Final Results - Year Ended 31 December 1999

F&C Latin American INv Trust PLC 3 March 2000 Contact: Emily McLaughlin Claire Barry Foreign & Colonial Emerging Markets Financial Dynamics 0171 628 2412 0171 831 3113 F&C LATIN AMERICAN INVESTMENT TRUST PLC Unaudited Preliminary Statement for the Year to 31 December 1999 HIGHLIGHTS - Undiluted net assets per share in the year to 31 December 1999 increased by 79.1% to 309.37 cents(172.74 cents 1998); - Share price has increased by 90% to 217.50 cents, (114.50 cents 1998); - The Company outperformed its benchmark index by 16.9 percentage points. Outperformance came from equal contributions of stock selection, asset allocation and the decision to gear the Company into rising markets. The decision to overweight the Brazilian and Mexican markets and underweight the other markets was the key factor in the positive contribution from asset allocation. - The discount at 31 December was 21.2% which was in line with the Company's peer group; - During the period the Company repurchased 2,375,890 ordinary shares, representing 3.2% of issued capital, for cancellation. - The Board remains optimistic on the prospects for the region both during the current year and looking further ahead, and believes that equities are currently very attractively priced. SUMMARY 31 December 31 December % Change 1999 1998 Net assets attributable to equity shareholders US$ 224.7m US$ 129.6m +73.42 Net assets per share 309.37 cents 172.74 cents +79.10 Net Assets per share (diluted) 276.17 cents 168.15 cents +64.24 Share price 217.50 cents 114.50 cents +89.96 Warrant price 136.00 cents 51.50 cents +164.08 F&C Latin American Investment Trust PLC Unaudited Preliminary Statement for the Year to 31 December 1999 Extracts from Chairman's Statement Dear Shareholder, It is very pleasing to report an excellent performance by your Company over the past year. At 31 December 1999, your Company's undiluted net assets amounted to US$224.7m and the net asset value (NAV) per share was 309.37 cents, which represented a rise of 79.1 % over the period. This compares with the IFCG Latin American US$ Total Return Index which rose 62.2%. Thus, the F&C Latin American Trust outperformed its index by 16.9 percentage points. The NAV performance compares with a share price which rose 90% over the period, leaving the Company on a discount of 21.2%; approximately in line with its peer group at the year end. Given the dismal economic prognosis for the region at the beginning of the period, the evolution of Latin American economic growth and subsequent strong market performance surprised the large majority of forecasters. As of 22 February 2000 your Company's NAV has risen a further 3% against a bench mark rise of 2.8%. The past year began in a turbulent fashion, as global investors continued to shun investments in emerging markets. Sentiment towards Latin America was additionally burdened after the Brazilian Central Bank succumbed to market pressures and was forced to devalue the Real in mid-January, which sent the Brazilian currency down by 40%, and left many of its neighbouring countries with additional economic problems. In the aftermath, a sharp economic contraction of 6% and a forced debt restructuring package were widely forecast for Brazil. Argentina, already suffering from a domestically induced slowdown in the second half of 1998, was overnight faced with greater economic difficulties, as the devaluation of its neighbour suddenly rendered Argentine manufactured goods producers at a large competitive disadvantage in their largest export market. The Chilean economy was buffeted by falling Asian demand for its products and affected by the depressive effects of low world Copper prices. Mexico, although relatively insulated from the direct effects of the Brazilian devaluation due to their less developed trade links, was still affected by the long slide in oil prices and the region's reduced access to foreign capital. Colombia lost its investment grade status largely due to its vast and historically intractable array of economic, political and social problems. Peru's recovery from El Nino induced economic weakness of the last two years overshadowed the general crisis in emerging markets. Venezuela was celebrating the Chavez presidential victory, despite the Country's harsh recession and overvalued exchange rate. F&C Latin American Investment Trust PLC Unaudited Preliminary Statement for the year to 31 December 1999 Towards the second half of the year, it became evident that the economies of Latin America were performing better than had been expected, and positive perceptions were further heightened by the rebound in global economic growth, which appeared to be synchronised and accelerating. In addition, the benign nature of Brazil's devaluation, both in terms of its inflationary and growth impact, acted to ameliorate if not reverse investors' risk aversion during the course of 1999. With a clearer view of Brazil's growth prospects, economists raised their regional GDP growth forecast to 4% for 2000, a rebound from the flat growth eventually registered in 1999. Brazil's economic prospects were no doubt transformed by the assured handling of monetary policy in the aftermath of the devaluation, a confidence building measure which allowed interest rates to fall quickly, thus assuring minimal damage to the economy and indeed the region. Investors were quick to reassess the situation and acted accordingly. In tandem with this, the global growth outlook became more assured, thus boosting commodity prices specifically for oil and copper, which greatly helped the economic outlook for Mexico and Chile. The Company retained its gearing of US$14.5m during most of the year, and in addition drew down another tranche of US$7.5m from a committed facility of US$15m. This tranche was invested before year-end, as it became obvious most of the Year 2000 related fears were misplaced and that the markets were poised to move higher. The Company's fully invested gearing position at year-end was 9.8%, and effective gearing was 7.5%. Over the period, outperformance came from equal contributions of stock selection, asset allocation and the decision to gear the Company into rising markets. The decision to overweight the Brazilian and Mexican markets and underweight the other markets was the key factor in the positive contribution from asset allocation. Mexican stock selection was strongly positive. Banamex, one of Mexico's top banks, Televisa, the premier Spanish speaking media company, and Telmex, the leading provider of telecommunications in Mexico with a growing internet presence, all substantially outperformed the Mexican index. In Brazil, large holdings in Petrobras, the state owned oil company, and Tele Norte Leste, one of the Telebras spin-off companies providing services to the Northern and Eastern regions of Brazil, added to the Brazilian stock selection performance. F&C Latin American Investment Trust PLC Unaudited Preliminary Statement for the year to 31 December 1999 Looking ahead into the year 2000, Latin America's immediate economic prospects are much improved from the corresponding period last year. The trends shaping the region's returns will likely be accelerating earnings momentum as economic growth rebounds, a higher multiple accorded the region as further compression on emerging bond spreads occurs, improving domestic liquidity conditions, and improved portfolio flows into the region as compelling valuations attract overseas investors. However, the region could be vulnerable to a hard landing in US economic growth, sharply rising interest rates in the USA and the possibility of further political uncertainty as the Mexican, Peruvian and Venezuelan presidential elections loom. Notwithstanding the Mexican political agenda, the Country should fare well in the coming year, as the integration with the US economy continues apace. Moreover, with the specific country risk fundamentals improving, prompting Moodys, the ratings agency, to suggest an upgrade to investment grade status before the Presidential Elections in July, lower borrowing costs for both Mexican corporate borrowers and the Government should be a feature of the year ahead. Brazil's compelling valuations and strong earnings outlook should be rewarded by investors eager to participate in the Country's economic rebound after the devaluation of a year ago. The prospect of little contentious legislation in front of Congress could also remove most political concerns from the marketplace, and this, coupled with falling interest rates, could boost equity returns. Argentina's economic prospects remain hampered by the fixed peg to the US dollar, the high Real interest rate regime and the inability of the new Administration to kick start the economy. In addition, Argentina's medium term financing requirements are still the subject of scrutiny and some concern. In Chile, the economic rebound should gather pace over the year as exports and investment lift the economy out of recession. The prospect of a liberalisation of the capital account could see further portfolio inflows into the Country. Politics will continue to dominate the macro-economic agenda over the next six months in Peru, as Fujimori seeks to secure a third term in office. Venezuela is suffering the after effects of the devastating floods at the turn of the year, but the economy is likely to get a much needed boost from the rebuilding work necessary to restore the Country's infrastructure. Colombia appears to be emerging from its protracted economic slowdown, but is still subject to politically induced setbacks as Pastrana's hold on Congress is precarious. F&C Latin American Investment Trust PLC Unaudited Preliminary Statement for the year to 31 December 1999 Share Buy-Backs During the year, your Company has repurchased and cancelled 2,375,890 shares amounting to 3.2% of issued share capital. The board remains committed to reducing the discount at which the shares trade to the net asset value. Buy backs of shares and warrants will therefore continue to be undertaken on a flexible and opportunistic basis as and when the Board considers this to be in the interests of shareholders. Continuation Vote At the EGM on 27 August 1998, it was proposed, and shareholders agreed, to submit a resolution regarding the continuation of the Company at the AGM in May 2000, and at two year intervals thereafter. The Board remains optimistic on the prospects for the region both during the current year and looking further ahead, and believes that equities are currently very attractively priced. Your directors, therefore, have no hesitation in recommending that shareholders vote for the Company to continue in its present form. Investment Manager Finally, I would like to congratulate our Manager, Emily McLaughlin, and her team on the excellent performance by the Company. The results were also augmented by the judicious use of gearing, during a year which commenced in very difficult and uncertain circumstances as a consequence of the Brazilian devaluation. Annual General Meeting The AGM will be held on 11 May, 2000 at the offices of Foreign and Colonial Emerging Markets Limited. We hope that as many shareholders as possible will attend. P C D Burnell March 2000 F&C Latin American Investment Trust PLC Unaudited Preliminary Statement for the year to 31 December 1999 Assets 31 Dec 1999 31 Dec 1998 US$,000s US$,000s Total Assets less current liabilities (ex short term loans) 248,289 145,129 Short - term bank loan (7,500) - Long - term bank loan (14,500) (14,500) Provision for liabilities and charges (1,546) (1,025) Non-equity interest (24) (24) Net assets attributable to equity shareholders 224,719 129,580 Net Assets per ordinary share - cents 309.37 cents 172.74 cents Net Assets per ordinary share - diluted cents 276.17 cents 168.15 cents *geographical distribution of net assets (excluding loans) at 31 December 1999 (the position at 31 December 1998 is shown in brackets) was: Brazil 38.9%(35.9%), Mexico 45.7%(34.4%), Argentina 4.5%(12.4%) ,Chile 7.0%(8.5%), Colombia 1.1%(4.8%), Peru 0.7%(1.2%), UK 0.2%(0.2%), USA 1.9%(2.6%). F&C Latin American Investment Trust PLC Unaudited Preliminary Statement for the Year to 31 December 1999 Statement of Total Return (incorporating the Revenue Account) for the year ended 31 December 1999 and the period 16 July 1998 to 31 December 1998 Revenue Capital 31 Dec Revenue Capital 31 Dec US'000's US'000's 1999 US'000's US'000's 1998 Total Total US'000s US'000s Gains/(Losses)on investments - 101,183 101,183 - (55,920) (55,920) Warrants purchased for cancellation - - - - (108) (108) Exchange gains and losses (2) (1,269) (1,271) (1) (18) (19) Income 4,302 - 4,302 2,604 - 2,604 Management fee (2,647) - (2,647) (1,045) - (1,045) Other Expenses and credits (743) (46) (789) (389) (68) (457) Net return before finance costs and taxation 910 99,868 100,778 1,169 (56,114) (54,945) Interest payable and similar charges (1,123) - (1,123) (501) - (501) Return on ordinary activities before taxation (213) 99,868 99,655 668 (56,114) (55,446) Taxation on ordinary activities (155) (535) (690) (299) 121 (178) Return on ordinary activities after taxation (368) 99,333 98,965 369 (55,993) (55,624) Dividend on ordinary shares - - - - - - Amount transferred to/ (from) reserves (368) 99,333 98,965 369 (55,993) (55,624) Return per ordinary share - cents (0.49) 133.51 133.02 0.49 (74.64) (74.15) Return per ordinary share - diluted - cents + 124.16 123.70 0.48 + + - The revenue column of this statement is the profit and loss account of the Company. - The Accounts cover the year to 31 December 1999, the comparatives are for the period from 16 July 1998 to 31 December 1998. - + Not applicable. - All revenue and capital items in the above statement derive from continuing operations. - The Directors recommend that no dividend be paid for the year to 31 December 1999. F&C Latin American Investment Trust PLC Unaudited Preliminary Statement for the Year to 31 December 1999 Cash Flow Statement for the year ended 31 December 1999 and the period 16 July 1998 to 31 December 1998 1999 1998 US$'000's US$'000's Net cash inflow from operating activities 1,917 1,096 Servicing of Finance (1,097) (545) Tax paid (224) (18) Net Cash outflow from financial investment (2,788) (16,246) Net cash outflow before financing (2,192) (15,713) Management of liquid resources (2,283) 1,041 Net cash inflow/(outflow) from financing 3,674 (259) Decrease in cash (801) (14,931) The Audited Report and Accounts will be posted to shareholders on 6 April 2000. Copies may be obtained during normal business hours from the Company's Registered Office, Exchange House, Primrose Street, London EC2A 2NY. The Annual General Meeting will be held at the registered office of the Company, Exchange House, Primrose Street, London EC2A 2NY, on Thursday 11 May 2000 at 12.15pm. By order of the Board Foreign & Colonial Emerging Markets Limited, Secretary 3 March 2000
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