Holding(s) in Company
British Land Co PLC
14 January 2002
The British Land Company PLC announces that it received notification on 14
January 2002, pursuant to sections 198-202 of the Companies Act 1985, that
Barclays PLC, through its subsidiary Barclays Bank PLC, has a notifiable
interest in the Company of 3%.
This interest, together with a breakdown between registered holders, is as
Registered Holder Holding
Barclays Capital Nominees Limited 268,158
Bank of Ireland Nominees Limited 111,663
Chase Nominees Limited 173,246
Chase Nominees Limited 26,289
Chase Nominees Limited 590,903
Chase Nominees Limited 57,667
Chase Nominees Limited 68,364
Chase Nominees Limited 109,116
Chase Nominees Limited 120,000
Chase Nominees Limited 4,800,760
Chase Nominees Limited 1,186,151
Chase Nominees Limited 373,018
Chase Nominees Limited 2,872,650
DEM69 4,676
Barclays Bank Trust Co Ltd as executor 536
***Unknown*** 1,692
Chase Manhattan Bank London 2,901,263
Twenty Nine Gracechurch Street Nominees Limited a/c 5781D 120,593
Twenty Nine Gracechurch Street Nominees Limited a/c 5782A 1,335,599
HSBC Global Custody Nominees UK 1,552
***Unknown*** 355,104
***Unknown*** 8,435
***Unknown*** 16,900
***Unknown*** 8,989
***Unknown*** 11,114
***Unknown*** 9,020
***Unknown*** 3,440
Nutraco Nominees Limited 5,500
Total 15,560,398