Half-yearly report Interim Results to 30 Septem...
Blue Planet Financials Growth & Income Investment Trusts No's 1-10 Plc
Interim Results
For the six months ended 30 September 2007
Blue Planet Financials Growth and Income Investment Trusts plc
Blue Planet Financials Growth and Income Investment Trust No 1 plc
(Registered Number 162796)
Blue Planet Financials Growth and Income Investment Trust No 2 plc
(Registered Number 162797)
Blue Planet Financials Growth and Income Investment Trust No 3 plc
(Registered Number 162798)
Blue Planet Financials Growth and Income Investment Trust No 4 plc
(Registered Number 162799)
Blue Planet Financials Growth and Income Investment Trust No 5 plc
(Registered Number 162800)
Blue Planet Financials Growth and Income Investment Trust No 6 plc
(Registered Number 162801)
Blue Planet Financials Growth and Income Investment Trust No 7 plc
(Registered Number 162802)
Blue Planet Financials Growth and Income Investment Trust No 8 plc
(Registered Number 162803)
Blue Planet Financials Growth and Income Investment Trust No 9 plc
(Registered Number 162804)
Blue Planet Financials Growth and Income Investment Trust No 10 plc
(Registered Number 162805)
Each of the investment trusts is a separate limited company, but otherwise they are to all intents and purposes
identical. The information contained in this Interim Report, including the financial statements, applies equally to
each of the ten Blue Planet Financials Growth and Income Investment Trusts (the "Trusts"), and reference to the
"Company" shall be deemed to be a reference to each of them.
Trading in the shares and warrants of the Trusts
The Trusts' shares and warrants can be traded in share or warrant units. Each unit comprises 10 shares or warrants, 1
in each of the 10 trusts. It is generally cheaper for investors to trade in the units rather than the underlying shares
or warrants.
Officers and Advisors
Directors Investment Manager
Victoria W Killay (Non-Executive Chairman) Blue Planet Investment Management Ltd
Kenneth Murray (Non-Executive) Greenside House
Dr Michael Shea (Non-Executive) 25 Greenside Place
Edinburgh EH1 3AA
Telephone No: +44 131 466 6666
Facsimile No: + 44 131 466 6677
e-mail: info@blueplanet.eu
Secretary and Registered Office Registrars
Blue Planet Investment Management Ltd Capita Registrars
Greenside House Northern House
25 Greenside Place Woodsome Park
Edinburgh EH1 3AA Fenay Bridge
Telephone No: +44 131 466 6666 Huddersfield HD8 0LA
Facsimile No: +44 131 466 6677 Shareholder Helpline No. +44 870 162 3131
e-mail: info@blueplanet.eu e-mail: ssd@capitaregistrars.com
www.blueplanet.eu www.capitaregistrars.com
Auditors Bankers
Deloitte & Touche LLP Lloyds TSB Scotland Plc
Saltire Court Henry Duncan House
20 Castle Terrace 120 George Street
Edinburgh EH1 2DB Edinburgh EH2 4LH
Stockbroker Custodians
Fairfax Plc RBC Dexia Investor Services Trust
46 Berkeley Square, Mayfair 71 Queen Victoria Street
London WIJ 5AT London EC4V 4DE
Blue Planet Investment Management Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority.
Blue Planet Financials Growth and Income Investment Trust No.1-10 plc are members of the Association of Investment
Financial Record
Investment Policy
The investment policy of the Company is to invest in securities (as defined by the Financial Services & Markets Act
2000), including shares and bonds, issued by financial companies located anywhere in the World.
Investment Objective
The investment objective of the Company is to produce a total return greater then the Bloomberg World Financials Index.
Financial Record Six months ended Six months ended Year ended
30 September 2007 30 September 2006 31 March 2007
Shareholders' funds (£'000) 3,748 3,814 4,477
Net asset value per share (p)# 27.45 28.00 32.86
Share price (p) (Bid)# 18.5 17.6 23.0
Discount (%) 32.6 37.1 30.0
Gearing (%)* 11.1 47.4 28.9
Revenue available for shareholders
(£'000)# (5) 42 0
Revenue return per share (p)# (0.04) 0.31 0.00
Total return per share (p)# (5.37) (0.70) 4.18
Total return on BBG World financial
Index (%) 1% (0.58%) (1.0%)
* Net debt as a percentage of shareholders' funds
# Comparative per share data has been adjusted to reflect the 10 for 1 share split approved by shareholders on 2 August
2006. See note 4 on page 13.
No interim dividend has been declared.
Capital Gains Tax
Apportionment for capital gains tax between ordinary shares and warrants based on mid-market prices on the first day of
dealings (25 April 1996) in the ordinary shares and the warrants:
Each ordinary share 9.524p
Each warrant 23.80p
The Investment Manager
Blue Planet Investment Management Ltd is an Edinburgh based investment management Company which specialises in managing
investments in financial companies. Its corporate philosophy is that consistent out-performance is more likely to be
achieved by specialisation than it is from the generalist approach, which currently prevails across most of the fund
management industry.
Stock markets comprise of many sectors, which are represented in general stock market indices, such as the S&P500, FTSE
All Share, FTSEurofirst 300, Nikkei 225 etc. However, many of these sectors are in economic decline and will produce
below average returns to investors in the future. Blue Planet believes that investors should only invest in those
sectors that have superior long-term economic prospects and, crucially, which are undervalued. It believes that the
World's financial sector is one such sector. By concentrating only on those sectors and by using the services of expert
fund managers who specialise in those sectors investors should maximise their likelihood of consistent out-performance.
By focusing on only one sector Blue Planet believes that it is able to develop a level of expertise and understanding of
that sector that generalist fund managers cannot. It believes that this greater expertise and understanding will allow
it to produce better, more consistent investment returns for its clients than generalist fund managers. It is widely
accepted in most walks of life that specialisation leads to better results than generalisation.
Blue Planet believes that in future pension funds and others will increasingly use specialist advisors to advise them
specifically and solely on the allocation of their assets across sectors and will then place the designated funds with
specialist investment managers in those sectors. This segregation of roles and increased specialisation will, it
believes, reduce conflicts of interest and lead to better investment performance.
Blue Planet Investment Management Ltd is the investment manager of the company and receives an annual fee of 1.50% per
annum of the total assets of the company which is paid monthly. Blue Planet Investment Management Ltd. also receives
£7,500 per annum in respect of administration and secretarial services.
In addition to Blue Planet Financials Growth & Income Investment Trusts Nos. 1-10, Blue Planet Investment Management Ltd
also manages the Blue Planet Worldwide Financials Investment Trust plc, the Blue Planet European Financials Investment
Trust plc and the Blue Planet Global Financials Fund. Details of Blue Planet's Savings Plan, investment trusts and
other products can be found on its website, www.blueplanet.eu. Alternatively, they may be obtained from Blue Planet
Investment Management Ltd, Greenside House, 25 Greenside Place, Edinburgh, EH1 3AA (Tel no: +44 131 466 6666).
Website Information
Please take the time to visit our website:
If you wish to receive a monthly fact sheet on the trusts please visit:
To download historical Annual and Interim reports and past monthly fund fact sheets:
http://www.blueplanet.eu/ blueplanet_downloads.124.html
Chairman's Statement
The past year has been an erratic one in the stock markets. A year ago the share price of your Fund's Share Unit was
176.0p per share. We ended this interim period with a Share Unit price of 185.0p, a rise of 5.1% over the year. However
over the six month period the share price has fallen by 19.6%. The Fund's share price total return over three years is
The net asset value ("NAV") of your Fund has fallen 2.0% for the year to 30th September 2007, compared to its benchmark
index total return of 6.0%. For the six month period the NAV has fallen 16.5%, where the benchmark has risen by 1.0%.
This is due to our positioning ourselves for a bear market while stocks continued to rise. The Fund's NAV per Unit
reached a value of 373.6p towards the end of February 2007, prior to the Fund's financial year end in March. A sharp
sell-off occurred in the markets at the end of February and the start of March 2007. The gearing in your Fund had been
reduced in anticipation of problems in the market due to the climate of rising interest rates and early warning signs of
problems in the property and unsecured lending sectors in the US and the UK, however this did not stop the correction
from having an adverse affect on your Fund's NAV and share price. It remained positioned for a downturn in the markets
as we anticipated that the US sub-prime problem would filter through to the mainstream economy. However, markets rose,
which meant your Fund, to a large extent, missed out on the recovery that took place through April, May and June, but
was hit by the very sharp correction, that impacted financial stocks in particular, in July and August.
Figure 1 shows the geographic movements of the portfolio over the six month interim reporting period. We ended the
period with a concentrated portfolio of strongly performing banks. They are all producing excellent results. The banks
which report interim results have now issued first half of 2007 statements and across our holdings on average net income
at the banks increased 59% at the end of the first half of 2007 compared to a year ago. All have indicated that they
have good prospects for the remainder of 2007.
With regards to geographic distribution, we continue to have a sizeable proportion of the fund invested in Central and
Eastern Europe. Our two key markets in this region at the end of the interim period were Russia and Poland. The
Investment Manager visited Russia most recently in July 2007 and met with a number of banks. These banks all reported
that business was booming. Most banks are focusing on the very rapid growth in retail banking. In 2006 corporate lending
was growing at a rate of 30% per annum and retail loans at 80%. The macroeconomic background in Russia remains strong.
It has a large and very asset rich land mass, commodity prices are high, it has huge foreign exchange reserves, and
there has been a significant increase in real household income. At the end of the interim period we held investments in
four Russian banks.
The Company reduced the number of investments in Poland during 2007. The economic conditions remain very strong.
Poland's GDP growth was 6.1% in 2006 and in the first half of 2007 growth stood at 6.7% year-on-year. This means that
GDP growth is expected to exceed this year's target of 6.0% growth. It is being driven by strong domestic demand and
rising business confidence. However, to reduce gearing in the Fund profits were taken in Bank Przemyslowo-Handlowy and
the size of the holding in Bank Zachodni, was reduced. At the end of the interim period we remained invested in Bank
Your Company continued to invest in South Eastern Europe. The existing investment in Greece remains in place, although
it has been reduced in size to help cut the Fund's overall gearing. The investment in Bank of Cyprus was sold. Greece
had GDP growth in 2006 of approximately 4% and a banking sector that is expanding rapidly.
A small investment was made in India during the period, following an investment research trip to the country. India has
significant growth potential. In April 2007 the Reserve Bank of India forecast GDP growth of 8.5% for 2007. Indian banks
are growing at a fast pace. Results for the period April to June 2007 showed the largest 30 banks in India saw a 41%
growth in profits year-on-year. We believe that India will present a number of excellent long-term investment
opportunities, and an initial investment has been made in Federal Bank.
Your Fund sold out of its investments in Brazil and Denmark. These holdings were in the portfolio at the Company's last
year end, but were already in the process of being sold down.
A number of the investments in place at the end of this interim period are designed to shield the portfolio against
stock market falls. The investments in the UK are in money market liquidity funds. These mutual funds provide a good
rate of income and the short-term debt paper they are invested in provides a safe-haven for cash in the current market
conditions. The Fund remains invested in Blue Planet's Global Financials Fund, listed in Dublin, although the size of
the holding was reduced at the end of August 2007. A key motivation for this investment is protection against falling
stock markets. The investment classified as a "European" investment is a Future contract on the DJ Eurostoxx index. This
is being used as a hedge.
The bid price of our Warrant units fell by 26.6% to 1200p over the six months to 30th September 2007. Over the full year
the Warrant units' bid price has increased by 25.0%.
Following the 10 for 1 share split in August 2006, each warrant unit now entitles the holder to subscribe for 10
Ordinary Shares at an exercise price of 10 pence each. The warrants remain valid until 2010.
Borrowings and Gearing
At the half year end the Fund had gearing of 11.1% compared to gearing of 28.9% at the end of March 2007. The gearing
level in the Fund is monitored closely and gearing can be significantly reduced if weak market conditions are
anticipated, as is currently the case. A small amount of gearing remains due to the cost of shutting down all of the
Fund's loan facilities. Generally gearing beneficially affects the Company's NAV when the value of its investments is
rising, but adversely affects it in periods when the value of investments is falling. In the erratic market conditions
over the past six months the gearing level has averaged approximately 16% through the period. The Company's unsecured
term loans total £3.25m. This is a significant increase from the £1.925m loan facility in place at the end of the last
period. The undrawn portion of the loans remain available to be utilised at any time when the Manager believes that the
markets have settled down and it is time to increase investments again.
No interim dividend has been declared for the first half of the year. Investment income has been low for the first half
of the Fund's financial year, largely due to the selling down of investments to remove gearing from the Fund. This year
the considerably reduced revenue income for the first half of the year, combined with quite a modest forecast for
dividend income in the second half of the year, means that at the present time it seems unlikely that it will be
possible to pay a full year dividend.
Your Company is exposed to a number of risks which are detailed in full in the Annual Report. The key market risk arises
from the uncertainty regarding the future price performance of the equities held by your Company. If gearing is employed
this risk is magnified. The Company is invested in a single industry sector. Being invested in a single sector exposes
the Fund to the risk that the Financial Sector will under perform relative to other sectors of the market, as has been
the case during this interim period.
In mitigation the specialist expertise of Blue Planet Investment Management Ltd reduces risk. Blue Planet Investment
Management Ltd believes that more knowledge equals less risk. The financials sector in which we are invested is the
largest sector of the market and constitutes approximately a quarter of the Bloomberg World Index. Banks play a crucial
and central role in free market economies; a role that will ensure the prosperity of the banking sector as a whole over
The Fund is exposed to currency risk, due to the range of currencies in which investments are held. The majority of the
Company's assets are held in securities denominated in foreign currencies and movements in these currencies can
significantly affect the total return and net assets. The fund manager tracks currency movements on a regular basis and
hedging is considered on a case-by-case basis.
Blue Planet Services and Price Information Sources
Shareholders can view the Company's share price and additional information about the Fund on the website of Blue Planet
Investment Management Ltd (www.blueplanet.eu) and the London Stock Exchange (www.londonstockexchange.com). To find the
Company's share price on the London Stock Exchange website go to the Home page and type "BPFU" in the "Price Search"
field. Our share price is also published in the Financial Times.
Blue Planet Investment Management offers a Blue Planet Saving Plan via Lloyds TSB (to be renamed Equiniti) to enable
lump sum investments or regular savings. A request form for the savings plan application pack is enclosed with these
accounts. Blue Planet has also arranged a stock -market dealing service via Stocktrade.
We aim to anticipate movements in stock markets at all times and we believe we are now in a bear market. We expect the
US economy to go into recession in 2008 and global equity markets to fall. Hence we have locked in profits we have made
in recent years, by selectively selling investments. At the end of the period we had 58% of the total portfolio plus
cash in equities. The remainder is in sterling liquidity funds or held as cash.
The liquidity and bad debt problems and the associated slowdown in the US will affect share prices globally, despite the
sharp rise in profitability of many banks. The third quarter 2007 results that are now being issued by banks worldwide
show a wide divergence in performance for this accounting period. Results range from large losses brought about by
massive writedowns due to exposure to the US subprime problem, to continued strong profit growth in retail banks in
expanding economies.
Whilst the immediate prospects are for further volatility, over time we expect markets to settle down and we are
confident that the share prices of our portfolio of dynamically growing retail banks in strong economies, none of which,
to the best of our knowledge, have any exposure to the US sub-prime issues, will gain rapidly as their earnings momentum
is appreciated. Banks around the world continued to produce record profits and increased profitability for the fourth
successive year in 2006. Aggregate pre-tax profits for the top 1000 banks in 2006 rose almost 22% to reach $786bn, more
than three times the $223bn aggregate profits in 2002. The banks we are invested in increased profits (post-tax) by
close to three times last year's average in the first half of 2007. We intend to use our loans and cash reserves to
re-enter the market once the correction has taken place. The further the stock markets fall the greater the opportunity
for us. Consequently we look forward to the future with great confidence and anticipation.
I would like to thank all shareholders for their continuing support.
Victoria Killay
21 November 2007
Income Statement (Unaudited)
For the six months ended For the six months ended For the year ended
30 September 2007 30 September 2006 31 March 2007
Revenue Capital Total Revenue Capital Total Revenue Capital Total
(£) (£) (£) (£) (£) (£) (£) (£) (£)
Capital gains/(loss) on
Net realised (losses)
/gains - (589,811)(589,811) - 293,367 293,367 - 2,247,192 2,247,192
Unrealised (losses)/gains - (75,219) (75,219) - (321,791)(321,791) - (1,480,561)(1,480,561)
Exchange (losses)/gains - (15,762) (15,762) - (59,773) (59,773) - ( 98,697) (98,697)
Net capital gains
on investment - (680,792)(680,792) - (88,197) (88,197) - 667,934 667,934
Income from investments 39,741 - 39,741 123,063 - 123,063 147,686 - 147,686
Bank interest receivable 23,475 - 23,475 3,353 - 3,353 5,889 - 5,889
Gross revenue and
capital gains 63,216 (680,792) 617,576 126,416 (88,197) 38,219 153,575 667,934 821,509
Administrative expenses (44,623) (25,783) (70,406) (42,879) (23,269) (66,148)(86,228) (50,599) (136,827)
Net return before interest
payable and taxation 18,593 (706,575)(687,982) 83,537 (111,466)(27,929) 67,347 617,335 684,682
Interest payable (20,148) (20,148) (40,296) (25,200) (25,200)(50,400)(48,392)( 48,392) (96,658)
Return on ordinary
activities before
taxation (1,555)(726,723)(728,278) 58,337 (136,666)(78,329) 19,018 569,006 588,024
Taxation on ordinary
activities (note 3) (3,448) - - (16,260) - (16,260)(19,420) - (19,420)
Return on ordinary
activities after
taxation (5,003)(726,723)(731,726) 42,077 (136,666)(94,589) (402) 569,006 568,604
Return per ordinary
share - basic (0.04p) (5.33p) (5.37p) 0.31p (1.01p) (0.70p) 0.00 4.18p 4.18p
Return per ordinary
share - diluted (0.03p) (4.85p) (4.88p) 0.29p (0.93p) (0.64p) 0.00 3.82p 3.82p
The Total column of the income statement represents the profit & loss account of the Company.
All revenue and capital items in the above statement derive from continuing operations.
There were no recognised gains and losses other than those disclosed above. Accordingly a statement of total recognised
gains and losses is not required.
Comparative per share data has been adjusted to reflect the 10 for 1 share split approved by shareholders on 2 August
Balance Sheet (Unaudited)
At 30 September At 30 September At 31 March
2007 2006 2007
(£) (£) (£)
Fixed assets
Equity investments 4,180,595 5,642,251 4,466,668
Current assets
Debtors 7,515 10,951 1,329,402
Cash at Bank and in hand 933,680 97,625 628,964
Creditors: amounts falling
due within one year (24,120) (33,022) (23,189)
Net current assets 917,075 75,554 1,935,177
Total assets less
current liabilities 5,097,670 5,717,805 6,401,845
Creditors: amounts falling due
after more than one year (note 6) (1,349,391) (1,904,153) (1,925,000)
Net assets 3,748,279 3,813,652 4,476,845
Capital and reserves
Called-up share capital 136,542 136,226 136,226
Share premium account 1,178,688 1,175,092 1,175,092
Other reserves
Capital reserve - realised 2,321,916 1,073,496 2,956,042
Capital reserve - unrealised 29,610 1,299,081 122,207
Capital redemption reserve 8,450 8,450 8,450
Warrant reserve 60,058 60,810 60,810
Revenue reserve 13,015 60,497 18,018
Shareholders' funds 3,748,279 3,813,652 4,476,845
Net asset value per
ordinary share - basic (note 4) 27.45 28.00p 32.86p
Net asset value per
ordinary share - diluted (note 4) 24.73 25.15p 29.25
Comparative per share data has been adjusted to reflect the 10 for 1 share split
approved by shareholders on 2 August 2006.
On behalf of the Board
Victoria W Killay
21 November 2007
Cash Flow Statement
For the six months For the six months For the year
ended ended ended
30 September 2007 30 September 2006 31 March 2007
(£) (£) (£)
Operating activities
Investment income received 35,131 110,657 132,534
Interest received 23,289 3,340 5,889
Investment management
and administration fees paid (49,261) (32,550) (90,283)
Cash paid to and on
behalf of directors (2,200) (2,620) (4,820)
Other cash payments (25,295) (20,621) (38,337)
Net cash (outflow)/inflow
from operating
activities (note 5) (18,336) 58,206 4,983
Servicing of finance
Interest paid (37,254) (50,293) (95,450)
Taxation recovered 886 2,571 3,819
Capital expenditure and
financial investment
Purchase of investments (5,939,959) (1,820,568) (6,459,693)
Sale of investments 6,887,590 1,873,514 7,159,187
Cash outflow before use of
liquid resources and financing 892,927 63,430 612,846
Management of liquid resources
Cash placed on deposit (606,482) (34,938) -
Net proceeds from share issue 3,160 4,130 4,130
Repayment of Loan (597,939) - -
Loan advanced - - (18,278)
Increase / (Decrease) in cash (308,334) 32,622 598,698
Reconciliation of Movements in Shareholders' Funds (Unaudited)
Share Share Capital Capital Capital Warrant Revenue Total
capital premium redemption reserve- reserve- reserve reserve shareholders'
realised unrealised funds
£ £ £ £ £ £ £ £
For the six months
ended 30 September
Shareholders' funds
at 1 April 2007 136,226 1,175,092 8,450 2,956,042 122,207 60,810 18,018 4,476,845
Proceed of share
issue 316 2,844 - - - - - 3,160
Transfer from
warrant reserve - 752 - - - (752) - -
Return on ordinary
activities after
taxation - - - (634,126) (92,597) - (5,003) (731,726)
Shareholders' funds
at 30 September
2007 136,542 1,178,688 8,450 2,321,916 29,610 60,058 13,015 3,748,279
For the six months
ended 30 September 2006
Shareholders' funds
at 1 April 2006 135,850 1,170,956 8,450 906,475 1,602,768 61,920 17,692 3,904,111
Proceed of
share issue 376 3,476 - - - - 728 4,580
Expense of share issue - (450) - - - - - (450)
Transfer from
warrant reserve - 1,110 - - - (1,110) - -
Return on ordinary
after taxation - - - 167,021 (303,687) - 42,077 (94,589)
Shareholders' funds
at 30 September
2006 136,226 1,175,092 8,450 1,073,496 1,299,081 60,810 60,497 3,813,652
For the year ended
31 March 2007
Shareholders' funds
at 1 April 2006 135,850 1,170,956 8,450 906,475 1,602,768 61,920 17,692 3,904,111
Proceed of share issue 376 3,476 - - - - 728 4,580
Expense of share issue - (450) - - - - - (450)
Transfer from
warrant reserve - 1,110 - - - (1,110) - -
Return on ordinary
activities after
taxation - - - 2,049,567 (1,480,561) - (402) 568,604
Shareholders' funds
at 31 March 2007 136,226 1,175,092 8,450 2,956,042 122,207 60,810 18,018 4,476,845
1. The financial statements for the six months to 30 September 2007 have been prepared on the basis of the accounting
policies set out in the Company's Annual Reports and Accounts as at 31 March 2007 in accordance with the statement on
interim financial reporting issued by the ASB and applicable to UK law and accounting standards.
2. All expenses are charged to the revenue account with the exception of management fees and interest charges on
borrowings, one half of which less the appropriate tax relief is charged to capital.
3. The taxation charge arises wholly from overseas withholding tax on investment income.
4. The return per ordinary share is based upon the following figures:
30 Sept 2007 30 Sept 2006 31 Mar 2007
Revenue return (£) (5,003) 42,077 (402)
Capital return (£) (726,723) (136,666) 569,006
Weighted average number
of ordinary shares in issue
during the period - basic 13,633,018 13,592,151 13,607,375
Weighted average
number of ordinary shares in issue
during the period - diluted 14,991,359 14,622,494 14,880,840
At the Annual General Meeting on 2 August 2006 shareholders approved the subdivision of the Companies ordinary shares by
way of a ten for one share split such that the 1,362,260 existing ordinary shares of 10p each were divided into
13,622,600 new ordinary shares of 1p each. Comparative per share data in this interim report has been adjusted to
reflect this split.
At 1 April 2007 the Company had 255,590 warrants in issue. On 31 July 2007 3,160 warrants were exercised leaving
252,430 warrants in issue.
After the approval of the subdivision on 2 August 2006, each warrant now confers the right, exercisable normally on 31
July in any of the years from 2007 to 2010 inclusive, to subscribe for ten new ordinary shares at a price of 10p per
share. The net asset value per ordinary share is calculated on the 13,654,200 ordinary shares in issue at the end of
the period. Net asset dilution arises from the potential exercise of outstanding warrants and is assumed only to take
place if the net asset value per share exceeds the exercise price of £0.10.
Cash Flow Statement 30 Sept 2007 30 Sept 2006 31 Mar 2007
Reconciliation of net £ £ £
revenue return to net cash inflow
from operating activities£
Net return before interest
payable and taxation 18,593 83,537 67,347
Administrative expenses charged to Capital (25,783) (23,269) (50,599)
Decrease/(increase) in other debtors (5,583) 725 4,814
Increase/(decrease) in other creditors (2,117) 14,448 3,515
Tax suffered on investment income (3,449) (17,235) (20,094)
Net cash (outflow)/inflow from
operating activities (18,336) 58,206 4,983
Reconciliation of net cash flow 30 Sept 2007 30 Sept 2006 31 Mar 2007
to movement in net debt £ £ £
Increase in cash balances (308,334) 32,622 598,698
Cash placed on deposit 606,482 34,938 -
Repayment of loan 597,939 - -
Loan advanced - - 18,278
Changes in net debt
resulting from cash flows 896,087 67,560 616,976
Exchange differences (15,762) (59,773) (98,697)
Movement in net debt in the
period to 30 September 2007 880,325 7,787 518,279
6. The loans are subject to a covenant which sets a maximum gearing threshold. Details of the loans outstanding at 30
September 2007 were as follows:
Amount (£) Interest Rate (%) Repayment Date
Sterling Loan 750,000 6.75523 23 January 2012
Euro Loan 599,391 4.86000 23 January 2012
7. At 30 September 2007 the Company had authority to buy back 2,000,000 of its own shares in accordance with the
authority granted at the Annual General Meeting on 31 July 2007. No shares were bought back during the period under
8. The figures and financial information for the year ended 31 March 2007 are extracted from the latest published
accounts of the Company and do not constitute statutory accounts for the period as defined in section 240 of the
Companies Act 1985. Those accounts have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies and include the report of the
auditors which was unqualified and did not contain a statement either under section 237(2) or 237(3) of the Companies
Act 1985.
Portfolio Information
At 30 September 2007
Valuation (£) % of portfolio
861613 URSA Bank 808,058 19.3
600000 Abbey Sterling Liquidity Fund 600,000 14.4
600000 Morley Sterling Liquidity Fund 600,000 14.4
9798.882 BP Global Financials - A Class 520,858 12.4
217469 Bank Millennium SA 472,809 11.3
583197 Bank VTB North-West 464,336 11.1
9763 Bank Zachodni WBK SA 454,846 10.9
8442 Piraeus Bank S.A. 147,095 3.5
2479 Bank Vozrozhdenie 64,783 1.6
12682 Federal Bank Ltd - IPC 57,958 1.4
5201492 Ural-Siberian Bank 56,150 1.3
62 DJ Eurostoxx 50 Future Dec07 -66,297 -1.6
Total 4,180,595 100.0
Geographical Regions
Russia 1,393,326 33.3
United Kingdom 1,200,000 28.7
Poland 927,655 22.2
Ireland 520,858 12.5
Greece 147,095 3.5
India 57,958 1.4
Europe -66,297 -1.6
Total 4,180,595 100.0
The above figures relate to the No. 1 Trust but all 10 Trusts are identical. A unit comprises ten shares, one share in
each of the Blue Planet Financials Growth & Income Investment Trusts Nos 1-10.
For more information, please visit www.blueplanet.eu
You can also contact the Company on 0131 466 6666 or by emailing info@blueplanet.eu