Holding in Company

3i Smaller Quoted Co's Trust PLC 16 November 2000 Letter to 3i Smaller Quoted Companies Trust plc 13 November 2000 SECTION 198 COMPANIES ACT 1985 We, The Royal Bank of Scotland Group plc, for ourselves and on behalf of: National Westminster Bank Plc write to advise you pursuant to Section 198 of the Companies Act 1985 (the Act) that: 1. This notification relates to the ordinary 25p share capital of 3i Smaller Quoted Companies Trust plc. 2. The number of shares of the person(s) with an interest, for the purposes of sections 208 and 209 of the Act, immediately after the time when the obligation arose, are shown below. 3. The identities of the registered holders of these shares and the number of shares held by each holder, so far as is known to us at the date of this notification, are shown on the schedule below. 4. The percentages quoted on the schedule below are based on your issued ordinary share capital of 57,718,523, as advised to us by FT Information. 5. None of the shares on the schedule below relates to interests as mentioned in Section 208 (5) of the Act. 6. NatWest Pension Trustees Ltd are interested in 2,170,339 shares, but have not come under a further obligation to make a disclosure as defined under Section 199 of the Act. This interest is included on the schedule below. Schedule of registered holders for notification S198-LO1/RJH/298 Registered Holder Number of Shares Percentage BNY GIL Client A/C Nominees Ltd 2,213,946 NatWest FIS Nominees Ltd. 5,500 National Westminster Bank Plc 91,000 Total interest of National Westminster Bank Plc 2,310,446 4.00 ADAM & COMPANY (NOMINEES) LTD 6,000 Nutraco, Nominees Ltd 7,200 Total interest of The Royal Bank of Scotland Plc 13,200 0.02 Total interest of The Royal Bank of Scotland Group Plc 2,323,646 4.02 Letter from R J Hopkins Share Aggregation The Royal Bank of Scotland Group
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