Holding in Company

British Land Co PLC 6 March 2001 The British Land Company PLC announces that it received notification on 6th March 2001, pursuant to section 198-202 of the Companies Act 1985, that Merrill Lynch Investment Managers Limited's (MLIM') aggregate interest in the Company is 56,379,151 ordinary shares, which represents 10.88% of the issued share capital of the Company. This aggregate interest is made up as follows: Registered Holder Number of Shares Nutraco Nominees Limited 44,836,511 (Designated & Undesignated) Merrill Lynch Pensions Nominees Limited 399,661 A/C NONCERT Merrill Lynch Pensions Nominees Limited 102,763 A/C LOGICA Stamford Nominees Limited 47,000 (Designated & Undesignated) Nortrust Nominees Limited 2,191,134 (Designated & Undesignated) State Street Nominees Limited 185,309 A/C 4K4E MSS Nominees Limited 302,500 RBSTB Nominees Limited 1,533,238 29 Gracechurch Street Nominees Limited 983,966 Other Name(s) Chase Nominees Limited 3,071,205 Other Names 2,725,864 Total 56,379,151
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