Interim Management Statement
Blue Planet Financials Growth & Income Investment Trust Plc
Interim Management Statement
Period: Quarter Ended the 30th June 2007
In June our fully diluted NAV fell by 2.3% to £2.98 per Share Unit against a 3.7% fall in our Benchmark Index. The share
price rose by 7.7% to £2.37 a unit. Over the past three months the NAV has risen by 2.1% and the Share Unit has risen by
3.0%. We have managed to outperform the index which rose 0.4% over the three month period. We reduced our exposure to
periods of market weakness by eliminating gearing net of cash for much of the last three months. As we go into the third
quarter of the year we have taken a more positive stance on the markets and gearing has been increased to 41.4% by the
end of June.
For the one year period the NAV has risen by 36.8% against a benchmark rise of 9.2% and the share price has risen by
55.9%. At the end of June the trust was rated as a top 10% performer in Trustnet against all other conventional
investment trusts in terms of NAV appreciation over both 1 year and 3 years.
The trend of rising interest rates in the major economies has caused weakness in both bond and equity prices this month.
This has provided your Fund with a good opportunity to selectively increase investments. The existing small holdings in
Piraeus Bank and Commerzbank were both augmented. Following a meeting with Erste Bank's CEO an investment was made in
Erste Bank. This is the second time we have invested in the stock and we made substantial profits first time round.
Erste Bank has leading banking networks in Romania, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary as well as in their home
market Austria. Performance has been very strong in Austria, the Czech Republic and Slovakia. Erste Bank acquired BCR in
Romania in 2006 and this has been a turnaround story. The restructuring of BCR has taken time and extensive management
changes have been made, however it now seems that Erste are on track, and with 6 million people in Romania without a
bank account, there are significant growth opportunities there.
Cumulative Performance (%) as of 30th June 2007
Current(p) 1 month 3 months 6 months 1 year 3 years 5 years
NAV (undiluted) 335.50 -2.4% 2.2% -2.6% 39.4% 165.8% 172.6%
NAV (fully diluted) 298.30 -2.3% 2.1% -2.4% 36.8% 145.3% 155.2%
Share Price 237.00 7.7% 3.0% 4.4% 55.9% 177.7% 155.1%
Benchmark 92.66 -3.7% 0.4% 1.0% 9.2% 51.3% 52.3%
Warrant Price 1,430.00 0.0% -12.5% 6.7% 55.4% 1,437.6% 652.6%
Discount (%) -20.6 -28.0 -21.3 -25.7 -30.3 -29.2 -17.8
Source: Blue Planet, share price bid to bid, net income reinvested.
Discrete Annual Performance (%) as of 30th June 2007
Share price Benchmark
2Q/06 - 2Q/07 55.9% 9.2%
2Q/05 - 2Q/06 46.2% 18.1%
2Q/04 - 2Q/05 21.9% 17.3%
2Q/03 - 2Q/04 -1.0% -1.4%
2Q/02 - 2Q/03 -7.2% 2.2%
Source: Blue Planet, share price bid to bid, net income reinvested.
Portfolio Information as of 30th June 2007
No of Security Security Country Valuation£ Weighting
Shares Type Name (£) (%)
8,616,130 Equity URSA Bank Russia 9,564,899 14.7
128,959 Equity BP Global Financials Eire 8,668,868 13.3
- A Class
126,010 Equity Bank Zachodni WBK SA Poland 6,581,228 10.1
337,710 Equity Piraeus Bank S.A. Greece 6,033,016 9.3
2,319,070 Equity Bank Millennium SA Poland 5,375,736 8.3
6,240,980 Equity Promstroibank Russia 5,266,060 8.1
St Petersburg
473,620 Equity PKO Bank Polski SA Poland 4,650,733 7.2
529,840 Equity Bank of Cyprus Ltd Cyprus 4,536,210 7.0
189,380 Equity Commerzbank AG Germany 4,495,156 6.9
943,550 Equity Unicredito Italiano Italy 4,207,648 6.5
89,090 Equity Erste Bank Austria 3,471,374 5.3
129,310 Equity Banco Nossa Caixa SA Brazil 1,027,401 1.6
55,566,670 Equity Ural-Siberian Bank Russia 777,292 1.2
30 Equity Hypo Real Estate Germany 967 0.0
120 Equity Nordea Bank AB Sweden 939 0.0
64,657,527 99.5
Liquid Assets Sterling 294,344 0.5
Liquid Assets Other 11,935 0.0
306,279 0.5
Total 64,963,806 100
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You can also contact the Company on 0131 466 6666 or by emailing