Final Results
Cairngorm B.S. Inv Tst PLC
5 July 2001
Report & Accounts
for the year ended 31 March 2001
Cairngorm No. l Building Societies Investment Trust plc
Registered Number 162796)
Cairngorm No. 2 Building Societies Investment Trust plc
(Registered Number 162797)
Cairngorm No. 3 Building Societies Investment Trust plc
(Registered Number 162798)
Cairngorm No. 4 Building Societies Investment Trust plc
(Registered Number 162799)
Cairngorm No. 5 Building Societies Investment Trust plc
(Registered Number 162800)
Cairngorm No. 6 Building Societies Investment Trust plc
(Registered Number 162801)
Cairngorm No. 7 Building Societies Investment Trust plc
(Registered Number 162802)
Cairngorm No. 8 Building Societies Investment Trust plc
(Registered Number 162803)
Cairngorm No. 9 Building Societies Investment Trust plc
(Registered Number 162804)
Cairngorm No. 10 Building Societies Investment Trust plc
(Registered Number 162805)
Each of the above named investment trusts is a separate limited company
registered in Scotland, but otherwise they are to all intents and purposes
identical. Unless otherwise stated, the information contained in this Report
and Accounts (including the Notes on the Accounts) applies equally to each of
the ten Cairngorm Building Societies Investment Trusts (the 'Trusts') and
reference to the 'Company' shall be deemed to be a reference to each of them.
Financial Highlights
Year ended 31 Year ended 31 Change
March 2001 March 2000 (%)
(pence per (pence per
ordinary share) ordinary share)
Net asset value 139.43 128.27 8.70
Dividends - Interim 1.50 1.40
Final proposed 2.80 3.20
Total 4.30 4.60 (6.52)
Earnings 3.87 4.93
Capital (loss)/gain 10.28 (27.78)
Total return 14.15 (22.85)
An interim dividend of 1.5p net (2000 1.4p) per ordinary share was paid on 22
December 2000. A final dividend of 2.8p net (2000 3.2p) per ordinary share
has been proposed, payable on 10 August 2001 to shareholders on the register
on 20 July 2001. The Trust's shares will be quoted ex dividend on 18 July
Chairman's Statement
It is very pleasing for me to be able to report a good year for the trust.
Net asset value has grown from 128.27 pence per share to 139.43 pence per
share - an 8.7 per cent increase over the year to March 31. Our share price
has gained considerably with a 37.6 per cent increase in the period. Further
increases after the year-end saw the share price increase by a further 6
percent to the end of May. A more detailed analysis of performance is given
in the Investment manager's report.
The Board continued to implement its policy of increasing the equity element
of the portfolio. At the start of the year 31% was invested in equities, by
the end of the year this was 42%. The equity holdings over the last year
have, in general, shown superior capital growth when compared to the holdings
in fixed interest but have yielded lower income. As a consequence the
directors are recommending a final dividend of 2.8 pence which will make the
total for 2001 4.3 pence (2000 4.6 pence). The Board has decided in future to
allocate 50% of management fees and interest paid to capital, to reflect the
Board's expectation of returns from the Company's investments over the long
term. This will allow the Board to pay a higher dividend in the future than
would otherwise have been the case. Some further increase in equity exposure
could be made without impairment to the dividend. It must be emphasised that
the move into equities is intended to enhance the total return for
shareholders over the medium term.
Shareholder services
Our Investment Manager, Blue Planet Investment Management, has introduced a
series of shareholder services, which I would commend to you. These include a
new low cost dealing facility to enable shareholders to buy and sell shares
and the new Blue Planet ISA facility which allows shareholders to take
advantage of the tax breaks offered by Individual Savings Accounts.
Name Change
During the last year our investment manager changed its name to Blue Planet
Investment Management Limited. This was to allow better brand awareness in
connection with an increased marketing effort in Europe where a new family of
OEICs is being launched. The Manager also intend to launch a new Life
Sciences Investment Trust using this brand.
As the fund should benefit from improved brand awareness, the Directors feel
that it is appropriate to change the name of your fund to Blue Planet
Financials Growth and Income Investment Trust plc and a resolution to that
effect will be put to the Annual General Meeting. The Directors recommend
that you vote in favour of this resolution.
Shareholders may already be familiar with the tax advantages of ISAs. As a
service to shareholders who would like to take advantage of these
opportunities, Blue Planet has launched a series of ISA products.
Low Cost Dealing Service
In addition to our Savings Plan, which permits investors to buy shares
commission free, Blue Planet Investment Management have put together a low
cost dealing facility in conjunction with Stocktrade.
Authority to purchase shares
Purchasing their own shares is a method employed by some investment trusts to
help reduce discounts of share prices to underlying net asset values. Share
buy back powers have been used during the period. A total of 45,000 ordinary
shares were purchased for cancellation during the year. This utilised the
'buy back' powers conferred by last year's AGM. These purchases have been
beneficial to the share price and the net asset value per share.
A resolution will be submitted at the Annual General Meeting that would
permit the Directors to make share repurchases where appropriate. The
Directors recommend that the authority for Share buy backs be renewed.
There were no changes in the composition of the Board in the year under
The trend of interest rates worldwide would appear to be downward. This may
last for some months, as the uncertainties of the impact of a slowdown in US
economic growth are felt worldwide.
Your investment trust should benefit from the defensive nature of its
portfolio and we look forward to opportunities to further reduce the bond
exposure in favour of equities which should be the long-term benefit of the
net asset value of the Fund.
Our investment managers have been instrumental in improving perceptions of
the trust. The share price has grown at a faster rate than the net asset
value over the last year. Nevertheless the share price still stands at an
attractive discount to net asset value of 22% at the end of May. With such an
encouraging outlook, I remain confident that the trust will see further
progress in the coming year.
Finally, thank you for your continuing support and I look forward to
welcoming you to the AGM.
Philip Court
4 July 2001
Statement of Total Return
(incorporating the revenue account)
for the year ended 31 March 2001
2001 2000
Revenue Capital Total Revenue Capital Total
(£) (£) (£) (£) (£) (£)
Net realised - 55,968 55,968 - 153,984 153,984
Movement in
on - 105,308 105,308 - (537,443) (537,443)
Net capital - 161,276 161,276 - (383,459) (383,459)
Income from 144,897 - 144,897 181,398 - 181,398
Other 7,579 - 7,579 2,815 - 2,815
Gross revenue 152,476 161,276 313,752 184,213 (383,459) (199,246)
and capital
Administrative (49,034) (7,836) (56,870) (47,904) (7,619) (55,523)
Net return
and taxation 103,442 153,440 256,882 136,309 (391,078) (254,769)
Interest (36,249) (12,083) (48,332) (45,229) (15,076) (60,305)
Return on
taxation 67,193 141,357 208,550 91,080 (406,154) (315,074)
Taxation on (12,039) 5,259 (6,780) (20,126) 6,205 (13,921)
return on
Return on
taxation 55,154 146,616 201,770 70,954 (399,949) (328,995)
Interim (21,394) - (21,394) (20,174) - (20,174)
dividend of
1.5p paid
(2000 - 1.4p)
Final (39,096) - (39,096) (46,113) - (46,113)
dividend of
2.8p proposed
(2000 - 3.2p)
(60,490) - (60,490) (66,287) - (66,287)
Transfer (5,336) 146,616 141,280 4,667 (399,949) (395,282)
Return per 3.87p 10.28p 14.15p 4.93p (27.78)p (22.85)p
share - basic
- diluted 3.87p 10.28p 14.15p 4.93p (27.78)p (22.85)p
Balance Sheet
at 31 March 2001
2001 2000
(£) (£) (£) (£)
Fixed assets
Equity investments 1,091,954 772,461
Non - equity 1,489,228 1,737,623
2,581,182 2,510,084
Current assets
Debtors 49,167 58,617
Cash at bank 125,882 94,942
175,049 153,559
Creditors: amounts (809,354) (815,186)
falling due within one
Net current liabilities (634,305) (661,627)
Net assets 1,946,877 1,848,457
Capital and reserves
Called-up share capital 139,628 144,102
Share premium account 1,166,787 1,166,491
Other reserves
Capital reserve - 140,455 142,267
Capital reserve - 411,906 306,598
Capital redemption 4,500 -
Warrant reserve 63,784 63,846
Revenue reserve 19,817 25,153
Ordinary shareholders' 1,946,877 1,848,457
Net asset value per 139.43p 128.27p
ordinary share - basic
Net asset value per 133.08p 123.84p
ordinary share -
Cash Flow Statement
for the year ended 31 March 2001
2001 2000
(£) (£) (£) (£)
Operating activities
Cash received from 131,273 158,629
Interest received 7,579 3,261
Investment management (30,662) (34,538)
and secretarial fees
Cash paid to and on (2,700) (2,700)
behalf of Directors
Other cash payments (24,252) (18,039)
Net cash inflow from 81,238 106,613
operating activities
Servicing of finance
Interest paid (46,313) (59,451)
Tax recovered 16,204 32,900
Capital expenditure and
financial investment
Purchase of investments (214,554) (319,317)
Sale of investments 304,732 592,262
Net cash inflow from 90,178 272,945
capital expenditure and
financial investment
Equity dividends paid (67,507) (66,183)
Purchase of own shares (43,120) -
for cancellation
Proceeds from share 260 3,230
Borrowings repaid - (250,000)
Net cash outflow from (42,860) (246,770)
Increase in cash 30,940 40,054
1 The financial information set out in the announcement does not
constitute the company's statutory accounts for the years ended 31 March 2001
or 2000. The financial information for the year ended 31 March 2000 is
derived from the statutory accounts for that year which have been delivered
to the Registrar of Companies. The auditors reported on those accounts; their
report was unqualified and did not contain a statement under s237(2) or (3)
Companies Act 1985. The statutory accounts for the year ended 31 March 2001
will be finalised on the basis of the financial information presented by the
directors in this preliminary announcement and will be delivered to the
Registrar of Companies following the company's annual general meeting.
2. Return per ordinary share
2001 2000
The return per ordinary share is based
upon the following figures:
Revenue return £55,154 £70,954
Capital return £146,616 (£399,949)
Weighted average of ordinary shares
in issue during year
- basic 1,426,399 1,439,943
Weighted average of ordinary shares
in issue during year
- diluted 1,426,399 1,439,943
The difference between the basic and diluted number of ordinary shares is
derived from the total number of warrants in issue multiplied by a factor
based on the average price of the ordinary shares in the year and the
exercise price of the warrants, as required by FRS 14. No dilution occurred
in the current or prior year as the warrant exercise price exceeded the
average market price of one share during the year.