Interim Results
Preliminary Results
For the six months ended 30 September 2002
Blue Planet Financials Growth and Income Investment Trust No 1 plc
Blue Planet Financials Growth and Income Investment Trust No 2 plc
Blue Planet Financials Growth and Income Investment Trust No 3 plc
Blue Planet Financials Growth and Income Investment Trust No 4 plc
Blue Planet Financials Growth and Income Investment Trust No 5 plc
Blue Planet Financials Growth and Income Investment Trust No 6 plc
Blue Planet Financials Growth and Income Investment Trust No 7 plc
Blue Planet Financials Growth and Income Investment Trust No 8 plc
Blue Planet Financials Growth and Income Investment Trust No 9 plc
Blue Planet Financials Growth and Income Investment Trust No 10 plc
Each of the investment trusts is a separate limited company, but otherwise they are to all intents and purposes
identical. The information contained in this Interim Report including the financial statements applies equally to each
of the ten Trusts.
Trading in the shares and warrants of the Trusts
The Trusts' shares and warrants can be traded in share or warrant units. Each unit comprises 10 shares or warrants
respectively, 1 in each of the ten trusts. It is generally cheaper for investors to trade in the units rather than the
underlying shares or warrants.
The ten Blue Planet Financials Growth and Income Investment Trusts offer investors a high level of income combined with
capital growth and the opportunity to profit from the ongoing rationalisation of the Financial Services sector.
Financial Highlights
Six months ended Six months ended Year ended
30 September 2002 30 September 2001 31 March 2002
(unaudited) (unaudited)
Pence per ordinary share
Net asset value-basic 101.94 128.39 139.94
Net asset value-diluted 101.62 123.83 139.50
Dividend 1.35 1.50 4.00
Earnings 2.65 3.22 4.72
Capital Return (39.44) (12.74) (0.44)
Total Return-basic (36.79) (9.52) 4.28
An interim net dividend of 1.35p per ordinary share has been declared, payable on 29 January 2003, to shareholders on
the register as at the close of business on 31 December 2002. The Trusts' shares will be quoted ex-dividend on 27
December 2002.
Capital Gains Tax
Apportionment for capital gains tax between ordinary shares and warrants based on mid-market prices on the first day
(25 April 1996) of dealings in the ordinary shares and the warrants:
Each ordinary share 95.24p
Each warrant 23.80p
Chairman's Report
Shareholders will be aware of the extraordinary falls in financial markets which have seen equity indices at a six year
low. This interim report covers the six months to 30 September 2002 for your Company - a period which saw your Company
affected by very harsh conditions in equity markets.
Broad indices like the FTSE 100 Index fell 29.4% and the more specific FTSE indices covering Banks fell 27.9% and
Insurance fell 49.3%. The Company's investment portfolio fell 20.5% before adjustment for gearing. A company gears by
borrowing money. It does this in the belief it can generate returns on those monies in excess of the cost of borrowing.
In periods of falling portfolio values, gearing adversely affects performance, but beneficially affects performance in
periods when the value of the company's investments are rising. When gearing is taken into account for this period the
Net Asset Value fell 28.4%.
The Net Asset Value was helped by the exercise of buyback powers which reduced the number of shares in issue and
limited the fall in Net Asset Value per share to 27.2%
Compared with the NAV reduction, the share price performed noticeably better with a 10.3% decline in the unit price.
Within the portfolio best performances came from:
* Erste Bank, Austria, which was sold after a rights issue was announced;
* First Active subordinated bonds; and
* Coventry Building Society Permanent Interest Bearing Shares (PIBs).
Bond holdings in the portfolio were quite stable during the period.
The stocks that suffered most were:
* Abbey National because of unease about corporate strategy and leadership;
* Hypovereins Bank, Germany, due to concern over loans exposure; and
* Aviva (ex CGNU) owing to anxiety in relation to regulatory capital requirements.
In the case of Hypovereins Bank, their extreme discount to book value may make them a target for corporate activity
within the German Financial Sector.
At the end of the interim period, the loan as adjusted for cash deposits represented 49% of Net Asset Value.
Shareholder Services
We constantly review the value for money of services to Shareholders. A review of costs from the Company has resulted
in the decision to consolidate the information published in newspapers so that the share price will only be published
in The Times from now on. Shareholders can view the share price on the Blue Planet website ( and the
London Stock Exchange website ( Other costs have also been reduced and this will be
reflected in the full years results.
The Company has continued its switch from bonds into equities and this has, as anticipated, reduced net income. This
has been carried out in anticipation of a better overall return in the future. An interim dividend of 1.35p per share
(13.5p per unit) will be paid to shareholders on 29 January 2003 against an interim dividend last year of 1.5p per
share (15.0p per unit).
Falls in equity markets were severe over the period, although there has been some recovery since. The impact of the
stock market falls on corporate confidence will remain for some months. However, valuations on the whole look
extremely attractive and some new corporate activity has been mooted, for example, with Abbey National and HSBC.
Corporate activity will grow if markets remain around current levels as companies regain composure and look at the
opportunities available to them from mergers and acquisitions. Justification for this increase will be productivity
We shall be continuing to study employment figures in the UK as a key indicator in the next six months which,
encouragingly, do not show any sign of significant easing. There are also encouraging signs of growth in consumer
spending in the United States and continued growth in activity in bank transactions.
I am happy to report that your Company has emerged from the storm of the last few months in good health and we are well
placed to continue the trend of reducing bond holdings in favour of equities in the coming months. I believe that the
shares, at current levels, represent a good, geared, recovery play on the banking and financial sector, and offer an
attractive dividend yield. Thank you for your continuing support.
Philip Court
09 December 2002
Statement of Total Return
(incorporating the revenue account)
For the six months ended 30 For the six months ended 30 For the year ended
September 2002 (unaudited) September 2001 (unaudited) 31 March 2002
Revenue Capital Total Revenue Capital Total Revenue Capital Total
£ £ £ £ £ £ £ £
on investments
Net realised
gains - 129,641 129,641 - - - - 78,664 78,664
losses on
investments - (660,567) (660,567) - (164,093) (164,093) - (56,511) (56,511)
Net capital
(losses) /gains
on investments - (530,926) (530,926) - (164,093) (164,093) - 22,153 22,153
Gross revenue
Income from
investments 77,758 - 77,758 91,017 - 91,017 141,280 - 141,280
Other interest
receivable 3,433 - 3,433 2,317 - 2,317 4,594 - 4,594
Gross revenue
and capital
(losses)/gains 81,191 (530,926) (449,735) 93,334 (164,093) (70,759) 145,874 22,153 168,027
expenses (28,977) (7,573) (36,550) (24,973) (7,990) (32,963) (45,059) (16,013) (61,072)
Net return
before interest
payable and
taxation 52,214 (538,499) (486,285) 68,361 (172,083) (103,722) 100,815 6,140 106,955
payable (11,255) (11,255) (22,510) (11,050) (11,050) (22,101) (21,028) (21,028) (42,056)
Return on
ordinary 40,959 (549,754) (508,795) 57,311 (183,133) (125,823) 79,787 (14,888) 64,899
before taxation
Taxation on
return on
activities (4,291) 4,524 233 (12,397) 5,241 (7,156) (13,826) 8,789 (5,037)
Return on
after taxation 36,668 (545,230) (508,562) 44,914 (177,892) (132,978) 65,961 (6,099) 59,862
dividend of
1.35p (2002
1.5p) per share (18,406) - (18,406) (20,961) - (20,961) (20,961) - (20,961)
Final dividend
of - p (2002
1.5p) per share - - - - - - (34,698) - (34,698)
(18,406) - (18,406) (20,961) - (20,961) (55,659) - (55,659)
Transfer to 18,262 (545,230) (526,968) 23,953 (177,892) (153,939) 10,302 (6,099) 4,203
Return per
ordinary share
- basic 2.65p (39.44)p (36.79)p 3.22p (12.74)p (9.52)p 4.72p (0.44)p 4.28p
Return per
ordinary share
- diluted 2.65p (39.43)p (36.78)p 3.19p (12.54)p (9.45)p 4.71p (0.44)p 4.27p
The Revenue column of the statement represents the Profit & Loss account of the Company.
All revenue and capital items in the above statement derive from continuing operations.
Balance Sheet
At 30 September 2002 At 30 September 2001 At 31 March 2002
(unaudited) (unaudited)
£ £ £
Fixed asset investments
Listed on a recognised investment exchange 2,057,588 2,457,081 2,314,819
Current assets 128,267 125,228 447,003
Creditors: amounts falling due within one year (46,049) (788,251) (69,600)
Net current assets/(liabilities) 82,218 (663,023) 377,403
Total assets less current liabilities 2,139,806 1,794,058 2,692,222
Creditors: amounts falling due after more than one year (750,000) - (750,000)
Net assets 1,389,806 1,794,058 1,942,222
Capital and reserves
Called-up share capital 136,338 139,740 138,790
Share premium account 1,168,608 1,168,062 1,168,062
Other reserves
Capital reserve - realised 271,091 126,656 180,889
Capital reserve - unrealised (305,965) 247,813 355,395
Capital redemption reserve 7,950 4,500 5,450
Warrant reserve 63,403 63,517 63,517
Revenue reserve 48,381 43,770 30,119
Equity Shareholders' Funds 1,389,806 1,794,058 1,942,222
Net Asset Value per Ordinary Share - basic 101.94p 128.39p 139.94p
Net Asset Value per Ordinary Share - diluted 101.62p 123.90p 133.50p
For the six months For the six months For the year
ended ended ended
30 September 2002 30 September 2001 31 March 2002
(unaudited) (unaudited)
£ £ £
Operating activities
Cash received from investments 62,294 65,892 138,369
Interest received 3,957 1,728 3,419
Investment management and secretarial fees
paid (17,121) (15,752) (31,826)
Cash received from/ 47 - (2,700)
(paid to and on behalf of) directors
Other cash payments (24,967) (18,308) (27,698)
Net cash inflow from operating activities 24,210 33,560 79,564
Servicing of finance
Interest paid (22,263) (27,084) (47,315)
Tax recovered - - 17,090
Capital expenditure and financial
Purchase of investments (664,794) (39,994) (42,775)
Sale of investments 391,097 - 331,291
Equity dividend paid (34,698) (39,096) (60,057)
Purchase of own shares for cancellation (25,138) - (2,538)
Proceeds from share issue 480 1,120 1,120
(Decrease)/increase in cash (331,106) (71,494) 276,380
1. The Company has adopted the recommendations of the Statement of Recommended Practice "Financial Statements of
Investment Trust Companies" (SORP). A statement of total return is presented above which combines the
revenue account and the statement of realised and unrealised capital gains to give a "total return". A separate
revenue account is therefore not required.
2. All expenses are charged to the revenue account with the exception of management fees and interest charges on
borrowings, one half of which, less the appropriate tax, are charged to capital.
3. The return per ordinary share is based upon the following figures:
30 Sept 30 Sept 31 March
2002 2001 2002
Revenue return £36,668 £44,914 £65,961
Capital return £(545,230) £(177,892) £(6,099)
Weighted average number of ordinary shares in 1,382,459 1,396,467 1,396,787
issue during the period - basic
Weighted average number of ordinary shares in 1,382,791 1,407,755 1,399,157
issue during the period - diluted
4.During the first half of the year the Company purchased 25,000 of its own shares, which were then cancelled. An
amount equal to the nominal value of the cancelled shares has been transferred to Capital Redemption Reserve.
At 1 April 2002, the Company had 266,880 warrants in issue. Each warrant confers the right, exercisable normally on 31
July in any of the years from 2002 to 2010 inclusive, to subscribe for one new ordinary share at a price of £1.00 per
share. On 31 July 2002, 480 warrants were exercised and 480 ordinary shares were issued. 266,400 warrants remain in
issue. Net asset dilution arises from the potential exercise of outstanding warrants and is assumed only to take place
if the net assets exceed the exercise price of £1.00.
5.The figures and financial information for the year ended 31 March 2002 are extracted from the latest published
accounts of the Company and do not constitute statutory accounts for the period. Those accounts have been delivered to
the Registrar of Companies and include the report of the auditors which was unqualified and did not contain a statement
either under section 237(2) or 237(3) of the Companies Act 1985.
Portfolio Information
Top 10 Holdings
At 30 September 2002
Valuation % of Total
7,760 Credit Lyonnais Ordinary NPV Shares £159,633 7.8
16,000 Alliance & Leicester Ordinary 50p Shares £125,040 6.1
17,500 Abbey National Ordinary 10p Shares £90,125 4.4
10,600 Irish Life & Permanent Ordinary Eur0.32 Shares £76,585 3.7
3,166 BNP Paribas Eur1 Shares £65,674 3.2
Other £504,608 24.5
£1,021,665 49.7
Debt Securities
£80,000 First Active 11 *% Subordinated Bonds £135,900 6.6
£100,000 BUPA Finance 10 *% Subordinated Bonds 2018 £123,125 6.0
£60,000 Skipton Building Society 12 7/8% PIBS £113,438 5.5
£55,500 Coventry Building Society 12 1/8% PIBS £99,519 4.8
£85,000 NPI 9 5/8% Subordinated Bonds £91,906 4.5
Other £472,035 22.9
£1,035,923 50.3
£2,057,588 100.0
(PIBS * Permanent Interest Bearing Shares)
Company Information
Directors Investment Manager
Philip Court (Chairman) Blue Planet Investment Management Ltd
Victoria W Killay Greenside House
Kenneth C Murray 25 Greenside Place
Edinburgh EH1 3AA
Telephone No: 0131 466 6666
Facsimile No: 0131 446 6677
Secretary and Registered Office Registrars
Blue Planet Investment Management Ltd Northern Registrars
Greenside House Northern House
25 Greenside Place Woodsome Park
Edinburgh EH1 3AA Fenay Bridge
Telephone No: 0131 466 6666 Huddersfield HD8 0LA
Facsimile No: 0131 446 6677
Email: Shareholder Helpline No: 01484 600900 Email:
Auditors Registered Numbers
Deloitte & Touche Registered in Scotland
No. 1 Trust No. SC162796
No. 2 Trust No. SC162797
No. 3 Trust No. SC162798
No. 4 Trust No. SC162799
No. 5 Trust No. SC162800
No. 6 Trust No. SC162801
No. 7 Trust No. SC162802
No. 8 Trust No. SC162803
No. 9 Trust No. SC162804
No. 10 Trust No. SC162805
Bankers Custodians
Lloyds TSB Scotland Plc The Royal Bank of Scotland
Henry Duncan House Trust Company (I.O.M.) Ltd
120 George Street Royal Bank House
Edinburgh EH2 4LH 2 Victoria Street
Isle of Man IM99 1NJ
Blue Planet Investment Management Ltd is regulated by the FSA.