,147 11,165 12,312 Taxation (1) - (1) Net return attributable to Ordinary Shareholders 1,146 11,165 12,311 Return per Ordinary Share (Note 1) 2.66p 25.96p 28.62p (basic and undiluted) BALANCE SHEET As at 30th April 2006 £'000s Investments at fair value through profit or loss 80,897 Interest Rate Swaps at fair value through profit or loss 85 Net Current Assets 4,485 Total Assets less Current Liabilities 85,467 Creditors - Amounts falling due after one year (6,000) Total Net Assets 79,467 Called up Share Capital 453 Share Premium Account 12,379 Special Reserve 46,259 Capital Redemption Reserve 91 Capital Reserves - Realised 2,010 Unrealised 16,444 Hedging Reserve 85 Revenue Reserve 1,746 Shareholders' Funds 79,467 Net Asset Value per Ordinary Share 187.5 p The net asset value is based on 42,385,669 Ordinary Shares in issue. An additional 2,887,333 Ordinary Shares were held in treasury. SUMMARY OF RESULTS INCOME STATEMENT for the year to 31st October 2006 Revenue Capital Total Return £'000s £'000s £'000s (Note 2) Net gains on investments at fair value - 10,410 10,410 Income 2,768 - 2,768 Investment management fee (298) (718) (1,016) Administration expenses (179) (4) (183) Net return before finance costs and taxation 2,291 9,688 11,979 Finance costs: interest payable and similar (72) (215) (287) charges Net return on ordinary activities before taxation 2,219 9,473 11,692 Taxation (1) - (1) Net return attributable to Ordinary Shareholders 2,218 9,473 11,691 Return per Ordinary Share (Note 1) 5.21p 22.25p 27.46p BALANCE SHEET As at 31st October 2006 £'000s Investments at fair value through profit or loss 81,281 Interest Rate Swaps at fair value through profit or loss (30) Net Current Liabilities (1) Total Assets less Current Liabilities 81,250 Creditors- Amounts falling due after one year (6,000) Total Net Assets 75,250 Called up Share Capital 443 Share Premium Account 13,388 Special Reserve 42,576 Capital Redemption Reserve 106 Capital Reserves - Realised 3,181 Unrealised 13,581 Hedging Reserve (107) Revenue Reserve 2,082 Shareholders' Funds 75,250 Net Asset Value per Ordinary Share 184.3p The net asset value is based on 40,827,974 Ordinary Shares in issue. An additional 3,500,000 Ordinary Shares were held in treasury. RECONCILIATION OF MOVEMENTS IN SHAREHOLDERS' FUNDS For the six months ended 30th April 2007 and comparative periods Called up Share Capital Capital Capital Share Premium Special Redemption Reserve Reserve Hedging Revenue Capital Account Reserve Reserve Realised Unrealised Reserve Reserve Total (£'000s) (£'000s) (£'000s) (£'000s) (£'000s) (£'000s) (£'000s) (£'000s) (£'000s) Six months ended 30th April 2007 Net Assets at 31st October 2006 443 13,388 42,576 106 3,181 13,581 (107) 2,082 75,250 Amortization of Hedging Reserve - - - - - - 25 - 25 Revenue Return - - - - - - - 1,106 1,106 Shares repurchased during the period (6) - (2,673) 6 - - - - (2,673) Dividends on Ordinary - - - - - - - (1,132) (1,132) Shares Capital Return - - - - 3,088 972 - - 4,060 Net Assets at 30th April 437 13,388 39,903 112 6,269 14,553 (82) 2,056 76,636 2007 Six months ended 30th April 2006 Net Assets at 31st October 460 12,379 51,067 84 (1,055) 8,396 - 1,626 72,957 2005 Adjustments to record investments at bid value - - - - - (52) - - (52) Recognition of Interest - - - - - - 85 - 85 Rate Swaps Revenue Return - - - - - - - 1,146 1,146 Shares repurchased during the period (7) - (4,808) 7 - - - - (4,808) Dividends on Ordinary - - - - - - - (1,026) (1,026) Shares Capital Return - - - - 3,065 8,100 - - 11,165 Net Assets at 30th April 2006 453 12,379 46,259 91 2,010 16,444 85 1,746 79,467 RECONCILIATION OF MOVEMENTS IN SHAREHOLDERS' FUNDS For the six months ended 30th April 2007 and comparative periods Called up Share Capital Capital Capital continued Share Premium Special Redemption Reserve Reserve Hedging Revenue Capital Account Reserve Reserve Realised Unrealised Reserve Reserve Total (£'000s) (£'000s) (£'000s) (£'000s) (£'000s) (£'000s) (£'000s) (£'000s) (£'000s) Year ended 31st October 2006 Net Assets at 31st October 2005 460 12,379 51,067 84 (1,055) 8,396 - 1,626 72,957 Adjustments to record investments at bid value - - - - - (52) - - (52) Recognition of Interest - - - - - - (107) - (107) Rate Swaps Revenue Return - - - - - - - 2,218 2,218 Shares repurchased during (22) - (8,491) 22 - - - - (8,491) the year Shares issued during the 5 1,009 - - - - - - 1,014 year Dividends on Ordinary - - - - - - - (1,762) (1,762) Shares Capital Return - - - - 4,236 5,237 - - 9,473 Net Assets at 31st October 2006 443 13,388 42,576 106 3,181 13,581 (107) 2,082 75,250 SUMMARY OF RESULTS CASH FLOW STATEMENT For the six months ended 30th April 2007 and comparative periods Six Months to Six Months to Year to 30th April 30th April 31st October 2007 2006 2006 £'000s £'000s £'000s Net cash inflow from operating activities 260 736 2,364 Servicing of finance Interest paid (128) (202) (393) Financial Investment Purchases of fixed asset investments (12,307) (13,734) (28,057) Sales of fixed asset investments 18,280 15,070 29,007 Net cash inflow from financial investment 5,973 1,336 950 Equity dividends paid (1,132) (1,026) (1,762) Net cash inflow before financing 4,973 844 1,159 Financing Purchase of Ordinary Shares for cancellation and held in treasury (2,673) (4,808) (8,491) Cash transferred from Allianz Dresdner Second Endowment Policy Trust plc in connection with the issue of Ordinary Shares - - 68 Net cash outflow from financing (2,673) (4,808) (8,423) Increase (Decrease) in cash 2,300 (3,964) (7,264) TWENTY LARGEST EQUITY HOLDINGS As at 30th April 2007 Valuation % of Total Principal Activities £'000s Assets* BP 4,777 5.78 Oil & Gas GlaxoSmithKline 4,330 5.24 Pharmaceuticals & Biotechnology Royal Dutch Shell 'B' Shares 3,720 4.50 Oil & Gas Vodafone Group 3,313 4.01 Mobile Telecommunications Energy XXI 3,255 3.94 Oil & Gas HSBC Holdings 3,107 3.76 Banks Royal Bank of Scotland 2,881 3.49 Banks Anglo American 2,208 2.67 Mining AstraZeneca 2,080 2.52 Pharmaceuticals & Biotechnology Barclays 2,044 2.47 Banks BT Group 1,978 2.39 Fixed Line Telecommunications National Grid 1,893 2.29 Gas, Water & Multiutilities Prudential 1,843 2.23 Life Insurance Marks & Spencer 1,588 1.92 General Retailers BG Group 1,492 1.81 Oil & Gas British American Tobacco 1,484 1.80 Tobacco Xstrata 1,373 1.66 Mining Morgan Crucible 1,361 1.65 Electronic & Electrical Equipment Imperial Tobacco 1,349 1.63 Tobacco Scottish & Southern Energy 1,208 1.46 Electricity 47,284 57.22 PORTFOLIO ANALYSIS As at 30th April 2007 Sector Valuation % of Total £000s Assets* Financials 19,280 23.33 Oil & Gas 14,432 17.46 Industrials 7,866 9.52 Consumer Services 7,724 9.35 Healthcare 7,340 8.88 Utilities 5,751 6.96 Basic Materials 5,451 6.60 Telecommunications 5,291 6.40 Consumer Goods 5,240 6.34 Information Technology 428 0.52 Interest Rate Swap (29) (0.03) Net Current Assets 3,862 4.67 82,636 100.00 * Total Assets are stated net of current liabilities. Note 1 The return per Ordinary Share is based on a weighted average number of shares in issue of 40,057,775 (30th April 2006: 43,015,328; 31st October 2006: 42,580,602). Note 2 The total column of this statement is the profit and loss account of the Company. All revenue and capital items derive from continuing operations. No operations were acquired or discontinued in the period. A Statement of Total Recognised Gains and Losses is not required as all gains and losses of the Company have been reflected in the Income Statement. Included in the cost of investments are transaction costs on purchases which amounted to £72,186 (30th April 2006: £82,618; 31st October 2006: £147,346) and transaction costs on sales which amounted to £27,507 (30th April 2006: £21,533; 31st October 2006: £48,271). Note 3 Investments are designated as held at fair value through profit or loss in accordance with FRS 26 'Financial Instruments: Measurement'. Listed investments are valued at bid market prices. Interest rate swaps are held at fair value through profit or loss. Note 4 Dividends paid on Ordinary Shares in respect of earnings for each period are as follows: Six months to Six months to Year to 30th April 2007 30th April 2006 31st October 2006 Final dividend 2.85p paid 2nd March 2007 1,132 1,026 1,026 (2006-2.40p) Interim dividend 1.75p paid 6th September 2006 - - 736 1,132 1,026 1,762 Dividends payable at the period end are not recognised as a liability under FRS 21 'Events after The Balance Sheet Date'. Details of these dividends are set out below. Six months to Six months to Year to 30th April 2007 30th April 2006 31st October 2006 Interim dividend 1.75p payable 14th June 2007 (2006-1.75p) 689 742 - Special dividend 1.25p payable 14th June 2007 (2006 - Nil) 492 - - Final dividend 2.85p - - 1,164 1,181 742 1,164 The interim and special dividends above are based on the number of shares in issue at the period end. However, the dividends payable will be based on the number of shares in issue on the record date and will reflect any purchases and cancellations of shares by the Company settled subsequent to the period end. Note 5 The interim statement has neither been audited nor reviewed by the Company's auditors. The financial information for the year ended 31st October 2006 has been extracted from the statutory accounts of the Company for that year which have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies. The Auditors' Report on those accounts was unqualified and did not contain a statement under Section 237 (2) or (3) of the Companies Act 1985. The Interim Report will be sent to Shareholders shortly and made available to the public at the Registered Office of the Company, 155 Bishopsgate, London EC2M 3AD. For further information, please contact:- Simon White RCM (UK) Limited Tel: 020 7065 1539 This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock Exchange
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