Final Results Revised
Preliminary Announcement
Final Accounts
of Blue Planet Financials Growth & Income Investment Trust Nos 1 plc for year
ending 31 March 2007
Financial Record and Key Performance Indicators
As at 31 March 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003
Total assets less current 6,402 5,827 2,924 2,558 2,127
liabilities (£'000)
Loans (£'000) (1,925) (1,923) (750) (750) (750)
Shareholders' funds (£'000) 4,477 3,904 2,174 1,808 1,377
Net asset value per share (p)# 32.86 28.76 16.08 13.31 10.10
Share price (p) - (Bid) 23.00 19.20 11.58 9.50 7.88
Discount (%) 30.0 33.2 28.0 28.6 22.0
Gearing (%)* 28.9 46.5 28.7 23.7 12.9
Year to 31 March 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003
Revenue available for 0 1 16 47 50
shareholders (£'000)
Revenue Return per share (p)# 0.00 0.01 0.16 0.35 0.37
Dividend per share (net) (p) - - 0.225 0.34 0.36
Dividend yield on our shares (%) - - 1.94 3.58 4.57
Dividend yield on FTSE All 3.23 3.35 3.51 3.71 3.87
Share Index (%)
Expenses ratio 3.38 2.95 3.27 3.64 3.87
- net basis (%)**
Expenses ratio 2.29 1.72 2.35 2.53 2.61
- gross basis (%)***
* Net debt as a percentage of shareholders' funds
** Net basis - Administrative expenses as a percentage of the average net asset value of the Company
*** Gross basis - Administrative expenses as a percentage of the average gross asset value of the Company
#Comparative per share data has been adjusted to reflect the 10 for 1 share split approved by shareholders on 2 August
Portfolio Information
At 31 March 2007 Valuation % of
(£) Portfolio 2007
12,619 Blue Planet Global Financials Ireland 896,915 20.1
15,625 Bank Zachodni WBK SA Poland 740,818 16.6
74,940 Bank of Cyprus Ltd Cyprus 574,689 12.9
244,896 Bank Millennium SA Poland 473,729 10.6
624,098 Promstroibank St Petersburg Russia 459,863 10.3
19,565 Piraeus Bank SA Greece 335,924 7.5
33,882 Banco Nossa Caixa SA Brazil 246,106 5.5
1,217 Bank Przemyslowo-Handlowy SA Poland 210,637 4.7
169,167 URSA Bank Russia 199,440 4.5
300 DJ Euro Stoxx 50* Germany 143,125 3.2
2,823 Amagerbanken AS Denmark 98,606 2.2
5,256,667 Ural Siberian Bank Russia 86,816 1.9
Total 4,466,668 100.0
At 31 March 2007 the portfolio yield, as reported to the Association of
Investment Trust Companies, was 1.7% (2006 - 1.7%).
*Equities include put option
Classification of Investments
At 31 March Investment Total Total
2007 Banks Insurance Companies Other 2007 2006
% % % % % %
Poland 31.9 - - - 31.9 12.1
Ireland - - 20.1 - 20.1 4.9
Russia 16.7 - - - 16.7 15.8
Cyprus 12.9 - - - 12.9 -
Greece 7.5 - - - 7.5 4.8
Brazil 5.5 - - - 5.5 9.5
Germany 3.2 - - - 3.2 2.8
Denmark 2.2 - - - 2.2 2.2
France - - - - - 10.5
Austria - - - - - 10.4
Turkey - - - - - 8.3
Spain - - - - - 6.0
Norway - - - - - 4.9
Mexico - - - - - 4.8
Switzerland - - - - - 3.0
Totals 2007 79.9 - 20.1 - 100.0 100.0
Totals 2006 95.1 -- 4.9 - 100.0 -
Benchmark* 63.6 14.9 2.6 18.9 100.0 100.0
*Our benchmark is the Bloomberg World Financials Index (sterling denominated).
Chairman's Statement
Your Company's share price made a total return of 19.8% over the year to 31
March 2007, and the Fund's net asset value ("NAV") made a return of 14.2% as
it rose to 32.86p per share (or £3.29 per Share Unit). This contrasts very
favourably with the fund's benchmark index, the Bloomberg Worldwide
Financials Index, which made a total return in sterling terms of -1.0% over
the same period. Over three years, the Share Unit has made a total return
of 153.7% compared to a 51.9% return from its benchmark index.
As was reported in the interim statement, the first half of the financial
year, from March 2006 to September 2006 was a challenging period with a
widespread market downturn in May and June. At the end of September 2006, the
share price was down 8.3% from its previous year end figure. Once the markets
stabilised in July/August 2006, your Company's share price made a good
recovery. Towards the end of February 2007 a sharp sell-off in shares
occurred again, meaning the share price has ended the financial year at 23p per
share or £2.30 per Share Unit, off its highs of £2.82 per Share Unit. These
prices are all bid prices and reflect the 10 for 1 share split which took
place in August 2006.
The market volatility in the first half of 2006 was largely due to a reduction
in investor's risk appetite, as concern over rising interest rates in a number
of major western economies and rising inflation in the US fuelled fears of a
global economic slowdown. Again in 2007 the US economy has been causing unease
due to problems in the mortgage market. This factor, in conjunction with
the unwinding of carry trades, in which borrowings in yen are used to fund
investments in economies with higher interest rates, and concerns in China
over restrictions on domestic investing in Chinese equities, were the key
triggers of the February downturn. Both of these sell-offs serve as a note of
caution on how stocks, and particularly emerging market
stocks, can be affected by events in the major economies, and
especially by events in the US. We monitor the gearing used in the Fund
closely, and are able to reduce this rapidly if economic and market events
indicate this is desirable.
Independent Rating of the Fund
Even with the more difficult market conditions, the fund ranks highly against
its peers. Trustnet is an independent company providing factual, unbiased
assessments of fund's performance to private investors and Independent
Financial Advisers. At the Fund's year end it was ranked 16th out of all
211 investment trusts analysed by Trustnet for NAV performance, and 24th
out of 224 funds for share price performance over the three year period to
the end of March 2007 in the conventional investment trust category. This
equates to a 7.6% and 10.7% percentile ranking respectively. Over one year, the
recent share price weakness means that the Fund has dropped down the rankings to
the 18.3% percentile for share price appreciation over one year.
Share Trading
A number of investor queries have been received this year regarding the wide
bid-offer spread (the difference between the price at which shares may be
sold or bought), particularly for the Blue Planet Financials Growth and
Income Investment Trust Number 1. Although the Blue Planet Growth and Income
Investment Trusts numbers 1 through to 10 are each separate legal entities, to
all intents and purposes each is identical and treated as a tenth of a single
fund. The Blue Planet Financials Growth and Income Share Unit was created to
trade the shares in the ten trusts as one unit. Internal analysis has shown
that since inception the Financials Growth and Income Share Unit (Ticker:
BPFU) has had more than 150 times the volume of trading and on average just
1/14th the spread of the No.1 Trust's shares. In other words, on a historical
basis, it has been significantly easier to buy or sell the Share Unit and this
has been accomplished at keener prices.
Your Company's investments have performed well over the past year. Figure 1
shows the geographical movements in the portfolio. As you can see the Fund
has taken profits from some investments and withdrawn from a number of
countries. Total profits in sterling from France were 35%, Austria 43%, Turkey
4%, Spain 30%, Norway 5% and Switzerland 37%.
The changes in the holdings have been made in order to reposition the portfolio
to capture the best growth opportunities in strong
economies. In the past year changes have been more frequent as the gearing
in the Fund has been adjusted to match the prevailing market conditions.
With regards to geographic distribution, we continue to have a sizeable
proportion of the fund invested in Central and Eastern Europe. Our two key
markets in this region at the end of the financial year were Poland and Russia.
The Company increased its investments in Poland. Poland's GDP growth was 6.1%
in 2006, the fastest rate of annual growth since 1997, and in the first
quarter of 2007 growth approached 7%. Domestic demand and exports have both
been strong and inflation is moderate, although rising, at 2.5%. The
Investment Manager visited Russia in June 2006 to meet a number of banks. Each
of the banks reported rapid business growth in all sectors and
particularly in retail banking. This is being fuelled by the very strong
macroeconomic picture in the country, the strength of commodity prices, a
significant increase in real household income and a surge in foreign direct
investment. At the end of the financial year we held investments in three
Russian banks. We sold our investment in Raiffeisen in Austria as its
principal attraction was its banking operations in Russia, and we continue
to think that direct investment in Russian banks is a better strategy to this
Independent Rating of the Fund
Trustnet is an independent company providing factual, unbiased
assessment of the performance of funds to private investors and
Independent Financial Advisers. The excellent performance of the Fund has led
to it being ranked 1st out of 26 funds in the Equity Growth and Income Sector
for NAV appreciation over one year and 3rd out of 28 trusts for share price
appreciation over one year. Over the longerterm the NAV and share price
appreciation are rated in the 1st quartile over both three and five years.
This year an investment was made in Blue Planet's Global Financials Fund,
listed in Dublin. At times during the past year there have been periods of
market weakness. This is a hedge fund and thus is designed to provide protection
in the event of a market fall.
Your Company continued to invest in South Eastern Europe. Investments were
made in Greece and Cyprus, both of which had GDP growth in 2006 of
approximately 4% and banking sectors that are expanding rapidly. Profits were
taken in the holdings in Turkey in the early part of 2006, as Turkey's
current account deficit ballooned and consumer inflation and interest rates
Elsewhere your Company remained invested in Brazil, but the number of holdings
was reduced to one as the previously fast rate of profit growth in
Brazilian banks slowed and non-performing loans increased. We sold our
investments in France, as revenues in retail banking in France declined
considerably and political risks increased with the approaching elections.
A fuller analysis of the portfolio movements is provided in the
Investment Manager's Report.
Figure 1 Portfolio movements 2006 to 2007
Country 2007 2006
Poland 31.9 12.1
Ireland 20.1 4.9
Russia 16.7 15.8
Cyprus 12.9 -
Greece 7.5 4.8
Brazil 5.5 9.5
Germany 3.2 2.8
Denmark 2.2 2.2
France - 10.5
Austria - 10.4
Turkey - 8.3
Spain - 6.0
Norway - 4.9
Mexico - 4.8
Switzerland - 3.0
Our Warrants
The price of our warrants rose by 27.7% over the year to a bid price of
£16.35 for the Warrant Unit on the 31st March 2007. Over three years the
warrant price has increased 1,322%. Shareholders can view the warrant price
on the website of Blue Planet Investment Management ( The
warrants are exercisable on 31st July or, if later, 30 days after the
distribution of the Annual Report and Accounts in any year, up to and
including 2010. Each warrant costs £1 to exercise and will entitle the
holder to 10 shares in the corresponding Growth and Income Trust. As for
the shares, considering the warrant in terms of a Unit, where a Unit
represents one share in each of the trusts numbered 1 through to 10, then
each Warrant Unit confers the right to subscribe to 10 Financials Growth &
Income Share Units at a price of £10.
The board has recommended that no final dividend is paid this year. As we
highlighted in the interim accounts, there is insufficient revenue to support
paying a dividend. The level of investment income received by your Company
increased by 59% over the year. Unfortunately the costs that were set
against that income also rose. As a result the revenue return per share was
reduced to zero.
The company continues to provide capital returns well above its
benchmark. This year the capital growth of the share price was 19.8%, compared
to a capital fall of 3.6% in its benchmark index, which was reduced to a
1.0% fall if dividends are included. However, we appreciate the
importance of dividends to shareholders and plan to resume a dividend payment
when it is possible to do so.
Borrowings and Gearing
Gearing for the fund is provided by a £750,000 fixed loan facility and a
£1,175,000 revolving loan facility. The purpose of the loans is to fund the
acquisition of investments in the expectation that the returns from these
will exceed the cost of the loans. The level of gearing, net of cash deposits
ended the financial year at 28.9%. This
is considerably lower than the 46.5% level at the end of the previous financial
year and the reduction reflects our concerns about rising levels of risk.
The level of gearing was in the process of being reduced at the year end
and subsequently gearing, net of cash, has been eliminated from the Fund.
Generally, gearing beneficially affects the Company's NAV when the value of
its investments are rising, but adversely affects it in periods when the
value of investments are falling.
Blue Planet Services and Price Information Sources
Shareholders can view the Company's share price and additional
information about the Fund on the website of Blue Planet Investment
Management Ltd ( and the London Stock Exchange
( To find the Company's share price on the
London Stock Exchange website go to the Home page and type "BPFU" in the "Price
Search" field. Our share price is also published in the Financial Times.
Blue Planet Investment Management offers a Blue Planet Savings Plan to enable
lump sum investments or regular savings. This is administered on their behalf
by Lloyds TSB plc and may be obtained by completing and returning the form
enclosed with these accounts or from Blue Planet by calling them on 0131 466
6666. Blue Planet has also arranged a low cost stock-market dealing service
via Stocktrade. Full details of these services are in this annual report, and
are also given on their website
Your Company has continued to make sound progress over the past year and the
growth in the Fund's share price and underlying net asset value has
outstripped its benchmark index. We aim to stay ahead of the markets in 2007,
which we predict will be a more difficult year for equities. We are now
locking in profits we have made in recent years, by selling investments and
holding cash. This is in anticipation of the US economy going into recession
in 2007 - an event which we believe will happen, and which will lead to
substantial falls in stock markets throughout the world. This will provide
your Company with great opportunities to buy stocks cheaply and we are
positioning ourselves to take advantages of these opportunities when they come.
In the US the housing market is in trouble. The current market is weak with
median house prices starting to decline. The view going forward
is even bleaker. Residential construction, which increased 80% between 2000 and
2005 is now consistently slowing. The rise in US house prices has tallied with
a corresponding decline in the savings rate as individuals used their
positive housing equity to fuel the consumer boom, resulting in a record
trade imbalance in the US. As these gains evaporate consumers will need to
return to more traditional means of savings, which will mean a significant
reduction in consumer spending. The persistent inflation concerns mean that the
Fed will not be able to respond quickly to the housing downturn by cutting
interest rates, exacerbating the problem.
A slowdown in the US will affect share prices globally and within the banking
sector, banks with significant exposure to the property and unsecured lending
sectors in the US and the UK (two very heavily geared countries) seem most
at risk. Whilst we are confident about the future prospects for the banks and
other financial businesses in which we are invested, we believe that it is
prudent to hold large cash balances and to reduce our portfolio of equities
to a few outstanding, well-positioned banks whose earnings growth will be little
affected by a downturn, and wait for events to unfold.
We believe that our approach of specialising in only the financial sector
and running a relatively concentrated portfolio of well researched stocks
is set to continue to deliver good returns, and we look forward to the future
with confidence.
I thank you for your continuing support and look forward to welcoming you to
the Annual General Meeting on the 31 July 2007.
Victoria Killay
30 May 2007
Investment Manager's Report
Portfolio Performance Analysis
As has already been highlighted in the Chairman's Statement, the Fund's
NAV made a total return of 14.2% over the year, as opposed to the Fund's
benchmark index which fell by 1.0% in Sterling terms. The Trust's share price
rose 19.8% over the same period. The outperformance of the fund has been
achieved by a combination of sector specialisation, good predictive
economic analysis, a rigorous investment process, sound asset
allocation and discerning stock selection.
Blue Planet Investment Management is a specialist financials only manager
who achieves outperformance through specialisation. Our goal is to become the
best manager of financial portfolios in the world. We back our investment
process with our own money, and are the largest investor in all of our long-
only funds.
Asset Allocation
Blue Planet Investment Management's investment process is top down. First,
we identify countries with good economic prospects and acceptable levels
of political risk. The economic backdrops in these countries are assessed in
detail and ranked accordingly. The listed banks and other financial
institutions in the highest ranked countries are then investigated. Capital is
allocated to those banks and other financial institutions which we believe are
likely to offer the best total returns over the long term. This process
involves meeting with the senior management of companies in which we are
contemplating investments. Where possible, we also like to meet with local
Central Banks to discuss the economic policies being pursued in the countries
concerned. Once we are invested in a company, we aim to meet regularly with its
senior management to monitor its progress. Since the last year end we have
visited financial institutions in India, Italy, Russia, Sweden and Ukraine.
In addition, we had meetings in the UK with the management of many overseas
financial institutions.
At the year end Poland was our largest geographic holding. Poland's GDP
growth was 6.1% in 2006 and it is expected to remain over 5% in 2007. It has
made a strong start to 2007 with the first quarter GDP growth approaching 7%.
Domestic demand and exports were both strong and are forecast to remain so.
Inflation remained at a low level for 2006, although this has now risen to
2.5%. The labour market improved, with unemployment dropping from 17.6% in
December 2005 to 14.9% in December 2006. Across the whole banking market in
2006 deposits were up almost 10% and loans up 33%, with mortgage loans
increasing by more than 50%. Your Company holds investments in Bank Zachodni
WBK, Bank Millennium and Bank Prezemyslowo-Handlowy.
In Eastern Europe Russia was another key market. The Russian economy and the
Russian banking sector are growing strongly. In a mid-year visit to the
country, the eight banks visited by the Investment Manager all reported
that business was booming. In 2006 corporate lending was growing at a rate
of 30% per annum and retail loans at 80%. Retail loans had already grown by
a factor of 12 from 2001 to 2005 and reached 19% of total bank loans.
During Blue Planet Investment Management's visit to Russia, the best
banks were identified and investments were made in Promstroibank St Petersburg,
Sibacadembank-CLS and Ural-Siberian Bank. In March 2007 the Fund sold its
investment in Sberbank. The initial investment was made in March 2005 and was
added to several times. The revenue from the sale was 3.5 times the total
investment costs, meaning that the share price had increased 350% from the
average purchase price.
During the year the Fund invested in banks in Greece and Cyprus in South
East Europe. Greece enjoys one of the highest growth rates in the EU, at 4% in
2006. Between 1995 and 2003 Greece's sovereign rating was increased five times
by Fitch. The country benefits from a strong financial sector. Your Company held
an investment in Piraeus Bank S.A. This has subsequently been sold as we
build up liquidity in anticipation of market weakness in 2007. The fund
invested in Cyprus for the first time in January 2007. Cyprus is
experiencing healthy economic growth and it is building its status as an
international business centre, fuelled by a corporate tax rate of 10% and
favourable double taxation treaties, especially with Russia. Your Fund
invested in Bank of Cyprus. The Fund is no longer invested in Turkey due to a
considerably weakened macroeconomic situation in the country after increases
in both inflation and interest rates.
The Fund made an investment in Blue Planet's Global Financials Fund, listed
in Dublin, which has been added to during the year. A key motivation for
this investment is protection against falling stock markets in 2007. As a
hedge fund this investment provides an opportunity to benefit from periods
of market weakness as well as market strength through its ability to take short
The fund remains invested in Brazil. Interest rates have been steadily declining
in Brazil. They were at 16.5% at the end of March 2006 and ended March 2007
at 12.75%. Inflation also fell during 2006. The strong macroeconomic climate
did not have as positive an affect on GDP growth as was hoped, which was at 2.8%
for 2006, but credit growth remained strong and financial sector loans in Brazil
increased 20% in 2006. The past few years of strong loan growth led to a rise
in the levels of non performing loans in 2006, but as salaries rise and
interest rates continue to fall this trend should not continue. Your Fund
retained its investment in Nossa Caixa in Brazil. Elsewhere in Latin America
profits were taken in Mexico because of concerns regarding the economic
impact of a weakening US economy on Mexico and in anticipation of elections in
2006 in the country.
During the year investments were also made in Sweden as the Swedish election
result in 2006 gave power to Sweden's opposition, who have a reform and tax
cutting mandate. However the rising concerns over an overheating in the
Baltic State economies, to which all the major Swedish banks are exposed,
and concerns about the markets in general, led to the Fund taking profits from
these investments.
There are a number of investments that your company took profits in this
year. In Western Europe your Company realised the gains on its investments in
France, as revenues dwindled in retail banking, and in Spain as concerns
persisted regarding the over-supply in the housing market. 2005 was a very
successful year for Investment Banks and the Fund had exposure via UBS in
Switzerland and Deutsche Bank in Germany. In 2006, as conditions became more
difficult, the profits from these investments were realised.
The fund is exposed to a range of currencies. The table below shows the
percentage of the portfolio holdings in each currency and how those
currencies have performed against the pound over the period in which the
investments have been held in the Trust during the financial year.
Currency % of equity Appreciation/depreciation
portfolio in against £ for
currency the length of time the
currency has been held in
the portfolio
Euro 43.7% -2.8%
Polish Zloty 31.9% -1.3%
US Dollar 16.7% -12.9%
Brazilian Real 5.5% -7.8%
Danish Krone 2.2% -2.8%
All the currency movements were negative, which reduced the
performance of the shares denominated in these currencies when
translated into sterling. The US dollar has been very weak in 2006. It is the
currency in which our Russian shares are denominated. However, as the currency
underlying these stocks is the Russian Rouble the US dollar currency
fluctuations should be reflected by corresponding changes in the share price.
The risks associated with this exposure to a range of currencies is discussed
Market risk arises mainly from the uncertainty regarding the future price
performance of the equities held by your Company. This risk is magnified by the
gearing that is used to bolster performance and the fact that the company is
invested in a single industry sector. Being invested in a single sector
exposes the Fund to the risk that the Financial Sector will under perform
relative to other sectors of the market
In mitigation of these risks the financials sector in which we are invested
is the largest sector of the market, constituting
approximately a quarter of the Bloomberg World Index. The prices of the
individual securities held are monitored on a daily basis and the Board, which
meets quarterly, imposes borrowing limits to ensure gearing levels are
appropriate to market conditions. The securities dealt in are all listed on
recognised exchanges and are readily realisable. The Fund also has the
ability to use futures or options as a hedge against a fall in the market. At
the year end the Fund had a put option on the DJ Eurostoxx 50 index.
This position has subsequently been closed out.
The Fund is exposed to currency risk, due to the range of currencies in which
investments are held. The largest risk is in the Euro currency. The Fund
Manager tracks currency movements on a month-bymonth basis and hedging is
considered on an individual case-by-case basis. In the 2007 financial year
there were short-term hedges in place for the US dollar, Polish Zloty and
Turkish Lira.
Credit risk arises from the exposure to non-delivery of an investment that has
been purchased. The Company only buys and sells investment through brokers
approved by Blue Planet Investment Management, and recognised to be of good
standing and reputation in their home market.
Review of the Top 10 Investments at year end
1. Blue Planet Global Financials
The Blue Planet Global Financials Fund, is an open-ended Cayman Islands
exempted company. The Company listed on the Irish Stock Exchange on 31
March 2006. Its objective is to achieve a high level of capital growth by
taking long and/or short positions in securities issued by or relating to
banks and other financial institutions on a Worldwide basis. Shares are
available denominated in Euros and US Dollars.
The Blue Planet Global Financials Fund reported its first year end figures
on 31 December 2006. The NAV price for the Class B EURO Restricted shares
was 116.990 at the end of the company's financial year. Over the period since
its launch on 31 March 2006, the Fund has returned 16.99% gross and 13.59% net.
If annualised the net return of 13.59% would equate to an annual return
of 18.12%. The fund's performance led it to be ranked as the second best
performing hedge fund over six months to the end of December in the Euro
Global Equity category in the Eurohedge magazine January 2007 edition.
Investing in the Blue Planet Global Financials Fund provides your Company
with the opportunity to take advantage of this fund's ability to make both
strategic and tactical assets allocations that can profit from both rising and
falling market conditions.
Your Company has been invested in this fund since its launch. The size of its
holding was increased in December 2007. Its total return for the 12 month
period it has been held in the portfolio is 4%.
Key statistics relating to this investment are given below:
For the year ended 2006 2005 Change
31 December:
Total Assets 35.7m n/a -
Cost:Income Ratio n/a n/a -
Net Profit after 2.8m n/a -
Net Asset Value 113.592 n/a -
per Share
(Class B Euro shares)
Dividends per Share 0 n/a -
Dividend Cover n/a n/a -
Return on Equity n/a n/a -
2. Bank Zachodni WBK SA
Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. ("BZW") is a universal bank that provides a wide
range of banking services. Historically its niche was business banking. BZW
was formed as a result of a merger between Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. and
Wielkopolski Bank Kredytowy S.A. on 13 June 2001. Concentrated mainly in
the western part of Poland, it has approximately a 5% market share. Its
major shareholder is Allied Irish Banks Group, who holds 70.5% of BZW's stock.
In Poland GDP growth accelerated through 2006. The full year figure for GDP
growth was 5.8%, reaching 6.5% in the final quarter of 2006 and 7% in the
first quarter of 2007. The Polish banking sector has huge development potential.
The penetration of residential mortgages, mutual funds and credit cards, as a
percentage of GDP, are less than half those found in the more developed European
Union countries.
BZW has a highly regarded management team who have an aggressive expansion
plan in place. The bank is developing its presence in large
cities throughout the country and plans to increase its distribution network
from 400 branches to 450 by mid-2008. In 2006 BZW increased its profits by
47%. Revenue grew by 24% as BZW sold more mutual funds and its brokerage
business had a very successful year. Total loans at the bank grew by 22% in
2006, with mortgages increasing by 36%. Costs rose by almost 12% as personnel
expenses increased.
BZW's first quarter 2007 results continued on the same positive trend as their
2006 results. Net Income was up 49% as business continued to grow strongly in
all areas, especially mutual funds and brokerage. BZW's cost:income
efficiency ratio dropped below 50% for the first time, as revenues grew twice
as fast as costs.
We purchased this stock in August 2006 and increased our holdings in both
December 2006 and January and March 2007. The total return for the part of
the holding held since August 2006 is 45% in sterling terms.
Key statistics relating to this investment are given below:
For the year ended 31 2006 2005 Change
Total Assets PLN 33.0bn PLN 29.3bn +12.6%
Cost:Income Ratio 55.1% 61.4% -6.3pp
Net Profit after Taxation PLN 758 m PLN 516 m +46.9%
Earnings per Share PLN 10.39 PLN 7.08 +46.8%
Dividends per Share PLN 6.0 PLN 6.0 0%
Dividend Cover 1.7x 1.2x
Return on Equity 23.7% 18.0% +5.7pp
3. Bank of Cyprus Ltd
Bank of Cyprus is the largest bank in Cyprus and offers universal banking
services to retail and corporate clients. Their banking operations are
in Cyprus (46%), Greece (43%), UK and Australia and they are due to commence
operations in Romania and Russia from 2007.
Cyprus' GDP grew by 3.8% in 2006 having recovered strongly from a dip in
2002/3. Growth in corporate lending has jumped to 9% from 1-2% in 2004/5 and
retail lending has accelerated to nearly 30% over the same period. It has low
inflation and unemployment, a corporate tax rate of 10%, an educated workforce,
strong legal and accountancy systems, and accession to EMU is projected for
2008. Due to double-taxation treaties with various countries, Cyprus is an
established and growing international business centre, particularly for
companies from Russia and South-Eastern Europe. Its international business
accounts for almost half the bank's profits from Cyprus.
The bank has a market share of 4% in Greece where it has a young network
(120 branches). Another 70 branches are planned by the end of 2009, and growth
in Greek profit is expected to accelerate rapidly as the network matures.
In 2006, Bank of Cyprus achieved growth in net profit of 153%
(following 88% growth in 2005) and set a target of 31% profit growth for
2007. The increase in 2006 was driven by strong revenue growth, good control
of costs and an improvement in the quality of the loan book. The bank also
published its strategy and targets for the next three years. The targets
include: net profit growth of at least 25% per year, loans to grow at
least 20% per year, and continued improvement in the cost:income, asset
quality and return on equity ratios. They aim to have 20% of a
significantly larger total loan portfolio outside Greece and Cyprus by
2011, and are interested in selected acquisitions in the Ukraine as well as
Romania and Russia.
Marfin Popular Bank hold 8% of the shares of Bank of Cyprus, purchased from
Piraeus Bank SA in March 2007 and have indicated their interest in a possible
merger. This is not likely to find favour with the Bank of Cyprus management
who prefer to pursue their organic growth strategy.
We purchased Bank of Cyprus for the investment portfolio in January 2007.
The total return of the investment is currently 2% in sterling terms.
Key statistics relating to this investment are given below:
For the year ended 31 2006 2005 Change
Total Assets 25.2bn 22.1bn +14.0%
Cost:Income Ratio 46.7% 56.7% -10.0pp
Net Profit after Taxation 317m 125m +153.6%
Earnings per Share (diluted) 57.7c 24.9c +131.7%
Dividends per Share 29.0c 12.0c +143%
Dividend Cover 2.0x 2.1x
Return on Equity 21.7% 11.9% +9.8pp
4. Bank Millennium SA
Bank Millennium SA was founded in Poland in 1989. It is principally a
commercial bank, but has four separate business lines, Millennium for retail
customers, Millennium Biznes for small businesses, Millennium PRESTIGE for
affluent customers and Bankowosc Predsiebiorstw for medium and large sized
businesses. It offers core banking services, brokerage, investment funds,
leasing services and pension and savings plans and is the fifth largest
bank in Poland. Millennium bcp of Portugal increased its ownership share of
Millennium at the end of 2006 to 65.51% from its previous 50% holding.
Millennium has a strong organic growth strategy that is particularly focused
on the retail sector. It is investing in a branch expansion and upgrading
programme that began in 2006, and is due to complete in mid-2008. This
programme will add 158 new branches to its network. The company is growing
its market share of the mortgage market by capturing 14% of the new
mortgage production in Poland. This has led its market share of the Polish
mortgage market to increase from 7.1% at the end of 2005 to 9.7% at the
end of 2006. Their total loan portfolio grew 56% over the year.
Millennium's 2006 results showed an impressive 44% increase in net earnings
per share over 2005, once the gain from the sale of its subsidiary PZU has
been excluded from the 2005 results. The growth in business was achieved with
a 12% increase in operating costs, as a result of the branch expansion and
remodelling programme. Millennium anticipate that continued strong domestic
consumption will drive performance in 2007, and that a slowing in the growth
in the mortgage market in 2007 will be offset by an increase in corporate
Their first quarter 2007 results were excellent. Loans continued to grow
strongly and their mortgage market share increased again, to 10.3%. Fees
and commissions increased 47% year-on-year. Their expansion programme
meant that costs increased 19% year-on-year in the first quarter. Without the
expansion, costs would only have increased 5%. Overall net income was up 21%.
We held Millennium in the investment portfolio throughout the year. We added to
the holding during the year. The total return for the portion of the investment
held for the entire year is 68% in sterling terms.
Key statistics relating to this investment are given below:
For the year ended 31 2006 2005 Change
Total Assets PLN 24.7bn PLN 22.2bn +11.3%
Cost:Income Ratio 67.7% 74.4% -6.7pp
Net Profit after Taxation PLN 300.8m PLN 567.1m -47.0%
(Underlying Net Profit)* (208.3m) (+44.4%)
Earnings per Share PLN 0.35 PLN 0.67 -47.8%
Dividends per Share PLN 0.17 PLN 0.54 -68.5%
Dividend Cover 2.1x 1.2x
Return on Equity 13.6% 28.0% -14.4pp
(underlying Return on Equity)* (10.5%) (+3.1pp)
* Underlying excludes gain of PLN 465m before tax on the sale of PZU in 2005.
5. Promstroibank St Petersburg
Promstroibank St Petersburg ("PSB"), Russia's tenth largest bank, it is
primarily concentrated in the St. Petersburg and Leningrad region. It controls
15% of the regional market, a share similar to that of Sberbank in its home
region. PSB is mainly a corporate-oriented bank and as such has a small branch
network, standing at 53 branches at the end of September 2006. Its share of the
total retail deposit market is just 0.9%. The bank's shares are admitted to
trading on the St Petersburg Stock Exchange and on the Moscow
Interbank Currency Exchange. It has been owned 75% by the OAO Bank for
Foreign Trade (Vneshtorgbank) since the end of 2005. Vneshtorgbank is the
2nd largest bank in Russia after Sberbank, and is currently owned 99.9% by the
Russian Federation Government.
On the 22 September 2006 PSB agreed to a merger with Vneshtorgbank. Both PSB
and Vneshtorgbank shareholders have approved the merger. Since this
announcement PSB has traded based on the expected merger terms. VTB's announced
IPO plan has fuelled PSB's minority demand for stock. VTB have an IPO
scheduled for May 2007. This is to be undertaken first, before the merger
proceeds further and the current swap ratio of 385 Vneshtorgbank shares per
PSB share may be revised later this year and be re-submitted for approval in
September 2007.
Whilst PSB have a strong position in the northwestern Russia market and
their standalone performance is good - PSB have issued their IFRS financials for
the first nine months of 2006 and it shows net profits increasing 35% on a year-
on-year basis - it is a bank with very little retail exposure, and its main
attraction is the access it gives to Vneshtorgbank shares, which will
undoubtedly be highly sought after in the current IPO.
We have held this stock since October 2006 and in its five months in the
portfolio has made a total return of 11%.
Key statistics relating to this investment are given below:
For the nine month ended : 2006 2005 Change
Total Assets Rouble 152 bn Rouble 150 bn +1.3%
Cost:Income Ratio n/a n/a
Net Profit after Taxation Rouble 3,554 m Rouble 2,628 m +35.2%
Earnings per Share Rouble 2.8 Rouble 2.1 +25.0%
Dividends per Share Rouble 0.1 Rouble 0.1 0%
Dividend Cover 28x 21x
Return on Equity n/a n/a
6. Piraeus Bank SA
Piraeus Bank SA ("Piraeus") is the fifth largest bank in Greece. They offer
universal banking services to consumers and businesses in Greece and South
Eastern Europe via a rapidly expanding network. At the end of 2006, they had
536 branches, of which 301 are in Greece and 235 abroad, and they also have
the electronic banking network of Winbank.
In 2006 Greek GDP grew by 4%. The fundamental engines of growth for the
banking sector remain in place: it is one of the fastest growing economies of
Europe, the banking sector is gradually being deregulated, and credit
penetration is low versus other EMU countries. Outside Greece, Piraeus is active
in Albania (estimated GDP growth for 2007: 6%), Romania (6%), Bulgaria (6.5%),
Serbia (5%) and Egypt (6%), all of which are offer high credit and deposit
growth from an underpenetrated base. They have also indicated interest in
buying a bank in the Ukraine.
In 2006, Piraeus published underlying earnings growth of 28%, driven by an
overall growth of 31% in customer loans and good control of costs despite
the increase in the number of branches. They outperformed the market in
all loan categories, with growth of 31% in mortgage loans, 25% in unsecured
consumer loans, 36% in loans to small businesses and 26% in loans to large
corporate clients. Asset quality improved significantly, with the ratio of
Loans in Default to Total Loans one of the lowest in the market. They
remain well-capitalised and highly profitable.
In the newly-published Business Plan for 2007-2010, they target a compound
annual growth rate of 24% in net income and 26% in loans as well as further
improvement in the profitability, cost:income and asset quality ratios.
They aim to increase the return on equity invested in their international
operations and to have 25% of profit coming from outside Greece by 2010, via
continued branch expansion and selected acquisitions.
We have held the stock since the start of the year and added to it several
times. The portion of the investment held for the full year has made a total
return of 31% in sterling terms.
Key statistics relating to this investment are given below:
For the year ended 31 December: 2006 2005 Change
Total Assets 30.9bn 23.5bn 31.5%
Cost:Income Ratio 48.4% 57.9% -9.5pp
Net Profit after Taxation 435m 264m 64.8%
(Underlying Net Profit)* (337m) (27.7%)
Earnings per Share 1.66 1.33 24.8%
(Underlying Earnings per (1.28) (-3.8%)
Share )**
Dividends per Share 0.64 0.50 28.0%
Dividend Cover 2.6x 2.7x
Return on Equity 29.0% 21.0% +8.0pp
* Piraeus booked a gain on the sale of their stake in a joint venture
with ING Group in the first quarter of 2006.
** underlying earnings per share fell due to the issuance of shares in 2006.
7. Banco Nossa Caixa SA
Banco Nossa Caixa SA ("Nossa Caixa") is the third largest state-owned financial
institution in Brazil in terms of total assets. It is based in the prosperous
Sao Paulo region of Brazil and had 5.4 million customers as of the end of
2006. It is a multiple-service commercial bank that offers a wide range of
financial products and it is the exclusive financial agent for the Sao
Paulo state government. Its balance sheet has considerable scope to support
the expansion of the loan book.
Nossa Caixa made a Secondary Public Share Offering in October 2005. This was
10 times oversubscribed with 30.8 million common shares being sold. In July
2006 it was announced that there would be a further public offering. However
this announcement was subsequently rescinded. This led to speculation that
the bank may be sold instead to a strategic international investor.
There has been no further developments on this front so far.
During 2006 Nossa Caixa expanded its branches and service outlets to meet the
demand it expected from the transfer of nearly 600,000 state public civil
servant accounts, previously with Santander Banespa. These new accounts led
to an increase in revenues in 2006. However the costs of the expansion to develop
the infrastructure of the bank were high and had a negative effect on the banks
recurring net income, which fell by 20% in 2006.
At the start of 2007 Nossa Caixa held negotiations with the State of Sao
Paolo to renew its contract to service the 1.1million public servant
payrolls for the next five years. When the terms of the deal were announced in
March they seemed disadvantageous to Nossa Caixa, as the total fee appeared
high and the contract fee was to be paid upfront. In addition there are
concerns that the public payroll contracts will be opened up to public
tender at some point in the future and the validity of this contract
might be called into question.
This investment has been held in the portfolio throughout the Fund's financial
year. The recent news from the company has been received very negatively by
the market and has led to a sharp fall in the company's share price, which
has resulted in the shares making a total return of -41% over the year in
sterling terms.
Key statistics relating to this investment are given below:
For the year ended 31 2006 2005 Change
Total Assets BRL 39.3bn BRL 33.4bn +17.8%
Cost:Income Ratio 56.1% 54.0% +2.1pp
Net Profit after Taxation BRL 454m BRL 766m -40.7%
(Underlying Net Profit) (565m) (19.6%)
Earnings per Share BRL 4.22 BRL 7.15 -41.0%
(Note : 3-fold increase in
Dividends per Share 1.75 2.60 -32.7%
Dividend Cover 2.4x 2.75x -
Return on Equity 17.8% 33.7% -15.9pp
8. Bank Przemyslowo-Handlowy SA
Bank Przemyslowo-Handlowy SA ("BPH") is the third largest bank in Poland in
terms of assets, and is 71.03% owned by the Unicredit Group. It is currently
in the process of being split into two parts. When Unicredito Italiano
announced its merger with HVB in June 2005, the combined company, the
Unicredit Group, majority owned both BPH and Bank Pekao. Unicredit indicated
it intended to merge Bank BPH and Bank Pekao, provided that all necessary
regulatory approvals were obtained. Unicredit reached agreement with the Polish
authorities early in April 2006. As a result Unicredit will sell 200 branches of
BPH, and related banking services operating under the BPH logo,
through an international bidding process. The remaining BPH branches will
be merged into Bank Pekao's network. It is expected that the sale of the 200
BPH branches will be completed in the second half of 2007, and potential bidders
for BPH have already started their due diligence on the bank. The list of
potential bidders is currently being whittled down to the most serious
BPH had a strong financial performance in 2006. Revenues grew by 14% and
profits were up 23%. Customer loans grew 12% and deposits by 11% in the year.
The cost/income ratio reached a record low of 46.7%, setting a benchmark in
the Polish market. BPH are positive about 2007. They see retail and corporate
loans continuing to grow strongly (they currently have the 2nd largest market
share in retail loans) and the pay rises in Poland fuelling retail deposits
and loans.
We held this stock throughout the Company's financial year. It generated
a total return of 31% in sterling terms. The nature of the bank is about to
be transformed dramatically, as the new BPH spun-off from Unicredit will have
a new strategic shareholder. The leading contender is GE Money EMEA, part of
the GE Group.
Key statistics relating to this investment are given below:
For the year ended 31 2006 2005 Change
Total Assets PLN 64.8 bn PLN 57.9 bn +11.9%
Cost:Income Ratio 46.7% 49.5% -2.8pp
Net Profit after Taxation PLN 1,268 m PLN 1,027 m +23.5%
Earnings per Share PLN 44.15 PLN 35.78 +23.4%
Dividends per Share PLN 30.00 PLN 22.10 +154.0%
Dividend Cover 1.5x 1.6x
Return on Equity 19.4% 16.7% +2.7pp
9. URSA Bank (formerly Sibacadembank CLS)
Sibacadembank CLS ("URSA Bank") was established in 1990. It has rapidly
expanded over the past 16 years and is now a full service bank. It is partly
owned by international financial institutions, and partly owned by the founders
of the bank and management. Historically it was largely based in the Siberian
Federal District which comprises 30% of Russian territory and has 21 million
inhabitants. As of 1 October 2006 it had 153 branches and 260 ATMs. In 2006
it initiated a merger with Uralvneshtorgbank, a leader in the Urals Federal
District. This was completed on 22 December 2006, and has considerably expanded
the scope of the bank with Uralvneshtorgbank's 80 branches and 80 ATMs,
and has led to the renaming of the bank to URSA Bank. This new combined entity
is now one of the top 20 Russian banks.
The Russian economy continues to surge ahead. GDP growth was 6.7% in 2006 and
the current account surplus exceeds 10% With its vast population of 143m
and its huge reserves of natural resources the underdeveloped banking
sector, is, and will continue, to expand rapidly. URSA has released its
2006 IFRS financials which show that total loans increased 133% year-on-year
in 2006 with retail loans increasing 136%, against a banking sector retail
loan growth rate of 80%. Retail deposits increased 46% and corporate deposits
increased 81%. Net profits increased 192% in the year. This increase is not
reflected in the earnings per share figure as the number of shares in issue also
increased in 2006. The bank is significantly outgrowing the market, and due to
this rate of growth it is expected to follow its 2005 and 2006 share issues
with a further share issue this year. The bank forecasts continued strong
performance in 2007 when it plans to expand its range of retail products,
place an emphasis on gaining business from small and medium sized enterprises
and improve its cross selling to corporate customers, as well as continuing to
expand the size of the bank through branch and ATM network expansion.
We purchased our holding in the bank in January 2007. In its two months
in the portfolio the shares total return was 1% in sterling terms
Key statistics relating to this investment are given below:
For the year ended 31 2006 2005 Change
Total Assets Rouble 111.6bn Rouble 44.5bn +150.8%
Cost:Income Ratio 48.3% 61.7% -13.4pp
Net Profit after Taxation Rouble 1,464m Rouble 501m +192.2%
Earnings per Share Rouble 1.38 Rouble 1.44 -4.2%
Dividends per Share 0 0
Dividend Cover n/a n/a
Return on Equity 31.6% 28.6% +3.0pp
10. Amagerbanken
Amagerbanken was founded in 1903. Its head office is on Amager, an island
off the coast of Denmark's capital city, Copenhagen. It is a small
independent regional bank, with 27 branches, the majority of which are on
either Amager or in Greater Copenhagen. In March 2007 it had more than
120,000 customers and 580 employees. It is a full service bank for both
business and private customers. Its loan book is split 75% corporate and 25%
In 2006 Amagerbanken reported record profits. This was based on the volume
of business increasing 27% in 2006 compared to 2005. Lending increased by
38%, and the growth was in both the corporate and the retail sector. There
was also a significant increase in securities trading over the internet and
custody services grew by a total of 26%. The bank predicts that overall lending
will continue to grow in 2007, but that home loan activities will slow. They
also see the positive trends in their securities operations continuing.
We purchased our holding in the bank in April 2006. Despite its strong banking
results, Amagerbanken's overall profits are heavily influenced by the value
adjustments it needs to make, which are largely due to the bank's investment
in Jeuden A/S. Amagerbanken holds approximately 10% of Jeudan's share capital
and the value of this holding depends on trends in the financial market and on
Jeuden's performance, which has unfortunately been poor for the first 3 months
of 2007. In its eleven months in the portfolio the shares total return was -
17% in sterling terms. This holding has subsequently been sold.
Key statistics relating to this investment are given below:
For the year ended 31 2006 2005 Change
Total Assets DKK 24.7bn DKK 18.5bn +33.5%
Cost:Income Ratio 53.5% 55.5% -2.0pp
Net Profit after Taxation DKK 502.9m DKK 431.3m +16.6%
Earnings per Share DKK 45.6 DKK 39.5 +15.4%
Dividends per Share DKK 7.8 DKK 6.4 +21.9%
Dividend Cover 5.8x 6.2x
Return on Equity 27.5% 30.4% -2.9pp
Over the year, sales of investments realised £7.2m and purchases totalled £6.4m
Blue Planet Investment Management Ltd
30 May 2007
Income Statement
(incorporating the revenue account) 2007 2006
for the year ending 31 March 2007 Notes Revenue Capital Total Revenue Capital Total
(£) (£) (£) (£) (£) (£)
Capital gains on investment
Net realised gains on investments - 2,247,192 2,247,192 - 691,532 691,532
Unrealised (losses)/gains on - (1,480,561) (1,480,561) - 1,129,272 1,129,272
Exchange (losses) / gains - (98,697) (98,697) - (28,264) (28,264)
Net capital gains on investments - 667,934 667,934 - 1,792,540 1,792,540
Income from investments 147,686 - 147,686 94,980 - 94,980
Bank interest receivable 5,889 - 5,889 1,705 - 1,705
Gross revenue and capital gains 153,575 667,934 821,509 96,685 1,792,540 1,889,225
Administrative expenses (86,228) (50,599) (136,827) (55,356) (23,997) (79,353)
Net return before interest payable 67,347 617,335 684,682 41,329 1,768,543 1,809,872
and taxation
Interest payable (48,329) (48,329) (96,658) (28,442) (28,441) (56,883)
Return on ordinary activities 19,018 569,006 588,024 12,887 1,740,102 1,752,989
before taxation
Taxation on ordinary activities (19,420) - (19,420) (11,925) - (11,925)
Return on ordinary (402) 569,006 568,604 962 1,740,102 1,741,064
activities after taxation
Return per ordinary share -basic 2 0.00p 4.18p 4.18p 0.01p 12.83p 12.84p
Return per ordinary share -diluted 2 0.00p 3.82p 3.82p 0.01p 12.10p 12.11p
The total columns of the statement represent the profit & loss accounts
of the Company. All revenue and capital items in the above statement derive
from continuing operations. There were no recognised gains and losses other
than those disclosed above. Accordingly a statement of total recognised
gains and losses is not required. The Statement of Total Return together
with the movements in reserves shown in note 5 comprise all changes in equity
during the year. Comparative per share data has been adjusted to reflect the 10
for 1 share split approved by shareholders on 2 August 2006.
Balance Sheet
2007 2006
at 31 March 2007 Notes (£) (£) (£) (£)
Fixed assets
Listed Equity investments* 4,466,668 5,780,791
Current assets
Debtors 1,329,402 13,271
Cash at bank 628,964 108,814
1,958,366 122,085
Creditors: amounts falling due (23,189) (75,636)
within one year
Net current assets 1,935,177 46,449
Total assets less current 6,401,845 5,827,240
Creditors: amounts falling due (1,925,000) (1,923,129)
after more than one year
Net assets 4,476,845 3,904,111
Capital and reserves
Called-up share capital 136,226 135,850
Share premium account 1,175,092 1,170,956
Other reserves
Capital reserve - realised 2,956,042 906,475
Capital reserve - unrealised 122,207 1,602,768
Capital redemption 8,450 8,450
Warrant reserve 60,810 61,920
Revenue reserve 18,018 17,692
Shareholders' funds 4,476,845 3,904,111
Net asset value per ordinary 2 32.86p 28.76p
share - basic
Net asset value per ordinary 2 29.25p 25.74p
share - diluted
* Equity investments include a put option.
Comparative per share data has been adjusted to reflect the 10 for 1 share
split approved by shareholders on 2 August 2006.
Victoria W Killay
Reconciliation of Movements in Shareholders' Funds
For the year ended 31 March 2007
Share Share Capital Capital Capital Warrant Revenue Total
capital premium redemption reserve- reserve- reserve reserve shareholders'
reserve realised unrealised funds
£ £ £ £ £ £ £ £
Shareholders' 135,850 1,170,956 8,450 906,475 1,602,768 61,920 17,692 3,904,111
funds at
1 April 2006
Proceeds of 376 3,476 - - - - 728 4,580
share issues
Expense of
share issue (450) - - - - - (450)
Transfer from
warrant reserve - 1,110 - - - (1,110) - -
Return on ordinary - - - 2,049,567 (1,480,561) - (402) 568,604
activities after
funds at
31 March 2007 136,226 1,175,092 8,450 2,956,042 122,207 60,810 18,018 4,476,845
For the year ended 31 March 2006
Share Share Capital Capital Capital Warrant Revenue Total
capital premium redemption reserve- reserve- reserve reserve shareholders'
reserve realised unrealised funds
£ £ £ £ £ £ £ £
funds at
1 April 2005 135,850 1,168,746 8,450 277,541 491,600 63,374 28,271 2,173,832
Proceeds of
share issues - 756 - - - - - 756
Transfer from
warrant reserve - 1,454 - - - (1,454) - -
Return on - - - 628,934 1,111,168 - 962 1,741,064
Dividend paid - - - - - - (16,895) (16,895)
the period
Purchase of - - - - - - 5,354 5,354
Shareholders' 135,850 1,170,956 8,450 906,475 1,602,768 61,920 17,692 3,904,111
funds at
31 March 2006
Cash Flow Statement
2007 2006
For the year ended 31 March 2007 (£) (£) (£) (£)
Operating activities
Investment income received 132,534 90,859
Interest received 5,889 1,705
Investment management and (90,283) (46,078)
administration fees paid
Cash paid to and on behalf (4,820) (2,700)
of Directors
Other cash payments (38,337) (25,756)
Net cash inflow from 4,983 18,030
operating activities
Servicing of finance
Interest paid (95,450) (56,583)
Taxation recovered 3,819 1,679
Capital expenditure and
financial investment
Purchase of investments (6,459,693) (3,604,477)
Sale of investments 7,159,187 2,489,311
699,494 (1,115,166)
Cash inflow/(outflow) 612,846 (1,152,040)
before financing
Equity Dividend paid - (16,895)
Management of liquid resources
Cash placed on deposit (1,147,893) (315,471)
Cash withdrawn from deposit 1,147,893 314,181
- (1,290)
Proceeds from share issue 4,130 6,110
Loan advanced (18,278) 1,144,860
(14,148) 1,150,970
Increase/(Decrease) in cash 598,698 (19,255)
1.The financial information set out in this announcement does not
constitute the Company's statutory accounts for the years ended 31 March
2007 or 31 March 2006 but is derived from those accounts. Statutory
accounts for 2006 have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies and
those for 2007 will be delivered following the Company's Annual
General Meeting. The auditors have reported on those accounts; their
reports were unqualified and did not contain a statement under s237 (2) or
(3) Companies Act 1985.
2.Return and Net Assets per ordinary share
2007 2006
The return per ordinary share is based upon the
following figures:
Revenue return £(402) £962
Capital return £569,006 £1,740,102
Weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue 13,607,375 13,559,850
during the year - basic
Weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue 14,880,840 14,381,850
during the year - diluted
The difference between the basic and diluted number of ordinary shares
is derived from the total number of warrants in issue multiplied by a factor
based on the average price of the ordinary shares in the year and the
exercise price of the warrants, as required by FRS 14. The net asset
value per ordinary share is calculated on 13,622,600 being the
number of ordinary shares in issue. Net asset dilution occurs from the
potential exercise of the 255,590 outstanding warrants and is assumed only to
take place if the net assets per share exceed the exercise price of £0.10.
3.The board have decided that no final dividend will be declared this year
(0.00p - 2006).
4.The financial information set out in this announcement has been prepared
on the basis of the accounting policies as stated in the previous year's
financial statements, and are consistent with the current year's full
financial statements which are yet to be published.
The above figures relate to the No. 1 Trust but all 10 Trusts are identical. A unit comprises ten shares, one share in
each of the Blue Planet Financials Growth & Income Investment Trusts Nos 1-10.
For more information, please visit
You can also contact the Company on 0131 466 6666 or by emailing