Director Shareholding

British Land Co PLC 3 September 2001 The British Land Company PLC announces that Mr N S J Ritblat, a director of the company, exercised an option on 31 August 2001, under the Company's Save as you Earn Share Option Scheme, over 3,204 Ordinary Shares of 25p each of the Company, at a price of 323p per share. The British Land Company PLC also announces the following grants, effective 1st September 2001, to directors of the company, of options over Ordinary Shares of 25p each of the Company under its Save as you Earn Share Option Scheme. All options are granted at an exercise price of 399p per share. Name Number of shares Exercise period N S J Ritblat 1,456 1.9.04 - 28.2.05 R E Bowden 2,427 1.9.04 - 28.2.05
UK 100