Performance at month end

Merrill Lynch World Mining Tst PLC 5 July 2001 MONTHLY PERFORMANCE MERRILL LYNCH WORLD MINING TRUST plc All information is at 29 June 2001 and unaudited. Performance at month end with net income reinvested One Three One Three Five month months year years years Net asset value -4.2% 15.5% 30.4% 108.8% 19.7% Share price -5.6% 15.6% 32.7% 98.1% 19.4% HSBC Global Mining Index(Capital Only) -5.0% 10.9% 22.2% 62.9% -3.4% At month end Net asset value 128.96p Share price 105.75p Discount to NAV 18.0% Net yield 1.2% Total assets £217.9m Gearing 2.7% Ordinary shares in issue 168,200,000 (100,000 shares were repurchased and cancelled during the month). Sector % Total Country % Total Assets Assets Analysis Analysis Diversified 30.8 South Africa 31.1 Base Metals 24.3 Europe 18.2 Gold 20.0 Canada 16.8 Platinum 17.5 Australia 14.5 Industrial Minerals 4.7 Latin America 13.3 Silver/Diamonds 3.2 USA 6.6 Gold Bullion 0.4 Gold Bullion 0.4 Net current (0.9) Net current (0.9) liabilities ----- liabilities ----- 100.0 100.0 ----- ----- Ten Largest Equity Investments Company % Investments Country of Risk Impala Platinum 8.8 South Africa BHP Billiton 8.7 Global Anglo Platinum 6.0 South Africa Cominco 5.8 Canada Gold Fields 5.7 South Africa Minas Buenaventura 5.7 Peru Pechiney 5.3 France Rio Tinto 5.0 Global Alcan Aluminium 4.4 Canada Vale Rio Doce 4.2 Brazil ---- 59.6 ---- Commenting on the markets, Graham Birch, representing the Investment Manager noted June saw a setback in mining shares. This was not entirely unexpected. As we foreshadowed in last month's report, mining shares have been conspicuously stronger recently than the prices of the metals that they produce. This led to the development of a performance 'gap' which had to close. Sadly it has closed through mining shares dropping rather than metals' prices rising. Mining shares though are still vulnerable. Second quarter profits are not going to be particularly strong and sentiment may remain weak through the summer until the positive effects of Greenspan's interest rate cuts are felt. The mining sector saw some great changes during June. Anglo's merger with De Beers was consummated at the beginning of the month and Billiton's merger with BHP at the end. This creates two mining titans. We have taken a more cautious view to the Anglo stock and feel that its re-rating is complete for the moment. Around 1% of the portfolio is invested in Anglo stock - a big underweight position in comparison with our benchmark - although we retain a chunk of Anglo Platinum and some Anglo Gold. In the case of BHP Billiton we feel that the synergy benefits have yet to be seen and this has now become our second largest holding at 8.7% of the portfolio. Our good relative performance during the month, though quite modest in magnitude, was driven partly by our overweight position in the gold equities - especially Gold Fields and Harmony. We supported Harmony's capital raising during June which helped the company to pay for recent acquisitions. Base metals prices are now at a two-year low. We believe that if Greenspan's medicine works, we could see metals prices bottom out in the seasonally weak summer months. Meanwhile sentiment towards gold is on an improving trend and we are quite comfortable with a 20% weighting to this area - significantly overweight in comparison with our benchmark. Sources: Merrill Lynch Investment Managers, HSBC Global Mining Index Latest information is available by typing on the internet, 'MLIMINDEX' on Reuters, 'MLIM' on Bloomberg or '8800' on Topic 3 (ICV terminal). 4 July 2001 ENDS
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