Half-yearly report Interim Results to 30 Septem...

Blue Planet Financials Growth & Income Investment Trusts No's 1-10 Plc Interim Results For the six months ended 30 September 2008 Blue Planet Financials Growth and Income Investment Trusts plc Blue Planet Financials Growth and Income Investment Trust No 1 plc (Registered Number 162796) Blue Planet Financials Growth and Income Investment Trust No 2 plc (Registered Number 162797) Blue Planet Financials Growth and Income Investment Trust No 3 plc (Registered Number 162798) Blue Planet Financials Growth and Income Investment Trust No 4 plc (Registered Number 162799) Blue Planet Financials Growth and Income Investment Trust No 5 plc (Registered Number 162800) Blue Planet Financials Growth and Income Investment Trust No 6 plc (Registered Number 162801) Blue Planet Financials Growth and Income Investment Trust No 7 plc (Registered Number 162802) Blue Planet Financials Growth and Income Investment Trust No 8 plc (Registered Number 162803) Blue Planet Financials Growth and Income Investment Trust No 9 plc (Registered Number 162804) Blue Planet Financials Growth and Income Investment Trust No 10 plc (Registered Number 162805) Each of the investment trusts is a separate limited company, but otherwise they are to all intents and purposes identical. The information contained in this Interim Report, including the financial statements, applies equally to each of the ten Blue Planet Financials Growth and Income Investment Trusts (the "Trusts"), and reference to the "Company" shall be deemed to be a reference to each of them. Trading in the shares and warrants of the Trusts The Trusts' shares and warrants can be traded in share or warrant units. Each unit comprises 10 shares or warrants, 1 in each of the 10 trusts. It is generally cheaper for investors to trade in the units rather than the underlying shares or warrants. Officers and Advisors Directors Investment Manager Victoria W Killay (Non-Executive Chairman) Blue Planet Investment Management Ltd Kenneth Murray (Non-Executive) 18A Locker Street Dr Michael Shea (Non-Executive) Sliema Malta SLM 3124 Telephone No: +356 2131 5219 Facsimile No: + 356 2131 5219 e-mail: info@blueplanet.eu www.blueplanet.eu Secretary and Registered Office Registrars Blue Planet Investment Advisers Ltd Capita Registrars Greenside House Northern House 25 Greenside Place Woodsome Park Edinburgh EH1 3AA Fenay Bridge Telephone No: +44 131 466 6666 Huddersfield HD8 0LA Facsimile No: +44 131 466 6677 Shareholder Helpline No. 0871 664 0300 e-mail: info@bpia.eu (calls cost 10p per minute + network extras www.bpia.eu Overseas +44 208 639 3399 e-mail: ssd@capitaregistrars.com www.capitaregistrars.com Auditors Bankers Deloitte & Touche LLP Lloyds TSB Scotland Plc Saltire Court Henry Duncan House 20 Castle Terrace 120 George Street Edinburgh EH1 2DB Edinburgh EH2 4LH Stockbroker Custodians Fairfax Plc RBC Dexia Investor Services Trust 46 Berkeley Square, Mayfair 71 Queen Victoria Street London WIJ 5AT London EC4V 4DE Blue Planet Investment Management Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Malta Financial Services Authority. Blue Planet Investment Advisers Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority. Blue Planet Financials Growth and Income Investment Trust No.1-10 plc are members of the Association of Investment Companies. Financial Record Investment Policy and Objectives The investment policy of the Company is to invest in securities (as defined by the Financial Services & Markets Act 2000) including equities and debt issued by quoted financial companies located anywhere in the world with the objective of providing investors with a total return greater than the Bloomberg World Financials Index. Not more than 15% of the Company's portfolio may be invested in any one entity at the time the investment is made. The maximum gearing that will be employed is set by the Directors from time to time and is currently 50% of shareholders funds (the Company's Articles permit a maximum gearing of 50%). The company's benchmark index is the Bloomberg World Financials index and there is no restriction on the amount that may be invested in any one country. The actual number of investment holdings, the level of gearing and country allocations will depend on market conditions and the judgement of the Board of what is in the best interest of Shareholders. Financial Record Six months ended Six months ended Year ended 30 September 2008 30 September 2007 31 March 2008 Shareholders' funds (£'000) 1,979 3,748 3,490 Net asset value per share (p) 14.49 27.45 25.56 Share price (p) (Bid) 8.7 18.5 15.60 Discount (%) 40.0 32.6 39.0 Gearing (%)* 46.8 11.1 - Revenue available for shareholders (£'000)** 111 (5) 13 Revenue return per share (p) 0.81 (0.04) 0.09 Total return per share (p) (11.07) (5.37) (7.26) Total return on BBG World financial Index (%) (13.2) 1 (15.8) * Net debt as a percentage of shareholders' funds ** September 2008 includes VAT recovered of £48,000 (see note 8) Dividend No interim dividend has been declared. Capital Gains Tax Apportionment for capital gains tax between ordinary shares and warrants based on mid-market prices on the first day of dealings (25 April 1996) in the ordinary shares and the warrants: Each ordinary share 9.524p Each warrant 23.80p The Investment Manager Blue Planet Investment Management Ltd is a Malta based investment management Company which specialises in managing investments in financial companies. Its corporate philosophy is that consistent out-performance is more likely to be achieved by specialisation than it is from the generalist approach, which currently prevails across most of the fund management industry. Stock markets comprise of many sectors, which are represented in general stock market indices, such as the S&P500, FTSE All Share, FTSE Eurofirst 300, Nikkei 225 etc. However, many of these sectors are in economic decline and will produce below average returns to investors in the future. Blue Planet believes that investors should only invest in those sectors that have superior long-term economic prospects and, crucially, which are undervalued. It believes that the World's financial sector is one such sector. By concentrating only on those sectors and by using the services of expert fund managers who specialise in those sectors investors should maximise their likelihood of consistent out-performance. By focusing on only one sector Blue Planet believes that it is able to develop a level of expertise and understanding of that sector that generalist fund managers cannot. It believes that this greater expertise and understanding will allow it to produce better, more consistent investment returns for its clients than generalist fund managers. It is widely accepted in most walks of life that specialisation leads to better results than generalisation. Blue Planet believes that in future pension funds and others will increasingly use specialist advisors to advise them specifically and solely on the allocation of their assets across sectors and will then place the designated funds with specialist investment managers in those sectors. This segregation of roles and increased specialisation will, it believes, reduce conflicts of interest and lead to better investment performance. On 18 June 2008 Blue Planet Investment Management Ltd (a company registered in Malta) was appointed as the Investment Manager of the Company at an unchanged annual fee of 1.50% per annum of the total assets of the Company which is paid monthly. Mr Kenneth Murray is a Director of the Company which is controlled by an Employee Trust for the benefit of the employees of the Company. Blue Planet Investment Management Ltd, the former manager of the Trust has changed its name to Blue Planet Investment Advisers Ltd and will continue to provide administration and secretarial services to the Trust at an unchanged fee of £7,500 per annum. Blue Planet Investment Advisers Ltd also provides an investment advisory service to Blue Planet Investment Management Ltd. The investment management, administration and secretarial services agreements may only be terminated on receipt of two years' notice In addition to Blue Planet Financials Growth & Income Investment Trusts Nos 1-10 plc, Blue Planet Investment Management Ltd also manages the Blue Planet European Financials Investment Trust plc, the Blue Planet Worldwide Financials Investment Trust plc and the Blue Planet Global Financials Fund. Details of Blue Planet's Savings Scheme, investment trusts and other products can be found on its website, www.bpia.eu. Alternatively, they may be obtained from Blue Planet Investment Advisers Ltd, Greenside House, 25 Greenside Place, Edinburgh, EH1 3AA (Tel no: +44 131 466 6666). Website Information Please take the time to visit our website: www.blueplanet.eu If you wish to receive a monthly fact sheet on the trusts please visit: http://www.blueplanet.eu/blueplanet_downloads.136.html To download historical Annual and Interim reports and past monthly fund fact sheets: http://www.blueplanet.eu/blueplanet_downloads.124.html Chairman's Statement Performance The banking crisis precipitated by the US subprime mortgage collapse, and the subsequent global economic slowdown, has made this a very difficult year for financial stocks worldwide. The NAV and share price of your Fund have suffered accordingly. We are disappointed to report a fall in your Fund's fully diluted net asset value of 40.4% over the past six months. This brings the fall in the fully diluted net asset value of your Fund to 44.2% for the year to 30th September 2008. By comparison its benchmark index, the Bloomberg Worldwide Financial Index provided a total return of -13.2% over six months and -27.6% over the last twelve months in sterling terms. Six months ago at the year end in March 2008 the share unit price of your Fund was 156p per share. We ended this interim period with a share unit price of 87p, a fall of 44.2%. This share price represents a 36.9% discount from the Fund's fully diluted NAV. Notwithstanding these disappointing results, we believe our economic analysis has been sound. We predicted the financial problems in the US, and the global impact they would have, well ahead of other commentators. However our timing has, in some cases, been poor. Twelve months ago the Fund reduced its exposure to equities and maintained a very defensive portfolio through to the end of the Fund's financial year in March 2008. The trend in the Fund's NAV and in the benchmark for the final six months of the full year period were both down, but your Fund's fully diluted NAV fell by 6.4% over the six month period, compared to a 16.6% fall in the Fund's benchmark. During the interim period the Fund increased its investments in equities, predominantly in Emerging Markets, in particular in India. Western banks were reeling from the consequences of huge credit write downs, which had reached $590bn by the end of September 2008. At the same time surging oil and food prices were pushing up global inflation. However, most Emerging Market banks had been largely unscathed by subprime write-downs, and although they were affected by the severe contraction of international credit markets, there were steps being taken to address this issue. For example in Russia their massive dollar balances are being recycled into local bank funding. Many emerging market economies continue to grow well. The International Monetary Fund is still forecasting economic growth averaging 5.1% in 2009 across all emerging and developing economies. The low levels of debt in these countries leaves plenty of scope for loan growth, unlike the West, where the high level of borrowings will restrict credit growth for many years to come. These banks continue to show a strong growth in earnings whilst Western bank earnings are floundering, not only from credit write downs, but from the threat of higher charges for bad debts as Western economies slow. Although Emerging Market banks have continued to produce strong results through 2008, the lack of confidence in Western banks has spilled over into all markets and the Funds re-entry into equity investments proved to be too early. In June 2008 the Fund's fully diluted NAV fell 15.8% as the Worldwide financial benchmark dropped 14.4% in one month and in September the NAV fell by over 20% as the Russian RTS index fell 24.8% in sterling terms and URSA bank, our largest holding, fell 50.4% in sterling terms in the month. The problems of the World's banking industry had reached an unprecedented climax in September and October. Huge rescue plans began to be assembled in the US and UK to stabilise the industry. In October a comprehensive series of measures were introduced to aid banks, firstly in the US, where a $700bn bailout plan was passed, and then in the UK where a major cash injection for UK banks was announced. The UK model was soon being replicated across Europe. It is early days yet, but this is a huge programme that now appears to address the core of the problem and we feel it is a significant turning point. We can report a piece of good news. Historically Investment Trusts were liable to pay VAT on investment management services, whereas Unit Trusts were not. Last year a long running case at the European Court of Justice was decided in favour of Investment Trusts and ruled that they should benefit from the same exemption from VAT as Unit Trusts and OIECs. As a consequence, going forward your Trust will be able to reduce this element of its costs and a one-off payment of £48,000 per Trust has been refunded to your Trust for the VAT paid over the last seven years. Changes to Investment Manager With effect from 18 June 2008 Blue Planet Investment Management Ltd (BPIM), a company registered in Malta, replaced Blue Planet Investment Management Ltd, the UK incorporated company, as the Company's investment manager on the same terms as the current management agreement. BPIM is registered with the Maltese Financial Services Authority, which, as an EU member, provides the same level of financial regulation as enjoyed in the UK. Blue Planet Investment Management Ltd UK has changed its name to Blue Planet Investment Advisers Ltd (BPIA). Ken Murray is the Chairman and a Director of BPIM and Chairman and CEO of BPIA providing full continuity to the change. BPIA will provide the Maltese management company with investment advice. It will also provide administration and secretarial services to the Company and the level of fees charged will remain unchanged. Portfolio Figure 1 shows the movement in the security types and figure 2 shows the geographical movements in the portfolio over the period. During the interim period the portfolio has increased its investments in both equities and bonds, thereby reducing its cash and liquidity fund holdings. Figure 1. Portfolio Movements - Security types Security Type Sep-08 Mar-08 Equity 76.5 44.4 Bond 17 7.9 Cash 6.5 19 Liquidity Funds 28.7 Figure 2. Portfolio Movements - Geography Country Sep-08 Mar-08 Russia 32.10% 22.50% India 27.90% 0.90% Eire 16.40% 38.70% Greece 10.40% 13.80% Poland 6.20% 17.30% Austria 3.80% 0.30% Cyprus 1.30% 0.00% Ukraine 1.00% 0.90% Kazakhstan 0.90% 0.00% Norway 0.00% 5.60% Following a fact-finding mission to Russia in January 2008, the Fund built a position in short to medium dated high-yielding Russian financial company corporate bonds. These bonds were purchased at values close to par and have coupons ranging from 7.29% to 16%. From February 2008 we began to reinvest in equities a modest way. More significant investments were made in May 2008, as we began to feel that the upside potential in good banking stocks from their low levels, was far greater than the downside. We saw positive signs in the capital raisings and reduction in liquidity problems at banks, and anticipated a re-emergence of M&A activity. This has proved to be overly optimistic as the liquidity problems faced by banks have risen sharply since this time. With regards to geographic distribution, we have increased our exposure to the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) markets, predominantly Russia. Investments here are split approximately 50:50 between equities and bonds. The Investment Manager visited Russia in January 2008 and the Investment Advisers held a series of bank meetings in Russia in November 2008. Banks are feeling the effects of the liquidity squeeze, however retail banking is growing strongly from a very low base, and Russia's economic growth remains on track. At the end of the interim period we held equity investments in three Russian banks -Vozrozhdenie, URSA and Sberbank. These banks have recently reported half yearly net income growth of 131%, 61% and 40% respectively in their results conforming to International Financial Reporting Standards. We also hold seven separate holdings in corporate bonds. Elsewhere in CIS we have small holdings in Raiffeisen Bank Aval in the Ukraine and Halyk Savings Bank in Kazakhstan. Following two visits to the country we have made some significant investments in India. India is the fastest growing major economy in the world after China. Its growth is moderating; in the most recently released figure for the quarter to June 2008 it stood at 7.9% year on year. However the increase in personal consumption, and robust levels of corporate investment in India are driving loan expansion to more than 25% per annum. Mortgages as a percentage of GDP is less than 10% in India, whereas in the UK it is around 90%. In the three months to June 2008, the top 15 Indian banks saw profit increases of 22% year on year. We believe that India presents a number of excellent long-term investment opportunities, because of the scope for growth in banking, and because there are continuing talks to change the foreign ownership rules in India by 2009, which will lead to banking sector consolidation and acquisitions by foreign banks. At the end of the interim period we held investments in six banks in India. The investment in the Republic of Ireland consist of a holding in the Blue Planet Global Financials Fund, listed in Dublin. In 2008 the Fund reinvested in holdings in Greece. Banking penetration is low in Greece versus other EMU countries. Total credit to GDP stood at 94% in Greece at the end of 2007, compared to 142% in the EMU. Credit was expanding at a rate of over 20% in the first half of 2008. The country benefits from gross investment to GDP of 26% and for the next ten years will continue to benefit from EU structural funds. The Company reduced its investments in Poland. Poland's economic situation remains strong, with GDP growth standing at 5.8% in the second quarter of 2008 but Bank Zachodni was sold due to its significant exposure to the mutual fund business in Poland, leaving us with a single holding in Poland, Bank Millennium, by the end of the interim period. At the period end we also had small holdings in Erste bank in Austria and Bank of Cyprus. The Erste Bank holding has subsequently been sold. Warrants The bid price of our Warrant units fell by 43.6% to 550p over the six months to 30th September 2008. Over the full year the Warrant units' bid price has fallen 54.2%. Each warrant unit entitles the holder to subscribe for 10 Ordinary Shares at an exercise price of 10 pence each. The warrants remain valid until 2010. Borrowings and Gearing At the half year end the Fund had gearing of 46.8% compared to no net gearing at the end of March 2008. Gearing has been reintroduced into the Fund as we have increased investments in equities. The gearing level in the Fund is monitored closely and gearing can be significantly reduced if weak market conditions persist. The level of gearing will be reduced going forward as the short-dated bonds we hold reach maturity over the next year or two. In general gearing affects the Company's NAV beneficially when the value of its investments is rising, but affects it adversely in periods when the value of investments is falling. The Company's unsecured term loans total £1.115m per Trust. Dividend No interim dividend has been declared for the first half of the year. Investment income has been significantly higher in the first half of the Fund's financial year in 2008 compared to last year, expenses are lower and the Company has received the VAT refund on investment management fees. The longer the portfolio is maintained in its current form, with a high level of income from the bond holdings, the greater the likelihood of the Fund paying a full year dividend. The Directors are optimistic that this will be the case. Risk Your Company is exposed to a number of risks which are detailed in full in the Investment Manager's Report in the Annual Report. The key market risk arises from the uncertainty regarding the future price performance of the equities held by your Company. If gearing is employed this risk is magnified. The Company is invested in a single industry sector. Being invested in a single sector exposes the Fund to the risk that the Financial Sector will under perform relative to other sectors of the market, as has been the case during this interim period. In mitigation the specialist expertise of Blue Planet Investment Management Ltd reduces risk. Blue Planet Investment Management Ltd believes that more knowledge equals less risk. The financials sector in which we are invested is the largest sector of the market and constitutes approximately a quarter of the Bloomberg World Index. Banks play a crucial and central role in free market economies; a role that will ensure the prosperity of the banking sector as a whole over time. The Fund is exposed to currency risk, due to the range of currencies in which investments are held. The majority of the Company's assets are held in securities denominated in foreign currencies and movements in these currencies can significantly affect the total return and net assets. The fund manager tracks currency movements on a daily basis and hedging is considered on a case-by-case basis. Blue Planet Services and Price Information Sources Shareholders can view the Company's share price and additional information about the Fund on the website of Blue Planet Investment Management Ltd (www.blueplanet.eu) and the London Stock Exchange (www.londonstockexchange.com). To find the Company's share price on the London Stock Exchange website go to the Home page and type "BPFU" in the "Price Search" field. Our share price is also published in the Financial Times. Blue Planet Investment Advisers Ltd offers a Blue Planet Investment Trust Savings Scheme via Equiniti Financial Services Limited (on behalf of Lloyds TSB) to enable lump sum investments or regular savings. A request form for the savings scheme application pack is enclosed with these accounts. Outlook The global economic slowdown that we anticipated is well underway and global equity markets have fallen sharply. The UK economy has headed rapidly into recession and the house price correction and burgeoning current account deficit will further strain the UK economy. We would expect sterling to continue to weaken considerably over the next 12 months. Increasingly banks are dividing into two groups; those investment and retail banks located in the Western economies, and particularly the US and the UK, that are highly over-leveraged and are high risk and those banks in emerging economies that concentrate on the normal banking business of collecting deposits and issuing loans. These banks are continuing to grow their profits. The banking problems in Western economies have been widespread and the list of casualties in the UK and US alone includes Northern Rock, Halifax Bank of Scotland and Bradford & Bingley in the UK and Bear Stearns, Lehman Brothers, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, Washington Mutual, Wachovia and ten smaller American banks. In markets where banking penetration is low, the banks remain robust and growth is strong. We are focusing on this latter group of banks. However, we feel that the bank rescue measures put in place in October mark a turning point for all banks. It is a measure of the vital role banking represents to the orderly functioning of countries and governments, that billions of tax payers' money is being devoted to restoring confidence in Western banks. Central banks and governments have flooded the banking system with liquidity; injected huge amounts of capital into banks and guaranteed inter-bank deposits and bank debt. These events have dramatically reduced the amount of risk in the banking system and will kick start the credit creation process. At the same time Central Banks have begun a programme of interest rate reductions that will reduce the cost of capital, increase economic activity and reflate the price of financial assets. Clearly the political will exists to tackle this problem in all the world's major economies. Whilst these measures will benefit bank share prices worldwide, we think the real investment opportunities lie in emerging markets where medium term prospects are so much better. The remainder of 2008 will probably remain a testing time for banks and we expect further volatility in equity markets. However we believe that shares in good quality banks have a great deal of upside potential from these levels and that the central bank and government measures that are now being introduced will begin showing signs of success in the months to come. I would like to thank all shareholders for their continuing support in these difficult and unsettling times. Victoria Killay Chairman 21 November 2008 Income Statement (Unaudited) For the six months ended For the six months ended For the year ended 30 September 2008 30 September 2007 31 March 2008 Revenue Capital Total Revenue Capital Total Revenue Capital Total (£) (£) (£) (£) (£) (£) (£) (£) (£) Capital gains/(loss) on investment Net realised (losses)/gains - (630,061) (630,061) - (589,811) (589,811) - (291,945) (291,945) Unrealised - (927,531) (927,531) - (75,219) (75,219) - (519,959) (519,959) (losses) / gains Exchange - (42,865) (42,865) - (15,762) (15,762) - (101,922)(101,922)(losses) / gains Net capital (1,600,457)(1,600,457) (680,792) (680,792) - (913,826)(913,826)(losses)/gains on investment Income from investments 150,105 - 150,105 39,741 - 39,741 110,090 - 110,090 Bank interest 11,726 - 11,726 23,475 - 23,475 31,367 - 31,367 receivable Gross revenue 161,831 (1,600,457)(1,438,626) 63,216 (680,792) 617,576 141,457 (913,826)(772,369) and capital (losses)/ gains Administrative (14,079) 5,445 (8,634) (44,623) (25,783) (70,406) (82,461) (46,746)(129,207) expenses(note 8) Net return before interest payable and taxation 147,752(1,595,012) (1,447,260) 18,593 (706,575)(687,982) 58,996 (960,572)(901,576) Interest payable(26,868) (26,868) (53,736) (20,148) (20,148) (40,296) (42,526) (42,526) (85,052) Return on ordinary activities before taxation 120,884 (1,621,880)(1,500,996) (1,555) (726,723)(728,278) 16,470(1,003,098) (986,628) Taxation on ordinary activities (note 3) (9,968) - (9,968) (3,448) - - (3,533) - (3,533) Return on ordinary activities after taxation 110,916 (1,621,880)(1,510,964) (5,003) (726,723) (731,726) 12,937(1,003,098)(990,161) Return per ordinary share - basic 0.81p (11.88)p (11.07)p (0.04)p (5.33)p (5.37)p 0.09p (7.35)p (7.26)p Return per ordinary share - diluted 0.78p (11.37)p (10.59)p (0.03)p (4.85)p (4..88)p 0.09p (6.75)p (6.66)p The Total column of the income statement represents the profit & loss account of the Company. All revenue and capital items in the above statement derive from continuing operations. There were no recognised gains and losses other than those disclosed above. Accordingly a statement of total recognised gains and losses is not required. Balance Sheet (Unaudited) At 30 September At 30 September At 31 March 2008 2007 2008 (£) (£) (£) Fixed assets Equity investments 2,226,038 4,180,595 4,372,970 Non - equity investments 490,007 - 475,626 2,716,045 4,180,595 4,848,596 Current assets Debtors 396,823 7,515 179,864 Cash at Bank and in hand 189,426 933,680 1,140,898 Creditors: amounts falling due within one year (207,843) (24,120) (111,073) Net current assets 378,406 917,075 1,209,689 Total assets less current liabilities 3,094,451 5,097,670 6,058,285 Creditors: amounts falling due after more than one year (note 6) (1,115,000) (1,349,391) (2,568,640) Net assets 1,979,451 3,748,279 3,489,645 Capital and reserves Called-up share capital 136,609 136,542 136,542 Share premium account 1,179,474 1,178,688 1,178,688 Other reserves Capital reserve - realised 1,779,406 2,321,916 2,525,661 Capital reserve - unrealised (1,326,135) 29,610 (450,510) Capital redemption reserve 8,450 8,450 8,450 Warrant reserve 59,875 60,058 60,058 Revenue reserve 141,772 13,015 30,756 Shareholders' funds 1,979,451 3,748,279 3,489,645 Net asset value per ordinary share - basic (note 4) 14.49p 27.45p 25.56p Net asset value per ordinary share - diluted (note 4) 13.79p 24.73p 23.13p Statement of directors `responsibilities The Directors confirm that this set of condensed financial statements has been prepared in accordance with the ASB's Statement " Half Yearly Financial Reports" and that the interim management report herein includes a fair review of the information required by DTR 4.2.7 and DTR 4.2.8 On behalf of the Board Victoria W Killay Chairman 21 November 2008 Cash Flow Statement (Unaudited) For the six months For the six months For the year ended ended ended 30 September 2008 30 September 2007 31 March 2008 (£) (£) (£) Operating activities Investment income received 141,465 35,131 91,969 Interest received 12,653 23,289 30,439 Investment management and administration fees paid (44,443) (49,261) (93,623) Cash paid to and on behalf of directors (3,020) (2,200) (3,430) Other cash payments (18,993) (25,295) (31,858) Net cash inflow/(outflow) from operating activities (note 5) 87,662 (18,336) (6,503) Servicing of finance Interest paid (58,208) (37,254) (81,031) Taxation Taxation recovered - 886 1,826 Capital expenditure and financial investment Purchase of investments (9,132,247) (5,939,959) (16,393,290) Sale of investments 9,647,056 6,887,590 16,446,253 Cash inflow/(outflow) before use of liquid resources and financing 544,263 892,927 (32,745) Management of liquid resources Cash withdrawn from deposit 255,143 - - Cash placed on deposit - (606,482) (241,341) Financing Sale/(Purchase) of treasury shares 100 (199) Proceeds from share issue 670 3,160 3,160 Repayment of Loan (1,572,236) (597,939) - Loan advanced - - 542,767 (Decrease) / Increase in cash (772,060) (308,334) 271,642 Reconciliation of Movements in Shareholders' Funds (Unaudited) Share Share Capital Capital Capital Warrant Revenue Total capital premium redemption reserve- reserve- reserve reserve shareholders' £ £ reserve realised unrealised funds £ £ £ £ £ £ For the six months ended 30 September 2008 Shareholders' funds at 1 April 2008 136,542 1,178,688 8,450 2,525,661 (450,510) 60,058 30,756 3,489,645 Proceed of share issue 67 603 - - - - - 670 Transfer from warrant reserve - 183 - - - (183) - - Return on ordinary activities after taxation - - - (746,255) (875,625) - 110,916 (1,510,964) Sale of treasury shares 100 100 Shareholders' fundsat 30 September 2008 136,609 1,179,474 8,450 1,779,406 (1,326,135) 59,875 141,772 1,979,451 For the six months ended 30 September 2007 Shareholders' funds at 1 April 2007 136,226 1,175,092 8,450 2,956,042 122,207 60,810 18,018 4,476,845 Proceed of share issue 316 2,844 - - - - - 3,160 Transfer from warrant reserve - 752 - - - (752) - - Return on ordinary activities after taxation - - - (634,126) (92,597) - (5,003) (731,726) Shareholders' funds at 30 September 2007 136,542 1,178,688 8,450 2,321,916 29,610 60,058 13,015 3,748,279 For the year ended 31 March 2008 Shareholders' funds at 1 April 2007 136,226 1,175,092 8,450 2,956,042 122,207 60,810 18,018 4,476,845 Proceed of share issue 316 2,844 - - - - - 3,160 Transfer from warrant reserve - 752 - - - (752) - - Return on ordinary activities after taxation - - - (430,381) (572,717) - 12,937 (990,161) Purchase of treasury shares - - - - - - (199) (199) Shareholders' funds at 31 March 2008 136,542 1,178,688 8,450 2,525,661 (450,510) 60,058 30,756 3,489,645 Notes 1. The financial statements for the six months to 30 September 2008 have been prepared on the basis of the accounting policies set out in the Company's Annual Reports and Accounts as at 31 March 2008 in accordance with the statement on half year financial reports issued by the ASB and applicable UK law and accounting standards. 2. All expenses are charged to the revenue account with the exception of management fees and interest charges on borrowings, one half of which less the appropriate tax relief is charged to capital. 3. The taxation charge arises wholly from overseas withholding tax on investment income. 4. The return per ordinary share is based upon the following figures: 30 Sept 2008 30 Sept 2007 31 Mar 2008 Revenue return (£) 110,916 (5,003) 12,937 Capital return (£) (1,621,880) (726,723) (1,003,098) Weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue during the period - basic 13,655,738 13,633,018 13,643,369 Weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue during the period - diluted 14,263,413 14,991,359 14,860,306 At 1 April 2008 the Company had 252,430 warrants in issue. On 31 July 2008 770 warrants were exercised leaving 251,660 warrants in issue. The 1,000 ordinary shares held in Treasury at 31 March 2008 were issued to partially satisfy the exercise of warrants. Each warrant confers the right, exercisable normally on 31 July or, if later, 30 days after the distribution of the annual Report and Accounts, in any one of the years from 2000 to 2010 inclusive, to subscribe for 10 new ordinary share at a price of £0.10 per share. The net asset value per ordinary share is calculated on the 13,660,900 ordinary shares in issue at the end of the period. Net asset dilution arises from the potential exercise of outstanding warrants and is assumed only to take place if the net asset value per share exceeds the exercise price of £0.10. 5. Cash Flow Statement Reconciliation of net revenue return to netcash inflow from operating activities 30 Sept 2008 30 Sept 2007 31 Mar 2008 £ £ £ Net return before interest payable and taxation 147,752 18,593 58.996 Administrative expenses charged to Capital 5,445 (25,783) (46,746) (Increase) in other debtors (50,163) (5,583) (14,725) (Decrease) in other creditors (5,196) (2,117) (495) Tax suffered on investment income (10,176) (3,449) (3,533) Net cash inflow/(outflow) from operating activities 87,662 (18,336) (6,503) Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in net debt 30 Sept 2008 30 Sept 2007 31 Mar 2008 £ £ £ (Decrease)/Increase in cash balances (772,060) (308,334) 271,642 Cash withdrawn from deposit (255,143) - - Cash placed on deposit - 606,482 241,341 Repayment of loan 1,572,236 597,939 - Loan advanced - - (542,767) Changes in net debt resulting from cash flows 545,033 896,087 (29,784) Exchange differences (42,865) (15,762) (101,922) Movement in net debt in the period 502,168 880,325 (131,706) 6. The loans are subject to a covenant which sets a maximum gearing threshold. Details of the loans outstanding at 30 September 2008 were as follows: Amount (£) Interest Rate (%) Repayment Date Sterling Loan 750,000 5.99 23 January 2012 Sterling Loan 365,000 6.15 23 January 2012 7. At 30 September 2008 the Company had authority to buy back 2,048,000 of its own shares in accordance with the authority granted at the Annual General Meeting on 5 August 2008. No shares were bought back during the period under review. 8. In June 2007 European Court of Justice decided in their favour an appeal by J P Morgan Claverhouse Trust Plc and the AIC against a VAT Tribunal ruling that VAT must be charged on investment management services. As a result the Trust should in due course recover approximately £60,000 of VAT paid on investment management fees over the last 10 years plus interest. £48,000 has been agreed with HMRC and has been recognised in the current period. The balance has not been recognised at the period end as the requirements of FRS 12 have not been fully met at this stage .There were no contingent liabilities or uncalled liabilities at 30 September 2008 (2007 - nil). 9. The figures and financial information for the year ended 31 March 2008 are extracted from the latest published accounts of the Company and do not constitute statutory accounts for the period as defined in section 240 of the Companies Act 1985. Those accounts have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies and include the report of the auditors which was unqualified and did not contain a statement either under section 237(2) or 237(3) of the Companies Act 1985. Portfolio Information At 30 September 2008 Valuation % of Portfolio Equities 8,990 BP Global Financials-A Class 445,946 16.4 861,613 URSA Bank 198,400 7.3 22,000 Axis Bank Ltd (P-Notes) 189,547 7.0 118,706 Bank Millennium SA 167,314 6.2 47,389 Bank Of India (P-Notes) 159,972 5.9 61,597 Federal Bank Ltd (P-Notes) 146,417 5.4 11,518 Piraeus Bank S.A. 132,103 4.9 8,360 Bank Vozrozhdenie 117,380 4.3 33,500 LIC Housing Finance - P Notes 114,670 4.2 3,765 Erste Group Bank AG 102,594 3.8 56,924 Power Finance Corp - P Notes 84,572 3.1 8,110 EFG Eurobank Ergsias 81,469 3.0 70,000 Sberbank 67,620 2.5 3,015 National Bank of Greece S.A. 66,775 2.5 53,180 South Indian Bank (P-Notes) 63,587 2.3 8,156 Bank of Cyprus Ltd 35,611 1.3 571,597 Raiffeisen Bank Aval 26,690 1.0 6,500 Halyk Savings Bank GDR 25,371 0.9 2,226,038 82.0 Debt 5,307,000 Rusfinans Bank 7.55% Bonds 05/09 111,851 4.1 4,900,000 DAL Capital (Rosbank) 8% Bonds 09/09 102,897 3.7 4,120,000 Eurokommerz 11.5% Bonds 12/09 89,089 3.3 3,637,000 Transcreditbank 7.29% Bonds 06/10 75,459 2.8 3,827,000 Bank Kedr 12.30% Bonds 09/09 75,421 2.8 45,000 Renaissance Securities 8.75% Bonds 11/09 24,357 0.9 26,000 PSB Finance (Promsvyazbank) 9.58% Bonds 05/12 10,933 0.4 490,007 18.0 Total 2,716,045 100.0 Geographical Regions Russia 873,408 32.1 India 758,765 27.9 Eire 445,946 16.4 Greece 280,346 10.4 Poland 167,314 6.2 Austria 102,594 3.8 Cyprus 35,611 1.3 Ukraine 26,690 1.0 Kazakhstan 25,371 0.9 Total 2,716,045 100.0 For more information, please visit www.bpia.eu. You can also contact the Company on 0131 466 6666 or by emailing info@bpia.eu. END
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