
BP Amoco PLC 13 April 2000 BP AMOCO AND PARTNERS ALIGN ALASKAN INTERESTS BP Amoco, Exxon Mobil Corporation, ARCO and Phillips Petroleum announced today that they have reached an agreement to resolve outstanding issues relating to the ownership and operation of the Prudhoe Bay Unit (PBU) and the Point Thomson Unit (PTU) in Alaska. The agreement will optimise operations, reduce costs and facilitate new oil and gas development in the state for the benefit of the unit owners, the State of Alaska, and its residents. The agreement, which is subject to the completion of the BP Amoco- ARCO merger and assumes Phillips' acquisition of ARCO's Alaskan interests, aligns the respective equity interests of BP Exploration (Alaska), ExxonMobil and Phillips in the Prudhoe Bay Unit, and provides for a single operator at the PBU. The aligned oil and gas interests among the major owners will be 26.7 per cent for BP Exploration (Alaska), 36.8 per cent for ExxonMobil and 36.5 per cent for Phillips. BP Exploration (Alaska), current operator of the Western Operating Area in the Prudhoe Bay Unit, will become the single operator. ExxonMobil and BP Exploration (Alaska) Inc. have also agreed to work towards alignment in the Point Thomson field area with respective interests of 45 per cent for BP Exploration and 55 per cent for Exxon. In addition, it resolves the issues that resulted in recent legal action by ExxonMobil relating to North Slope preferential rights and field operatorship. According to the companies, the agreement provides key advantages for all parties involved: -It will retain three major working-interest owners in the PBU (BP Exploration (Alaska), ExxonMobil and Phillips). -It establishes a single operator at Prudhoe Bay, thus providing cost and ultimate recovery advantages. -It provides a more even distribution of liquids production among the three major working-interest owners. Since today's signing is an agreement between the major-interest companies. Final equity percentages have not been determined, pending a decision by the remaining PBU owners on alignment. However, ExxonMobil's and Phillips' liquids production will increase by approximately 30,000 barrels a day respectively, and BP Exploration (Alaska) will acquire additional interest in the PBU gas cap and at Point Thomson. -It would remove the need for lengthy and complex agreements between parties with different interests. The elimination of that step may contribute to improved timelines for new economic developments within the PBU. Additionally, Phillips will become a major new operator of the North Slope Kuparuk and Alpine fields, following Federal Trade Commission review and closing of the ARCO Alaska acquisition. The companies stated that the agreement will not only help ensure the efficient and long-term production of the fields, but will also facilitate future Alaska development, including gas commercialisation.


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