Final Results

Swallowfield PLC 09 September 2004 SWALLOWFIELD PLC ANNOUNCEMENT OF PRELIMINARY RESULTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE 2004 CHAIRMAN'S STATEMENT Results I am very pleased to report that trading in the second half of the year was in line with the expectations I presented in my report of 26 February 2004 and, shows a healthy turnaround from last year's results. In our strategic update of 6 April 2004, we presented a restructuring plan aimed at increasing annual profit before tax during 2005 by £0.4m at a cost of £0.4m. Accordingly, we have now charged this year's profit and loss account with £0.4m of restructuring costs, as predicted. Excluding these costs, profit before tax increased by 60% from £1.0m to £1.6m on an 11% reduction in turnover. Including restructuring costs, profit before tax increased by 19% to £1.2m. The objectives that we set ourselves for the financial year were to improve operating margins, reduce overhead costs and to drive a big improvement in the profitability of the cosmetics business. We have achieved these objectives, against a background of a weak market and continued pricing pressure, by concentrating on our product development strengths, cost efficiencies, improved pricing control and improved customer service. Turnover in the Cosmetics business reduced by 11% from £13.8m to £12.2m but last year's operating loss of £0.8m was improved to a break-even position. This represents a very creditable turnaround of £0.8m in terms of operating profit during the year. The business was profitable before the impact of corporate overheads. Turnover in the Aerosol business declined by 11% from £40.8m to £36.5m whilst operating profit fell by 11% from £2.2m to £2.0m. During the year, we launched a new bag-on-valve product and produced significant volumes of this for a major customer. Our investment in plant and machinery made during 2003 helped to ensure the success of this project. Cash and Net Debt Net debt at the year end was broadly unchanged on the previous year even though trade working capital increased significantly. This increase, arising from debtors, was primarily due to a single customer contract with extended payment terms, offset in part by extended supplier terms on components purchased for this same contract. As outlined in our interim report, during the year we restructured our financing arrangements to better align our facilities with the Group's funding requirements, and to reduce our interest rate margin by 0.25%. Corporate Governance We continue to strengthen our approach to Corporate Governance and, in accordance with best practice, have described our approach to the new Combined Code within this year's Corporate Governance statement contained in the published Report and Accounts 2004. We have also published terms of reference for the Audit, Remuneration and Nomination Committees on our web site and have issued a whistle-blowing policy to our employees. Strategic Update As announced on 6 April 2004, we have completed the first phase of our strategic review of the business, which was directed at actions to increase the profitability of the Cosmetics business, and improve the total profitability of the Group. The long-term target we have set ourselves is to achieve a return on shareholders' equity of 12% by 30 June 2006, and 15% by 30 June 2009. Excluding restructuring costs, the return on shareholders equity for the current year was 9%. On the same date, we announced that we would be opening a procurement office in the Peoples' Republic of China. I am pleased to say that this office is now operational, and we plan to increase the resources directed to this office, in order to speed up the benefits we expect to receive. Whilst the cost of this office will be in the region of £0.4m per annum, we anticipate the investment should begin to break even in the 4th quarter of our 2005 financial year and to generate net savings in the year ended 30 June 2006. In our strategic plan, we include the acquisition of businesses that have complementary product capabilities, and that provide us with the opportunity to obtain synergistic benefits with our current customer base. As ever, we continue to be discerning in terms of the financial returns required form any such acquisition, and whilst we have examined a number of opportunities, financial prudence mitigated against further action. Looking Forward We do not anticipate any improvement in the market for personal care products over the next 12 months and expect consumer spending on our products to remain subdued. The pricing pressure we have experienced over the past few years is likely to continue in most areas of our business, as retailer competition continues to squeeze the supply chain and the impact of Far Eastern sourcing intensifies. Despite this background, we plan to raise shareholder returns by driving down total input costs, improving manufacturing efficiencies, presenting new and exciting product ranges and improving our pricing strategies. Following the high levels of the previous two years, we have significantly reduced our expenditure on fixed assets in the year just ended. During the coming year, we expect an affordable increase in capital expenditure as we restart our longer term investment plans aimed at cost reduction and the enhancement of good manufacturing practices across the Group. We expect that the split of profitability between the first and second halves of the current financial year will be more balanced than the year just ended, but as ever, this is dependent on the final dates for new product launches. The first two months of the new financial year have been slightly ahead of last year and, despite our expectations for an unhelpful market background, we are positive for the future as we continue to use our acknowledged skills to best advantage. Dividend Our policy over the last 18 months has been to maintain dividend payments, notwithstanding short-term reductions in the level of dividend cover. We continue to believe that our medium-term aim of pursuing a progressive dividend policy is correct, but recognise that in the short term we must continue to rebuild the level of dividend cover and increase the strength of our balance sheet. Therefore, the Board is proposing to pay a final dividend of 2.0p per share making a total dividend of 4.8p per share for the year, unchanged from that paid in the previous year. If approved at the Annual General Meeting, the final dividend will be paid on 29 October 2004 to shareholders on the register at 15 October 2004. The shares will go ex-dividend on the 13 October 2004. The past year has been one of great challenge in our business. These results are a credit to all of our employees and managers and would not have been possible without their hard work and commitment. We would like to extend our thanks to them. J S Espey Chairman 9 September 2004 GROUP PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT for the year ended 30 June 2004 Operations before exceptional Exceptional Notes costs costs 2004 2003 £000 £000 £000 £000 Turnover 1 48,763 - 48,763 54,663 Cost of sales (40,722) - (40,722) (46,701) Gross profit 8,041 - 8,041 7,962 Net operating expenses 2 (6,061) (396) (6,457) (6,543) Operating profit 1,980 (396) 1,584 1,419 Interest receivable - - - 10 Interest payable (419) - (419) (454) Profit on ordinary activities before 1,561 (396) 1,165 975 taxation Tax on profit on ordinary activities (467) 118 (349) (257) Profit attributable to shareholders 1,094 (278) 816 718 Dividends (541) - (541) (541) Transferred to reserves 553 (278) 275 177 Earnings per share - basic 3 9.7p 7.2p 6.4p - diluted 3 9.7p 7.2p 6.4p GROUP STATEMENT OF RECOGNISED GAINS AND LOSSES for the year ended 30 June 2004 2004 2003 £000 £000 Profit for the financial year 816 718 There are no gains or losses other than the profit for the financial year, or in the previous year. GROUP AND COMPANY BALANCE SHEETS as at 30 June 2004 Group Company 2004 2003 2004 2003 £000 £000 £000 £000 Fixed assets Tangible assets 12,382 13,174 12,382 - Investments - - 2,494 6,072 Current assets Stocks 7,982 7,616 7,982 - Debtors 14,219 9,267 15,155 8,255 Cash at bank and in hand 94 21 7 608 22,295 16,904 23,144 8,863 Creditors: amounts falling due within one year (14,998) (11,032) (18,502) (3,928) Net current assets 7,297 5,872 4,642 4,935 Total assets less current liabilities 19,679 19,046 19,518 11,007 Creditors: amounts falling due after more than (6,668) (6,413) (6,668) (5,400) one year Provisions for liabilities and charges (947) (844) (947) - 12,064 11,789 11,903 5,607 Capital and Reserves Called up share capital 563 563 563 563 Share premium 3,796 3,796 3,796 3,796 Revaluation reserve 124 138 - - Capital reserve - - 467 467 Profit and loss account 7,581 7,292 7,077 781 Equity shareholders' funds 12,064 11,789 11,903 5,607 GROUP STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS for the year ended 30 June 2004 2004 2003 Notes £000 £000 Net cash inflow from operating activities 4(a) 1,897 1,069 Returns on investments and servicing of finance Interest received - 10 Interest paid (364) (404) Interest element of finance lease rentals (55) (50) (419) (444) Corporation tax paid (190) (534) Capital expenditure Purchase of tangible fixed assets (696) (2,740) Sale of tangible fixed assets 2 53 (694) (2,687) Equity dividends paid (541) (541) Net cash inflow/(outflow) before financing 53 (3,137) Financing New loans - 900 Repayment of loans (32) (97) Capital element of finance lease rentals (351) (406) (383) 397 Decrease in cash (330) (2,740) RECONCILIATION OF NET CASH FLOW TO MOVEMENT IN NET DEBT Notes 2004 2003 £000 £000 Decrease in cash (330) (2,740) Cash outflow/(inflow) from changes in debt and lease financing 383 (397) Change in net debt resulting from cash flows 53 (3,137) New finance leases - (820) Movement in net debt in the year 53 (3,957) Net debt at 1 July (8,834) (4,877) Net debt at 30 June 4(b) (8,781) (8,834) NOTES: 1. Turnover and Segmental Analysis 2004 2003 Profit Profit before tax before tax Net assets Net assets Turnover Turnover £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 Class of business Aerosol products 36,520 1,986 14,820 40,835 2,223 13,923 Cosmetic products 12,243 (6) 6,398 13,828 (804) 6,780 48,763 21,218 54,663 20,703 Operating profit before 1,980 1,419 exceptional costs Exceptional costs (396) - Net interest payable (419) (444) Profit before tax 1,165 975 Unallocated net liabilities (9,154) (8,914) Group net assets 12,064 11,789 Geographic segment By destination: UK 34,049 40,410 Continental Europe 12,545 12,043 North America 1,393 980 Far East 407 872 Other 369 358 48,763 54,663 Unallocated net liabilities comprise bank loans, overdrafts, finance leases, taxation and proposed dividend. 2. Exceptional Costs An analysis of exceptional costs incurred in the year ended 30 June 2004, and their effect upon the taxation charge for the year is summarised below: Exceptional Tax Exceptional costs credit costs net of tax £000 £000 £000 Aerosol products 285 (85) 200 Cosmetic products 111 (33) 78 396 (118) 278 Exceptional costs mainly comprise fees to professional advisors and redundancy costs. 3. Earnings per Share (a) Basic 2004 2003 Profit on ordinary activities after taxation £816,000 £718,000 Weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue during the year 11,256,416 11,256,416 Earnings per share 7.2p 6.4p (b) Diluted Profit on ordinary activities after taxation £816,000 £718,000 Basic weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue during the year 11,256,416 11,256,416 Dilutive potential ordinary shares: executive share options 9,285 11,424 11,265,701 11,267,840 Diluted earnings per share 7.2p 6.4p (c) Basic excluding exceptional costs Profit on ordinary activities after taxation £816,000 £718,000 Exceptional costs (Note 2) £396,000 - Tax credit on exceptional costs (£118,000) - Profit on ordinary activities after taxation excluding exceptional costs £1,094,000 £718,000 Weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue during the year 11,256,416 11,256,416 Earnings per share 9.7p 6.4p (d) Diluted excluding exceptional costs Profit on ordinary activities after taxation excluding exceptional costs £1,094,000 £718,000 Basic weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue during the year 11,256,416 11,256,416 Dilutive potential ordinary shares: Executive share options 9,285 11,424 11,265,701 11,267,840 Diluted earnings per share 9.7p 6.4p 4. Notes to Statement of Cash Flows (a) Reconciliation of operating profit to net cash inflow from operating activities: Group Operations before exceptional Exceptional costs costs 2004 2003 £000 £000 £000 £000 Operating profit 1,980 (396) 1,584 1,419 Depreciation 1,488 - 1,488 1,492 Profit on disposal of fixed assets (2) - (2) (17) (Increase)/decrease in stocks (366) (366) (366) 1,010 (Increase) in debtors (4,952) - (4,952) (763) Increase/(decrease) in creditors 3,886 259 4,145 (2,072) Net cash inflow from operating activities 2,034 (137) 1,897 1,069 (b) Analysis of net debt Group Non-cash 30 June 1 July 2003 Cashflow changes 2004 £000 £000 £000 £000 Cash at bank and in hand 21 73 - 94 Bank overdraft (1,455) (403) - (1,858) Cash (1,434) (330) - (1,764) Loans (6,035) 32 - (6,003) Finance leases (1,365) 351 - (1,014) Total (8,834) 53 - (8,781) 5. Five Year Summary The following five year summary has been produced to allow improved comparisons to be made between the current results and those of prior years. audited audited unaudited unaudited unaudited Financial Financial Financial Financial Financial Year Year Year Year Year 2004 2003 2003 2001 2000 Notes £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 First day of financial year (a) 1 July 2003 1 July 2002 17 June 2001 18 June 2000 20 June 1999 Last day of financial year (a) 30 June 2004 30 June 2003 30 June 2002 16 June 2001 17 June 2000 Number of weeks in financial year (b) 52 52 54 52 52 Profit and Loss Account Turnover 48,763 54,663 44,404 40,425 37,600 Adjustment to 52 week basis (b) - - (1,088) - - Adjusted turnover 48,763 54,663 43,316 40,425 37,600 Operating profit 1,980 1,419 2,628 2,177 2,205 (Exceptional costs)/income (396) - - 20 54 Interest (419) (444) (296) (354) (454) Profit before taxation 1,165 975 2,332 1,843 1,805 Taxation (349) (257) (645) (444) (501) Profit attributable to shareholders 816 718 1,687 1,399 1,304 Dividends (541) (541) (541) (472) (394) Retained earnings 275 177 1,146 927 910 Balance Sheet Fixed assets 12,382 13,174 11,142 10,228 10,516 Net current assets 7,297 5,872 6,427 6,610 5,146 Total assets less current 19,679 19,046 17,569 16,838 15,662 liabilities Long-term creditors: Loans and lease finance (6,668) (6,413) (5,187) (5,669) (5,243) Deferred tax (947) (844) (770) (716) (720) Provision for liabilities - - - - (146) Equity 12,064 11,789 11,612 10,453 9,553 Net debt 8,781 8,834 4,877 4,777 5,825 Segmental Analysis Aerosol products: Turnover 36,520 40,835 31,783 28,880 25,041 Operating profit 1,986 2,223 2,710 2,400 2,470 Cosmetic products: Turnover 12,243 13,828 11,533 11,545 12,559 Operating loss (6) (804) (82) (223) (265) Statistics Weighted average number of shares 11,256,416 11,256,416 11,256,416 11,256,416 11,256,416 in issue Undiluted earnings per share 7.2p 6.4p 15.0p 12.4p 11.6p Earnings per share excluding 9.7p 6.4p 15.0p 11.7p 11.1p (exceptional costs)/income Gearing 73% 75% 42% 46% 61% Dividends per share 4.8p 4.8p 4.8p 4.2p 3.5p Notes: (a) For 2002 and prior years the five year summary is based on previously reported interim and full year reports as adjusted for the retrospective implementation of FRS19, Deferred Tax. The results for each of these financial years comprised the interim results for the first half of the calendar year in which the financial year ended, together with the second half of the previous calendar year. The balance sheet and net debt numbers are those reported at the last day of the financial year. (b) Except for turnover, where the relevant adjustment has been shown above, no material changes would be required to the profit and loss account to adjust the financial year 2002 numbers to a 52 week basis. 6. Statutory Accounts The financial information does not constitute statutory accounts as defined in section 240 of the Companies Act 1985, but has been extracted from the statutory accounts for the year ended 30 June 2004, on which an unqualified audit report has been issued and which will be delivered to the Registrar of Companies following their adoption at the Annual General Meeting. The statutory accounts for the financial period ended 30 June 2003 have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies with an unqualified audit report thereon. The restated five year summary in Note 5 above which has been produced to allow comparisons to be made between the current results and those of prior years, is unaudited. 7. Annual General Meeting The Annual General Meeting will be held on Thursday 14 October 2004 at the Castle Hotel, Taunton, Somerset at 12.00 noon. This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock Exchange
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